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/lit/ - Literature

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16795275 No.16795275 [Reply] [Original]

i only read about ww2 weapons and vehicles

>> No.16795306
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I only write smut

>> No.16795320
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I only read religious texts and a little philosophy

>> No.16795504

What do you think of the BAR rifle?

>> No.16795508

Don't let /lit/ meme you into reading things you don't like anon

>> No.16795523

piece of shit

>> No.16795658


>> No.16795669

made by retarded amerimutts who thought 20 round box mags would make for a huge volume of fire. And no the bar isn't an assault rifle. It's an lmg so it has no excuse why it shouldn't have had more.

>> No.16795672
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>> No.16795676

what is your favourite fighter plon and why is it the hurricane mkii

>> No.16795678

Same, Butterfly.

>> No.16795679

actually fw190d

>> No.16796735

Any good reccomendations?

>> No.16796743

it is surprisingly easy to branch from vehicles/weapons to battles to history to political philosophy to philosophy, which excluding the vehicles/weapons phase is what I did

>> No.16796746

favorite vehicle?

>> No.16796751

you kidding? It was highly sought-after in the Pacific (Helmet for My Pillow, With the Old Breed).

>> No.16796848

me too nigga. at least lately.

What's your favorite? I got into it all via watching Band of Brothers > William Shirer > all things Eastern Front related. I could teach an extemporaneous university course on the history, tactics and strategy of the Eastern Front without any further preparation.

>> No.16796865


>> No.16796897

>favorite vehicle?
Not OP, but Stug III.

I often fantasize what might have been if the infantry had panzerfausts and Stg 44's widely available in summer 1941.

>> No.16796905

>Any good reccomendations?
Guy Sajer Forgotten Warrior.

There's debate on whether or not the guy's a fraud; I've read the argument pro and con and believe he's legit.

>> No.16796974

Yeah you have no idea what you’re talking about. It wasn’t a replacement for the air cooled LMGs.
The biggest problem with the BAR was the sheer weight of the thing plus the ammo.
I’m sorry you got pwned in COD though

>> No.16797219

What is your favorite WW2 vehicle?

>> No.16797461
File: 179 KB, 627x1025, 71u+FuyP6oL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good book. It's not so much about the technical aspects but his experiences in the war.

>> No.16797465

were German tanks better than British ones?

>> No.16797491

I pretty much did that in reverse order. Now I have accepted my ultimate fate as a warship autist

>> No.16797497

British tanks were pretty bad so yeah

>> No.16797544


>> No.16797656

Same, but instead of reading history, it's through playing azur lane

>> No.16797758
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i have every single book in this series. There's supposed to be one on italian planes but (((amazon))) keeps telling people it came out in september but it actually doesn't exist. Incredibly irritating since the series encompasses american/british/japanese/soviet/french planes.

>> No.16797763
File: 563 KB, 2214x1380, natter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m sorry you got pwned in COD though
bar sucks in world at war.

pic related

>> No.16797769

Soviet SVT?

>> No.16797897

heh, based on your question I think you don't know any details of ww2 (which is fine).

1941 was the invasion of Russia. Germans came close to pulling it off. Russians had FAR more tanks than Germany (they didn't know this), but most of them were shitty. However, so were the German tanks by late ww2 standards. The best they had in '41 were Panzers III and IV. Russia however had some of their famous T-34's and some heavy Stalin tanks. The T-34's were largely invulnerable to German tanks and anti-tank guns except the 88 artillery (which was an anti-aircraft gun).

This is an exaggeration (a Panzer III or IV could take out a T-34 at close range or from the flank or rear). But the gist is correct. What saved the Germans was how utterly disorganized Russia was in '41 because in classic Marxist fashion, Stalin had killed literally 80% of his army officers in 38 and 39, and they used their tanks in retarded, piecemeal fashion.

>> No.16797906

wtf kind of a question is this