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/lit/ - Literature

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16775547 No.16775547 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16775558

>series of unfortunate events
>plato and logic

>> No.16775704


>> No.16775786

>Harry Potter
>Video game magazines
>The darkroom of Damocles
>Classic novels from the lit wiki recommended reading, Will Durant's Story of civilization

>> No.16775841

>The Hobbit
>Artemis Fowl
>The Republic
>The Hobbit

>> No.16775844
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>Calvin & Hobbes
>Artemis Fowl
where my fellow superiority complex patricians at?

>> No.16775851

I played a lot of video games then

>> No.16775856 [DELETED] 

>w40k rule books
>i just smell my fingers all day

>> No.16775857

Actually 13 I read animorphs a lot and captain underpants from the library

>> No.16775919

>The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
>The Knights of the Cross
>The Conquest of Gaul
>The Harry Potter series

>> No.16775932

You were reading Hobbes when you were 10 years old?

>> No.16775939

>10: Bruce Coville, Gary Paulsen
>13: Orwell
>16: Some Shakespeare, Steinbeck, Great Gatsby, Dune
>22: Plato, but I don't really enjoy or retain it; more Steinbeck, Flaubert, Molière, Chaucer

>> No.16775943

Hobbes AND John Calvin.

>> No.16775954


>> No.16775993

>the edge chronicles
>the illiad/odyssey (never finished them)
>vonnegut, salinger, joyce
>deleuze, land, sartre, foucault

>> No.16776006

>10: Asterix, Lucky Luck, Mickey Mouse
>13: Video game magazines, music magazines
>16: Umberto Eco, Stephen King, Bukowski
>37: Dostoyevsky, Krasznahorkai, Cervantes, Bataille, Machado de Assis,

>> No.16776017
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Are you me?

>Harry potter, red wall, series of unfortunate events, eragon
>Russian lit, classics, greeks, philosophy

>> No.16776034

So based

>> No.16776040

i had to read plato this semester, he's a massive dork
which dialogues did you go through?

>> No.16776052

>The Chronicles of Narnia and The Hobbit
>mostly Faulkner, Hemingway and McCarthy
I think I missed a couple of steps but at this rate, by the time im in my 40s I'll have circled around back to re-reading Narnia again

>> No.16776057

>Game of Thrones
>Dresden Files
>Consider Phlebas

>> No.16776122
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>You were reading Hobbes when you were 10 years old?
Yes? Feeling mogged by the frog yet? Obviously my intellect's been immense from the start, but it took me some reading as a youngling to realize the scale and significance of it all; Calvinist predeterminism made me realize I'm one of the chosen few, and Hobbes gave me insight into the necessity of a supreme ruler and an aristocratic savior class, to which I presently see myself as belonging.

>> No.16776138

Encyclopedia Brown

Sherlock Holmes

Agatha Christie


>> No.16776148
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>> No.16776151

>the Hobbit
>a song of ice and fire
>Moby Dick

>> No.16776159

The little prince
Papelucho y el marciano heh
Satanic Bible
Romeo and Juliet
The Stranger
The Tunnel (Sabato's)
>current age

>> No.16776167

current age is 18 btw

>> No.16776174

>horrible histories
>to kill a mocking bird
>Romeo and Juliet
>Nicomachean ethics

>> No.16776192

Jurassic Park: The Lost World
Men in Black: The Movie, the book

The Stand
Picture books about guns and shit

Robert Ardrey
Erich Fromm


>> No.16776204

>Calvin & Hobbed
based if philosopher duo, giga based if children's comic

>> No.16776211

>The Castle in the Attic
>The Circus Tresaulti
>some postmodern stuff, some Greek stuff. I read still, but I really just spend most of my time thinking about Joyce. Howd he do it bros?

>> No.16776282

>reading Lolita age 16
what was the experience like?

>> No.16776289

Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno. There are certain parts which I thought were quite witty and enjoyable, but that's just the thing: I can never shake the feeling that philosophy, which is supposed to be one of the highest and noblest intellectual pursuits, is actually just a bunch of clever word games

>> No.16776299

Holy based

>> No.16776313

Hi Grandpa!

>> No.16776337

>The Bible
>The Bible
>The Bible
>The Bible

>> No.16776348

Hey there youngin!

