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File: 64 KB, 315x475, 57+The+Lord+of+the+Rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16798493 No.16798493 [Reply] [Original]

Like starting at thin wood and tripping out for hours seeing shit. I think I have been hitting the pipe weed.

>> No.16798507
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>I just finished the LotR series

Where do I go from here?

Please don't tell me I just accidentally read the peak of Fantasy as one of my first reads of the genre; Just like how I listened to Close to the Edge as one of my first prog albums.

>> No.16798541

The Silmarillion

>> No.16798547


>> No.16798792

the silmarillion is very different from LOTR and reads like myths or something, I didn't like it but maybe he will.

>> No.16798809

This is my fear too. Reading the Two Towers at the moment and oh god it's both comfy and epic at the same time. Most serious literature I have read can't compare

>> No.16798822

Read the children of hurin and the fall of gondolin

>> No.16798823

r scott bakker

>> No.16798851

Also look up about the LOTR sequel called “The New Shadow” that Tolkien scrapped. It was to mainly focus on Men since all the elves sailed West, all the dwarves delved deeper into Moria, goblins and Uruks were all gone so it was just the realm of Man. He got 13 pages in before thinking to himself that the story is just pointless. It was to focus on a cult who worshiped Sauron because there were few people alive who remember his atrocities first hand.

>> No.16798855

The Hobbit if you haven't read it already.

>> No.16798859

>peak of Fantasy
Really? Its comfy, I'll admit. But its also so retarded and simple, which is mind boggling given the level of effort Tolkien obviously poured into making the world.

Everything seems predetermined, and despite the world being in balance, there's no sense of real stakes. The baddies are really really bad, and the goodies are true and good and pure of blood and soul. Entire races of beings are encoded as either completely good or evil. There's no real character development.

Its just peak fantasy aesthetics, for the most part.

>Where do I go from here?

For what its worth I would also say Silmarillion. As someone who appreciates deep world building, it was very interesting just for that.

>> No.16798943

>But its also so retarded and simple, which is mind boggling given the level of effort Tolkien obviously poured into making the world.
Name one work of fantasy that tops it.

>> No.16798966


This is retarded and objectively false. No race is without false and particularly bad apples, and no race is purely evil. Not even the orcs really since they are bred as slaves to Sauron.

>> No.16798976

>Not even the orcs really since they are bred as slaves to Sauron.
Let's not forget that there are several different Orc types. Ones were bred by Sauron, but some are bred by Saruman, and they all have different alliegances. Remember when they caught the halflings and one group wanted to take them to Sauron, the other to Saruman, which caused an inner conflict where one wiped out the other

>> No.16799024


> the goodies are true and good and pure of blood and soul.

How can you say such a retarded thing when the core fucking storyline is how about the ring can corrupt literally anyone, and even Frodo who is the least corruptible of all in the end yields to the ring.

>> No.16799076

>How can you say such a retarded thing when the core fucking storyline is how about the ring can corrupt literally anyone, and even Frodo who is the least corruptible of all in the end yields to the ring.
Not to mention Gandalf, who is good by design, being a god and all, but was deadly afraid of the ring. Not because it would turn him evil outright. But because it will give him the power to do good, and he wouldn't even notice how it was corrupting him until it was too late. I mean how's that for accurate portrayal of human nature? Power corrupts, and good men turn evil along the way, never knowing exactly at what moment the switch happened.

Honestly, it's like these memers never even read the books, just some YouTube video from some hipster who has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.16799161

You have indeed reached Peak fantasy. There's still loads of other Tolkien works to read, but LOTR is one of those books that gets better every read.
You can also read the myths and stories Tolkien was inspired by, which beat all other fantasy.

>> No.16799184
File: 86 KB, 845x781, Bombadil010607a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ring can corrupt literally anyone
There is one.

>> No.16799216

Bombadil is as powerful as his domain. As Gandalf said, to Elrond who wanted to hide the ring with Bombadil, he might resist for a while, but a sustained attack by Sauron will diminish his domain and evetually his power.

>> No.16799415

You did.
Hobbit is comfy, and silmarillion is top notch if you enjoy classic mythology.
I enjoyed the first 3 SoIaF books. But lotr is the best hands down.

>> No.16799418

Is it just me? I LOVED the Hobbit, but the first chapters of the Lord of the Rings are perhaps a bigger drag than Duteronomy.

>> No.16799424

Hey ho merry oh something something starling
I listened to the Rob Inglés audio books as a preteen and 15 years later his version of the songs are still stuck in my head

>> No.16800038

>I listened to the Rob Inglés audio books
Based. His crackling old voice makes me imagine as if Tolkien himself was reading it to me.

