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/lit/ - Literature

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16808209 No.16808209[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How right wing are you /lit/?

>> No.16808241

>it's real

>> No.16808242
File: 436 KB, 1442x631, 84045A54-9447-4021-B318-B30653969F39.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough that glowniggers probably keeps tabs on me

>> No.16808256

I'm a Catholic Monarchist with fascist sympathies.

So yeah. Reading is fun.

>> No.16808259

don't flatter yourself kid

>> No.16808263

Fuck each and everyone of you pathetic losers who turned /lit/ into LARP central

>> No.16808264

I'm liberal

>> No.16808266

Oh god!

>> No.16808269

Literally me.

>> No.16808272

Seethe marxoid

>> No.16808274

I’m Catholic and lean libertarian

>> No.16808278

enough to hate women

>> No.16808280
File: 174 KB, 461x242, Screenshot_2017-10-04-23-43-46_kindlephoto-95057572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoes mad.

>> No.16808281


i'm left wing but not too much

>> No.16808291

I'm a neopagan metamarxist tranny

>> No.16808292

>implying these boomer chuds can even make it through a movie without checking their phone

>> No.16808306

Enjoy your incoming ban OP.

>> No.16808307
File: 154 KB, 382x212, Screenshot_2017-10-05-01-56-41_kindlephoto-145601927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The panic thirst is real.

>> No.16808309

Shut up Nick. Yes we already follow your Twitter account, you don't have to repost the ebin clickbait shit you find there.

>> No.16808310

I'm an Orthodox Christian and social nationalist without any of the racialist aspects. So I guess you could say I'm socially more on the right and economically more on the left.

>> No.16808311

everyone on /lit/ is a leftist who reads french postmodernism

>> No.16808319

I'm a center right national-neoliberal

>> No.16808328

I donated $300 to Bernie Sanders
I’m still seething

>> No.16808331
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Y u do dis?

>> No.16808332


>> No.16808342

alright I'll bite: who do you think should be king?

>> No.16808347
File: 88 KB, 809x617, Screenshot_2017-09-28-20-41-06_kindlephoto-93681569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16808355

I’m not a right winger, but neither am I a true and dedicated leftist. I’m just into literature and history more than politics. It gives me personal pleasure.

Also reading about 17th century English history made feel a bit too nihilistic. All that fighting and arguing between Catholics and Protestants yet everyone today is simply atheist. Did it matter at the end? What if I care too much about something which will ultimately not matter? I can’t see what the future will be like in 300 years. Would what I have wasted my time fighting and arguing over ultimately matter?

>> No.16808366

im a fascist who reads french post modernists

>> No.16808367

I'm mostly apolitical/liberal. I vote selfishly. I'm extremely well read compared to everybody else here. One thing I do hate is Angloid Catholics.

>> No.16808370

On the political compass I'm authoritarian left. People have called me both "a conservative communist" and "a libertarian." Last election I voted Democrat and Independent in most local elections and the House of Representatives, Republican in the Senate, and American Solidarity for the presidency. I think my ideal party would be a combination of the Muslim Brotherhood and the left faction of Italian Christian Democracy from the 1980's.

I'm Catholic so I would describe my political ideology as perpetual despair.

>> No.16808372

>giving people an opportunity to talk about themselves and describe their politics
oh boy, this is going to get dumb really quick. self-obsessed teenagers with their "nuanced" and based political extremism inbound

to anyone currently writing out their manifesto: stop, nobody gives a shit.

>> No.16808396

Politics is a spook. At very least the entire narrative around politics that has been constructed and which people argue over is a tissue of illusions to distract from the fact that super-rich people control the government and decide every single thing their representatives do and pick and choose what laws get passed.
Everything else, identity politics, you name it, is as immaterial as a shadow.

>> No.16808445
File: 227 KB, 1126x1280, mr131147__09778.1526679207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that's really impressive

>> No.16808460

Eventually it will matter because we will be fighting over resources

>> No.16808461
File: 517 KB, 968x677, 1600026916494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascist with heavy populist/little-to-no racialist sentiments.
Like if you fused Mussolini/Gentile's doctrine with the American constitution then shuffled around the electoral process some to make it more antifragile/harder to possibly subvert.
Reading is fun
Anon I'm largely disillusioned with my political position because I know that the damage is already done and Fascism came around too late to succeed against the otherwise western consumerist system we see today. However, even if hoping for the eagle-and-fasces to fly over my country is deeply unrealistic, that still does not change that I feel some of it's specific outlooks or ideas resonate with me. and that I seek to integrate those into my daily life, my routine, and how I try act to others and myself. What ultimately matters isn't that the Catholics and Protestants died for nothing in a day where seemingly everyone is an atheist, but that they had the conviction down to an individual to act. You care about it because you have that same sense of conviction. It doesn't matter that it ultimately won't matter because that's everything, but YOU can make it matter, if only to yourself and how you act.

>> No.16808499

I'm an imperialist, with myself as the designed god-emperor of mankind. No rights for anyone!

>> No.16808555


Reasonably so, nothing too extreme in my opinion. That article might beg to differ though... apparently encouraging reading is worrying if you hold certain opinions; I disagree.

>> No.16808569

I am so left wing I consider even anarchism to be oppressive and will only accept people living by themselves in a 5 mile radius, and interacting only with neighbors through a slow series of mailed letters finally leading to a brief irl contact for whatever given purpose

>> No.16808577

I'm your average 4channer. Went from loving Ron Paul in high school to being a disillusioned reactionary

>> No.16808581

The Pope, obviously

>> No.16808582

>If you're anything other than an athiest commie or a "spiritual but not religious" neoliberal you're LARPing

>> No.16808585

National Syndicalist
Socialism with Nationalist characteristics.
Fascist(true fascism only) sympathies

>> No.16808594

Funny, my commie friend loaded up on Marxist literature and then admitted he has difficulty reading.

I'm liberal but not leftist.

>> No.16808605

That's just a link to the picture

>> No.16808606

Neo post nationalist modernist here

>> No.16808622

Nice, I’ve always liked this idea. The complete antithesis of the status quo, social traditionalist, economic leftist.

Do you believe in some form of economic democracy? How would the economy run and how would you combine the economic democracy/self-management with the authoritarian nature of Fascism?

>> No.16808626

I’m a Guenonian Traditionalist, so I’m down with both monarchy and theocracy

>> No.16808680

What if the fight over resources results in the destruction of the planet and the extinction of humanity?

>> No.16808681

I am a Neo-Absolutism.

>> No.16808684


>> No.16808699

100 books a year right-wing
t. kike

>> No.16808701

Not very right wing at all.

>> No.16808732
File: 406 KB, 695x1036, Screenshot_2017-08-19-19-28-02_kindlephoto-8751463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick one

>> No.16808742

The only things right winders read are esoteric shit like Evola and memes like BAP.

>> No.16808747

That’s actually quite deep. It makes one think.