>> No.16776429

is that why you're posting frogs on the hacker known as 4chan
why aren't you my king yet

>> No.16776447

>Plato, but I don't really enjoy or retain it
Most of this board if they were being honest after falling for the 'start with the greeks' meme

>> No.16776491

>The Edge Chronicles
>fat Tolkien-wannabe (bad phase because of video games but at least I got good at English)
>Greeks, Hölderlin, Goethe, Musil, Joyce, Kant and other /lit/ memes

>> No.16776502

>fat Tolkien-wannabe

>> No.16776514

Then go to Aristotle then the presocratics. Not everyone's metaphysics is the same plus you want to put metaphysics against each other

>> No.16776519

>is that why you're posting frogs on the hacker known as 4chan
>why aren't you my king yet
The men of real virtue need not parade their status. I work from the shadows.

>> No.16776545

Don't judge Plato until you've read everything by him (at least the Republic and the late dialogues). Then you will get that even his seemingly simple Trial and death dialogues are works of immense genius.

>> No.16776595
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>nothing, books are gay xd xd XD
>Picture of Dorian Gray, journey to the center of earth, /lit/ posts
>Machiavelli, Plato and novels from my country
>Borges, Nietzche, Robert Anton Wilson

>> No.16776654
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>> No.16776661

poor fucking manlet didn't grow an inch in a decade

>> No.16776764

>10: Nothing
>13: Harry Potter/Tolkien
>16: Horus Heresy/Eisenhorn/Ciaphas Cain
>28: Butcher's Crossing/ Provinces of Night/Blood Meridian

>> No.16776779

>Goosebumps, huckleberry finn, willy wonka
>the disaster’s artist, Harlan Ellison, lovecraft
> gogol, Kennedy toole, McCarthy, the last viking
> chandler, Orwell, fantomas, master and margarita

>> No.16776794

nice that you made a photo.

>> No.16776804

Tiny efforts keep the board alive. Just doing my part.

>> No.16776809

Ranma, Animorphs
Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings
God Delusion, 1984, Brave New World, Pale Blue Dot, The Stranger, Fountainhead, Notes from Underground, Ulysses, Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow, Book of Disquiet, History of Western Philosophy by Russell and Durant
>current age
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Wholesome Furry Fapfics, Gospel of Judas

>> No.16776830

You also seem nice, anon

>> No.16776835

>warrior cats
>naruto manga
>anything published by Acres USA

>> No.16776847

holy fucking based

>> No.16776875

pretty normal

>> No.16777007
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I had my mom's influence until I grew up and came to /lit.

>> No.16777485

>Camp Zombie, Holes
>Hatchet, Brian's Winter
>Grapes of Wrath, Crime and Punishment
>Houellebecq, Crime and Punishment, Demons

>> No.16777534
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>Harry Potter
>blood meridian
>blood meridian
>blood meridian

>> No.16777544

Yo same I used to read my moms stupid mystery novels until I found my taste

>> No.16777569
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>> No.16777584
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Anon please start reading.

>> No.16777603

>Become /lit
>mom has pile of books she's getting rid of
>pick out Woman in the Dunes just out of curiosity
>fucking love it
>she's like 'oh, I thought it was really weird, couldn't get into it
>read 100 Years of Solitude
>find it on my mom's shelf
>oh yeah I couldn't make sense of it
>recommends me books and praises them
>they're all cliche thrillers or humor books

Mothman Prophecies is still solid, though.

>> No.16777620

Are you a furry now?

>> No.16777625


>> No.16777633


>> No.16777658

>Jules Verne, War of the Worlds, Little Woman, Little House on the Prairie, Roald Dahl
>Artemis Fowl, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Roald Dahl, lots of random stuff secondhand
>Mishima, Steinbeck, Woolf, John Irving, The Canterbury Tales, Things Fall Apart
>Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pynchon, Mayombe and Invisible Man

>> No.16777698

could you please talk about la confirmation?

>> No.16777721

respect your mother you fucking pseud.

>> No.16777727

Incredibly similar to Lolita in both theme and content. However I will say that I like the setting (a small village in coastal Galicia) much more than Lolita's cross-America trek.

>> No.16777736

you shouldn't talk about your mother like this piece of shit.

>> No.16777737 [DELETED] 


>> No.16777752

thank you anon. i tried to search it and it's kinda difficult. also the only possibility of getting it is in italian.

