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File: 136 KB, 1055x1080, Screenshot_20201114_193822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16792888 No.16792888 [Reply] [Original]

From those who've read it what do you think?

Also post your favourite proses from it

>> No.16792897
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>> No.16792901

Fuck, he's a hideous potato. Are the chinks the ugliest of Asians?

>> No.16792906


>> No.16792964
File: 147 KB, 800x1224, 301F47F7-A8D2-47DC-9F8A-E9A8267FD789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mr. Morton was who I'd consider as a fond mentor of an older age.

>Once, at the corner Café's desk, he offered me a glimpse into his notebook full of remarka written with the utmost eloquence, as I soon have grown ashamed of my own scattered scribbles atop the ink-stained desk.

>I knew at that instance under the incessant typing noise: writing shall be my craft, a craft that have not left me since.

>"Indeed. His elegeance simply cannot be denied. When one submits to
Mozart, all are absolved from moods bizarre."
>"Wow, Arthur, it rhymed!"

>> No.16792972

Someone posted a video from his yesterday. The way he speaks is really grating, and his mannerisms are annoying. I felt an overwhelming urge to right hook him.

>> No.16792974
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I am, yet not done, the requisite works to truly appreciate the delicate proses of The Learned Disguise

>> No.16792977

I want to raw dog this little oriental like his ancestors raw dog dogs, dog

CHINKYYYYY HERE CHINKY CHINKY I want chiny bussy breed breed breed I'm gonna fucking knock up your bussy you little pseud fuck I'm gonna Bury Your Face In Some Real Literature while I hit it from behind you little chinky rinky dinky I wanna crawl inside your asshole and wear you like a suit :)

>> No.16792985
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 16BF5A86-9D9D-4EF9-99E2-9BEA239683FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self-professed Renaissance man
>self-professed polymath
>self-professed master of proses
What else can Waldun add to his resumé?

>> No.16792986


>"Indeed. His elegeance simply cannot be denied. When one submits to Mozart, all are absolved from moods bizarre."
>"Wow, Arthur, it rhymed!"

This is my favourite. Firstly moods bizarre is such a disaster because it sounds so unrealistic and forced. Secondly because it doesn't even fucking rhyme

>> No.16793001


>> No.16793052

GOD! I want to fuck Waldun in his little sissy ass. I can't wait for his transition.
I'm almost done with the chart, I already want to read this masterpiece. But I do believe that there's a meriad of influences one would not be able to detect.

>> No.16793060

Get the fuck outta here, Waldindu.

>> No.16793088

>Crunch crunch! There went the hunch!
>Dig dig! There I saw the the golden nib!
I am not the author of this vocaroo: https://vocaroo.com/1fH9JgXbEgdF.. Just listen to the first 30 seconds to hear the quote.

>> No.16793146

What program was used to make this chart?

>> No.16793152


>> No.16793161


>> No.16793183

I imagine that RC Waldun is a performance artist, and he's satirizing western literature

>> No.16793201

Honestly it isn’t the worse thing ever. At least the kid tried to actually do some decent prose and aesthetic flair.he’s just really bad at dialogue and portraying engaging natural characters. The whisky sipping stream of consciousness bit was pretty ambitious to do and he pulled it off relatively well. Here’s some of my favorite scenes so far

(Mr Morton& Jamie Joyce kino) https://voca.ro/1j1lR75ZIVN6


>> No.16793216

Caps of the whiskey drinking bit?

>> No.16793239

>The whisky sipping stream of consciousness bit was pretty ambitious to do and he pulled it off relatively well
No he didn't. It was awful.

>> No.16793241

He won't post it because it's actually garbage. If he did he would be revealed as a philistine. Can't have evidence around to be used against his bald-faced lie!

>> No.16793251
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Here you go

>> No.16793280

It's awful. I don't see why you would ever try to defend this.

>> No.16793282

His so pretentious and full of himself and his prose is so bad. He is what every self aware aspiring writer is terrified of being

>> No.16793297

Thanks my man

>> No.16793305
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>> No.16793318
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Like I said he’s not Jamie Joyce reborn or anything but at least someone from the zoomer generation is actually trying

>> No.16793379

>drinks one ounce of whiskey
>falls on the floor
>drinks another ounce of whiskey
>gets so drunk off two ounces of whiskey his friend is visibly concerned
>falls down in the street, again
So bad. So unrealistic. Not to mention this is awful stream of consciousness because it's way too goddamn choppy. To many periods. Needs to be smoothed out. He also gets into this autsitic mode before he even has a shot. Just awful writing overall. It doesn't fit with the style before either. Supposedly he goes into this style because Arthur gets drunk, but again, this happens before Arthur has had one sip. In addition he gets drunk after two ounces of whiskey. It's just so bad.

>> No.16793448

>a lone pigeon walked the streets.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16793459

It's insane that no one has picked up on what Waldun is doing here. I'm not going to spell it out for you, but here are the keys to a deeper understanding:
>Hegel's Philosophy of Right
>The French pronunciation of "Mozart"
>Postpositive adjectives in English nursery rhymes
>1 Corinthians 11-12

>> No.16793507

God damn what the fuck is this. The prose is completely all-over the place

>> No.16793634

Funny, I couldn’t stop thinking about drilling his cute little asshole.

