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/lit/ - Literature

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16804071 No.16804071 [Reply] [Original]

Well, anon? Have you read the new Logo Daedalus?

>> No.16804104

No & don’t plan to.

>> No.16804130
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what did mr logo mean by this, is he aware of the CBQ

>> No.16804132

Fuck no, don't start shilling your book here, you gay faggot and pseud bug-eyed manlet.

>> No.16804136

Aren't you that anon who shit themself in class?

>> No.16804145

People are reading Kantbot, BAP, Nick Land, Delicious Tacos, Logo Daedalus, Justin Murphy, TrueAnon, etc.

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>> No.16804149

kb has become one of the most insufferable people in recent memory

>> No.16804177

He is obsessed with money. Strong change he will transition soon as well and write a book about his journey from the alt-right to finding herself.

>> No.16804194

nah, he posts good book reccs too.

>> No.16804221

you wouldn't get it because you are also unlikable

>> No.16804229

yeah, but i've read some cool books.

>> No.16804236

I hate it when you're uncharacteristically based like this.

>> No.16804238

I don't doubt you have, I didn't criticize him for being dumb or unread.

>> No.16804253

kill yourself you gay little twerp, you suck at writing and ur a brainlet

>> No.16804257

Don't be hard on him, he's only 21. That would imply that Kantbot has been grooming him since at least 16.

>> No.16804271

>Kantbot, BAP, Nick Land, Delicious Tacos, Logo Daedalus, Justin Murphy, TrueAnon
What an embarrassing cabal of talentless pseuds. Twitter was a mistake.

>> No.16804279

Yeah, but unlike you I treat literature boards as forums to discuss books and ideas, not to signal ingroup status with one group of nobodies by being catty about a different nobody

>> No.16804296

BAP turning into a 24/7 MAGA retweeter and grifter has been a hilarious development this year. Anything to throw people off the scent of your (((Y*le))) dissertation

>> No.16804370

I'm not signalling ingroup status with anyone, I'm just remarking on how unpleasant he is

>> No.16804391

Who is BAP?

>> No.16804431
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Costin Alamariu, a Yale PHD Pol-Sci graduate from with Strauss/Neocon background and a hard-on for Nietzsche and Antiquity. Probable oldfag, floated around forums for years before eventually LARPing as a bodybuilding caveman on Twitter under the name of Bronze Age Pervert. Wrote a meme book called Bronze Age Mindset. Reasonably large following that is mos likely a grift to get young men to send him pictures of their well toned naked bodies. Has revealed himself to be a MAGAtard in recent months.

>> No.16804441

I think the whole “detached NRxer smugly chuckling at the apocalypse” shtick plays a lot better when millions of peoples lives and economic prospects aren’t being severely impacted. Kantbot has zero prescriptive ideas other than checking out and living life as if you can’t do anything to change the future. “Nothing matters, just accept your fate, stop being controlled by manufactured narratives” is his cope to justify his inaction, cowardice, and lack of creativity.

>> No.16804490

fuck off Logo. You and BAP shill your crap here too often.

>> No.16804582

This is characteristic of a lot of dissident right people desu. Detachment, apathy, all to avoid getting skin in the game.

>> No.16804606

he cute, good physiognomy

>> No.16804612

DT is funny and pretty down to earth, though. Easily the best of the e-celebs (i know that's not saying much)

>> No.16804620

Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.16804623

a very rare fpbp

>> No.16804628

they all say 'lmao' way too much when they are clearly seething with hatred and anger. actually that may just be everyone on twitter, it sort of selects for that behavior

>> No.16804633

he doesnt know how to type an em dash, nor does he know how to use an em dash.

>> No.16804661

Who's Menaquinone4 and Hakon?

>> No.16804744

His persona is the least irritating of the ones listed but I've always found his writing one note and not a very interesting note either. Zero Lovecraft is probably the best big name writer in that scene when he isn't writing directly about politics. What's frustrating about BAP is that his thesis and select bits of BAM demonstrate that he can write very well when he isn't shitposting/grifting. KB and Logo are godawful. It's stunning how bad they are when they are so well read, KB especially.

>> No.16804778

Logo can’t write for shit but he’s actually intelligent, and I agree with a majority of his takes.

>> No.16804824

Logo is a gay retard

>> No.16804836

I like DT's writing, but I don't care for what he writes about. Incel-fic is not only one-note, it's kind of unambitious. To be fair I havent read his bird book thing.

