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16796598 No.16796598 [Reply] [Original]

>Start reading a book (which I actually really like)
>Stop reading every like 10 or 5 minutes to check twitter/4chan for like 20 minutes or more
how do I stop doing this? "delete twitter" isn't a option because I'm a artist

>> No.16796607

Go out of your room, away from your computer. Also take more walks.

>> No.16796632

>Go out of your room
Nothing to do except be a bother to my family or be bothered by my family
>Also take more walks.

>> No.16796648

don't read in the same room as your computer or set a timer for 15 minutes and read for that 15 minutes, then check twitter/4chan. Repeat, gradually increasing the time. Your problem probably is either lack of attention span (which can be repaired by above) or FOMO, which can be negated by realizing that 95% of what you see on the internet is the mental equivalent of smoking

>> No.16796662

>Nothing to do except be a bother to my family or be bothered by my family
Based and Zoomer-pilled. Do you have a backyard or front porch to go out on then?
You'll be fine. This is fearmongering at it's finest. Just wear a mask and avoid people if you're worried.

>> No.16796683

>don't read in the same room as your computer
I like to read before sleeping because the night is quieter and also I don't like to leave my room
>set a timer for 15 minutes and read for that 15 minutes, then check twitter/4chan. Repeat, gradually increasing the
I'll try that thanks
>Based and Zoomer-pilled. Do you have a backyard or front porch to go out on then?
Yeah but I don't really wanna go there at night which is the time of the day where I have the most free-time to read
>You'll be fine. This is fearmongering at it's finest. Just wear a mask and avoid people if you're worried.
I guess you're right

>> No.16796716

Practice meditation, your brain is always making random retarded thoughts and you're succumbing to them. Meditating will allow you to practice ignoring those thoughts and keep your focus on the book (or anything else). Meditating is a literal cheat code to life

>> No.16796740

I've been thinking about starting meditating for a long time, if that will help then I'll start doing it

>> No.16796754

it works anon, I was the same as you but after a week or two I could read for multiple hours a day. I still break it into chunks of 45-90 minutes, depending on the book, but that's just general fatigue

>> No.16796785

Put your phone in a very inconvenient spot. If at PC log off everything, or if you dont listen to music while reading, turn off the whole thing

>> No.16796791
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When you are reading, try to minimize distractions and potential distractions. Impulse and temptation are powerful forces, and it is commonly thought that one simply needs will away temptations when they arise. But in truth, it is the fool who matches wits between his willpower and his impulse; the wise man fights his impulses before they have influence on his mind. The enemy of impulse is foresight, as you can prepare for future temptations and avoid them, without ever being under their sway. No doubt a stern constitution and an iron will helps, but we aren't all so blessed. The prudent man stacks the deck in his favour so that when his mettle is tested, he always comes out on top.
If possible, put your phone in another room our out of reach in the same room. If you cant do that, put it out of your sight or in your pockets. The goal is to set a scenario where indulging in temptations are more costly than any potential benefit. Sloth here is your friend. Do something similar with other distractions.
While reading, hold in the back of your mind a conscious will not to be distracted. If you're reading and you find yourself drifting, consciously stop yourself and return to reading. If you need to get up and do something, hold in your mind that you will do that one thing then return to reading. It is easy to let one thing become another and so on, and let time escapes in an orderly procession of small distractions. You must always be on guard. Something like playing lyricless music can also help keep you from getting distracted/bored (as long as the music itself isn't too distracting).
Finally, if you're feeling bored while reading, it may just be that you aren't interested in what you're reading about. Try to find where your interests lie and don't force something that doesn't want to happen. I can tell you that when you find something you're genuinely interested in, you will need no external motivation to read it—it will be as if you were struck by lightning and compelled to read.
Discipline is simply the prudent application of effective habits and heuristics. You can be either a slave to your mind or it's master, but you are not destined to be one or the other—which one you become is your choice.

>> No.16796811

turn off the wi-fi on all of your devices and put them somewhere far away

>> No.16796850

Thank you that will help

>> No.16796968


>> No.16797402

No. read it.

>> No.16797795

good advice

>> No.16797822

I meditate myself but I never get how people can recommend meditation in general when it's practice differs so much. Like Christians, Orthodox and Catholics especially meditate, Buddhists and Taoists too but they have different interpetations of it and that's not even touching upon their different sects, you have Zen which is another matter entirely, there's a school of Zen that plays the flute and walks with a basket on their head as a way of meditation, Sikhs meditate and the list goes on.
Even if you just mean sitting down you have different positions and approaches to your thoughts that range from breaking your pelvis and achieving crystal clear mental clarity with focus being the key, to just sitting down and achieving blankness, perceiving nothing or perceiving one thing and whatnot.
Telling someone who has never done it before to just meditate isn't as specific as it should be.

