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16802329 No.16802329[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does Foucault's History of Sexuality cover child marriage? Did he push for abolition of the age of marriage, or just consent?

>> No.16802362
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age of consent was only ever raised for one reason
RESSENTIMENT old hags had for preteens and lolis because they were stealing the mens' attention.
Among the most popular genres in porn is "teen" for hentai it's "loli"
men like to be in possession of young girls so that they can mold and shape them to their liking
youth and beauty have always been one in the same

>> No.16802380

It wasn't consummated at least until the bride had her first period though. Of course though, 16 year olds were for all intents and purposes considered adult women.

>> No.16802404
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there is absolutely no way you can prove that

>> No.16802408

I've read only the first book, he doesnt mention child marriage. He does mention one case of a retard who paid little girls to have sex with him as an natural every-day event of village life (this made feminists seethe, just like his assertion that rape should be punished as a physical and not sexual crime). His main point was to show how something natural started to be appropriated by scientific discourses.

He was against AOC, and he did an interview where he laid out his arguments, its called "Sexual morality and the law".

>> No.16802415

>pedo cope
kys freak

>> No.16802418

Meant for
Also considering that industrial era women had their menarch later than agricultural women.

>> No.16802424

>using shaming tactics on 4chan of all places
maybe twitter is more suitable for you, sweatie

>> No.16802427
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>> No.16802441

unaesthetic brainlet take

>> No.16802456

There is absolutely no way you can prove otherwise.

>more pedo cope
Enjoy the watchlists

>> No.16802468

lmao seething roastie

>> No.16802474
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>> No.16802485
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>There is absolutely no way you can prove otherwise
You made the claim, the burden of proof is on you.
Needless to say, the age of menarch can be anywhere from 10-13 for girls with 12.5 being today's average.

I bet you also think people didn't have "premarital sex" then lol

>> No.16802501

a century ago it was like 16, that is the reason for all this, it has been artificially lowered by means unclear

>> No.16802510

did roman elite really marry them this young?

>> No.16802524

Age of menarch was artificially inflated during the industrial revolution because standards of nutrition have declined.
I just told you that women from the agricultural era had the same age of menarch that we do today, and there even studies done on modern hunter gatherer socities where girls get the periods at the same time we do.

>> No.16802538

the greeks fought a war in mythos over who can get to smash an 11 year old

>> No.16802590
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>the greeks fought a war in mythos over who can get to smash an 11 year old
can you blame 'em?

>> No.16802623

why are greeks so based

>> No.16802639

She only starts looking hot at around 17.
Kill yourselves pedos, she look like a little kid

>> No.16802691
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>> No.16802693

be honest, you would stretch her out at 15-16 if no one found, no need to act like a pharisee

>> No.16802713

someone else already got to her by then

>> No.16802724
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not necessarily, currently dating 17 y/o virgin

>> No.16802728

I was sexually active at 15 with a 14 y/o, it’s true, someone already tore it up by then

>> No.16802743

We must consider that at this age, preteens and teens are still very impressionable, and even if there is, technically, nothing wrong with paedophilia, we should not equate manipulation and psychological trauma with love.

>> No.16802769

why you instantly equate adult-child relations with manipulation, it could very well be some kind of mentorship (instead of leaving them to the influence of the internet) like it was in ancient greece

>> No.16802783

kill yourself

>> No.16802803

No duh it's not "necessarily" but it'd usually be the case.

>> No.16802816
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Absolutely this
Anti-cunny fags are the personification of slave morality
Retards like

The morality of the herd does a 180 every generation or so. Cunny chads will once again reign free soon. God wills it.

>> No.16802819

this reminds of a dave attell joke.
Oh you like watching barely legal porn huh?
Doesn't that make you almost a pedophile?

>> No.16802826

>Elvis Presley and Priscilla Beaulieu Presley first met when he was 24 and she was 14. Their age difference wasn't a problem for Elvis, who thought he could mold Priscilla into his ideal woman.
Based King

>> No.16802835
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Being attracted to minors is not pedophilia, pedophilia denotes attraction to PRE-PUBESCENT children and the stage of puberty has nothing to do with age.
And even then, that attraction has to be exclusive.
Pedophilia as a concept comes from the early 1900s from some kraut psychoanalyst.

>> No.16802840

Are you fucking brain dead, don't talk to me you actual retard. Enjoy living with a morally corroded brain.

>> No.16802859

I would rather my young daughter be married and educated by an older man than in a public school getting dicked by her peers.

>> No.16802865

You are morally corroded.

>> No.16802877

anybody who watches this webm should only feel the wholesome need of giving her a hug at most. Anyone who confuses or replaces that feeling with sexual desire is a degenerate who was unable to probably develop socially or sexually and should be neutered by society. In every civilized society in history, sexual desire for a prepubescents child was seen as rightfully deviant.

>> No.16802882

>In every civilized society in history, sexual desire for a prepubescents child was seen as rightfully deviant.

>> No.16802895

I'd love to give a little peck on her cheeks. Get your mind out of the gutter, pedos.

>> No.16802896

>In every civilized society in history, sexual desire for a prepubescents child was seen as rightfully deviant.
imagine universalizing a taboo created by feminists 100 years ago lmao

>> No.16802899

name one faggot.

>inb4 random jungle tribe that jizzs on kids
I said civilized.

>> No.16802901

This is why genocide needs a comeback.

>> No.16802904

Except now due to environmental factors, girls get their periods at ten, sometimes earlier.

>> No.16802909

postpubescent teenage sexuality was made taboo 100 years ago. Prepubescent sexuality was always degenerate.

>> No.16802913
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Why are little girls such cute and innocent bundles of joy but when they grow up they turn into nasty narcissistic whores?

>> No.16802926

fair enough

>> No.16802947

All of them.
Our civilization is the only one where "pedophilia" as a concept even came into existence.
Yes and that is completely normal
>Prepubescent sexuality was always degenerate.
According to who?

>> No.16802959

Cope harder, kiddie tickler.

>> No.16802973
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>> No.16802979

>All of them
Name one faggot

>Our civilization is the only one where "pedophilia" as a concept even came into existence.
yes because of modernity's obsession with scientism. "heterosexuality" is a modern concept too.

>> No.16803023

>Name one
Ancient Greece
Now tell me how "prepubescent sexuality" was always seen as degenerate.

>> No.16803076

if you're referring to eromenos, then they were always teenagers. pick again faggot

>> No.16803097
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Fellas, fellas, simply read the Talmud, it will put this argument to bed

>> No.16803133

>hymens only matter in Judaism

>> No.16803137
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>> No.16803151
File: 35 KB, 729x194, niddah5sjfskdjg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your older brother dies childless, and you are 9 years old and a day, you are literally conscripted into banging his widow

>> No.16803185

it starts at 11. 10 is quite kid-like

for legal reasons this is a joke

>> No.16803195

The ancient Greeks didn’t have an awareness of the concept of pedophilia to begin with. Hellanicus of Lesbos put the age of Helen of Troy at seven years old and Diodorus at ten. Marriages to girls at 12 and even younger were completely the norm and this does not even take into account the treatment of girl slaves who were not under the protection of the same laws as free women.

You are completely deluded and projecting your modern morality. Pedophilia as a concept is only a century old.

>> No.16803238
File: 387 KB, 576x1000, 325A4A53-B756-4FDF-99D7-1621D4C0C488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop jerking off to teen porn so you're more willing to simp for aged ugly e-celebs

Women, am I right?