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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 382 KB, 996x1127, journal.pone.0007272.g001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16802473 No.16802473 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody truly believes in god.

Belief is substantiated by verification. Anything that cannot be subjected to verification is not a genuine belief but rather an emotional projection that attempts to sublimate various anxieties.

Religion has merely generated various linguistic algorithms which carry on this process of sublimation. It has compiled an index of "language blocks" which, while rationally meaningless (see the Positivist proofs of language-as-tool, its limitations in regards to only being valid when dealing with empirical facts, etc.), nevertheless succeed in catalyzing certain neuro-chemico activities such as dopamine release when configured in specific patterns.

But ultimately, no person has a genuine belief in god. They only have habits of linguistic paranoia which they spout in accordance with the fluctuations of their neurophysiological structure.

>> No.16802491

ok mr dawkins

>> No.16802504

>I don't or can't believe in God, therefore nobody can
Overt atheists were rightly reviled throughout history, and they will continue to be rightly reviled ad infinitum.

>> No.16802530

I love when people simultaneously believe they are limited meaningless matter and that they are capable of understanding EVERYTHING through perception, sense and cognition.


>> No.16802554

>goga fucko ducko wiggly giggly
Do you want me to refute your argument or pretend like you're not asking to bait retards? I can do both, whatever suits your fancy bb

>> No.16802577

>everyone is like me

>> No.16802584

Positivism implies Pantheism.

>> No.16802684

>Belief is substantiated by verification. Anything that cannot be subjected to verification is not a genuine belief but rather an emotional projection that attempts to sublimate various anxieties.
Can substantiate this claim by verification?

>> No.16802727

retroactively refuted by Quine

>> No.16802762

Let me just go ahead and verify that induction works.

>> No.16802811

This might be the most midwit take I’ve ever seen. Bravo

>> No.16802852

All positions besides solipsism are unverifiable inferences, retard.

>> No.16802861

>Nobody truly believes in god.

Except me.

>> No.16802894

Exactly. OP, go read Two Dogmas.

>> No.16803338

ooga booga red dots on brain are statistically significant, can't be wrong

>> No.16803362

>Nobody truly believes in God.
Curious, you "I fucking love science" types insist you can't prove a negative. How can you prove to me that no one truly believes in God?

>> No.16803386

Nobody has ever said you can’t prove a negative in the abstract lmao. You can prove that a green leaf isn’t purple, that’s proving a negative. Retard

>> No.16803400

>Nobody truly believes in god.
Ok...? What does this has to do with metaphysics being baseless? There is more to metaphysics then God.

>> No.16803426


>> No.16803543
File: 240 KB, 278x430, armor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody truly believes in god.

Who the fuck writes this kind of absurd nonsense? Of course we truly believe you fucking Avengers-tier moron.

>> No.16803550

>But ultimately, no person has a genuine belief in god. They only have habits of linguistic paranoia which they spout in accordance with the fluctuations of their neurophysiological structure.
Kind of like how everyone believes in reality because other people seem to have minds and seem to verify it’s “objective” existence?

>> No.16803579

Not OP but quit avatarfagging

>> No.16803612

What was the point of this post?

>> No.16803943

take dmt or learn to mediate. youll get your answer. also you sound like a whitegirl
you cant talk about region being fake or real if you never heard of the shroud of Turin or the Great Perfection Rainbow Body

>> No.16804265
File: 276 KB, 1600x900, cover16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just take mind altering drugs or do yoga bro

Kill yourself

>> No.16804435
File: 108 KB, 1200x1330, 1604953623917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That the primary use of metaphysics, since Plato, is to rationalize authoritarianism by those who are mogged by poetry, it doesn't follow that even its conjurers don't believe their own advertising, though usually they don't on this larpfest of a board: The same thing that makes them predictably bad at making predictions, makes them so lame at characterizing that they can't not bait. The term for that is pathological lying, an attribute that is fascinating for its monstrousness only by report, but in real life is so tiresome that only idiots can endure such company.

>> No.16804443

Wrong. Read Aquinas

>> No.16804457

>STEM insect tries to understand human beings

>> No.16804469

This is an incoherent argument

>> No.16804474

The outpouring of emotion in this thread validates OP's premise. Congrats /lit/ you acted exactly as a person would who's "belief" is purely an emotional projection

>> No.16804486

What's your infograph even of?

>> No.16804535

Actually, you can't. An abstract leaf isn't 'green'
Even the leaf you imagine as green I can imagine as purple, what's to stop me? Proof? Please..
t. da

>> No.16804559
File: 3.33 MB, 224x224, 1605119364750.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Belief is substantiated by verification
No. Knowledge is belief substantiated by verification. Belief is conclusion of available unverified evidence.

>Person is retarded and makes retard-tier argument
>Everyone calls him retarded

>> No.16804574

>Nobody truly believes in god.
Wrong. About half of the world believes in God. You need to get out of your bubble and interact with more people. It's actually very natural to believe in God, as psychology studies have proven. Just because your brain (and soul?) is defective doesn't mean everyone else's is as well. Watch this:
The rest of your post is very thoughtless and embarrassing.

>> No.16804720

Haha I don't believe in god, he just exists and I understand that now. Simple as. Maybe someday U will have the same privilege of understanding.

>> No.16806257
File: 121 KB, 632x347, william based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know your tricks

>> No.16806294

>if you deactivate certain brain parts, it's no longer possible for you to use your senses or rationally think about causality, therefore it's proven that neither the outer world nor rationality exist, they are just a chemical reaction so you feel happy owhen you realize a causal chain or perceive a tree. Q.E.D.
thanks Mr. Scienceman

>> No.16806354

You’re a dumbass

>> No.16806554
File: 290 KB, 1536x2048, 1566801046751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16806561

Goddamn Blake was fucking based holy shit.

>> No.16806591

>Belief is substantiated by verification. Anything that cannot be subjected to verification is not a genuine belief
Wait, what?

>> No.16806607

We all want you to stop tripfagging.

>> No.16806609

I bet you also don't know what the word confidence means lmao