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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 636x704, DeconlonizeYourBookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16803619 No.16803619[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Well have you /lit/?

>> No.16803631

I tried to decolonize my book collection, but as a hispanoid, I couldn't get past my own self loathing and ended up imperializing new problematic books at my local bookstore.

>> No.16803642

Liberal White women are a problem that is thankfully solving itself.

>> No.16803657
File: 12 KB, 283x395, ogre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon.. is that Kant I see on your bookshelf? You know he was a horrible racist, right?

>> No.16803659

I'm keeping my bookshelf colonized, thank you.

>> No.16803676
File: 127 KB, 1484x1094, 1533157735516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Kant was a comfy autistic boi, Apu Apustaja personified

>> No.16803691
File: 70 KB, 306x306, 1602168588427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing hordes of these heaving, grotesque, paint-slathered beasts of white women pop up over the last few years has made me unironically dislike all white women. Even if they're cute I just fucking KNOW that they have some absolutely retarded shit to say. Even the uber-cutie book-waifu paperbackdreams is completely ruined for me. At this point I'm only attracted to Indian and Asian women. Haven't dated a White girl since high school and I honestly don't think I will again. I pretty much hate white people at this point. Not because of all of the seemingly horrible things that are being pinned on us, but because of the amount of boot-licking and pandering I see. These people are ultimately getting what they want (white hatred), but certainly not how they expected to get it.

>> No.16803708

my brother is a leftist and he unironically got a vasectomy when he was like 27 so that he could virtue signal to femenists. you're right, the liberal problem solves itself by promoting castration and discouraging procreation. I hope that by 2060 this entire fucking country is Mormons.

>> No.16803736

Post tits and poopa

>> No.16803764
File: 1.86 MB, 1920x1080, 1605576384978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that I have ever had a colonizer's book on my shelf

>> No.16803773

These aren't arguments by the way.

>> No.16803774

>my brother is a leftist and he unironically got a vasectomy when he was like 27 so that he could virtue signal to femenists.
That's unfortunate.

>the liberal problem solves itself by promoting castration and discouraging procreation
I have a theory that no secular society can survive in the long run. Birthrates just drop too low, and religious cells within the society have so many kids that over time they replace the secular society with a religious one. Wait and watch; there will be a 3 child policy in China someday to combat this very thing.

>> No.16803776

I was really hoping they would ask a White guy at the end and he'd just say "everything".

>> No.16803786
File: 45 KB, 888x888, I Kant contain it anymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16803795
File: 330 KB, 1536x2048, lpyljfp4xzh51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where was I supposed to making an argument in my long-winded diatribe? The gist of it is brown women > white women because the former still talk like humans and the latter make garbage-tier youtube videos about decolonizing your book shelf.

>> No.16803804

Bros... There was a cute Catholic Indian girl who was into me at uni and I basically sperged out and ghosted her :(

>> No.16803810

Brown women ape white women so you fail. Also no arguments against decolonization yet.

>> No.16803814

Nobody said they were. Not everything is an argument. Sometimes, we just want to talk about an issue by making personal observations rather than full arguments. It's not all that serious, but it's 4chan. It's not made to be "that serious."

>> No.16803822

I have separate bookshelves for books by authors of different races, but so far only the shelf for white authors has books on it.

>> No.16803835

When did you realize that decolonizing is just another form of colonization

>> No.16803836

El ogro de las americas

>> No.16803841

There is no reason to make one. Your new world order selective morality is arbitrary and so is your attachment to it.

>> No.16803843
File: 63 KB, 1200x900, 1605027208970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a cute Indian girl at work who was (unbeknownst to me) really in to me and cried when I didn't go to a party that I said I might go to. I went back to uni a week later so I never got to patch things up. Maybe spilling spaghetti with cute Indians is a /lit/ thing...
>Also no arguments against decolonization yet.
Here's my argument: I don't care about the collective ego of non-white people. I will continue to read whatever I want however I want. If a non-white author wants my attention then they should write something I care about. If not they can die in a fire. I don't care about your feelings. Eat shit.

>> No.16803854

>Also no arguments against decolonization yet.
I'm not white; your attempts to curate my intellectual experience is itself a form of cultural neo-colonalism and imperialism.

>> No.16803861

>nooooo you can't just ignore my corporate sponsored dichotomy and read whatever you want! This is hate speech!

>> No.16803866

What makes you all think that black people don't have good things to say and haven't systematically been held down this whole time?

>> No.16803874

They've not said good things when not held down.

>> No.16803883

So your point boils down to "i don't care"

Amazing, the girl in the video gave thoughtful and well reasoned arguments and this is the response of an allegedly literate board. What sorry state.

>> No.16803887

And you're basing this on what exactly?

>> No.16803890

Big yikes.
I don't appreciate your cultural colonialism, friendo. I think you need to unpack what implicit biases are leading you down this path.

>> No.16803897

Why do girls do this? Is it solely for the internet brownie points?

>> No.16803903

Decolonization is a legitimate form of deconstruction and is recognized by academics worldwide.

>> No.16803905

Your points and hers boil down to "you have to care"

Not very interesting. And that person probably paid 60K for a degree to make such an "argument"

>> No.16803907

You should read Michael Oakeshott. The radical rationalism you seem to be peddling is extremely odd and not something which an erudite would ever put forth.
>What sorry state
ESL confirmed lol

>> No.16803911

there's plenty of good arab and black artists who have made it.
I don't see why the publishing industry would be more discriminatory. actually, I think you would have an easier time getting published as a worse-than-mediocre "minority voice" than getting hired as a concept designer.

>> No.16803916

>the men in the special institution do it so it's good
lol at you

>> No.16803919

Neat appeal to authority. Hey are those the same lit departments getting defunded and having their doctoral programs suspended currently only to never return aliveness after covid?

I wonder what argument you'll have then??

>> No.16803921

derrida is spinning in his grave

>> No.16803922

No one reads right wing quacks- which is why decolonization is recognized universally today while the bygone mysticism of reactionaries is relegated to the dustbin of history.

>> No.16803928

Not an argument