>> No.16777796





>> No.16777808

>Harry Potter, CS Lewis,
>Still Harry Potter
>Pratchett, Wodehouse, comic books
>Houellebecq, Wodehouse, whatever strikes my fancy

one day I will write Houellebecq's name the correct way without googling

>> No.16777829

I've been trying, but I usually just lose focus and give up. Then I just end up watching anime or reading manga instead.

>> No.16777832

It's on zlibrary.

>> No.16777966
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At first I was going to reply with "who else would it be?" and then I realised that this description fits nearly every fantasy author I know about. They are either old (in which case the weight gain is a bit more justifiable) or they are all fat disgusting slobs that my eyes take no pleasure in looking at.

Look at this man in the picture above, if you dare even call him that; he appears to me to be more resembling some fat neckbearded gremlin that has weaselled its way into some family home like the fairy tales about changelings and such. When I first read A Song of Ice and Fire in my teen years, I rather enjoyed them. but one day, I saw a picture of his face, and something changed. I didn't bother reading the others after that point, because every time I read them, all I could picture was his bloated disgusting form lumbering in front of a keyboard typing every word. I couldn't get past the prologue of the third book. I don't like to think of myself as a shallow man, and I've read books written by ugly people before - Sartre with his stupid lazy eye and Darwin with his caveman brow along with many others - without it heavily impacting me in terms of the content of the writing, but I suppose it might have been that all the perverse freakshit going on throughout the book was exposed to me with that one image: he's not (or at least he didn't) write this all with some deeper concept about the nature of the human heart under heavy trauma and true suffering, but instead as a masturbatory aide, because his old age and complete disregard for his own health have impaired his ability to get erections. So he must create the most wicked fantasies, ones that require at the very least a modicum of good writing to make, but not to the end of something meaningful, not even to the ends of something entertaining, but to the ends of his own sick and perverse desires.

>> No.16777968

>Ranger's Apprentice
My man!

>> No.16778050
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Lord of the Rings

>> No.16778052

Old Testament
New Testament
The Atheist's Bible

>> No.16778062

18 btw

>> No.16778110

>Rangers Apprentice, Horrible histories, Roald Dahl
>Eragon, the Hobbit, Mine Kampf, a lot of history books, the Iliad, the Odyssey
>Struggle for the Balance of Power in Europe, Evola, Geunon, political philosophy ranging from anarchic left to extreme right
>The Bible, The City of God, Plato, Herodotus, Thucydides

>> No.16778113

>Calvin and Hobbes
My dad loved those so had an extensive collection which I read all of.
Bloody wonderful they were.

>> No.16778122

Oh I forgot Lord of the Rings at age 18.
Bit late I know, but I got round to it in the end.

>> No.16778218

>lotr, hyperion, stormlight archives

>> No.16778419

>shitty fantasy books
>just what was given in school (=nothing)
>anticipations works (1984, Brave New World, Ravage etc.)
>20th century literature (currently reading Journey to the End of the Night)

>> No.16778460

This is literally me if you sub Artemis Fowl for Percy Jackson and flip Nietzsche/Stirner

>> No.16778471
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>a series of unfortunate events
>cirque du freak
>a scanner darkly
>a canticle for leibowitz
I read a lot in high school, so there's a big jump.

>> No.16778535

Canticle sounds based, I'd love to check it out. How is it so far anon?

>> No.16778585

it's one of the best works of speculative fiction I have ever read
read it

>> No.16779072

>Lord of the Rings
>Infinite Jest

>> No.16779125

>Robert Anton Wilson
Don't do it you'll become a schizo

>> No.16779209

>Steven King
>Ayn Rand
>Terence Mckenna

>> No.16780817

>comics and goosebumps
>Nothing (choosing pussy over literature)
>a bunch of Goethe plays

>> No.16780827


>> No.16780970

Tolkien and C.S. Lewis
Tolkien and C.S. Lewis
Tolkien and C.S. Lewis
Tolkien and C.S. Lewis

>> No.16781059

>Geronimo Stilton
>random books I find on the /lit/ wiki

>> No.16781061
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy fuck I love this board

>> No.16781596


>> No.16781607
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read this when i was a teen and loved it. Assuming if I read it now it'd be bad. Any of you happen to read it recently?