>> No.16793689

You can add a poet who sees the true nature of the universe

>> No.16793692

>Laughter, soon came forth.
These proses are exquisite.

>> No.16793701

Don't Asians lack the gene that allows them to digest and break down alcohol, and therefore they get completely drunk on a half can of beer

>> No.16793722

had the exact same thought

>> No.16793723

A genius admires simplicity, while an idiot idolizes complexity.

>> No.16793724

Waldun we all know that thumb is yours. Why are you so intent on defending yourself here? It’s bad, stop.

>> No.16793734

This guy would spend all three of his magic lamp wishes to become white.

>> No.16793739

It's sad how true that is

>> No.16793748

>the waiter, too, regarded me with a faint smile

jesus christ man. wtf are those commas doing there

>> No.16793758

Rice Cuck what is the matter with you? First you vocaroo yourself reading this stuff and now you're posting excerpts. Do you realize you're contributing to your own pile-on?

>> No.16793766

>cigarette buds

>> No.16793769

Considering this is written by an asian dweeb, that's a pretty accurate depiction of how probably reacts to alcohol. Probably the same soft sort that vomits from their first cigarette drag.

>> No.16793778

Indeed. The simplicity of that unnecessary comma is brilliant.

>> No.16793779

That's what happens when you won't leave your apartment and decide to write.

>> No.16793783

It's hilarious that Rice Cuck considers Hemingway an influence and then fills up his book with this turgid crap.

>> No.16793799

Yeah, if the Learned Disguise is a lesson to anyone it's don't fucking write a book at 20 years old. Life experience is critical. I doubt Walden has ever even had a job.

>> No.16793802
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Why the fuck is he so annoying?

>> No.16793826

Knew an Indonesian who would get red in the face after smelling a Budweiser, can confirm.

>> No.16793831
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It's real. Was he trying to be poetic, or does he think the words is buds instead of butts? But if he truly meant buds, what was he trying to convey?

>> No.16793837

It's a real thing, anecdotes aren't necessary


>> No.16793847

Considering the book is riddles with typos, even of the names of famous authors, we can chalk it up to an oversight. Really though, did no one proofread this fucking thing at all? How did this make it to print?

>> No.16793864


>> No.16793870
File: 1.46 MB, 730x410, waldun_hally_potter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaii RC 1/2

>> No.16793881

Waldun himself proofread it FIVE times. He also paid some rando off of fiverr to edit it.
On his current novel he is getting swindled by a "professional team of editors". Feel bad for the dude. He claims to have found his editors because they will edit a sample of your writing for free. So of course after seeing his sample they immediately wrote him back saying he is a talented writer. Waldun fell for the snake-oil pitch and has been paying them weekly ever since. Wouldn't be surprised if his novel ends up in "development hell" on the advice of his "professional editors".

>> No.16793884
File: 2.86 MB, 394x524, waldun_gymnastics.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16793894

He looks shredded

>> No.16793899

I almost feel bad for the guy. Almost. He's still made it farther than 99% of us ever will. He's a laughingstock but he has an audience. We lap it up.

>> No.16793906


>> No.16793927

Self publishing a horrible book on amazon is not getting far at all

>> No.16793929
File: 2.65 MB, 720x404, asian_bill_nye.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could've been the fun, goofy, pop science teacher, but he gave it all up to be a self-proclaimed literary professor. Sad!

>> No.16793935

didn't know he was such a manlet. he looks like a child.

>> No.16793942
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>> No.16793946
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>He's still made it farther than 99% of us ever will.

>> No.16793948

You're missing the big picture. He's got 120k youtube subscribers and other social media. That's where the money is now. It's not like the old days where you publish a book the good old fashioned way and you hope for the best. Building your brand through the internet is exactly how you're supposed to do it now.

>> No.16793956

Couldn't get through this webm. Look at how fidgety this cunt is.

>> No.16793961

So this is a zoomer pleb's idea of success? No wonder you guys suck at writing and art.

>> No.16793968
File: 268 KB, 1212x1000, waldun_friendzoned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16793976

why are extroverted asians so fucking annoying, guys? I'm starting to understand racists...

>> No.16793977

>build your brand
Jesus fucking christ i hate you and i hate capitalism. Art for art’s sake not for fame’s sake

>> No.16793978
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>> No.16793993

We're talking about getting books published. The only reason you would do that is because you want an audience. It's inherently selfish and not art for art's sake. Art for art's sake is stuff you never show anyone.

>> No.16793997
File: 2.89 MB, 720x404, learned_disguise.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transformation into humanities professor, just like my animes

>> No.16793999
File: 90 KB, 1264x792, rc waldun cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16794001

>well, library is my home
>another conundrum logic could not grapple
>no words, no proses, nor any poems, could describe the inner sorrow
>after days mediating between the borders of insanity and delirium
>the courtship
>another failed case in my repertoire
>I ordered a feathered quill

You can't make this shit up. How can you read this and not feel ashamed? Does he lack common sense?

>> No.16794005

>we're talking about getting books published*
*Self-published. Any one can do it. All you need is a word document and an Amazon account.

>> No.16794007
File: 2.87 MB, 720x404, infinite_jest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which author is your idol? I like Davie Faster Wallace

>> No.16794015

What's the point of publishing a book that's beyond utter shit? It's contradictory to his muh well-read and literary persona.