>> No.16797840

Stop being an artist and stop communicating with others. Seriously though the only way to stop doing dumb things is to stop doing them, any strategy you concoct will just be that in different words

>> No.16797982

set phone to airplane mode and shut your router

>> No.16797994

Man just sit and focus on your breathing, who even cares about religious stuff

>> No.16798738

this but unironically, religion is a meme

>> No.16798781

The amount of coping here is Biblical. Literally just clear your mind, and when you notice yourself having a thought again, consciously cut it short and go back to focusing on, let's say, the blackness of your inner eyelids. You're practicing focus, not yoga postures to move pyramids in 10 easy steps.

>> No.16798995

>doesn't like to leave room
>is an artist
>needs twitter
You draw furry porn don't you

>> No.16800516


>> No.16800541
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Do what I do:
>Turn phone OFF
>Put it in a drawer
>Turn PC OFF
>Read your book in a different room from both your phone and PC (unless you can't do this, in which case you should just read on your bed instead of your desk)
>Read a chapter or whatever amount you want to get done (I personally live by daily reading quotas)
>Put book away, guilt-free phone and PC time
>Repeat later in the day if you want

>> No.16800553

Can you not figure this out on your own?

>> No.16800580

Turn your phone off, put it somewhere far away.

>> No.16800616

You aren’t supposed to consciously shut out thought, because that requires focus. You’re supposed to learn how to let thoughts drift in and out of your mind without taking your focus away. That is the strength of meditating.

>> No.16800648

Just read. Don't read if you don't want to. I honestly don't know why people would force themselves to read, like it would make the experience better. You either take it or leave it. Forcing yourself to read is not enjoyable.

>> No.16801845

No harm in asking for advice

>> No.16801854

delete twitter
>I'm a artist
no you aren't

>> No.16802056

If it's that tough for you, just go and read outside and leave your phone at home. Even just sitting down on a balcony while your phone is far away in your room means you now have to go out of your way to get distracted.

>> No.16802148

For how long do you usually meditate? Will thirty minutes suffice?

>> No.16802185

I force myself to meditate for like 15 minutes before reading near pc/phone/tv. Makes it much easier to ignore them and focus on the book.

>> No.16802603

I have the opposite problem. Once a book hooks me I don't stop reading it until it's done, only stopping to eat and screwing up my sleep schedule.

>> No.16802648

You're a tranny is what you are

>> No.16802671

Just do any one of these, desu.
You can even stare at a candle like the candle anon. But do one of them.

>> No.16802690
File: 58 KB, 598x711, 55BF413A-7D46-4E65-B54D-8119628430DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete Twitter idiot

>> No.16802695

Autism. Here’s how you meditate:
>set a timer for a few minutes to start
>sit in a comfortable chair or on the floor
>put your hands in a comfortable position
>close your eyes
>focus on your breathing
>don’t chase or shut out thoughts, recognize them and refocus on breathing
There you go. I don’t know how anyone could fuck this up. Do it for 2 minutes to start then work your way up to however long you want. Do it in the morning and at night.

>> No.16803210

>Nothing to do except be a bother to my family or be bothered by my family
regarding the former: you're reading a book, what are you going to do to bother them? the latter, not so sure

>> No.16803233
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There are a few things that will help. One, you need to have a comfy place to read. Two, you need to physically pull yourself away from distractions. The hardest part of doing something good for you is always getting started.

>> No.16803586

>Start reading a book
>Stop reading every like 10 or 5 minutes to walk around in a circle talking to myself and daydreaming for 2-3 hours

>> No.16803646
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I know that feel too well
and don't forget the starring at the floor part

>> No.16805013


>> No.16805060

read a book about self control, idiot

>> No.16805105

Do you faggot fantasize about being in the book or something?

>> No.16805173

i fantasize about my internet friends

>> No.16805176

Glad to know I'm in your daydreams

>> No.16805185

step 1 turn your phone off
step 2 throw it onto the highway

same instructions for your computer gives you the same issues.

>> No.16805287

Why is deleting Twitter not an option? That’s like saying “how can I stop coughing up tar? Quitting smoking is not an option”

>> No.16806350

>Based and Zoomer-pilled.
Why do all of you type like this these days? I feel stupider the more I come here.

>> No.16806366

this but with committing horrible acts of violence to my internet enemies i haven't talked to in years

>> No.16806999

memespouting is easier than formulating your own thoughts in your own words

>> No.16807049

>memespouting is easier than formulating your own thoughts in your own words
Wrong. I type like that because the only alternative way to type such things is just as simple, and it just so happens I prefer the former style. Instead of "based and zoomer-pilled," what was that anon supposed to type? "Haha, you're young. Very cool!"?

>> No.16807150

yes, I imagine what I would say if I were one of the characters but then it goes off-topic and I start fantasising about random things

>> No.16807191

>"delete twitter" isn't a option because I'm a artist
Being an artist is precisely the best reason to delete twitter

>> No.16807807

Reading is not for you. Try something else

>t. chad who reads continuously for 8-9 hours

>> No.16808185

Dumb self-inserter