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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 802 KB, 1630x2048, B2F8791C-848D-4315-B642-53A7B9CA3C13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16810314 No.16810314 [Reply] [Original]

So apparently all German people walk around like this. For those who don't know what the picture is, it's a Reclam book. They fit in your jean pocket easily and apparently all German people carry their Reclam books like this.
Well Bugs, I think we've found something which is more pretentious and more attention-seeking than reading on the train.

>> No.16810322

What a fucking retarded thread

>> No.16810323
File: 119 KB, 1080x1246, 1605640820291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not german but I used to do this to show off.

>> No.16810329 [DELETED] 

Español aquí. Me cago en Angela Merkel y la Union Europea. A la mierda los Alemanes!

>> No.16810334

i do this with wealth of nations

>> No.16810340

Exactly. Case in point.

>> No.16810346

Here in America, we all carry a pocket Declaration, whats the big deal?

>> No.16810347

Post a pic for proof?

>> No.16810357

What's a Reclam book? Should I get one?

>> No.16810370

It's the teutonic equivalent of a folio I believe.

>> No.16810373

I forgot to mention part of the aesthetic is nearly all Reclam books are yellow. In Germany they are fondly known as the "little yellow books". They also carry intellectual status because most Reclam books are considered high-brow. So if you're seen walking around with a "little yellow book" peeking out of your back pocket, you're signaling to all the fräuleins you are an erudite intellectual.

>> No.16810381


>> No.16810383

Do you read German? Well it might work to your advantage in America. No one would really know if you can in fact read German since Americans are't even monolingual. English isn't a language, fight me

>> No.16810396


>> No.16810402

All Germanics are barbarians.

>> No.16810413

what is a reclam

>> No.16810415
File: 3.58 MB, 3024x4032, 20201117160739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16810416

I just asked that, scroll up.

>> No.16810421
File: 496 KB, 1000x667, Reclam_Universalbibliothekwand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making editions of classics portable and inexpensive
>read anywhere and don't mind damaging it

Sounds pretty goddamned based. Fuck psueds and fuck niggers.

>> No.16810453

"Little yellow books", literary classics published in this format.

>> No.16810461

So you like LTV?

>> No.16810479

I hate the fucked up section at the bottom left.

>> No.16810489
File: 1.61 MB, 2020x3326, IMG_20201118_001340~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They usually have really good annotations and good translations. they look like shit in your shelf though.

Burgers can get an orange bilingual Reclam of Shakespeare or something to look exotic.

>> No.16810600

Do they have a Mein Kampf?

>> No.16810608

Ha ha ha haha ha hahah ha Ha ha haha hahahaha HA hahahha hahahaha hahahhaa ha

>> No.16810609


>> No.16810622

How about The Programme of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) & its General Conceptions?

>> No.16810657
File: 7 KB, 220x220, 1603459490428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kek even harder...

>> No.16810676
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I could go on.

>> No.16810685
File: 94 KB, 419x630, 9781732353282_p0_v3_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16810691

I hear the Dalton translation is really good.

>> No.16810713

What the fuck is wrong with reading on a train? I'm travelling for 3 hours you fucker.

>> No.16810731
File: 26 KB, 679x272, Em_p9d9XcAAm05h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for a meme
Anyway, I'm going to become an enthusiast for these once I figure out what they are

>> No.16810743

Deutsch detected.

>> No.16810752

Can you make the book stand on your bulge ?

>> No.16810768

I have A2-B1 ability to read German. Which reclam books should I get?

>> No.16810780

get graded readers instead and build up that vocab level

>> No.16810792

I got to this intermediate level pretty quick...maybe around a year. But its been such a slow grind since then because its so boring to read that shit

>> No.16810800

Thanks anon.

>> No.16810802

shit book tho

>> No.16810841

I walk around with Plato's complete works balanced on my head like an Indian woman carrying a jar.

>> No.16810844
File: 35 KB, 830x1280, 978-3-15-000001-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF!? I can buy Goethe for €2,60 !!!!!!?

>> No.16810861
File: 95 KB, 732x676, Itt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16810865

yea reclam is dirt cheap

>> No.16810885

brb learning d3utsch

>> No.16810918
File: 1.05 MB, 1715x2105, tfwnogf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SUMME10,60 €

>> No.16810932
File: 2.73 MB, 4032x3024, 16056589474686715468697967430790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/k/ommando here. This is how we do it in the States, you dirty kraut.

>> No.16811133

Ok, you got me. What the fuck is this?

>> No.16811143

Wait I figured it out. It's your concealed carry that fits in your jean pocket. I thought only niggers packed heat in America?