>> No.16794018

You publish to publish, not to get known.

>> No.16794020
File: 2.83 MB, 720x404, gravitys_rainbow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, Tom Pynchon, old boy

>> No.16794023

He objectively seems to have a pretty good life at the moment

>> No.16794025

It's a perfectly logical way to do it these days. The internet affected just about every other artform so why shouldn't it affect books? Especially in a medium where the author has always been a brand and printed in larger font than the title on the cover.

Waldun's problem was his book is dogshit. That's the only way he went wrong. In terms of marketing the guy is very astute for a 20 year old. If he can improve and hopefully not write another book until he gets some real life experience, and keep growing those youtube subscribers, he can make a comeback.

>> No.16794030

Not like he earned it. He's a trust fund kid, that's why he can write and make youtube videos for a living. That clearly reflects on his writing.

>> No.16794031
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I also branch out into sci fi writer Ray Bradbery

>> No.16794037
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>Brown drink? Drink the Brown.

>> No.16794043

Yeah but he produces a lot of salt

>> No.16794044
File: 2.90 MB, 720x404, proust.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonjour, oui oui, Herr Marcel

>> No.16794046

>Waldun's problem was his book is dogshit.
Yea, a teeny tiny problem, no big deal.

>> No.16794049

evidence he's a trust fund baby?

>> No.16794052

How bad is your life, really?

>> No.16794058

>If he can improve and hopefully not write another book until he gets some real life experience, and keep growing those youtube subscribers, he can make a comeback.
He's releasing another mess in Jan 2021.

>> No.16794066

Massive cope. Self-publishing is bad. The only advertisement you get is what you can do to advertise it personally. No one will professionally review your book. No one will write an article about it. It will never appear in a journal or literary review. It will never be physically stocked in any bookstore. You rely solely on your twitter clout to sell your book to your followers. Literally no one will care about your book. It will be forgotten as soon as something more interesting grabs your followers attention, such as the latest TikTok dance craze or twitter feud. Cope some more retard. You're probably Waldun himself and think that self-publishing is acceptable. Want to know why your manuscript L'Academie got rejected by every publisher? It's because you self-publish. Enjoy never making it as a writer and being forgotten after 1 month.

>> No.16794068

It could be better, I'm glad that Waldun seems happy though

>> No.16794071

Developing an audience is by far the hardest part and he's already done that. Literally all he has to do is write 1 good book and he's a legit author, and his youtube count quintuples, and he writes a better one and it's NYT bestseller.

Now, the guy is a hack so that's a big if, but he's 20 and we humbled the fuck out of him so I think he will improve. I'm starting to sound like sort of a fag, like I'm rooting for him or something.

>> No.16794075

In one of his videos on the flâneur or how to dress like a rogue/dark academic he said his pocket change as a high schooler was more than enough to purchase a bespoke suit.

>> No.16794077

I think I first need to read some Ger ter to truly appreciate it.

>> No.16794091

Name one self-published book that got reviewed by the NYT, or any respectable reviewer for a newspaper/magazine, and is not authored by someone who was already famous. Go on, I'll wait.

>> No.16794100

>he’s just really bad at dialogue and portraying engaging natural characters
Thats the most important part though. If nobody cares about your characters, who is going to want to read a book about them.

>> No.16794102

You're having a completely different argument about "legitimacy" that has no relevance to Rice Cuck's ability to make a living writing fiction.

>> No.16794118

Being a good writer=/=Selling books. And yes, that's a BIG 'if' you're saying. I've read juvenilia by mediocre writers, some even younger than this faggot at that point, and no one is THIS bad. Like, holy shit, we have laughed a lot but it really is fucking terrible.

>> No.16794125

I hope Robin does make it to the Jew York Times review. It would be a great comeback story for femboy Asian manlet

>> No.16794127

Doesn't matter how good your book is if no one knows it exists.

>> No.16794134

Yes it does. Because it will never be advertised or sold anywhere except his YouTube channel. And not everyone who watches him will read it. I don't think many of his subscribers knew he wrote a first novel. I don't many of his subscribers bought it. If they did, they probably would unsubscribe and they definitely wouldn't buy his next book. He has no legitimacy as an author. Without a publisher no is able to give him any authority as a writer. His books have no way of reaching a broader public. He will be insular and only read by his sycophantic fangirls. He is a failure as a writer. Self-publishing is a massive cope. The only reason you do it is because you can't get published legitimately. The "more financial freedom" argument is a cope. Because at that point you have to spend your own money on advertising and product placement. Good luck with that. All that money you saved by "self-publishing" you just spent on advertising.
Go back to Hong Kong gong suck on my long schlong wonton wonton.

>> No.16794136

The argument is whether or not he will become a good writer like the people he falsely admires, not making a living.

>> No.16794138

The people who get off on seeing someone fail are real fags. It's a sort of vampirism that has been a long time staple of 4chan culture to want to see random people fall and suffer.

>> No.16794147

> He will be insular and only read by his sycophantic fangirls
is that really so bad?

>> No.16794155

>Self-publishing is a massive cope
You keep saying this. Do you remember how Arctic Monkeys got their start? MySpace. The internet is the future of everything whether you like it or not.

