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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 731 KB, 831x1181, 1605069651399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16792963 No.16792963 [Reply] [Original]


Thread #2 (last one hit bump limit)
Previous Thread: >>16741501
Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rbY7SQNd1-T15L89XyOVk0Ekm6gQz_rI4UFCPyVO-Jo/edit?usp=sharing
Text from Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2701/2701-h/2701-h.htm#link2HCH0032
Email: mobydickbylit@pm.me
Potential Cover Art:

Instructions on the first page, current challenges on the second page

Have a little known fact about Moby-Dick? Know of an underrated insight into the many themes of the book? Want to prove to /lit/ once and for all that you aren't a pseud?

>What is this?
In /lit/'s newest collab, we are annotating /lit/'s Top 100 Books winner for the last three years in a row: Moby-Dick. Those of you that have read it know that the chapters are short, but there are a lot of them. I don't care if you've read the book, know anything about it, or have even read the chapter beyond the title, feel free to come annotate. In this Definitive Edition of the text we are featuring extensive footnotes and endnotes, critical essays on the role of feminism in Moby-Dick, shitposts, homosexual smut fanfiction, and the etymology of the word etymology.

>Is it too late to join in?
Of course not. The document linked above is open to comments, so either highlight the chapter you wish to annotate in the table of contents or call dibs on an unhighlighted chapter in the thread and get to writing.

>How long is this project going to last?
Take your time and write submissions with care. There is not yet a projected end date yet, but we will probably be finished in under 2 weeks, and a final call will go out at least 24 hours before the document will be closed and the editors will go into post-processing

>What do you guys need help with?
More than anything we need anons to write endnotes and footnotes for the remaining chapters. If you have an idea for something that could go in the front matter or the back matter we are very open to that. Critical Essays are always welcome. If you fell for the graphic design meme we would love your help in designing a cover, so email us if you are willing to help with that

>The chapter I really wanted to annotate is already finished/has already been called
Feel free to add a few more footnotes to it (or footnote the endnote), but know that there are a lot of other chapters that could use a willing anon

>Too bad I can't contribute since I haven't read the book
Do you think we care about that? Perhaps the name of a chapter speaks to you, write an endnote to it without even reading the chapter. Read a random chapter out of context and write footnotes as you go along. There are no wrong answers.

>> No.16792992

Someone please draw a goddamned whale for the cover, the object of the book is the whale not the goddamned ship

>> No.16793067
File: 47 KB, 1088x644, mobydick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16793246
File: 338 KB, 960x1566, Rotated_De_l'histoire_naturelle_des_cétacés_(...)Cuvier_Frédéric_bpt6k9651093m_49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I submit pic related, Frédéric Cuvier's 1836 illustration of a sperm whale.
1. It's in the public domain.
2. A high-res copy is available via Wikimedia
3. Melville specifically mentions it in chapter 55 as one of the worst pictures of a whale he's ever seen.
>Before showing that picture to any Nantucketer, you had best provide for your summary retreat from Nantucket. In a word, Frederick Cuvier’s Sperm Whale is not a Sperm Whale, but a squash.

>> No.16793259

perfect xD

>> No.16793284

rotate 90 degrees and tesselate several of them for the cover

>> No.16793333

Are we allowed to do multiple chapters, or are you restricted to just one chapter?

>> No.16793349

All the niggas die first and or get eaten, enjoy

>> No.16793350
File: 321 KB, 1598x1000, 1605416042019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic to lure /a/ anons into the project

>> No.16793413

Going to try and make this.
What aspect ratio/resolution would be appropriate for a book cover?

>> No.16793421
File: 72 KB, 540x541, 2f216d3fde1b8531d7f665bf3b0ee325[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except they are all different colours like this

>> No.16793436
File: 371 KB, 1086x360, cachalot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a cropped and healed version I made, in case anyone else wants to give it a shot.
TIF version, if that makes any difference: https://files.catbox.moe/zsadth.tif

>> No.16793458
File: 349 KB, 861x1217, mobydick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or does that whale looks a little bit like pepe?

>> No.16793523

is this supposed to be serious or can we do Pale-Fire-stuff?

>> No.16793619

Pale fire encouraged. Read the editor's note lol

>> No.16793621

Whatever you want. Literally. I've written the endnotes for probably 7 chapters, and they've all been actual analyses. But there's also a ton of shitposting.