>> No.16811177
File: 421 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20201118-030329_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16811183

What's the point of owning them if they aren't in your back pocket?

>> No.16811189

>He doesn't look out the window contemplating the scenery and the various aspects of human existence
Uh, cringe! Can I get a cringe alert?!

>> No.16811225

reclaim is what builds up in my glass pieces after hitting a fat dab

>> No.16811234

I can't, I am currently reading "Der gute Mensch von Sezuan" by Brecht.
>tfw Brecht is published by Suhrkamp Verlag and he doesn't fit in my back pocket

>> No.16811236
File: 284 KB, 650x581, 1599392355078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans are't even monolingual. English isn't a language, fight me

>> No.16811532

i dont read

>> No.16811583
File: 31 KB, 720x405, 1559534753625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait I figured it out. It's your concealed carry that fits in your jean pocket.
>I thought only niggers packed heat in America?
Pic related.

>> No.16811629

>you're signaling to all the fräuleins you are an erudite intellectual.
would I get a cute german gf if I go to germany and walk around with reclam in my pockets?

>> No.16811731
File: 257 KB, 1722x1290, bumchums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stroll around the innercity with Loebs in my skinny jean back pockets. Green Greek left cheek, red Latin right cheek.

>> No.16811760

>not wearing underwear
disgusting anon. almost as bad as owning WoN in the first place.

>> No.16811826


>> No.16811838

No, I hate it. I'm just being ironic.

>> No.16812515

What's the color-coding for?

>> No.16812526

>The popular yellow books series cover classic works of the German language and classics other languages translated into German. Annotated foreign language classics in their original language (English, French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, and Russian) have red covers. Bilingual books (German and the original language) have orange covers, study guides are blue, the original historical sources are in green, and non-fiction books (politics, history, society, natural sciences, art, music and religion) are in magenta.

>> No.16812546

or you're just a judgmental, banal bugman.

>> No.16813126

I don't know. The Stalag Edition is supposed to be the worst translation, but it still stood out as an impressive political document. I found his distinction between patriotism and nationalism to be very salient, even today. I've never read it anywhere else.

>> No.16813243

>be me
>buy a classic for less than the price of a pack of cigarettes
>put book into my rolled up sleeve like a German James Dean
life is good

>> No.16813476

wtf is wrong with reading on the train?

>> No.16813490

False. Everyone does it, so it's not pretentious or attention-seeking.

>> No.16813492

>more pretentious and more attention-seeking than reading on the train
Not really a high bar, what else are you gonna do, just sit there? Read where ever you want.

>> No.16813496

Underwear? Pfft. More like manacles for your balls.

>> No.16813499

i always read on the train. What would you rather I do - scroll down on a social media feed like a wet, ankle sock wearing faggot?

>> No.16813578

Why are Germans so fragile about their own history? It's almost like they've been brainwashed to feel guilty about themselves.

>> No.16813593

the fact that it's so separated is the best thing they could have done, at least.

>> No.16813605
File: 312 KB, 1224x1312, 1603873449750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16813616

>people put book in their pockets
You're un-ironically seeking more attention by posting this shit-tier thread. I own't even give you a (you) because fuck you. Also, sageissimo in all fields.

>> No.16813634

>Can't see cover
>Probably covered by shirt anyway
>Attention seeking
just how retarded are you?

>> No.16813655

American whites pack fudge.

>> No.16813675

it's just that the jokes aren't really that fresh, friend.

>> No.16813679

Doesn't matter, you're still as fragile as ever

>> No.16813685

>all germans walk around with reclam books in their ass pocket
No they don't, retard.

>> No.16813686

Austrians are honorary citizens

>> No.16813693
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16813716

It's true, I have witnessed their autism first hand. Once they turn 12 and a half and 7 days and enter a Mittelschulinstitution the Mittelschulinstitutionszentralbüro issues them a reading list and corresponding reading calendar, leading up to the Hosentaschenreklambuchtragereife, after which they gain a Buchtragelizenz and are expected to have a Reklamtaschenbuch as a matter of civic duty (Zivilbürgerpflicht) until they reach their 75th year (i.e. Buchablegegenehmigungsalter).
Since this is the most convenient way of fulfilling the Buchtragepflicht, almost all Germans walk around with a Reklam in their back pocket.

>> No.16813722

Why? Why do you hate yourself so? Why can't you be proud of your nation?

>> No.16813834

>Do you read German? Well it might work to your advantage in America. No one would really know if you can in fact read German since Americans are't even monolingual. English isn't a language, fight me
Reclam publishes some of their books in the original language, as well as bi-language editions of other works.