He *could* become a good writer. Us humbling him down to the core of the Earth will help him a lot. We'll have to see what his next shitheap looks like, but I really think he's too young to write anything resembling a landmark piece of fiction to him. He should only spend the next decade growing his social media profile, improving as a writer, and releasing short fiction.

>> No.16794158

He works at a book store

>> No.16794175

He applied for the job for the aesthetic, not because he needed the money. Or maybe Mommy and Daddy were ashamed that son wouldn't become doctor and cut him off from the trust fund

>> No.16794176

It does matter. That's why you publish in actual publishing houses and not this cringe faggot called internet self-publishing. True writers got rejected all time until they made it because at that point it meant they were good enough. Not like zoomers could understand anything but immediate grafitication. If you self-publish your shit using your e-celeb fame, no one will care in a couple years.

>> No.16794180

Arctic Monkeys were out in bars and clubs playing too you fucking insolent twat. Also nice analogy across mediums. Name some self-published authors who broke through into the publishing industry and are as well known as the Arctic Monkeys. GO ON I WILL WAIT.

>> No.16794190

Music was being “self published” well before the birth of the internet. Music is completely different

>> No.16794191


>> No.16794195

Again you're missing the big picture. The internet has yet to affect books the way it affected music. But it's coming, and Rice Cucks are going to become a dime a dozen. As far as I'm concerned the only one coping is you.

>> No.16794196

This. Dudes lived way too easy of a life. He's a rich boy that goes to uni and reads all day. He has literally no struggle. What could he possibly even write about

>> No.16794206

Arctic Monkeys had talent, that's why they became known and people liked their stuff. This chink has literally zero talent whatsoever yet he believes he's the second coming of Christ.

>> No.16794212

Suffering doesn't make you creative, it's the exact opposite. The glorification of struggle is why struggle is consistently perpetuated. You want a hard life, that's what you'll get.

>> No.16794217

You're missing the big picture fella. NO ONE TOUCHES SELF-PUBLISHED AUTHORS AND NO ONE EVER WILL. Keep coping. Go ahead and destroy your career and legitimacy as a writer by self-publishing.

>> No.16794218

I agree that this day and age you don't need to be published if you have an Internet persona. But let's be honest this kids never gonna make it. He's flat out bad at writing and seems to be a pretentious rich zoomer, he needs to have a more interesting life than that.

>> No.16794219

>Again you're missing the big picture.
No, you're the one missing the big picture. The internet works for people who have legitimately good content. Getting people to read and buy good fiction is hard. Getting people to read and buy your utter shit fiction is basically a task for the Gods themselves.

>> No.16794229

I wouldn't say he's never going to make it. But I think the chance is very slim. What he has in his favor is he's really young. Like, 20 years old is a fucking baby.

>> No.16794233


>> No.16794246

I bought his fiction

>> No.16794248

Kek you are so wrong. You need some life experience to write. Hemingway, Tolstoy, Dostoyevski, Dickens etc all had hard lives which obviously helped then write their novels. I'll say it's 80% god given talent though

>> No.16794265

Have you read the stuff good writers were publishing at that age? Or even mediocre writers? To be 20 and voluntarily decide to publish that steaming pile of shit novel means he lacks anything resembling a good judgment. He has never been told 'no' in his life.

>> No.16794269

Not everyone develops at the same rate. It's possible is all I'm saying. Very unlikely, but possible.

>> No.16794270

You're a meme like him.

>> No.16794276

>you need to suffer in order to write
>it's also 80% based off of talent
nigger, which is it? stop being a self contradictory fag cunt

>> No.16794281

Those statements do not contradict each other

>> No.16794282

What happened to music? It got infiltrated by Asians? Wat..

>> No.16794292
File: 1.42 MB, 840x839, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They tried

>> No.16794294

If talent is 80% of what's required to write, suffering isn't necessary.

>> No.16794295

Idiot. You're so lost in trying to win the argument you completely misunderstood what that anon said. I'm not even going to explain it to you, or what your fallacy is. Maybe you will be able to figure it out and smarten up.

>> No.16794296

He goes on these threads so it's probably a huge wakeup call. He's sent his books to a team of editors who are editing the book for 4 months. I assume he's just writing the skeleton of his books now and then leaving it to the editors.

The new book will be way better than TLD but only because its pretty much ghostwitten

>> No.16794299

He's saying you need to suffer *and* be born with talent. Christ.

>> No.16794303

take your meds, I mean it

>> No.16794306

They succeeded. Every normie I know is into kpop and jpop and all that "I wish I was white" gook shit.

>> No.16794309

it's pretty common in london. they're always roving the empty streets trying to scrounge a few quid off me.

>> No.16794310

Do people in real life actually like that stuff? I always thought it was more of an internet thing

>> No.16794313

80% doesn't need 20% to work

>> No.16794315

Mary Shelly published Frankenstein at age 20 and she didn't suffer

>> No.16794319
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>> No.16794324

Mate you're talking shit at this point

>> No.16794325

Shove a cactus up your ass you cringe larper

>> No.16794329

Percy was talented enough to write it for her.

>> No.16794332

Nobody listens to kpop, but good korean music does exist

>> No.16794338

Her mother died when she was young and she hated her fathers new wife. Its not much but that will add character

>> No.16794366

How are you failing so hard to understand such a simple concept?