>> No.16793898

Nice get, as many chapters as you want
The subtitle is a work in progress, something like
/lit/ Annotated Classic's Definitive Edition
Will be better, or something along those lines
I think putting the translation part on the cover is too memey, but if we do mention translation we should double down and say Translation from the Polish
Also the typography needs work

>> No.16793915

Yeah I just did a shitty cover because I wanted to point out the similitude with pepe, might do something better tomorrow if no one did

>> No.16793984
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x2560, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my finished cover design. I tried to follow the Amazon guidelines for resolution, dpi, etc. Re-doing the subtitle shouldn't be too hard, I can upload the .xcf somewhere if people are interested in an editable version.
Uncompressed .tif here: https://files.catbox.moe/bc346g.tif

>> No.16794047

That's a great start, good job anon

>> No.16794089

Ismael would lose his SHIT if he saw that

>> No.16794103

And that’s why it’s amazing. Proper cover

>> No.16794403

kek fantastic

>> No.16794446


>> No.16794556

looks great my guy
If anyone can be bothered to do a warhol style version of this by messing with the colours like >>16793421 idk how to do it

>> No.16794858

I submit that in this version the whale should win, and it should know that it won

>> No.16794898

I can't tell if this is bait

>> No.16794980

can someone write a mostly true biography of Melville's life around 1 or 2 pages

>> No.16794988
File: 278 KB, 868x1280, B6C7A3CA-4B79-40C4-8DDF-22199061E166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based or cringe cover?

>> No.16795290

i like this version more than >>16793984
as it's more modern but in a moby dick way... the second one is kind of an uncanny valley for book covers, at least please use two different fonts if you want to go all out graphic designer

>> No.16795345

Both of these are just drafts. How do you envision the cover looking?

>> No.16795350

I am Ishmael.

Best first line ever written.

>> No.16795375

Isn't it "Call me Ishmael"?

>> No.16795518

the first of the two is absolutely fine. it's powerful, direct, says everything it needs, and has a very fine looking whale on it. you could put the rest of the whale on the back cover if you like.
dont overthink it
maybe make the bottom text smaller and add the year. i get absolutely infuriated when people "forget" to add the date. you can't believe how many maps are missing the date. Jesus.

>> No.16795533

Wtf they copied my cover

>> No.16795536

Wouldn't the date go on the copyright page, or whatever the equivalent for something like this is?

>> No.16795549

bruh the first one looks like yardsign for a politician. the second one is based as fuck

>> No.16795554

just don't let the phrase end with "/lit"/ as it kind of kills the eye and makes it very internetty...
I also believe that
1. the cover will survive the copyright page
2. there will probably be a 2021 edition and 2022 edition

>> No.16795564

yeah it's a yardsign for captain ahab, what's ur problem?
the second one is in line with fancy bookstores that sell tea for which you have to buy the teabag separately... which is ok but hard to pull off without looking amateurish to half of the audience and pretentious to the other half

>> No.16795666

The first one need a lot of work on the typography, the double sans serif looks off

>> No.16796012

I do like the idea of wrapping the image of the whale onto the back cover, but I still think the second design looks better

>> No.16796026

I will only write a commentary if I can write on "The Castaway" chapter which a different anon already claimed, and can write about how Melville's looming ever present wrathful god goes against Nietzsche's WtP and the emancipation from the (metaphorical) "death of god".

>> No.16796052

Hubert Dreyfus says something about how chapter 23, "The Lee Shore," partially anticipates Nietzsche. It's currently unclaimed.

>> No.16796061

They claimed it a week ago and haven't submitted anything so they lost their dibs, go for it bro
write about both if you want

>> No.16796065

do I look like I want to write a serious academic standard critique?
i wont give a single source to the points i will bring up or as a refrence.

i want the soul and gravitas that the chapter captures in my comparison (which also wont have sources) that is all.
ok. ill think about it.

>> No.16796103

Who cares about some giant whale somewhere. We should have just rewrote the entirety of Marx's Capital in AAVE

>> No.16796164

I'm nearly done chapter 93. Its like 400 words is that too much?

>> No.16796179

There's no such thing as too little or too much mate, the finished book is going to be around 900 pages based on our estimations

>> No.16796190

muh Bi' dick

>> No.16796210

I'll admit that I am retarded.
Now please tell me: is this one giant shitpost in the making or something else?