>> No.16804856

>I like DT's writing, but I don't care for what he writes about.
Exact opposite for me.

>> No.16804860

Is that what he writes about? Judging by his twitter I would have guessed it was about degenerate drug and sex binges

>> No.16804874

Hardly my PHD thesis, but most of what I've seen from him has been well-composed descriptions of frustrations with getting women.

>> No.16804936
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When's /ourmick/ going to write his first book?

>> No.16805091
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What did logo mean by this

>> No.16805126

>good book reccs
If by "good" you mean pop-politics shit that my boomer Grandad reads, then sure

>> No.16805133

Sounds extremely cringe

>> No.16805142

Who is Theodore? Some kind of Leftist I take it

>> No.16805154

Another gay man in kb’s twitter bathhouse

>> No.16805161

the duality of man

>> No.16805171

seems like he's bashing him though. I don't know why Kantbot ever thought the left would accept him after he was so friendly with Nrx people. I mean the guy promoted Mencius fucking Moldbug, who believes every thoughtcrime except for antisemitism. Moldbug isn't like a garden variety conservative, he's 'american slavery was actually fine' tier.

>> No.16805190

Theodore sounds extremely irrational, jealous, and mad.
Has it ever occurred to you that "appealing to the left" and "appealing to the right" might not be the only two possible courses of action for a human being? Rhetorical question

>> No.16805199
File: 160 KB, 1065x1054, A4BB5FA1-EA9B-4707-8DE2-6A716C8124B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le enlightened centrist fatass has entered the thread

>> No.16805220

Of course but that's not how the world actually works, people are polarized politically, and see teams. If he were just interested in the subjects he wouldn't have crafted a twitter persona trying to sell himself to some demographic.

Whenever I see one of you guys talking about how you're totally beyond right and left, you curiously seem to almost always agree with either the right or left on the main points, while pretending you're independent because you also bring up other stuff.

>> No.16805237

fair enough

>> No.16805241

Modlbug's not all that shocking to normies tbqh, and that's not his slavery take at all.

>> No.16805255

That's only if you haven't actually read Moldbug
>Everyone is born into a web of involuntary obligations: the family. No one gets to pick their parents. Moreover, every family is part of a human society and thus accepts the obligations of that society. You do not need to go to Carlyle for an explanation of the relationship between slavery, family, and community, for you can find it in Aristotle. Indeed, the definition of family in most times and places has included slaves.
>The relationship of master and slave is a natural human relationship: that of patron and client. Like true familial relationships, these essentially feudal structures are bidirectional. The client must obey and serve the patron; the patron must care for and protect the client. On one side of the relationship is always authority; on the other side, always dependency. Either side may violate its obligations, resulting in state intervention.
>Not all humans are born the same, of course, and the innate character and intelligence of some is more suited to mastery than slavery. For others, it is more suited to slavery. And others still are badly suited to either. These characteristics can be expected to group differently in human populations of different origins. Thus, Spaniards and Englishmen in the Americas in the 17th and earlier centuries, whose sense of political correctness was negligible, found that Africans tended to make good slaves and Indians did not. This broad pattern of observation is most parsimoniously explained by genetic differences.

But he's like this on many topics. The reason that retards don't realize how extreme he is is because he writes in the style of an 00s Ivy-educated progressive. That's literally it, his tone just comforts them.

>> No.16805258

also he links multiple books that describe how Blacks in the southern US slave states had better lives than those in the free Northern states

>> No.16805281

I'm more interested in kantbot's book. If he's still doing that. It seemed interesting, like a timely update of heidegger's world-picture essay.

Really this is the thing about logo and KB lately - they're both smart, they both know enough about media ecology to know exactly what twitter does to you, they know that the 'content' is, as McLuhan said, a juicy piece of meat dangled in front of the watchdog of the psycho to distract it while the 'form'/'medium' itself does its work - and yet they're still both on twitter every single day, some of the most 'extremely online' people you'll find anywhere. Twitter is where they put all their 'content'. Why? They know that insofar as we live in 'clown world', twitter itself - as a medium - is the 'circus' or 'clown college' if you will. Yet there they stay. What does that tell you?

