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16811486 No.16811486 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm wondering if litzens have any good secondary recs on Daoism. I'm interested in meditation manuals, ritualisms, chinese medicine and alchemy. Anything you'd recommended? Many thanks.

>> No.16811612
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I ching

Taichi classics


Secret of the Golden Flower

>> No.16811794

>Daoism secondary sources
AHAHAHAHHAHA HAHAHAHA look at this faggot wanting secondary sources for TAOISM AHAHAHAHHA HAHAHAHAHA
like wtf is wrong with you HAHHAHAHA HEAHHAHAHAH
anon, HAHA that was a good one AHAHAHAH
there is no SECONDARY Sources for DAOISM HAHAHA xD

>> No.16811804

Unless you're reading that shit in traditional chinese everything you read is a secondary source. Some people call it a 'translation'

OP, anything by Thomas Cleary is a safe bet. OG Chad translator who captures the essence more often than not

>> No.16811820

Zhuangzi, and that's literally it

>> No.16812090

Thanks. I've seen people post the jade dragon before. Is it something like the coiled serpent or is there more techniques or is it more mystical?

>> No.16813777


>> No.16813807

Livia Kohn for Daoism and Paul Unschuld for TCM

>> No.16815450


all the translations you can find, over and over.

>> No.16815454

Realistically, what music would have been played and listened to by the Taoists to capture in some way their religion? Please rec.

>> No.16816557

at first you will think this is the opposite but then you will realize

>> No.16816566

neither neither nor both nor one or the other

>> No.16817915

Its not Chinese, but look up "The Art of the Koto".
Read the Nei-Ye?