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/lit/ - Literature

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16790574 No.16790574 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that will help me laugh at the current state of the world instead of being demoralized by it?

>> No.16790599

book of disquiet, bukowski's poems, anything by cioran.

Or maybe don't mop around and read wind in the willows or something by dickins.

>> No.16790617
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Stop reading the news

>> No.16790944


- delete 4chan
- hit the gym
- become a sadomasochist

>> No.16791048

Try the Bhagavad Gita

>> No.16791062

Yes, a tale told on a battlefield before horrific amounts of blood are to be shed with the main point being, "eh fukkit go kill em, it's only blood! this is all a dream, lol!"

>> No.16791097

Story of a Soul
St. Therese
Take the Little Way Pill

>> No.16791166
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>Christian "Literature"
Vermins like you should be crucified, just like your kike (((god))).

>> No.16791337

not OP but im pirating story of a soul as we speak

do you know any good books about st joan? My ex gave me one but it fucking sucks. says crap like "who cares if joan was right, she was so impressive because woman!!! girl! young girl woman!!!"
My retard schizo ex got it for me bc she knows I like st joan but its literally written by some kind of agnostic feminist (from what I can tell)

>> No.16791678
File: 3 KB, 79x196, dont keep me hanging man (flipped).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that picture

>> No.16791758

The Ego and Its Own or Anti-Oedipus

>> No.16791811

Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand) will let you see the first ray of light after the current storm.

Enjoy the Decline (Aaron Clarey) will show you gow to build a shelter and enjoy that storm.

>> No.16791826

> gow
> mfw both the words "how" and "goy" would fit and how each is a one letter typo away.

>> No.16791835

based camp poster

>> No.16791944
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>oy vey i'm going to start a white infight hehe
That poster was allied propaganda.

>> No.16791978
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>> No.16792003
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Unflinchingly based
Sod off tranny.

>> No.16792114

The things you think about determine the quality of your mind. Your soul takes on the color of your thoughts. - Marcus Aurelius

>> No.16792123

>nazi tranny meme
I thought you got banned a while ago. Damn shame you weren't.

>> No.16792140
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You really haven't thought this through, have you?

>> No.16792141
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This is the future and it's beautiful.

>> No.16792198
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From what I've recently read:
>Sea Room: An Island Life in the Hebrides
Cozy and will help you reassess what really matters. You may want to move to a Tedshed afterwards.
>The Burning Edge: Travels Through Irradiated Belarus
Tiny little book that will make your problems feel small in comparison.
>The Conspiracy Against the Human Race
Some anons feel really blackpilled after reading this but I thought it was cathartic.

>> No.16792281


>> No.16792302
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>> No.16792403
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>> No.16792599

The future is genetic degradation and destruction because submissive sideways pussy is so much easier than actually securing the continued existence of your people?

>> No.16792637
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>m'uh volk and kin! M'UH PEEPOLE!!!
Individual characteristics > vague group characteristics. Back to /pol/ you go.

>> No.16792730
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Protip: Suicide by starvation is not a good method.

>> No.16792752

>the narrow-wristed libertarian who's never been in a fight wants to have a political conversation
What do you call a nation-sized group of individuals with similar positive characteristics, retard?
How do you feel about the identity issues you are subjecting your mutt kids to by having them?

>> No.16792766
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>m8 I'd fuck you up right good foit me oiRL you little bitch!

>> No.16792780

Hey, thanks for confirming my suspicions. How about you answer those two questions now?

>> No.16792811

>What do you call a nation-sized group of individuals with similar positive characteristics
>with similar positive characteristics
A fairy-tale.
>How do you feel about the identity issues you are subjecting your mutt kids to by having them?
Implying everybody on 4chan, regardless of m'uh purity, doesn't have identity issues. Again I say, back to /pol/ you go.

>> No.16792839

>any set of circumstances that BTFOs my retarded political fantasy are actually not real
Visit Switzerland sometime. If anything's a fantasy, it's the NAP.
>I want my kid to be a future 4channer
Great parenting, you sociopathic slant-chaser.

>> No.16792881

>He thinks it's a "retarded political fantasy" to value high quality individuals and their quality characteristics over vague group affiliations
>I want my kid to be a future 4channer
Strawman because you can't counter my actual point. You're here because you don't fit in, just like the rest of us. You think that by espousing extreme political ideologies that you'll find your in-group. I've been there and done that, so I now know that valuing individual characteristics will always produce better outcomes than meme far-right dreamz. For the third and final time I'll say it: please go back to /pol/. This is /lit/.

>> No.16792910

Spooked beyond recognition.

>> No.16792929

Reminder to Nazis that good genes attract people. Racemixing wouldn't exist if white women were more attractive than other races. This means they're inferior. Simple as.

>> No.16793015

>the libertarian chooses to ignore that quality characteristics are by and large found in certain groups
>the libertarian would fuck over a thousand of his kinsmen to save a particularly brainy African
>the libertarian doesn't know that even children of geniuses are overwhelmingly likely to regress to their race's genetic mean
Stop LARPing as an efficiency-maximizing algorithm and have some pride.

White men who pursue non-Whites do so because the effort that goes into pursuing a White mate intimidates them.

>> No.16793127

Yes I would choose to have the one in 10 million 150iq African enter my gene pool than any old 95iq white person.

>> No.16793145

You guys love to say that whites are some superior race, but at the end of the day, they don't reproduce and they literally import populations to replace them. How on Earth are they superior? History will remember the modern whites as the single dumbest ethnicity to ever exist.

>> No.16793260
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>>m'uh volk and kin! M'UH PEEPOLE!!!

>> No.16793266

>gimme distraction narrative to distract me from some other distraction narrative

>> No.16793400

>if Plato was so smart, why is he dead?
Brainlet argument. Your muttoid kids will feverishly and fruitlessly wish they were born pure for their entire lives.

>> No.16793411
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History doesn't exist without Whites. The art of producing objective records started with Herodotus. Antiquarianism and archeology is a White endeavor. It will all end with the last White man.

Among those races who can write it will return to the endless contest of producing propaganda for a tyrant's vanity, and later tyrants burning that vanity away. Among the natural illiterates, the lesser hominids, it will once again be campfire stories about magical animals.

History will not remember us at all. Neither shall it remember you.

>> No.16793718

OP here, why did you have to shit on my thread with the exact same bullshit im trying to ignore everywhere else? fuck you

>> No.16793741

As Foucault said, there is no "outside" this process.

>> No.16793790

Books won't cure your internet addiction. Go outside.

>> No.16793809

Well I think a book addiction is better than an internet addiction. Vices for vices, I suppose.

>> No.16793874
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