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16798218 No.16798218 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any philosophers that are actually fun to read? Everyone on here talks about philosophy and it's fun when it's wikipedia level lines about philosophy but when you actually read the philosophers they are extremely dry and boring.

>> No.16798350

Plato, Descartes, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche

>> No.16798354

Hegel is fun to read if you imagine he was just shitposting and not being an obscurantist pseud

>> No.16798359

(I haven't read Hegel btw)

>> No.16798386

>Hegel, Schopenhauer,
not fun

>> No.16798399

If you count Evola as philosophy, he's very fun to read.

>> No.16798408

Michel de Montaigne, Francois de La Rochefoucauld, Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.16798448

platonic dialogues are fun to read relatively speaking, given they play out more as a simple, light-hearted story than as philosophy.

>> No.16798469

I enjoy Murray Rothbard, but only because I think he's a joke. His works in history are alright though.

>> No.16798496

Anon, what do you think of the Parmenides? I would say that is a pretty metaphysically prescient dialogue, in a very non-light-hearted way. Just speaking of the fictional, or poetic element of it.

>> No.16798516

I don't know about Hegel, but even though Schopenhauer's work on technicalities can be dry, he is nowhere as dry as other philosophers (considering he had Hume as his ideal philosophy prose). Unless you were referring to "pessimism" meme, in which case don't be a retard and read a book.

>> No.16798694


>> No.16798695

Nick Land and Mencius Moldbug. they're not just fun though they're truly a delight

>> No.16798704

Hegel for sure.
You can read Phenomenology of Spirit not only as a complex philosophical essay, but also a bildungsroman of Spirit itself.
You can read it to understand his ideas, but also to see how far can a language be pushed to explain those ideas.
You can read the dry paragraphs whose profound ideas might require years to understand, but also the beautiful grandiose prose.

"The death of this representational thought contains at the same time the death of the abstraction of the divine essence which is not yet posited as a self. That death is the agonized feeling of the unhappy consciousness that God himself is dead."
"God does not remain petrified and moribund however, the stones cry out and lift themselves up to spirit."

Also Bataille, obviously (and with him Nietzsche and similar)
His belletristic writings are mesmerizing, but even his philosophical essays are crafted with beautiful prose.

>> No.16798760

GO fuck yourelf, incel retard.

>> No.16798825

SENECA and PLATO all day, everyday. I find everything after Descartes boring af.

>> No.16798836

Camus. But he's really not a philosopher.

>> No.16798893

god Hegel is so based, If you haven't penetrated him yet you are sub-human

>> No.16798942
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>> No.16799802
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Hegel is really fucking funny, I always laugh when reading him, it just so happens that normies like you never get the joke

>> No.16799883

Epictetus is fun.

>> No.16799912

this isn't funny. Stop posting this. This is not a joke, it's an example of how truth can be subjective to time. The only slightly humorous part is the use of 'stale'.

>> No.16799961

It's kinda funny with how his proof against the now goes.

>> No.16800005

dude I know is not a joke but he called it an "experiment" and he had to point out that a truth does not lose value by being written down AND he used a semicolon before pointing that like BRUH

>> No.16800015

Kierkegaard is undeniably fun to read

>> No.16800051

Me. Talk to me. I am a very interesting "philosopher" and have actually lived a life of extremes, not just talked about it.

>> No.16800100

Nietzsche. He writes better german prose than most german novelists. Lucretius. Montaigne if he counts.

>> No.16800116


Just read Enchiridion yesterday (it’s super short). Epictetus is so lucid and doesn’t over pontificate and take forever to get to his point. I really enjoyed reading it

>> No.16800118

Any philosopher at all is 'fun to read' if you 'know what you're reading'; if you do not 'know what you're reading' then inevitably that philosopher will seem 'dry and boring'. That's the sum of it. Make an effort to understand what you're reading or just read Ernest Hemingway.

>> No.16800185

Nick is the last of the philosophers. he completed the system stupid life haters

>> No.16800205

Agamben's early philosophy is really fun to read

>> No.16800560

Wow just hilarious

>> No.16801910

>no dude, this is like Hegel's direct insight into being right here, its not fucking funny, can't you see, THE PAPER SAYS NIGHT BUT ITS NOON! DO YOU NOT SEE THE CONTRADICTIONS!?