>> No.16794377

being alive in the early 19th century inherently entails more suffering than any faggot in this thread will ever know

>> No.16794384

Redditors thinks it is funny to double down when they get exposed as a retard.

>> No.16794386

I understand that your concept is self contradicting, and I reject it

>> No.16794395

Where do I start with Waldun? Any required prereading?

>> No.16794401

being a 4channer is not better than being a redditor, they're both cringe and I would never let anyone know that I use this site

>> No.16794406


>> No.16794409

Follow Bukowski's advice: Don't try.

>> No.16794413

I've been doing that my entire life, based.

>> No.16794415

no reading required you just need to switch majors three times and learn to mispronounce dostoevsky and reference proust at least three times per minute

>> No.16794420

Because you're a YouTube and that would destroy your audience, Rice Cuck.

>> No.16794427

Never read Proust here. Is he that good? I see his name fucking constantly. In Search of Lost Time is a daunting endeavor though.

>> No.16794430

Or, as Waldun, would write, it.
>Indeed. Doing that, I've been, my entire, live, based.

>> No.16794432

4/10 troll

>> No.16794435

doing d'at*

>> No.16794437

Based: I've been. Try. Why try?

>> No.16794438

Not Waldun, take your meds and dilate

>> No.16794467

No books are daunting. Just read it

>> No.16794468

See >>16792974

>> No.16794485

You already know all the meme words, Rice Cuck. No one will call you by your made-up name btw.

>> No.16794719
File: 74 KB, 800x800, 1601532231001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You already know all the meme words, Rice Cuck. No one will call you by your made-up name btw.

>> No.16794753

It's not that it makes you more creative, but it allows you to see the full spectrum of human emotions and their motives. Like how some could beat you then later tell you they love you. So it's much easier to put pain into words if you have experienced it yourself.

>> No.16794806

I think RC Waldun is a mirror of /lit/, which is why there's such a fascination surrounding him. He's what Americans are to Europeans, namely an unintentional parody reflecting back to reveal the absurdity of this /board/ and all it's pretensions

>> No.16794840

>He's what Americans are to Europeans

>> No.16794847

No use in sitting around and bitching about it. Make your money then you make art for the sake of art. I don't know why dumb shits on here don't understand this. If he wants to make art for the sake of art he doesn't have to publish it, the shit he does publish is so he can make some money and support himself so he can continue to write and make art.

>> No.16794879

Definitely was not the sentiments he was expressing in the videos about The Learned Disguise which he privated, nor any of his other videos.

>> No.16794887

He's working on an second edition with extended dream sequence with Brother Speare

>> No.16794923

Al you angly, Lice Cuck? Gonna cly?

>> No.16794934
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 73064442-C928-41FF-A1C0-E9B81E77CAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y’all are hating to hard. The relationship with Mr.Morton is actually quite good better chemistry then with the female love interests

>> No.16794936
File: 135 KB, 900x545, 1601531545366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day of lice is coming, u all die soon like dog

>> No.16794947

Well what sentiment was he expressing?

>> No.16794954

That is was a beautiful piece of art and the best thing he had ever written.

>> No.16794962
File: 1.03 MB, 1257x2508, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I flipped it for you, mobilefag.

> Oh, Mr. Morton ... How can I ever, thank you?
> No, dear. Don't thank me ... thank Arthur

>> No.16794973

Is it ever made clear what race Arthur, what country he comes from, where the novel takes place, and during what time period?

>> No.16794976

You could say the same about Kafka

>> No.16794982

Why does that even matter?

>> No.16794984


What do you think, lads, has Brother Dun improved since The Learned Disguise?

>> No.16794985

Except Kafka is good.

>> No.16794987

You do know you could do both right? Make something for arts sake and for money. weather his book is a piece of art or not depends on how he wants to look at it. and if it could also make him money on the side then yeah why the hell not.

>> No.16794994

Yeah but that wasn't mentioned in your post

>> No.16794995

Time period? I think modern day? I honestly can’t tell everyone talks like they come from the 20th century. From what I’ve read so far there’s no real reference to technology or country. I do however think it’s crystal clear Arthur forest is supposed to be white based on waldun being a westboo

>> No.16795003

I've seen shitposts with more literary merit than... whatever this is.

>> No.16795006

I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say everyone in the book is white and no chinamen are to be found

>> No.16795015

I'm not the guy asking questions.

>> No.16795027

Isn't his last name Forrester or something? I don't know any chink with that last name. A hapa maybe.

>> No.16795032

All characters are white by default

>> No.16795045
File: 387 KB, 771x579, Screenshot (207).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated to The Learned Disguise but Waldun once had a video up called "Do I have to be an Asian Doctor?" which is now private.


>> No.16795056

I ask because I've seen several passages posted which imply both Arthur and Mr. Morton are not from the country they reside in. I also ask about the time period because everyone talks in stilted affected dialogue. I'm trying to figure out if this is turn of the 20th century or if they are all pompous assholes.

>> No.16795066

Just when I was starting to think, "This is actually coherent". My boy RC drops this nugget

>"They didn’t roster people on so if you're not here I gotta have to do a twelve-hour shift!"

