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16795778 No.16795778 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on medieval cosmology/cosmologies. What did people think the universe was like? What should I read about this topic?

>> No.16795783

Just eat some magic mushrooms and write what you think, that is what they did

>> No.16795791

Are you a flat earther, or a gnostic?

>> No.16795794

Neither, I just thought the picture looked really purty.

>> No.16795808

Bruno believed in aliens

>> No.16795819

Astrology and Christ

>> No.16795834

It is a cool picture.

Here's something for you it's a pdf:

>> No.16795842

The physics and meterology of aristotle

>> No.16795845

Brian Copenhaver has two books that might interest you.
From his response to a recent email enquiry from me:
"The Book of Magicis a collection of many short texts written long ago by many people, translated by me and with short comments by me. Magic in Western Culture, written by me, is an analysis of the development of magic in Western culture. Both books cover roughly the same period of time; neither repeats the other."

>> No.16795876

He sounds like he's well up his own arse.

>> No.16795892

As your head is yours.

>> No.16795904

Nah, I just farted not a few minutes ago and can't smell it although that could mean I have the plague.

>> No.16795916

I bet it's like the guy in OP's pic in there. Unfathomable, eldritch galaxies where no man dares to tread.

>> No.16795999

sounds cool

>> No.16796015
File: 33 KB, 774x576, Mr._Slave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the South Park vidya, The Stick of Truth, you get to go up picrels arse.

>> No.16796033

Microcosms and macrocosms my man.

>> No.16796446 [DELETED] 

Copenhaver's Magic in Western Culture is on b-ok.cc. Maybe check it out before investing (if you prefer physical books, as I do). I can't find the other online.

>> No.16796455

This gave me a hearty kek, even though the medievals knew more about geography and the nature of the world than most people give them credit for today.

>> No.16796961

St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, Calcidius' translation and commentary of the Timaeus, and anything by Boethius