>> No.16796232

Well I'll post mine but this anons version sounds better so just remove mine, or build upon it, I don't really care.

>> No.16796250

we can have 2 notes for the same chapter, it isn't ideal only because we have so many chapters that have yet to be annotated but it's fine in this case.

>> No.16796277

It''s both. Shitpost if you want to shitpost, analyze if you want to analyze. Or some combination. Whatever you want.

>> No.16796334

I thought this looked ugly and was going to keep quiet but then I saw >>16793246 saying the author thought it looked ugly

>> No.16796379

The art choice sums this project up pretty well

>> No.16796678

Alright I've finished my analysis of Chapter 93 do I send it to the email in the op?

>> No.16796729

please. Are you the original anon from last week or the Nietzsche one?

>> No.16796736

The original. I just emailed it then. Its 500 words.

>> No.16796758

it's been added to the doc

>> No.16796803

Pick a random uncalled chapter and read through it. As you read, add footnotes (ctrl+alt+f) when you
a) need to look something up
b) know that most people won't know what this means/get this reference
c)when he says a funny word like seamen or crotch
d)when you feel like adding a shitpost
Once you have finished reading and marking up the chapter, compose your overall thoughts or a shitpost you would like to expand on into a short paragraph (or much longer) that gets submitted to the email.
For a short chapter this takes less than 5 minutes, for a longer chapter this will take no more than 10

>> No.16797092


>> No.16797143

I'm gonna do chapter 94. Surely that is already taken?

>> No.16797834
File: 331 KB, 861x1217, mobydick2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since a few people still seemed to like my first draft I tried my hand at a second one, the little pinecone is obviously for Pinecone Publishing House, /lit/ favourite publisher

>> No.16798064

really great design. font and colour much better but >>16793984 is also really good. cant decide

>> No.16798300

it's okay (which translated to human would mean "it's fucking amazing!")
maybe make the "Herman Melville" a tiny bit smaller and move it a little bit up

>> No.16798340

he's so smug. He knows he's controversial

>> No.16798812

I like this design, especially if the rear half of the whale wraps around to the back cover, but the original image of the whale needs to be higher resolution. As it is, it looks kind of blurry.

>> No.16799019

That's sexy as fuck

>> No.16799625

>little pinecone is obviously for Pinecone Publishing House, /lit/ favourite publisher
Speaking of publishing, should we try to get this thing published when its done?

>> No.16799678

Welcome, yes we will be self publishing to either amazon or Lulu just like Coronameron

>> No.16799727

Claiming chapter 55.

>> No.16800287

I would like to put /lit/ annotated classic or definitive edition or something like that more than just newly annotated version, I think it's important for people to know that there is a lot of commentary and it's not just Moby-Dick but a guide as well
Maybe something along the lines of "with commentary from a literature think tank"

>> No.16800362

with commentary from the world's foremost literary think thank

>> No.16800410

will you guys email me so we can discuss the cover more?
Definitive Edition, with annotations and commentary from the world's foremost literary think thank

>> No.16800415
File: 6 KB, 268x284, 1563410197774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that fuckin face LMAO

>> No.16800555

can you link to the original image? I can't find it

>> No.16800587
File: 100 KB, 512x384, 1599964805448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whale is not a fish.

>> No.16800657
File: 126 KB, 391x210, Screen_Shot_2018-07-29_at_7.50.06_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16800728


>> No.16800763

>The use of BnF documents in a publication, an exhibition, an audiovisual production, a paid service or product, a promotional or commercial support is subject to authorization and the payment of a user fee. The latter is invoiced independently of any order for reproductions.
It seems that this image is actually not in the public domain

>> No.16800786

There's an identical copy of the image on Wikimedia that's been uploaded under a CC0 "no rights reserved" public domain license. I think if you use that one we'd be in the clear, legally speaking.

>> No.16800812


>> No.16800891

>It seems that this image is actually not in the public domain
No, that stuff is if you want to print a whole pdf of a book they have online and sell it. It's absurd to assume an image is not in public domain considering the author died hundreds of years ago. Also: fuck the French.