>> No.16795067

Any hints at the tech they use?

>> No.16795076

>I gotta have to do
Is he really ESL or more like ETL?

>> No.16795092

It's dialogue. Maybe that person really speaks that poorly.

>> No.16795100

Right I forgot how many ESL chinks there are in australia

>> No.16795108

I don't think so. He's not talented enough to give his characters a speech deficiency. It's how he would say it.

>> No.16795114

After his blockbuster debut novel, Robin Wu delights us all with his second book, the prequel to a Learned Disguise.

We would find out that Arthur, a Chinese immigrant in Australia, is a 21st century Faust. He toils day and night to become Renaissance man and scholar of white literature, but he despairs that he will never be a master of that culture. One day, White Satan makes a bargain with Arthur: he shall give all that he desires, a white body, genius intellect, mastery in all music, art, and science, an American accent, knowledge of the entire western canon, respect from the great writers and artists, a time portal to 18th century central Europe, and best of all – a white girlfriend. In exchange, Arthur will give up his soul and go to hell in exactly 24 years.

No longer will Australia have the dubious honor of no good writers. The southern hemisphere has produced RC Waldun, the future winner of not one, but ten Novel prizes in Literature.

>> No.16795115

>"I said I've classes and there's someone in the store." She still looked confused and came to the counter, "Hey, I was wondering."

Hey Op, I was wondering.

>> No.16795130
File: 65 KB, 556x604, 1587414706980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TOP KEK, I'll be posting this when his new mess comes out and he makes a video (Jan 2021)

>> No.16795133 [DELETED] 

This guy is a real genius. You might not swallow his writing so well but he could save lit if you will just consume him. But everyone here naturally despises anyone optimistic (especially* gasp* a hapa!) so you could never do it. Your loss.

>> No.16795141

>Novel prizes
Nice touch.
I'd be interested to see if he makes a video about L'Academie. I can't wait to read the Amazon preview!

>> No.16795151

not the other guy but chiming in anyway.
i actually think it is impossible desu
the sheer quantity of bad proses throughout the novel demonstrates a cripplingly cringey lack of self-awareness.
for waldun to get to this stage, even at 20 years old, even as an ESL --like how is he reading Proust and Kant and Joyce but still manages to produce sentences like
>I knew at that instance under the incessant typing noise: writing shall be my craft, a craft that have not left me since.
>that have no left me since.

not to mention all the stupid commas.
it's just plain that this is a phase and not a vocation. guarantee in 5 years he'll be doing self-help video essays on youtube as a main gig. (likely still about dark academia)

as an aside: you gotta wonder what this dudes uni marks look like, if that's his writing level. yikes.

>> No.16795152

The concept of a racial soul is cringe

>> No.16795155

Go to bed, Lobin.

>> No.16795160

Lots of coping in this thread

>> No.16795163

>"Yeah, mate." I looked up the book in the catalog and found where it was. I got the book from the shelf and checked it out for the older gentleman, "That'll be 22.99 plus tip."

>"Thois is Austrailer you fucking g00k I'm not tipping shit. In fact how about I shove my tip up ur ass you little sissy bitch" I gasped, and before I knew it his monster cock was in my mouth...

>> No.16795168

He just need to have his Hemingway eureka moment where he strips away all the bullshit

>> No.16795192

Waldun stans love their idol.

>> No.16795205

This thread is mostly spurging against self-publishing, so /lit/, what is the best way to get published?

>> No.16795209

suck some dick

>> No.16795210

>He just need to have
Go to bed, Lobin.

>> No.16795215

The guy who ranted about self publishes was a schizo, and most of us disagreed with him. His analogy was that Koreans have overtaken the music industry or something weird like that

>> No.16795328

There's decency in self-publishing if the book is actually good but if it's beyond utter shit, then it's evident it was nothing more than a vanity action.

>> No.16795337

If it was good, why didn't a publisher publish it?

>> No.16795340

Would this guy be a better (though still bad) poet? It would at least give him more time to iron things out

>> No.16795352

good point

>> No.16795355

I legit gave it a chance, only knowing that this dude is some famous eceleb
It's garbage, but the middle down, is some weird ranting poem. Gross as hell.

>> No.16795360

Name one self-published author who writes good books. Name one famous self-published author. Name one self-published author who has legitimate reviews. Go on, I will wait.

>> No.16795365

hahaha no no no no
I'm more willing to accept twilight lemon fanfic getting published than this shit.

>> No.16795384
File: 360 KB, 1852x1036, walden_white_family.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now we know what Robin masturbates to: being accepted by a huwite family and marrying their daughter

>> No.16795395

This is just EXHAUSTING to read

>> No.16795407

>Linguistics was amongst her favorite pursuits, for she loves proses elegant and sentences proper.
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.16795419
File: 86 KB, 584x574, walden_poet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh please Rob- I mean, Arthur, please regale us with your rhyming poetry and skillful piano playing

>> No.16795425

>Name one self-published author who writes good books
Davis MJ Aurini

>> No.16795458

This is the most amateurish and childish snobbery that I have ever read. I have never seen anyone trying so hard and failing so bad.

>> No.16795462

nigga it's literally just text, upload it to pastebin, bam, you're published.