>> No.16801971

no, he is another humanities drivel-mongrel, like Derrida, Deleuze, Lacan et al. Philosophy died in 1945, cope with it

>> No.16802019

Dry and boring is a pseud-filter. You're reading it as a response to questions about your metaphysics.

>> No.16802058
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If you actually like philosophy they are all fun to read.

>> No.16802082

this is simply not true

>> No.16802088

knowledge is not supposed to amuse you. stfu

>> No.16802092

Wittgenstein is fun to read.

>> No.16802166


>> No.16802170

Very true!

>> No.16802184

People's definition of fun varies, dumb zoomerboy. Not everyone's idea of fun is fortnite. For some, it's another word for intellectually stimulating.

>> No.16802211

Your best friend died when you were a kid and then your house caught fire and you were forced to live with a different parent who then went through a foreclosure so you were homeless for a spell before having to drop out of school to work a full time job to keep roof over head and never socialized with people for 20 years after that? Based

>> No.16802221

My idea of fun is doing nothing, this website isn’t fun as much as it serves as distraction and procrastination

>> No.16802228


>> No.16802299

It's true, it's simply true

>> No.16802301

And then the people you did connect with after all those years either got dishonorably discharged (drugs) despite multiple tours, or they killed themselves (rip A.N.)

Least I’m living comfy now

>> No.16802323

There's plenty of fun philosophers to read. The only certain thing is that Aristotle is boring as fuck.

>> No.16802348

Presocratics, Plato, Augustine, de Montaigne, Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Carlyle, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, (unironically) Heidegger.

>> No.16802352

that’s retarded. some philosophers are horrible writers and reading them sucks, even if thinking about their ideas is fun. you are a posturing faggot and, what’s worse, an anime poster

>> No.16802356

His Poetics is extraordinarily fun though.

>> No.16802425

Nietzsche can be fun. Marx can be pretty sarcastic, even ironic sometimes, even in Capital. Zizek obvious, since he’s always talking about moves and like, the best way to 69 a chick or whatever. I find Foucault a pretty engaging writer.

If you are okay not understanding anything you are reading then Deleuze’s work with Guatarri can be fun. It’s really just like riding the flow like it was a heavily surreal novel or something. Just take in the images etc.

As far as philosophers who are readable, even if they aren’t ‘fun’, Descartes, Plato, Schopenhauer, all pretty transparent and accessible writers.

>> No.16803717

This kills the pseud

>> No.16803894

plato's dialogues are based

>> No.16803984
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A philosopher that is both interesting and fun to read is always completely incapable of making a coherent system to articulate their thoughts. I cannot think of any exceptions to this rule.

>> No.16804004
File: 204 KB, 916x960, CCF8589D-2021-45C9-88EC-3B428E70F8E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche is the only one im afraid, maybe Kierkegaard too. The rest of the so-called “philosophers” I find dull and boring at best, I think only pseuds really enjoy that sort of thing. Perhaps they have delusions of grandeur and view philosophers as the holy prophets of Logic or whatever.

>> No.16804021

any coherent system is likely 100% bullshit when approaching the questions of philosophy

>> No.16804114
File: 250 KB, 900x1353, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow, Zarathustra, you can articulate your philosophy in the form of a parable and keep it sub 300 pages?
Once again based Nietzsche makes all other philosophers look like total jabronis.

>> No.16805395

Hobbes is fun, I mean just saying hobbes is really cool. Just 2 syllables.
Hobbsian, leviathan, Thomas hobbes and so on.

I should get onto reading his treatise on the state of nature and the social contract though.

>> No.16805435

If you dont find philosophy fun it's probable you are just reading it because of its literary status; at that point you need to reassess what you are doing with your free time.

>> No.16805439

Herr Schopenhauer

>> No.16805472

thus spoke kinda sucks to read honestly

>> No.16805482

Wittgenstein reads like music, Nietzsche like poetry, and people like Nelson Goodman just write well. It all depends on what you find fun, though.

>> No.16805522

Based and redpilled
Good taste

>> No.16805527


>> No.16806789


>> No.16806845

Bergson is /lit/

>> No.16806974

Seconded. Everyone stole from Bergson and no one admitted it. He's probably one of the most underrated philosophers of the 20th century, maybe the most underrated one.