>> No.16813839

Is reading on the train really that bad? Ive done it all year (with an ebook though)

>> No.16813865

It does not matter. Every other passenger will have his every sensory organ entirely plugged into his phone and will not pay attention to what you do.

>> No.16813898

I’m sorry you’re poor.
Konemann pocket editions have a thin hardcover, and sewn binding, and still fit in a pocket.

>> No.16813914
File: 426 KB, 1200x1800, D51BA47A-736D-4BD7-A7F7-68D7BA2C25F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These would be cool to have.

>> No.16813952

I usually have some books I don't give a fuck about remembering on my phone for when I'm board in public but if I'm going to work I'll have my ereader or a book in my bag

>> No.16814007

I carry my Kindle on my backpack when I go to places. Or at least when I used to go to places, before the Kung Flu

>> No.16814106

>book is programmed to fall on its corner right in front of your eyes the second you purchase it
This was designed by a sadist

>> No.16814163

do you not have a phone you imbecile?

>> No.16814178

I'm German and I've never seen a reclam irl.

>> No.16814180

underappreciated post

>> No.16814204

it's a slope not a deadstop and it's designed to fall onto it's edge not corner, do you not have eyes?

>> No.16814333

you actually know german

>> No.16814369
File: 1.65 MB, 2628x2448, PXL_20201118_123243622~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how a patriot gets book pussy

>> No.16814379

ovid is so boring

>> No.16814393

My edition of Moby-Dick is too large for pants.

>> No.16814398

that means you have a big dick, congrats

>> No.16814413
File: 96 KB, 852x1136, lærdómsrit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Icelandic Literary Society publishes pocketsized hardbacks of mostly philosophy, but also classics of history, science and some literature (fiction and poetry).

>> No.16814423

Would you get a cute american gf if you were seen in public with a Penguin book?

>> No.16814425

There's a slope but it eventually falls further down. Let's be honest, that isn't even what's actually going to happen. The most likely scenario is that the book will somehow hook itself to the spiral directly underneath it as it falls, and you will watch as the page slowly rips and eventually meets the slope at the perfect angle to preserve its velocity, which will be right enough to mash its corner when it its the hard bottom.
Have you never used a vending machine? They are like concentrated pockets of Murphy's Law.

>> No.16814587
File: 2.28 MB, 4656x2920, reclam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate the yellow shit, the old ones were better because they didn't even try to look fancy. Just made out of left-over toilet paper

>> No.16814596

That yellow is peak graphic design.

>> No.16814873

Úfff, það sem ég myndi gera fyrir lærdómsrit!

>> No.16814900

getur fengið sum á háflvirði á bokin.is, og svo birtast stundum söfn á bland

>> No.16814910

>"is that a Reclam book in your pocket or are you just happy to see me ;]?"

>> No.16814931

Já klárlega. Ég var samt meira að meina svona ný lærdómsrit og eitthvað þannig. Held að það séu að koma út tvö ný um jólin, en þau voru ekkert spes í mínum augum. Það væri draumur að fá þýðingu á Siðfræðinni eftir Spinoza eða Gagnrýni Hreinnar Skynsemi eftir Kant í tveimur bindum.

>> No.16815123

I didn't see his reply as fragile. It was proportionate to the level of political repression Germans live under. They have it worse today than they did under the GDR.

What's funny is Reclam has been publishing since the mid 19th century. At some point they must have been printing NSDAP literature.

>> No.16815171

Some of us only have time to read on the train. Neck yourself faggot.

>> No.16815221

The point of the books is to be so cheap they're disposable. Think of them as aluminum cans: you only care about the contents.

>> No.16815233

in used to do this with a highly modified version of moby dick

>> No.16815245

These look pretty based. I imagine it's really expensive to get anything from Europe if you want them in the original language, though?

>> No.16815257

Are krautland a country of pseuds?

>> No.16815280

They are very based. The translations themselves are very good, and most of the time the commentary and footnotes as well. The only problem is that they publish only two or four new books per year. They're not that expensive since the Icelandic government give a lot of subsidies to translators.

>> No.16815307

getting a barebones edition from europe would probably be cheaper. the cheapest things in second hand stores are usually English language mass market paperbacks

>> No.16815403


>> No.16815512

Considering that Reclam is cheap and not flashy, its the opposite of pseud. Its for people who care about the content and not about how good they look while reading.

>> No.16815570

I love carrying a book in my pocket, feels incredibly based.

>> No.16815595


>> No.16815604

I wish more books were pocket sized. You should read more and care less about being observed.
OP is a faggot.