And then there's the podcasts. I can't think of anything more godawful than a podcast for 'communicating' anything at all. It's a theatre for verbal diarrhoea. So you have 6 hours talking about JFK assassination - how much noise, how much 'um', 'like', repetition and whatnot do you think fills in that time? If you paid someone to transcribe it, edit it down, you'd get like a 150-200 page book out of it - so why don't they just do that? They know about McLuhan, they know about hot and cool media, they know they have a literate (visual) bias in their thinking as opposed to oral - so why do they not just WRITE BOOKS

>> No.16805286

>oh you just haven't read him
Nowhere in anything you've presented is a moral endorsement of slavery. And nothing he said in that is "extreme" lol, unless your reading comprehension is so poor that you actually think Moldbug is arguing for slavery.
>he writes like a 00s Ivy-educated progressive
No he doesn't.

Damn you're taking some Ls today champ

>> No.16805297

how's this then

>We thus observe slavery not as a perversion, but as a natural relationship, like marriage. Of course, like marriage, slavery is not without its abuses. When we think of the word “slavery,” we think of these abuses. Thus, by defining the word as intrinsically abusive, like marriages in which one party beats the other, we can conveniently define away all the instances of slavery in which the relationship is functional.

Sure sounds to me like moral endorsement

>> No.16805317

>Sure sounds to me like a moral endorsement

>> No.16805335

He says it isn't a perversion, but is something like marriage, he clearly approves of marriage. He says people only think badly of it because they look at abusive slavery, like judging marriage by an abusive marriage.

You are just being obtuse at this point.

>> No.16805371

The entire context of the slavery discussion is lodged in his critique of the absurd cruelty of modernity. He's not "endorsing" slavery, he's making a polemical point that our fascination with it is born out of a modern irrationality and there are contemporary circumstances that are far worse.
>"Conversely, the subject-government relationship easily becomes dysfunctional for clients who are natural slaves, ie, are not capable of guiding themselves to live in a human and humane manner. [...] If all long-term welfare cases were transferred from Washington to the authority of genuine, truly charitable nonprofits, for example, their new human supervisors could intervene on a personal, discretionary basis to compel them to get their acts together. This would be a step toward humanity in our society - and also a step toward slavery."

>> No.16805375

You are reinforcing my point, he thinks slavery is preferable to modernity.

>> No.16805379

all interests are beyond left and right until some basic bitch comes along to collapse all discourse into that 1d framework

>> No.16805391

Thinking a thing is preferable to another thing is not a moral endorsement you absolute retard. I prefer killing two people to killing five people, that doesn't mean I endorse the killing of two people.

Goddamn you're so stupid and I shouldn't have engaged with you in good faith and should have continued trolling you.

>> No.16805406

he literally says slavery is not a perversion, how much more blatant can it be? He thinks slavery is a constant in society, not something that can be eradicated, and he thinks that black americans were mostly better off being slaves, apart from the few smart ones. He also literally says Africans are more suited to be slaves than other populations. He posted an entire essay about how they are dumber and more violent than other people and can't be governed. He posted links to them having smaller skulls.

>> No.16805418

but thats all true

>> No.16805422
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Lmao you don't have to morally endorse everything that's not a perversion, idiot. I BTFO your entire argument and now you're grasping at straws, repeating the exact brand of argument I already shat on because you're too thick to realize you're saying the same thing over and over.

>> No.16805436

I follow a FEW people on Twitter who I think are worth it, but basically not any of this crowd except for Land.

And Land's kind of turned into a Boomer lately.

Actually I did used to follow Kantbot before he flipped his shit and blocked everyone.

>> No.16805440

kb and logo dunk on land now. crowdship terminated.

>> No.16805448

He explicitly morally endorses slavery when he says that it was better than capitalism, his examples of the best version of slavery was something like feudalism, which is just a more organic slavery, which he clearly thought did exist in parts of Antebellum America, because, again, he linked that book of the Northern Abolitionist Pastor who visited the South and thought the black slaves were better off and happier than their freed equivalents.
>We see the most palatable relatives of hereditary slavery in the feudal European societies, where we have not slavery in the antique sense but serfdom, slavery adscripti glebae—peasants bound to the soil.

Literally what are you trying to do here, sanitize one of the most far right people in recent memory to be acceptable to whatever gay ideology you have because you like how he talks? And yes he talks exactly like an Ivy-league educated progressive from the 00s, it's unmistakable.

>> No.16805450

I wouldn't know since they both literally had a fucking meltdown and banished everyone even vaguely right-of-center from their spheres.

I don't even know what they're getting at. Are they just grifting? Trying to get some of that sweet Chapo/Red Scare money, by appealing to left-wingers?