>> No.16800997

>Also: fuck the French.
enculé, tu piques des images sur le site internet de notre bibliothèque nationale et tu as l'audace de nous envoyer faire foutre? petite pute, je me giclerai en pensant à ta chienne de daronne

>> No.16801451

u r right, i should have said "fuck france" instead of "fuck the french"... but it's not like you're not doing it with your own hand, converting the french into france

>> No.16802349

Can more of you autists take endnotes for chapters, just make a giant shitpost for it. Let's get this thing done

>> No.16802992

Thanks to everyone who submitted today, they'll be added to the doc later this evening


>> No.16803607
File: 81 KB, 720x579, 1475885290583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys we're going to remove the "new" in the book title eventually right? Because obviously any new release is new

>> No.16803742

subtitle is still a work in progress, what is your suggestion?

>> No.16803803

"The Stern /lit/ Commentary and Fish Facts"
I don't like it but maybe it'll inspire someone.
From what I've read the book has old school spelling so it'd be nice if some of you knew old ways of spelling words and we can include those words in the title.
I only pushed myself as far as seeing if "Commentary" was ever spelled "Commentery"

>> No.16803817

i/lit/irate fish facts and opinions
another spitball I don't like in it's current form

>> No.16803823

>From what I've read the book has old school spelling so it'd be nice if some of you knew old ways of spelling words and we can include those words in the title.
As long as it's phonetically the same, you can spell it any way you like. Before the printing press standardized spelling, you could spell anything any way.

>> No.16803828

you could release a book 2 years before you released it which would make it not new

>> No.16803842

yeah but that's not applied here. Plus even books like that shouldn't have new in the title. In the wrapping plastic maybe

>> No.16803935

I think we should also mention that its unabridged

>> No.16803956

so we can change "the" to "with"

>> No.16804715
File: 81 KB, 1000x710, squidwhale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proposed subtitles so far:
>/lil/ Annotated Classic's Definitive Edition
>Newly Annotated Version
>With Annotations and Commentary from the World's Foremost Literary Think Tank
>With Stern /lit/ Commentary and Fish Facts

Someone should write a couple paragraphs for the back cover as well

>> No.16804787

If you don't feel like you have time to commit to writing a chapter just scroll through randomly looking for things to footnote. The footnotes are really heavy in the first few chapters and then dry out significantly later on, even in chapters that have endnotes written for them

>> No.16805523

if it says new on the cover it will cease to be new eventually

>> No.16805552


>> No.16805571

It would have been new at the time
All newspapers would have to be renamed as papers

>> No.16805988

should we include the various drawings melville mentions when describing the difficulty of painting the whale?

>> No.16806255

the point is to constantly release information at a fast pace keeping you in the know. Books are more work (hopefully)

>> No.16806986

I'm a fan of to the third one.

>> No.16807001

As long as the images are for sure in the public domain I think that's a great idea, please link to where you got the image from if you do

>> No.16807236

great job, anon. My favorite so far

>> No.16807418
File: 23 KB, 645x298, borgnis-White-Moby-Dick-Sperm-Whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to reread and buy a proper hardcover copy. Any reccomendations as to best version/publisher?

>> No.16807435

Would definitely buy this. Fantastic. I agree with >>16798812 that the wrap around whale would be great.

>> No.16807552

Is there a way to digitally improve the quality of the image?

>> No.16807935

Arion Press

>> No.16808317


>> No.16808351

v cringe. wtf is that font they put melvilles name in?

>> No.16808614

im planning on reading this book next
which edition should i get? is there one with a particularly good foreword etc?

>> No.16808638

norton critical edition

>> No.16808655

i cant tell if youre joking
ive just looked norton critical editions up and they seem to just be books about books, not the actual books themselves

>> No.16808677

they are the actual books but feature a fuck ton of notes, context and analysis. good for the money

>> No.16808678

Did you know he didn’t like the abrahamic mythology in the first place? Looked down on Italy for worshipping Jews (Jesus Mary and whoever the third was)

So if he claim god is dead it’s not surprising since he didn’t believe in Jewish god in the first place

>> No.16808696

oh man, sorry
thanks for clearing that up
wow, how big is their version of moby dick?

>> No.16808714

I have the same copy, the pages are too small and I hate it

>> No.16808731

>Did you know he didn’t like the abrahamic mythology in the first place? Looked down on Italy for worshipping Jews
if you are talking about Nietzsche, and unironically mean this, you are a fucking retard

>> No.16808881

What is a whale?