>> No.16795525
File: 2.85 MB, 362x716, walden_piano.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robin plays the piano, like his author avatar … Arthur. Fun fact: Robin used to be a science major and Arthur used to be a scientist.

>> No.16795529

Assonance isn't really a rhyme in this case.

It's pretty fun to read his stuff, but i don't understand the sudden interest in him the past two weeks

>> No.16795539

It is a rhyme if you pronounce it moe-zar, like the French do

>> No.16795562

I see, why you'd pronounce his name in french is beyond me, though

>> No.16795572

RC is a Frenchaphile and allegedly can speak French and German


>> No.16795605

Maybe, it's a pretty good format for the metaphysical he seems so fond of

>> No.16795611

>4 months ago
>just finished my third novel
God help us all.

>> No.16795614

I am aware, but it makes no sense to pronounce his name in french if he was austrian.
You either go with english or german

>> No.16795624

she had a still born baby, and was pregnant to a man she hated while she wrote the majority of the book. The still born birth was key to Frankenstein

>> No.16795628

You're him, aren't you? There's always a retarded ESL in these threads.

>> No.16795642

Stop trying so hard

>> No.16795643

Okay, Frenchaphile.

>> No.16795653

the correct term is ouiaboo

>> No.16795656

This kid is going to make BANK off of you retards. The real intellect behind R.C. Waldun was his decision to make the book so bad that people buy it up just to see how terrible it really is.

>> No.16795663

Shut the fuck up waldun

>> No.16795680

>I was only pretending to be retarded
sure, Lobin, sure. No one will buy your shit en masse, if that's what you want. It's not "so bad it's good", it's simply bad.

>> No.16795689

He's 19?
Jesus lit, pick on someone your own age.

>> No.16795692

>22th of May...

>> No.16795701

It's spelled /lit/, Robin

>> No.16795706

He's 20 now, many fags here are his age or around his age.

>> No.16795707

give him a break. He's just a kid and it's his 1rd novel

>> No.16795711

I'm out, this thread has gone to shit

>> No.16795734

this guy badly needs to get some pussy

>> No.16795744

It's not random people tho, he's a booktuber. If anything, this is gatekeeping, and making fun because it's clear he's larping.
For me, personally, is about vengeance against the trend that treats literature as an aesthetic artifact, because it damages the social value of something I deeply love.

>> No.16795750

He could be gay you know. Or would your point still stand?

>> No.16795761

He is gay. i will fuck him

>> No.16795766

He's definitely homosexual.

>> No.16795779

or maybe when someone here comes crowing about their prowess and they're not actually good they shouldn't be treated well for being a foolish braggart

and apparently the kid comes from wealth anyway, so it's unlikely he'll ever have the astute insight an observant author who came from nothing as - but oh does he have all the time in the world to flaunt for attention

>> No.16795804

*a homosexual

>> No.16795837

God, how i fucking loathe you and all you other newshitters trying your hardest to fucking fit in.
Can't wait for the novelty to wear off so you fuck off to another board.

>> No.16795849

both me btw

>> No.16795856

Actually /lit/ is the only board I lurk. But whatever.

>> No.16795865

For now, see you in two months.

>> No.16795888

Nah. Years ago I also lurked on /r9k/, /mu/ and /b/, sometimes /x/. But I grew tired of all that shit.
What boards do you recommend, my fellow Waldun enthusiast?

>> No.16795889

>i am so passionate about literature that i am shitting on some random booktuber
>also, i lack reading comprehension
It writes itself

>> No.16795896

>Years ago I also lurked on /r9k/, /mu/ and /b/, sometimes /x/.
You didn't have to write that part, i could already tell.

>> No.16795912

This is the Tom Myers of writing

>> No.16795928

I am of quite an aristocratic ascentry.

>> No.16796621

>the book is titled The Learned Disguise
>as in to DISGUISE as one who is LEARNED
>people calling him a pseud
jesus christ filtered

>> No.16796685

brown drink transplant

>> No.16796701

maybe the true pseuds were the Walduns we made along the way

>> No.16796796

Make proses innate again

>> No.16797131

this is how everyone sees uppity whitebois. Congratulations now you no how the rest of the world feels about you

>> No.16797138

I'm black.

>> No.16797151

>r. c. car
why the fuck did i laugh at this?

>> No.16797160 [DELETED] 

you're both niggers

>> No.16797165

you gettin replaced by everyone white boi lmao

>> No.16797172

>allan poe
does he fuck up famous writer names on purpose?

>> No.16797198

sup aurini

>> No.16797209

and despite your massive population, not a single nigger has produced anything of value.
you'd think at least one out of however many billion niggers are out there could do something, but no.

>> No.16797225

The guy is obviously delusional about not just his abilities but his entire image of himself. It's not a bad thing for him to shatter and find a better author and person in the wreckage

>> No.16797246

we dont need no creation. we take from whitey, our slave and our bitch lmao invent shit for me faggot

>> No.16797252

>the only advertisement you get is what you can do to advertise it personally
exactly dude. this guys mediocre esl posing has gotten him 100k subscribers through his dedication to the social media aesthetic play-acting game. in the modern day thats it there is to it. who will even read the nyt in 30 years? all i can think about when i see his threads is someone with a tiny amount of fluency in the english language trying to pull the same grift and how theyd be a millionaire by now.

