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16799535 No.16799535 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of converting to Orthodox Christianity from being an agnostic.
What should I read to know if there really a God and if I am going to believe in the "right" one?

>> No.16799545

God is not a man in the sky. God is the consciousness before all other consciousness, the absolute.

>> No.16799547

God is Pure Actuality.

>> No.16799566

What do you mean?

>> No.16799598

Which one? Christianity has three

>> No.16799613

Greek Orthodox, so Jesus & God

>> No.16799621

In God there are Three Persons, who are only one God, because they have but one essence.

>> No.16799629


>> No.16799665

But there chairs also have one essence that doesn't make them one chair

>> No.16799775

Bump pls

>> No.16799806

They're three distinct persons who share the same essence, one cannot be without the other.
You're on the right road. I'm also looking into Orthodoxy, brother. Try reading the church fathers, the orthodox study Bible, and Seraphim Rose. I'd also recommend listening to Jay Dyer as he seems to be a theological/philosophical beast who knows his shit.

>> No.16799879
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>joining some group to tell you how to live and what to believe instead of following Jesus Christ teachings directly from a bible as an individual
You of little faith

>> No.16799891


>> No.16799914

What did Jesus mean when he said "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18)?

>> No.16799946

Because community and the history of the church exists

>> No.16799952

>I'd also recommend listening to Jay Dyer

>> No.16799956

>Just follow the Bible bro!
>The Bible that was canonised by the orthodox church
>Just follow your own interpretation bro!
>As opposed to apostolic tradition and ecumenical councils adhering to an accepted understanding of Christ's teachings
But no, some Germanic and French heretics from the 16th century are correct.

>> No.16799970

What's wrong with him? Did he refute your heresy or something?

>> No.16799981


>> No.16800016
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Getting a copy of the OSB wouldn't hurt, in addition to that the sayings of the desert fathers and the first hopko book on scripture should be enough. Orthodox theology is complex, but that's not something you should worry about immediately. The Church is designed for the illiterate, and higher level reading will only result in prelest. This is why most parish priests have a reading/prayer regiment they give inquirers to see how they do. So first just go to liturgy and talk to a priest. Also Antiochian parishes have a great track record for, and are most interested in, conversion. Thats my advice, because if you're fresh to orthodoxy the more ethnic parishes will be offputting.
t. orthofren

>> No.16800026

deaf morons can read all books about music in the world and will never hear the music.

>> No.16800054

Tfw from the church of the east and find out we have our own Syriac Orthodox church so that the ethnic parish won't be off-putting. Feelsgoodman.

>> No.16800064

How can jesus be God if God is everywhere?

>> No.16800072

Why does Jesus talk to God on the cross if>>16799621
he is god?

>> No.16800093

Ignore 4chan opinions about the faith; these people are hopelessly mired in the world and unlike yourself as water is unlike wine.

>> No.16800106
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You're basically lobbying for an imam or rabbinic religion then. The Christian clerical structure is significantly different from judaism and islam, as Christianity focuses on the giving of gifts (sacraments) rather than scriptural knowledge. Christ built a Churcj for a reason baka.
>Seraphim Rose
>Jay Dyer
He should do neither of those things. Rose is great, but far far away from beginner. People like to rec him because he's cool, but no inquirer should read him. Dyer is just weird.
>God is everywhere
That's divine simplicity, which is not Orthodox. Creation has divinity in it, but is not itself divine. God, one essence, three personages, simple as.
Also this, don't ask /lit/ for advice.

>> No.16800107

Ain't just from the 16th Century, bruddah

>> No.16800134

Jesus Christ has two natures, one of the divine and one of human.
The Son can speak to the Father as they're distinct persons.

>> No.16800140

All you're doing is claiming that God has multiple aspects which is forbidden in Islam and forbidden in monotheistic religion.

>> No.16800141

Yes, please explain this verse, keeping in mind that the Greek Πετροσ, which we have anglicized to Peter, means rock/stone.

>> No.16800149

>Dyer is weird
That's not a valid reason as to why he isn't a great source of information.
Yes it is, bruh. Nobody believed in that stuff other than refuted heretics until the 16th century, there's no way around this historical fact.

>> No.16800150

one essence, three energies, stop being a nigger

>> No.16800180

Islam is a cult for donkeys and tawheed isn't monotheism, it means unity - unity in what? They can't answer. Christianity is monotheistic, the Christian God is a triune one, this shouldn't be hard to comprehend.

>> No.16800182

Because all things doesn't have divine nature faik

>> No.16800191


Why did Jesua trust in God and commend his spirit to the father him if he himself is God? Wouldn't he have known?
Why is the father more allknowing than Jesus?

>> No.16800215

Nigger, I'm not a priest. Why don't you go ask rabbi since he has all the answers?

>> No.16800222

I have the NRSV bible. It is the Oxford Annotated Edition with Apocrypha. Will this be ok?

>> No.16800233

Abdul, do some independent research, we'll help you leave the cult of Islam.

>> No.16800242

Any bible is better than no bible, but if you're interested in orthodoxy the commentary in OSB is invaluable.

>> No.16800302

Thank you.

No. I am Muslim.
I have read the Bible, Isa claims trinity yes but we believe this part is a later addition by dishonest scribes.

>> No.16800366

>No. I am Muslim.
Why do muzzies always shitup threads

>> No.16800369

there is no difference between islam and rabbinic judaism

>> No.16800388

Muslims don't have a Talmud.

>> No.16800418

jews don't publicly behead priests and school teachers

>> No.16800429

you lack faith and for that you will go to hell

>> No.16800442

How can it be corrupted by dishonest scribes if the Qur'an affirms the Bible?
>Sura 7:156-157:
>"And I will write down (my mercy) for those who are righteous and give alms and who believe in our signs; who follow the apostle, the unlettered prophet, whom they find written in the Torah and the Gospel that is with them.

>Sura 5:71:
>"Say, O People of the Book! You are not (founded) on anything until you perform the Torah and the Gospel, and what was revealed to you from your Lord."

>> No.16800451

t. Seething protestant

>> No.16800594

And yet the Qur'an is established. Why? Why would there need to be a correction of the Bible was without fault?

>> No.16801300

The Quran mentions the Torah, the Zabur ("Psalms") and the Injil ("Gospel") as being revealed by God to the prophets Moses, David and Jesus respectively in the same way the Quran was revealed to Muhammad, the final prophet and messenger of God according to Muslims. However, Muslims generally view these books (i.e the Bible, or parts of it) as having been corrupted, altered and interpolated over time, while maintaining that the Quran remains as the final, unchanged and preserved word of God.

>> No.16801315

>I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you, and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. It shall come about that whoever will not listen to My words which he shall speak in My name, I Myself will require it of him. But the prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in My name which I have not commanded him to speak, or which he speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.

>I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.

Christianity predicted Muhammad swt.

>> No.16801341

OSB is orthodox study bible?

>> No.16801412

Hard fact is that On that day Jesus will be against those who worshiped him.

>> No.16801450

If I am a teacher must first claim that Iam a teacher and I have the required qualification then onlybsome other person can evaluate my qualification.

If I dont have any claim in the first place, then that need not be evaluated and its deemed that Iam not a teacher.

Jesus never claimed he is GOD and Bible never claim its revealed from GOD.

>> No.16801571
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yupper, it's peak comfy

>> No.16802677

Thank you everybody