>> No.16815611

I'm Mexican and I walk around like this. At least I used to, before COVID-19.

>> No.16815615
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x1600, img_20201118_164317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's farting on Camus when I'm riding the bus.

>> No.16815622
File: 1.96 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20201118_174731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German here.

>> No.16815651

god I fucking hate reclam these retaded books are impossible to read without tearing them apart and cracking the spine. also their whole purpose is nonexistant since I can save an infinite number on my phone, which I can take anywhere to read however then people wouldnt think Im a pretentious loser who reads books outside just to show off (no lit you wont seem epic and smart)

>> No.16815656


>> No.16815658

German spotted

>> No.16815672

also Id like to add that you can just put a normal books (or your ereader) in your backpack so you will be able to actually read the book

>> No.16815685

warum liest du das? bist ein kommie oder für die schule?

>> No.16815720

>The point of the books is to be so cheap they're disposable. Think of them as aluminum cans: you only care about the contents.
Apparently that's not a good point, since this anon says: >god I fucking hate reclam these retaded books are impossible to read without tearing them apart and cracking the spine.
>Considering that Reclam is cheap and not flashy, its the opposite of pseud.
Minimalism is peak pseud, like buying overpriced notepads with "iconic" plain covers. It's showing off but at the same time being timid about it because you have this inner perception that if you actually show off that you're smart you will come off as the actual retard you are.

>> No.16815769
File: 713 KB, 655x491, book abuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apparently that's not a good point, since[...]
That's exactly what you'd expect from a disposable book. Commodity packaging is designed to last one use.

Also, that Anon is probably the type who folds a paperback 180 degrees when he reads.

>> No.16815771

Which is an incredibly German thing to do. Insecure about their state mandated poverty via over taxation, the german has to find ways to feel superior (of course failing, as they have throughout all of history)

>> No.16815792

stop bullshitting, they're cheap and that's all there is to it. none of my Reclams post 1950 are broken. comparing a Reclam to an Apple laptop is like comparing 1968 VW Beatle to a Tesla Model S and implying the same customers buy them.

>> No.16815817

Wait a second, why should these be disposable books? Aren't these Reclam books "classics" or otherwise intellectual shit?
Do you really read Goethe idly on the tube and "throw it away"? This would be more suited to penny dreadfuls, manga or some other schlock that is truly consumable.
These books are literally about college pseuds sticking them in their pocket and looking sophisticated for cheap, aren't they?
I thought Germany was a great nation!

>> No.16815845

wb boxers

>> No.16815847

you need to fold reclam books 180° to be able to properly read them

>> No.16815867

You are an absolute retard.

>> No.16815868


>> No.16815886

>replace pop culture with the classics
No wonder the jews keep trying to exterminate the German race.

I'm sure everyone who treats a book like a candy wrapper believes this. You have no call to complain about the format. They made it just for you.

>> No.16815901

big boy ring

>> No.16815907

You're supposed to actually read the books to have an education, not just stick them in your back pocket until you go home and shove them in your library. If the book is cheap but wears well, fine, but anon says they're literally "disposable", how the fuck are you supposed to keep these around as learning material? And this isn't even a real talking point since if you really care about saving, you can buy yourself a used e-reader for negligible money and get every single one of these books for free in digital format.
Please find a blank page on your favorite Moleskine (most likely the first page), take your fountain pen and write "I'm a pseud" from top to bottom.

>> No.16815990
File: 635 KB, 1920x1200, 1602694307711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hasser werden hassen.

>> No.16815997

Class rings are for high-T pseuds.

>> No.16816015
File: 38 KB, 334x506, 1594046280685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16816062

is this /fa/ or something?

>> No.16816150
File: 1.36 MB, 3476x2443, 20201118_190039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post rare Reclams (left is for size comparison)

The one in the middle is kino. I would have gotten Wittgenstein's Philosophische Untersuchungen in that format, but I didn't manage to pick it up from the post on time, and God knows what happened to it.

>> No.16816183
File: 70 KB, 860x691, goofy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these Germanfags all of a sudden
>nobody ever comments on my poetry in the poetry threads
Y-you guys just d-didn't want to tell me it's shit, isn't it

>> No.16816200

I don't remember ever reading a German poem here

>> No.16816208

What do you if the book is actually thick? let's say 1000 pages.

>> No.16816217

what do you do*

>> No.16816249

The edition of "Whatever" I bought of Amazon turned out to be one of these books, intended for German readers who were trying to learn French. It was comfortable to carry around, so I don't really care if it makes me look pretentious. Now I own a large coat with deep pockets into which I shove the books I carry around outside.