>> No.16781783

The Bible

what i've learned throughout the last 10 years is that philosophy is an utter joke and you're better off reading fiction

>> No.16781825 [DELETED] 

everything is a joke

>> No.16781838

Goosebumps, Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Stopped reading, only wrote childish poetry
Kafka, Dostoyevsky, Camus
Advaita Vedanta, and mostly law school books for uni

>> No.16781878

The average nu-lit autist.

>> No.16781930

true enough, they're better when they don't treat themselves as something else though.

>> No.16781973

based. although i am 19 and fit and i havent been erect since july

>> No.16782083

Jack London

>> No.16782100

Better late than never

>> No.16782116

>childrens history books
>Jules Verne
>My Diary

>> No.16782173

>Harry Potter
>The outsiders
>The Confessions

>> No.16782197


>> No.16782222

>Harry Potter
>Picture of Dorian Gray
>Infinite Jest
>The Obscene Bird of Night

>> No.16782244

>age 10
Homer, graphic novels

>age 18
Frankenstein, Kafka, Dostoevsky

>age 21
Ancient greek philosophy, history books, the bible

>age 25
Nabokov, Joyce, Nietzsche, modern nonfiction and philosophy

>> No.16782347 [SPOILER] 
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Dik Trom
Harry Potter
Kon Tiki Expedition
Turner Diaries

>> No.16782373

for those who never heard of Dik Trom
If you are interested enough maybe I'd be arsed to translate the whole thing.

>> No.16782405

>Age 1
>Ancient Greek
>Age 5
Early Chiristian Philosophy
>Age 10
Islamic Philosophy
>Age 15
Medieval Era
>Age 20
Modern Philosophy
>Current age
Post modern

>> No.16782421

I'm only 21 but I've mentally repressed nearly my entire childhood and adolescence. I need help.

>> No.16782451

Do some psychedelics. It will instantly release all of it and blow your mind to smitherines. It will take you years to fit the pieces back together, but it's the only way, other than waiting for old age but by then it's gonna be too late to live your life again

>> No.16782461

>I've mentally repressed nearly my entire childhood and adolescence
You mean you dont remember it?
Got any pictures or any people or places you remember?
For me it works to think of a place and people that were there and usually something pops up.
When im depressed that's harder than when i have a good day.

>> No.16782519

Lord of the Rings
Count Of Monte Cristo which I picked up because the cover looked cool
Crime and Punishment
nothing really lol

>> No.16782524

>nothing really lol
>is on /lit/
yep checks out

>> No.16783601

Read Complex CPTSD by Pete Walker. It's a book about childhood trauma.

>> No.16783641
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Switch Calvin & Hobbes with Nietzsche and Stirner with Artemis Fowl and thats me

>> No.16783653

>Halo and Plato

>> No.16784148

>Diary of a Wimpy Kid series
>Pop-science magazines
>Political theory books
18 is my current age

>> No.16784197

dragon ball
sonic archie comics
harry potter
watership down

nothing, xbox and jerking off

moby dick


>> No.16784228

God reading Artemis Fowl really fucked me in the head. "He's literally me!" because I was in gifted programs in elementary school. I wanted to wear nothing but suits and talked to everyone around me like I was Artemis. Then I was confused as to why nobody wanted to be my friend

>> No.16784229

Magic Tree House

Artemis Fowl and Warriors

The Trial, The Stranger, A Tale of Two Cities

Random phil and authors like Houellebecq (23 year old loser)

>> No.16784237

>Diary of a wimpy kid
>Harry Potter/Percy Jackson
>Camus, Nietzsche, Alan Watts
>21 - currently this year read Tolstoy, Stirner, McCarthy, Dante, Dosto, Goethe

>> No.16784258

He’s interested me but I try and stay away from pessimistic lit and philosophy because I don’t think it’s very good for my mental health but he has really intrigued me. Have you read Elementary Particles and did you like it?

>> No.16784263

A series of Unfortunate Events
The Lord of the Rings
Infinite Jest

>> No.16784356

The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2004 and 2005
Nothing because I fell in with a bad crowd
The Bible
Mostly Kant, Dickens, and Shakespeare. Next year will be Year of The Woman and I'll be paying due dilligence to feminist theory, since I neglected to do it this year.