>> No.16809030

Whoever's got Stubb's Supper: let me get that from you. Give it to me.

>> No.16809459

I wrote the endnote for Stubbs supper, I was just writing about the sperm lamp but I didn't talk much about the sermon to the sharks. You can add on to what I wrote in the endnote if you want and write more footnotes

>> No.16809518


yeah look up "upscaling AI online"

>> No.16809595

A very large kind of fish.

>> No.16809637


>> No.16809681

about 700 pages with the actual end od of the book coming at around page 400. didnt read all or even most of the supplementary text but what i did read was very interesting.

>> No.16809707

Norton Critical Editions are very robust and are generally a good idea for a text you really want to understand. I dont have the norton moby dick but I've seen it in bookstores and it looks good.
Of course you can also wait for this edition to come out

>> No.16809887

yeah, i wish to fuck they'd make one for Clarel cus i din't think theres any other way i'm gonna read it.

>> No.16811091

I have the Readers Digest edition and it's really nice

>> No.16811105
File: 23 KB, 244x400, 511VWIezTWL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 700 pages long, but only available as a softcover with a 3/4 inch thick spine. For some reason they printed it on incredibly thin paper (think the kind they use for bibles.) The book is just too fragile. I've had my copy for barely a year and even though I try to handle it as carefully as possible there's already some slight damage to the cover.
The notes and supplementary material are fantastic and really helpful, but get a different edition if you want a copy you can carry around with you.

>> No.16811195

disgusting cover art, Ahab looks like dracula

>> No.16811241
File: 927 KB, 750x1334, EB75BC01-B73E-4749-BB1C-B3429A8A7122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve entered for Chapter 55.

>> No.16811256

Already been claimed.

>> No.16811385
File: 99 KB, 640x395, a3190c281b2839bb4f5a624ddf041dd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapters called on 11/8:
>13: Wheelbarrow
>16: The Ship
>26: Knights and Squires
Chapters called on 11/9:
>7: The Chapel
>44: The Chart
>116: The Dying Whale
>120: The Deck Towards the End of the First Night Watch
Chapters called on 11/10:
>17: The Ramadan
>42: The Whiteness of the Whale
These chapters have not delivered after a week of being called. These chapters are now up for grabs. If you were the anon that originally called one of these chapters, this is a reminder for you to write your submission.
please email me so we can discuss the cover design further.
If anyone else has a cover idea I would love to see it

>> No.16811959
File: 1.60 MB, 1710x2413, 315D122a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone put them all together

>> No.16812006
File: 45 KB, 539x840, 539x840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what say you of this cover?

>> No.16812036

Someone brave gonna have to vector

>> No.16812071

good job mate, are you the guy that's going to write the endnotes about them?
are you brave?

>> No.16812223

not much that needs to be written, melville gives the name of the peice and artist for each one. i'll put a link to each image as a suggestion next to each instance of that.

>> No.16812295

Thanks bro

>> No.16812982

>Number of times The Coronameron has been copy-pasted: 0^23

>> No.16813027

wait i like this. its a translation right? can we translate it as "i am ishmeal" to let the reader know we're fucking up right from the start?

>> No.16813031
File: 32 KB, 430x629, jITWHrY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whale not white

>> No.16813044

0^23, not 0!

>> No.16813173

Anons this is a pointless endeavor. No one is going to read the whole thing, they are just going to skip to their favorite chapter. Decent analysis of "The Whale" will be buried under the layers of shitposts and that's a shame since there are probably true scholars among us that have studied Moby-Dick. We could use this thread to connect them.

If you want to make this thread fruitful, I suggest to tag annotations with either humor or analysis (but not both).

>> No.16813185

was that foreword based on the foreword to confederacy of dunces?

>> No.16813543

I don't know how to but if it's just mindless busywork and someone wants to point me in the right direction, I'm more than willing.
I'd like Chapter 36: The Quarter-Deck if no one else has claimed it.

>> No.16813662

yes it's almost word for word. Editor's Note is familiar as well

>> No.16813737

What I don't like about that is that there will be some who will enter under both and I think it's un-artistic to ruin the subtlety with a tag. I'll notice a shitpost I don't need it highlighted.
What I do think we need is time.
He's even encouraging people who haven't read the book to just read random parts and add footnotes.
I don't know about everyone else but I'd like for this to be released with patience and some semblance of actual care.
Even that wont help

>> No.16814232 [DELETED] 


>> No.16814443
File: 635 KB, 539x638, OH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thou great democratic God!