>> No.16800198

>It was to focus on a cult who worshiped Sauron
man that can be good

>> No.16800703

Such a high school student tier insight, power corrupts. I wouldn't look to Tolkien for social commentary or philosophy.

There are no interesting Orc characters, there is no internal politics or bickering or intrigue going on there, not overtly. Same goes for all the other "evil races", the mountain sisterfuckers, the mercenaries, etc. They're just mere obstacles to the pure and perfect heroes, bowling pins to be knocked down.

The books are simplistic, there's no getting away from it. I don't really know any fantasy that tops it though, haven't read that much apart from some pulp shit and ASOIAF. The latter is pretty good, at least until GRRM turned it into Tolkien again, with retarded ice zombies, dragons, blatant use of magic and so on.

>> No.16800726
File: 97 KB, 720x888, hits_pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*hits pipe*

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

>> No.16800740

This entire post is such a high school student tier insight

>> No.16800803

homer, snorri sturluson and other mythology dwarfs him

>> No.16800831

They're not really comparable but sure, Tolkien biggest inspirations were the epics such as the Iliad, Beowulf, Eddas, Kalevala, and yes even the Bible.

>> No.16800842
File: 74 KB, 670x522, Bilde_2020-11-16_195308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way to reveal yourself as illiterate/ESL

>> No.16800964

I know what "dwarfs" means, I thought it was a nice choice of words considering the subject, retard.

>> No.16801072

I love this pasta, but what about gay sons

>> No.16801080
File: 1.19 MB, 1080x1080, 1599397309501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never read Tolkien before, would it be okay for me to read The Silmarillion before anything else?

>> No.16801149

if you want to get a background about the world and the ring then its better to read The Hobbit then LOTR. The Silmarillion should be the last one to read because its like a history book about Middle Earth and deeper Lore about the origin of that place, jumping right in The Silmarillion would be boring and uninteresting.

>> No.16801160

you must be 18 to post here

>> No.16801290

if you don't mind myth style and scattered stories about various people and things around a certain world then its okay, Tolkien didn't intend to publish The Silmarillion and use it as a background to write LOTR.

>> No.16801410

Is Tom Bombadil ever explained fully? As I recall he is somewhat of a mystery, which I kind of liked.

>> No.16801481

this is why arranged marriages are a thing in some regions. at least you can get a return on the investment in some way

>> No.16801570
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The Silmarillion is much more fragmented than his other works. I would suggest either reading "The Hobbit" or "The Lord of the Rings" first. The whole War of the Ring is covered in 1 - 2 pages in The Silmarillion, which gives you insight in the scope of all these epic tales from the First Age.

A few other tales from the First Age, "The Sons of Hurin", "The Tale of Beren and Luthien", "The Fall of Gondolin" were also published by Christopher Tolkien as long-form narratives of about 200 - 300 pages.

>> No.16801592

Explain to me the relevance of a chapter entirely dedicated to cutting through a mushroom farm.

>> No.16801613

do you know about the books called "the adventures of tom bombadil", "farmer giles of ham roverandom" and "smith of wootten major"? Is it published by his son or is it published by tolkien? is it edited or no?

>> No.16801661

>"farmer giles of ham roverandom"
a mistake here, these are two books. "Farmer Giles of Ham" and "Roverandom"

>> No.16801692
File: 54 KB, 309x500, Gormenghast_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if liked it, try the gormenghast series

>> No.16801908

>Is Tom Bombadil ever explained fully?
Yes. Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow! Bright Blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow!

Jokes aside, nope. The secret died with Tolkien.

>> No.16801964

Same theorise that Tom Bombadil was a self insert of himself

>> No.16801987


She's going to reproduce your genes - that's the entire point of the thing. And what's more, any offspring she has you can 100% be sure belong to you. With a son, there always will be some measure of doubt whether the wife was faithful, and wasn't procuring genes from some Chad. This is why grandparents unconsciously love their daughters grandchildren the most.

>> No.16802011

Robert E. Howard. I think he may have even influenced Tolkien.

>> No.16802031

There’s a reason males are the ones you expect to pass on heirs to. Historically and culturally all over the world it has been males expected to take up theirs fathers mantel. Men understand that women will whore around if unchecked.

>> No.16802042

I think Tolkein said somewhere that he was *supposed* to be a mystery, so there's really no hidden true meaning that died with him.

>> No.16802066

He did say that. They doesn't man that there haven't been a lot of people theorizing about want was the motivation or inspiration for Tom. But he never explicitly stated it and unless someone can talk to the dead we'll never know