>> No.16805455

logo is a lot more level-headed, he still takes shots at both sides. Kantbot has completely turned over to sucking progressive dick while ranting about the CIA and liberals

>> No.16805456

People bring up the Red Scare thing a lot, but as far as I know, that only amounted to a single crossover episode on both podcasts. It's not a thing as far as some ongoing collab. It seems kb is cruising on his patreon followers for now. He's trying to do very-long-form podcasts based on lots of research into topics.

>> No.16805469
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dude stop repeating the same incoherent arguments, ur embarrassing yourself
lmao ur a fucking caricature

>> No.16805492

>People bring up the Red Scare thing a lot, but as far as I know, that only amounted to a single crossover episode on both podcasts.

My POINT is, Kantbot has realized that the thrust of "people with money" is more left-of-center now. My POINT is that Kantbot basically has no integrity at all and he wants to make money, and he's willing to indulge in literally any ideology that will allow him to make the most money on Patreon. That happens to be the left-wing right now, entirely because of the rise of Chapo and Red Scare.

>> No.16805501

It's fitting that you identify with a fat ugly man the television told you was cool enough to post him as your avatar

>> No.16805504

I don't think KB is a leftist, I think he is drawn to them because they share the same detached irony and paralyzing fear of getting skin in the game and effecting change.

>> No.16805511
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>> No.16805514

If he lacked any intellectual conscience and just wanted to make money, why would he be making 8 hour podcasts attacking the CIA instead of shilling for them? Doesnt add up.

>> No.16805520

He's an incel, you can see it when he talks about women, the sheer bitterness. Incels can never go full right wing because they are mad about their failures and want someone to fix it for them, but they can't go full left either because the left despise incels for feminist reasons. Incels always linger in a sort of weird hateful position between left and right.

>> No.16805525

>because they share the same detached irony and paralyzing fear of getting skin in the game and effecting change.

This is fucking endemic on Twitter. This is why the only actually moving and interesting Twitter accounts are the people who are sincerely religious. The best spheres of Twitter are Catholic Twitter, Orthodox Twitter, and Muslim Twitter.

>> No.16805528

Current OSINT suggests kb has gf.

>> No.16805557
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Kantbot is a confirmed sissy.

This is Angel btw, who recently passed away (@maryhailer). She did a show with Ashley, who did shows with Jmurph. Ironically, Jmurph also humiliated kantbot on his show as well. Seems like KB has a humiliation fetish.

>> No.16805568

wheres the lie though

>> No.16805582

what's it about?

>> No.16805594

someone post some

>> No.16805600


Oh holy FUCK now I HAVE to see this. I've seen Logo's Twitter account. Now he's writing poetry. Post some! I need a laugh, this late at night.

>> No.16805607

that would explain a lot of how incredibly bitter and closed-minded he became

he was an incel who was given some female attention through an abusive way after he got a little fame through that movie, and he conformed himself to the way he thought he had to be, because he wanted to keep having that. And then he got some of the leftist twitter DNC power and it made him feel competent so he stopped criticizing the left, but he has to frame it to himself as being his own choice to follow that path, so he stopped saying anything coherent, and started posting irrelevant bullshit, while agreeing with every single thing progressives say.

>> No.16805616

the term is closeted-minded

>> No.16805626

One thing that was striking about his Twitter, before he blocked everybody, was that he kept repeating, over and over, the phrase "nothing matters" and ridiculing people who seriously and unironically took stances on this or that issue. As though the very idea of actually having concrete beliefs had become abhorrent to him.

>> No.16805634

Best post in this thread. And precisely as you seem to be alluding to, they waste all their time online because their grifters.

>> No.16805639

He told Sam Hyde he almost got kicked out of college. simply because women usually don't know what to do with him. according to his story, a supervisor filed a complaint on a lie, then lied about being physically threatened by Kantbot, which only was debunked because someone eevesdropped on their convo behind a door. creepy shit.

>> No.16805651

That's the thing. What have they DONE?

I've seen guys who spend a ton of time on Twitter, guys who post a lot, but they're also published. And they're not SELF-published, either; they actually have credits in magazines and journals, for essays, for articles, for poetry, for short stories, that sort of thing.

Do Kantbot and Logo have any outside validation of their skill as thinkers and writers and poets, other than their own Twitter followings and what has flowed from that? Has there been any kind of validation, from anyone at all outside of social media, that these guys have some skill at... anything?

>> No.16805656
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He’s an internet catholic so you can safely disregard his screeds.

>> No.16805661

Not exactly Tradical, though, is he?