>> No.16815045
File: 59 KB, 500x515, e47374d587cf4ddd05c7395925723dda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really appreciate the feedback that you have given, but the point of this in not to write a legitimate, scholarly edition of Moby-Dick. If that were the goal it would never be done on this site.
Yes, I am asking people who have never read the book to contribute, but very few actually have, and they are all shitposts. Lot's of people who have a solid understanding of this book have contributed good analyses, but good shitposts can be written by anyone which is why I am not being discriminating in where they come from.
>Anons this is a pointless endeavor. No one is going to read the whole thing, they are just going to skip to their favorite chapter.
I don't see why this is that bad of an outcome. I will personally be using this edition for my next read of Moby-Dick however.
>either humor or analysis (but not both).
Unrelated shitposts are good but the best shitposts have a slice of analysis in them
>What I do think we need is time
This project is in its 10th day, and we are still under 50% completion. How much slower would you like it to go?
>I'd like for this to be released with patience and some semblance of actual care
That is something that I'm trying to do
Of course, the best way to ensure a quality product is to write quality input for the book

>> No.16815267

>This project is in its 10th day, and we are still under 50% completion. How much slower would you like it to go?
Not him, but this is going to probably take at least a month. Moby Dick is a huge book, and even if it's mostly shitposts, that's still going to take a while.

>> No.16815336


It's in 10th day only? Felt longer. I mean anon just chill and let it take however long it takes. Set a time to check in the suggestions each day and let it go. I get you may have OCPD traits. You planted the seed watch it grow a little each day.

>> No.16815421

Sweet. Much obliged. I'll start on it now, and put it in when I get a chance.

>> No.16816145
File: 3.75 MB, 1748x2480, mockup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people like this, I would happily do a cleaner version. Just having a bit of fun.

>> No.16816207

This is really interesting

>> No.16816254

This is great

>> No.16816278

Really nails the schizo vibe, can ya dig

>> No.16816408

This is great, I love it.

>> No.16816438

this is great

>> No.16816639

I'd prefer if the "Annotated" was in the same style as the rest but otherwise, this is the best so far.

>> No.16816653

How I use DOC without it seeing my account????

>> No.16816662

I think the google doc is set to be anonymous, the only username that shows up is "anon mobydick" - the guy who's running this.

>> No.16816856

Suggestion for front matter:
- Dedication: the current dedication (to the Neuschwaben) is fine, as it is to our edition. However, Melville's original dedication is missing (thanks Gutenberg), which should be added before the title page (of the text of Moby-Dick itself) and before the Etymology.
It is the following (from this scan of the original edition, which in itself is interesting to consult: http://www.gasl.org/refbib/Melville__Moby_Dick.pdf):
>This Book is Inscribed
Which itself could be footnoted.

- Note on the Text: as part of a scholarly apparatus, this seems indispensable. Just a mention on which source was utilized to establish the text. To be serious/truthful, that would be Project Gutenberg (in the doc, there is still a page saying "***Start of this Project Gutenberg e-book Moby-Dick***"), perhaps with its "Original Transcriber's Notes." But I'd suggest this had also been compared with the original edition (New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1851). This would probably be placed as the last entry of front matter, before the start of the text and/or endnotes.

>> No.16817187

Id like all alternate covers to be included within the book

>> No.16817529
File: 374 KB, 190x190, 1509801202013.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd respect a book who with 22 cover pages immediately. I skip the achknowledgements and forward anyways

>> No.16818096

You won't want to skip these acknowledgments and foreword
Please email me so we can discuss this cover

>> No.16818121

>You won't want to skip these acknowledgments and foreword
oh i know prince. I was just memeing the anon with no restraint or discipline to have one cover

>> No.16818184

can you type exactly what you would like to be written as a footnote to Melville's dedication? I'm having a hard time differentiated between what you're telling me and what you actually want to say

>> No.16818194

>please email me
Will do.

>> No.16818704

chapter 11 anon your endnote is 13 pages long, would you mind abridging it?