>> No.16797295

>22th of May
Christ in heaven what is this.

And why are the dialogues so cluttered with so many fucking commas, it has no flow at all

>> No.16797301

well now it's apparent that this is bait
you were doing well at first, but this was unrealistic
niggers are too prideful to recognize their own failings
that's why they will never say things like >we dont need no creation. we take from whitey,
you need to do a bit more research in niggerology if you want to write better bait

>> No.16797305

Hemingway was 70% show 30% talk, the tough years for him were his last ones sadly as he couldn't take it. Meanwhile Tolstoy was a noble with an estate worked by his own serfs. I give you Dostoevsky and I don't know anything about Dickens but you sure made me doubt him.

>> No.16797311

that Q: Baby Alex made me kek'd

>> No.16797313

fuck, you got me, mate. I was larping as a negro. I need to up my negro-imitating skills.

>> No.16797337

Why would a Chinese author writing in English pronounce a German name in FRENCH?

>> No.16797352

how did you make this?

>> No.16797369

Mate, he started reading last year. Shit like 1984 and Great Gatsby. He hasn't read neither the Bible nor Hegel, ffs.

>> No.16797392

Oh, no, no, no, no, no!

>> No.16797403

>A thinker with a companion surely is an idea worthy of mockery.
cringe incel cope.

>> No.16797412

James Joyce, Albert Camus, Tolstoy, and Brandon Sanderson seemingly lived/live normal lives without any suffering. Yet they produced timeless works in their fields. All this suffering shit is bullshit.

>> No.16797417

Thank goodness he wasn't a real black guy! Otherwise your fee fees would get hurt. Quite a relief knowing it was just a fellow white only joshing ya!

>> No.16797419

Those guys were well read and/or had talent. Chink here lacks in every department.

>> No.16797426

>Chinese author
He's Australian.

>> No.16797430

Only Anglos are Australian, that queer's Chinese.

>> No.16797442

>Only Anglos are Australian
What about Aboos or everyone who was born on that rock and their ancestors aren't exiled convicts? It's a colonial nation, he's Australian, sorry.

>> No.16797485

his youtube channel stinks with /lit/-core.

>> No.16797495

I don't know about Hemingway but Tolstoys family died when he was young and that really fucked him up. He had alcohol and gambling addiction at a young age and he obviously had some forms of mental illness

>> No.16797500

Abbos are abbos. Australia is an Anglo invention. He's a Chinese immigrant, sorry.

>> No.16797510

>I don't know about Hemingway
Most of his relatives killed themselves.

>> No.16797516

Why are Asian family's ao obsessed with their son becoming a doctor

>> No.16797529

>This kid is going to make BANK off of you retards
His family's stinking rich so it won't make a difference to him

>> No.16797532

>for me, personally, is about vengeance against the trend that treats literature as an aesthetic artifact, because it damages the social value of something I deeply love.

This is it.

>> No.16797555

It's like having your son become a priest way back. It's just a good career that any loving parent would wish on their child without second thought, their son would make a good living and work a respected job free from the toil their own work usually entailed.

>> No.16797564

>James Joyce
Two of his siblings died when he was young and when he was a child a wild dog attacked him making him blind in one eye

>Albert Camus
Grew up poor

>>16797495 also he went to war

>Brandon Samderson
No idea about this person.

I'm not saying you need to be aa poor as Dickens or go to war to be a good writing. But you need some sort of life experience.

>> No.16797610

Kafka's books are clearly set in modern times defined by office hours, industrialisation, and alienation. That doesn't mean you can adapt the trial and make it take place in L.A., but general tension of war-ridden Europe vaguely around 1900 fits better. (Waldun's novella takes place in New England when 1959 and 1859 fell on the same year.)

>> No.16797633

*that does NOT mean you CANNOT...
(it has been done, there's a movie)

>> No.16797713

emphasis on studying and most asians countries (until very recently) besides japan have been shitholes so of course they're gonna try to get the most prestigious jobs possible

>> No.16797720

His family's already extremely rich

>> No.16797727

>you and husband work hard and have wealth
>give son great education
>he's studying science
>he's dropped out?
>he's switching courses to literature?
>he gives up on being a doctor
>now he just writes bad literature and makes YouTube videos

>> No.16797779

I wonder if RC knows he can study science and wear the dark academia cosplay fashion, or at least write novels in Mandarin

>> No.16797986

how kino would a waldun novel in mandarin actually be.
how absolutely polar opposite to kino is waldun in english.

>> No.16797993

or should i say:
how absolutely, polar opposite, to kino, is waldun, in english.

>> No.16798349


>> No.16798815

what makes you think he would have something to say in his mother language?

>> No.16798835

Reminder this guy is being bashed upon because it rightfully reminds people here of themselves. He deserves only passing pity and anyone who has such a visceral response to this esteemed literatuer is a pseud.

>> No.16799203

Should go easy on him. He's young. The mistakes are many but fit a clear pattern of misunderstanding. He will gain self-awareness and improve.

>> No.16799256

We're channeling our hatetress upon an embodied aspect of ourselves that we hate.
It's a catharsis thing. Don't worry, we are aware.

>> No.16799417

nigger faggot chink

>> No.16799464

How did it ended in a scat scene?