>> No.16816269

My university is particularly autistic about our class ring. We have a fucking statue of one.

>> No.16816290

Must be really bad for your back if you sit down on it a lot.

>> No.16816306

I dont treat books like a candy wrapper. I avoid cracked spines at all cost. If I have to look at a cracked spines in a bookshelf Ill throw the book away and buy a new one. (yes I have OCD)

>> No.16816314

How can you be so fucking selfconscious about reading? Theres no "hidden meaning" in the format of Reclam books, they are just classics sold cheap so anyone can read them. Nobody in Germany wears them as an accessory like in the OP, they are simply a small format. God, some people on /lit/ spend more time thinking about how to not seem like a pseud than reading.

>> No.16816388
File: 266 KB, 2000x1500, faber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superior minimalist cover design.

>> No.16816424

I have a small collection of the type of books on the top, mostly published in the USA. It's a good format and I wish it was still used. The only place you find such books today is in church vestibules.

>> No.16817103

They print it in size 6 font with two columns. Like the Bible.

>> No.16817991

You clearly have never laid your hands on a Reclam book. The only thing thats remotely remarkable about them is their size. In terms of their disposability, they actually fair better than most of the anglo paperbacks I own. For instance my high school Faust that I treated like shit looks slightly used while my recently bought Penguin Classics Illiad looks like shit after one read. They can also be more expensive than Penguin or Oxford, for example in the case of Plato's Republic.

>> No.16818055
File: 1.53 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_0972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have something like this in the UK too, they're called 'Penguin Little Black Classics'. They're pretty bad though, just excerpts from long works usually. Pure commodity fetishism.

>> No.16818421

OP delete your account, small cheap-ass printings like this are the single worthwhile contribution yuropoors make to the world these days. Best part of my visit to Germany. They're dirt cheap and meant I could pick up anything that catches my eye for a euro-fifty, while also meaning I don't have to read fiction from a screen.

>> No.16818424

Honestly this, the reclams hold up surprisingly well.
I have a few of them and they are all almost as good as new, after reading them once or twice.
My pengiun classics on the other hand look like ass, think it's their size that's fucking them over.
Also, I usually I carry 2 reclams with me, one for each buttcheek.

>> No.16818477

I wish I knew Icelandic too.

>> No.16818512
File: 93 KB, 600x507, 1591257516532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans are't even monolingual. English isn't a language

>> No.16819416
File: 331 KB, 2048x1399, lbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US used to have little blue books, classic short stories and current research, many highly instructive, meant to be cheap and encourage reading among those who couldnt afford to own many books. Unfortunately, they were a later victim of McCarthyism, who knows how they would've impacted reading had they not been shut down.

>> No.16819708

Kraut here, to confirm, yes - sometimes we read

>> No.16819786

The Verona Papers proved McCarthy right.


>> No.16819794

Fucking based lmao.

>> No.16819862

yeah, this is very #relatable

>> No.16819894

Reclam in Fraktur is absolute kino

>> No.16819912

>more pretentious and more attention-seeking than reading on the train.
what should you do when you're on a ride lasting more than a few minutes?

>> No.16819924

Why not just get a cheap ebook reader and load it up with hundreds of those same free, classical works?

>> No.16820048
File: 1.32 MB, 796x1448, stacymaxxing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's cool but in america we get laid

>> No.16820064


>> No.16820078


>> No.16820083

What's that got to do with little blue books

>> No.16820357
File: 233 KB, 707x530, Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats in ForestAnons pocket

>> No.16820386

No, only if it's from the Everyman's Library.

>> No.16820391

>bist ein kommie oder für die schule?
what's the difference?

>> No.16820658

Marry me!

>> No.16820712

>more pretentious and more attention-seeking than reading on the train.
What the fuck else are you suppose to do on the train? Jerk off?

>> No.16820726

Just googled it. Absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.16820814

bible or plant guide

>> No.16820872

>go on lit
>someone tells you not to read but instead look at your phone lest appear attention seeking
Read wherever you want who cares if normalfags think you're doing it for attention

>> No.16821149

Chud lol

>> No.16821164


>> No.16821626

why did that anon said they are disposable then?

>> No.16822081

They're so fucking overpriced. Their Emily Dickinson edition is an ungainly unreadable block. Cover looks good though.

>> No.16822331

They are only disposable in the sense that you don't have to feel bad for throwing them away or damaging them because they're often the cheapest versions to buy. Same applies to the books of lots of paperback publishers around the world. In terms of quality they're just slightly worse than your average german paperback (which is pretty decent).

>> No.16822384

>those nails