>> No.16819740
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>> No.16820111
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>> No.16820280

A book so good that a movie can’t be made.
Jaws was the movie
It was part of the love story in the movie Major League
That’s some deep culture in my opinion

>> No.16820624

Incognito tab works, but yeah I can't see anyone's email accounts it all shows up as anonymous

>> No.16820759

this is good but you need to include the fact that this is a translation

>> No.16820991

I just started reading this book, but I don't get what's the point. Seems to be just a dude that talk about uninteresting details. I'm only five chapters in.

>> No.16821202

A translation from which language?

>> No.16821345


>> No.16821347

yeah, its call an encyclopedic novel. not to everyone's taste.

>> No.16821509

But it was written in English

>> No.16821620

That’s the joke you tool

>> No.16821629
File: 36 KB, 619x453, 4A9FD34D-A3F5-4CF1-A81C-08E67C063FC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry :((

>> No.16822062

Don't put the word translation on the cover it will be confusing

>> No.16822361

Oh sorry, don't have any suggestions for a footnote, but I figured if you add it (the dedication) to the doc (and perhaps the contents, so people know), someone could add a footnote to it.

>> No.16822618

Theres no rush just making sure you didnt forget

>> No.16822893

I've got The Whiteness of the Whale and The Chapel

>> No.16824071


>> No.16824932

Submitted chapter 55.

>> No.16825262

Thanks anon

>> No.16825345

kek. exactly. he knows he's a piece of shit and just flaunts it.

>> No.16825372

>the best shitposts have a slice of analysis in them
this is the goddamn truth.

>> No.16825392

>I'd respect a book who with 22 cover pages immediately.
Great idea, very Monty Python.

>> No.16825411

almost fell of my chair. fucking brilliant.

>> No.16826607

thanks bro

>> No.16826831

>thread has been half-dead for at least 24 hours
We need to keep the momentum going if this thing is ever going to be finished.
Claim a chapter if you haven't already. Yes, you. The person reading this,

>> No.16827127

We're already in the thick of it but maybe this fun annotating culture should've started with a smaller book and waited on moby dick till the community for annotating got bigger. It seems to me this is going to take a real long time now

>> No.16827141

We're in too deep to give up now. I was thinking for the next project it would be fun for us to write a new translation of iliad with annotations

>> No.16827158

I can't think of any other public domain books that are as popular on /lit/ as Moby-Dick that aren't also just as long. Maybe the Garnett translation of Crime & Punishment.

>> No.16827176

Just looked at my copy and see it isn't by "chapters" but by "book". Is that the same thing because if it is then it's a nice 24 chapter piece you guys could handle. If "book" sections have "chapters" in them you need to stop and pick mice of men for annotating. We have to release a good piece to the board to get interest in these projects

>> No.16827189

why does it have to be public domain? You're not going to sell this thing and make money out of us are you bro?

>> No.16827251

Self publishing places wont print something illegal

>> No.16827444

whoa nice didn't know you were reaching for something like that

>> No.16827559

Yeah that's been the plan this whole time. You know all of /lit/'s books have been published right?

>> No.16827573

i'm newfagging this board for a month now

>> No.16827711

Welcome newfriend

>> No.16827817
File: 364 KB, 1280x958, E5171528-DAF5-449D-B07B-331947EF0E5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, I work at the Nantucket Historical society, I could probably chip in a bit. I also have physical documents, manuscripts, items, and everything else concerning nantucket whaling around the time of Moby dick.

>> No.16827837
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>> No.16827889

goodness that website still works and I knew this would be the case but their FAQ doesn't mention anything on their name

>> No.16827925

It would be awesome to put some of this stuff in the back matter please email me so we can discuss more this sounds amazing

>> No.16828040

sorry about the upside down image, Ill Email you and we can talk about details. As you might expect, we are pretty big on genealogy and material history here, as well as records and the like.

>> No.16828597
File: 646 KB, 1130x748, 1605848584688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from mitt romney

>> No.16828638

is that image public domain? I'ts really cool and could be put in the front matter

>> No.16828646
File: 154 KB, 2125x750, Poop_(PSF).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol poop

By Pearson Scott Foresman - Archives of Pearson Scott Foresman, donated to the Wikimedia FoundationThis file has been extracted from another file: PSF P-700003.png, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3873762

>> No.16829067


>> No.16829071
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>> No.16829163

Does anyone know what happened to the nano-/lit/ project, the 10 part one with each part focusing on different fairy tale themes?