>> No.16784398


yes and yes. I'm one of those people who relishes in decay and misery as liberating but if you're a big softie then it probably isn't for you

>> No.16784399
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>WWII history
>Conrad, Hemingway, Vonnegut
>Sartre, Russell, Dostoevsky
>Freud, Heidegger, Gaddis

>> No.16784532

Eragon, harry potter, children's books in that vein
YA trash
YA trash
Classics and textbooks

>> No.16784604
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>> No.16784630

>boxcar children
>Michio Kaku

>> No.16784922

>Harry Potter, Wind in the willows, Oliver Twist, Three Musketeers; Whatever I got for free or stuff my relatives had
>The Foundation Trilogy, Hitchhiker's Guide, the complete works of David Eddings
>Don Quixote, Brave New World, Pratchett in general
>Fyodor, Gogol. Aimlessly going through the stuff I should probably have read a decade ago

Not sure how I've managed to stay this shallow all my life. For some reason I never developed a drive to explore until adult age. I haven't actually read any philosophy either. It's conceited as hell, but whenever I look into an author like Nietzsche or Kierkegaard I feel like I've already worked my way through the relevant part of their ideas on my own and would get nothing out of it.

>> No.16784978

Anyone who puts books at 16 is either straight-up lying or placing the books he read at 18-22 in 16.
No one reads books at 16. You were all too busy with high school or playing vidya and picked up reading again as a freshman collegev student
>inb4 you're projecting
>I am, but I'm also correct

>> No.16785009 [DELETED] 

Oh, would you look at that. I even read it as 18 because I didn't enlargen the thumbnail.

I read my dad's Tom Clancy books at lunch because I didn't know how to force others to make conversation. You are right, it wasn't reading as much as staring a page thinking about anthro dogs and how girls deserve to be torn apart by robotic factory machines.

>> No.16785014

>You were all too busy with high school or playing vidya and picked up reading again as a freshman collegev student
During high school and collage you have nothing but time on your hands, discounting end of semester cramming. That's why there exist a market for drawn out multi series fantasy romance books for girls, and 1000 pages sci-fi fantasy books for boys.

>> No.16785059

I did read around that age, but it was mostly to LARP as a mature intellectual faggot.
I ended up liking the books though

>> No.16786402


>> No.16786575


I can vouch for the degenerate anon. I did LSD last weekend with some people who are very into psychology. They basically talked about childhood trauma for the three hours of the peak. It was somewhat traumatic in its own right, but I remembered a memory of when I was a young kid which I had apparently repressed. I never even knew I had repressed something. It's a wonderful experience regardless though -- do it in the right setting and you will not be disappointed anon.

>> No.16786611

same for me

>> No.16786631

That's curious seeing as the moral development of Artemis' character is becoming less of an egomaniac lol

>> No.16786637

LOTR, Discworld, the Bible
ASOIAF, the Bible
Philosophy, lots of history books, Bible
>Current age
Bible, nature books, theology

>> No.16786645

>Harry Potter
>Brothers Karamazov

>> No.16786651


>> No.16786659

Nicomachean ethics
wtf why would you read that shite?

>> No.16786669

>Geronimo Stilton
get out of this board lol

>> No.16786675

cringe actually

>> No.16786700

>Ender's Game series, including Bean's, and Edge Chronicles
>classic Russian lit and philosophy.

>> No.16786721

Seems like your mental degeneration progressed with your age.

>> No.16786724


>> No.16786728

>Current age 17

>> No.16786734


>death note
>pillars of the earth
>beyond good and evil

>> No.16786735

Should have started with the greeks lol.

>> No.16786736

>death note

>> No.16786746

You are progressing in a good direction.

>> No.16786754


>> No.16786755

i was into mangas when i was like 11-13

>> No.16786826

i didn't know better

>> No.16786865

>A-Z Mysteries
>History books, mechanical manuals, and various textbooks
>Plato, Hume, some tragedies
>Freud, Homer, Hesiod, Goethe, Dosto, Eastern stuff

Am 24 btw

>> No.16786867


>> No.16786928

Asterix and Obelix, Tintin

Dumas, Walter Scott

Herbert, Asimov

Borges, Calvino

>> No.16786967

3>Green eggs and ham
... too many to remember, Jurassic Park was my first big boy book that was fun
5>Treasure island (the original one)
7>2000 leagues under the sea
8>Great Gatsby
9>Harry potter
... trash, trash, trash
18>stopped reading as all the books got too predictable and boring, and it wasn't required anymore

Seriously everyone just kept recommending trash books in high school, and all the must read classics I had already read at a much younger age. At this point I am tempted to just read polarized political stuff like Atlas Shrugged just to have talking points with some people I meet, but that seems like a lot of effort for trivial return.