>> No.16805669

I think Kantbot is a person who wanted to do good to everyone who has been massively fucked over and eaten up by the world. I don't think his malice is that real, he wanted things to be ok. But he was just increasingly eaten and deformed by bad people, and it made him react in kind. He still does make good points regardless.

But that's how we all end up stabbing each other. And that is just part of it too I guess.

>> No.16805684

every day I love Butterfly a little bit more

>> No.16805690
File: 183 KB, 1080x1194, 68FCF13C-1D1E-4EAA-B55B-CBA7B9402317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol hi kb, does the great big piggie plan to dox any more of your friends over them fat shaming you

>> No.16805712

This faggot wemt from not-so-subtle tirades against (((them))), talking about Divine Comedy and usury to "DUDE, YOU LIKE--BELIEVE IN A BIBLE AS AN ARCHEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE LMAO?" in 2-3 years, he is not trustworthy on the account of that AND being a chinlet.

>> No.16805729

you can't talk about jews, youll get crossed off o told not to say anything

>> No.16805740

Nice thread full of sick people who have parasocial relationships with e-celebs

gonna just go ahead and keep following all the people in this thread without crying about how some of them are in secret cabals bent on getting me to stop watching sissy hypno

>> No.16805745

Take your schizo, meds.

>> No.16805750

I like how no one in the thread actually has any intention of reading Logo's new book. Only the e-drama matters.

>> No.16805775

well anything any of them could say is less impactful than a nigger saying 'nigger'

saying nigger is apparently only for white trash, the other portions of humanity are incapable of saying that particular thing

>> No.16805908

These people are lolcows and on some level they know it. They certainly know no one really gives a fuck what they have to say outside of the Twitter medium. Their existence is spectacle.

>> No.16805924

I'm shitposting under the assumption that logo posted the thread.

>> No.16805938
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I asked up here >>16805600 if somebody could post some of his poetry. Is anybody going to do it?

For that matter, has Logo ever gotten poetry published in a journal, a magazine, a website? Somewhere that would validate him via some outside editorial review?

Anybody can self-publish. Especially if they've got clout on social media. But what do experienced editors think of you?

>> No.16805966

i mean who cares about institutional validation. that sounds gay. i want someone to post the poetry though. it's probably gay as well

>> No.16805993

this. /lit/ makes fun of literature students, of publishing houses, of awards, and of the market, but still fetishizes an editor's view on things. judge for yourself whether <disputed celebrity of the month> has something of value or not.

>> No.16806011
File: 416 KB, 726x812, 8CDC7360-5939-40FC-92A3-3263C36C89B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>’american slavery was actually fine'

>> No.16806069

Editors are not as stupid as you think they are. Even these days. There is a reason that not just everything gets published.

>> No.16806121

I dont want to buy that shit, waiting for someone to post

>> No.16806133

Because neither of them can write.

>> No.16806187

Midwits like him

>> No.16806197


You’re wrong and way too sure of yourself while being wrong

>> No.16806203

Ok, name a good editor

>> No.16806379

Very interesting but I they not smart, just midwits

>> No.16806385


>> No.16806960

A lot of people are reading BAP and very few people are reading the rest.

>> No.16807988

Kill the (((people))) who do loans, probably

>> No.16808146

Oh yeah you lost bro. Preference is not exactly moral preference because you can be a non cog and not believe in morality, but in that case preference is just replacing morality.

You lose, he prefers slavery to modernity, an endorsement.

>> No.16808314

>but in that case preference is just replacing morality
Fucking lol that might be the stupidest thing that's been said in this thread. Preferring A to B does not constitute a normative endorsement of A when C, D, E, etc exist.

>> No.16808343

Wouldn’t it only be a moral endorsement if there was an actual normative claim? From what I understand of Moldbug he’s not arguing for the reinstitution of slavery; there’s no “we should have slaves.”

>> No.16808528


what even happened to warren? he tried to keep tekwars going but im guessing it didnt work out?

>> No.16808528,1 [INTERNAL] 

Somebody post his poems

>> No.16808528,2 [INTERNAL] 

No, you l, like most of such men online, make a god out of women. Those responsible for my fate are God and my parents, who forced their crappy genetics onto me. You most likely don't even know what "Right" means, namely God, king, nation. de Maistre defended Malthus for a good reason; your post just shows that you're another sex-obsessed guy who's been brainwashed by our pornographic culture.

>> No.16808528,3 [INTERNAL] 

This is the trash I responded to above.