>> No.16787032


>> No.16787283

10: dahl, marc de bel, rowling
13: nothing
16: hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, kim harrison, anne rice but did not read very much in general
28: catching up on classics, focus on fictional idea literature

>> No.16787508
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>> No.16787650

Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
Thomas Browne

>> No.16787806

>diary of a wimpy kid
>children's books

>> No.16787819

>Old Yeller, Narnia
>Jules Verne
>Jurassic Park, Timeline, The Scarlet Letter, Beowulf
>Faust, Notre Dame de Paris, Asser's Life of King Alfred, light novels

>> No.16787868

Lol larp more faggot, you didn't understand those authors, and couldn't have, as you don't have the IQ for it

>> No.16787891

>charlie in the chocolate factory, the Iliad, Branislav Nusic's autobiography
>Stephen King, Suetonius, Sienkiewicz, other history books, Divine Comedy, some other renaissance works and writers I forgot the name of, l'Encyclopedie, Dostoevski, Seneca, about what the greek philosophers believed(but never their direct works)
>Bible, Hegel, Schoppy, Nietzsche, Chomsky(massive regret), Miloslav Stingl, the ego and it's own, Voltaire, Balzac, Flaubert, Hugo
>Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov's works, Heidegger soon

>> No.16788121

>Captain Underpants
>Diary of a Wimpy Kid
>Of Mice and Men
>The Idiot

>> No.16788191

>Wuthering Heights
>Lord of the Rings
>Camille Paglia

why are you all larping

>> No.16788200

seems the board has shifted towards series of unfortunate events
>the true filter

>> No.16788263


>The Hobbit
>The Lord of the Rings
>Game of Thrones
>The Silmarillion

>> No.16788311

>Animorphs, the Hobbit, Goosebumps, random books about the world wars, Edith Hamilton's Greek Mythology
>Ender's Game, the Lord of the Rings, Norse Mythology, Interview with a Vampire and the others (Memnoch the Devil was the best)
>false starts on philosophic works and false start on the Silmarillion, Game of Thrones, Dune
>the Brothers Karamazov, Coddling of the American Mind, Ethics for the New Millennium by the Dalai Lama; next up Up From Slavery and John William's first novel


Where does this sudden love of Paglia come from? I haven't seen her mentioned on the board until the last couple months.

>> No.16788322


>> No.16788386
File: 282 KB, 977x458, 1605288306384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read hundreds of books between the age of 9-13. Then got an iPad and everything got screwed up real bad

>> No.16788409


>> No.16788622

All of Tolkien, HP, GoT, satanic bible
Russian lit and children's books like The Little Prince, Anne of Green Gables

>> No.16789090
File: 235 KB, 977x700, books template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My sister got me Anne of Green Gables two years ago.
I hated it. Reminded me too much of my cousin.

>> No.16789110
File: 500 KB, 500x313, QYAOVSV.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Mysterious Island
>The Call of Cthulhu
>Ham on Rye

>> No.16789196

Just get the Book of Mormon and finish the trilogy already, dumbass.

>> No.16789218

I feel like I know you

>> No.16789221


>> No.16789223

I feel bad for all the losers who took the time to do this.

>> No.16789232

You in Chicagoland or something?

>> No.16789755

>calvin & hobbes
>ender's game
>trap hentai
>thomas sowell

>> No.16789789

basically this

>> No.16790143

>French Plato
>German Plato
>American Plato

>> No.16790161

>noting substantual
>nothing(only 2 yers later though)

>> No.16790175

>Blood Meridian
>Fear And Trembling
>Don Quixote

>> No.16790217

>Diary of a Wimp Kid
>Stephen Halking
>Principia Discordia, Corpus Hermeticum, esoteric shit
>Esoteric shit

>> No.16790260

slit your throat my friend

>> No.16790265
File: 38 KB, 500x500, avatars-000597831615-6q438f-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too based for most people

>> No.16790279

>The Hobbit
>The Cantos of Ezra Pound

>> No.16790286

Plato is one of the easiest philosophers to read and enjoy.

>> No.16790297

The Lord Of The Rings
Metamophoses (Ovid&Kafka)
La Loi (Bastist)
Fenomenologie des Geistes

Always been ahead of you cunts.

>> No.16790303

This one is pretty based.