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16784521 No.16784521 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading and is it any good?

>> No.16784585

The Secret Garden

It's a book for teen girls but a classic and very heartwarming and sweet which is what I needed right now. Judging by the image you posted you would probably like it.

>> No.16784633
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I'm only 50 pages in but it's good so far, better than I was expecting actually.

>> No.16785111

>for teen girls
False. It's meant more for people who believe in the nourishing or healing effects of solitary time in nature. It's not just meant for little girls.

>> No.16785139
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Just finished The Confirmation. It was good but kind of felt like a Lolita knock-off. Currently reading Of Herds and Hermits. It's alright so far but I feel like Reed spends way too much time giving vague examples of his ideas instead of actually explaining and fleshing them out. Hoping the remaining three quarters is better.

>> No.16785142

>It's not just meant for little girls.
Yes, it is

>> No.16785208
File: 59 KB, 327x500, jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carl Jung's autobio, I'm about half way through and its pretty interesting. It's helping me understand his theories.

>> No.16785211
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>> No.16785234
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Currently reading pic related, though I'm only finishing up Volume One.
It's fucking great. It manages to be supremely comfy (despite being incredibly depressing), and Kmicic's redemption arc truly is a sight to behold. Interestingly enough, his fiancee, Olenka, manages to be relatively strong and independent while also conforming to traditional gender roles--her "happy end" is becoming a housewife and having 13 kids, but she still refuses to deal with Kmicic's bullshit, tells his rapist friends to get out of her house (even though they're all armed), and is the principle reason why he decides to reform.

>> No.16785290

>why have one title when you can have three

>> No.16785313

kek they're all gold though

>> No.16785395

>and also
>but not only
Author couldn't make up his mind I guess.

>> No.16785576
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When I read the reviews it was mostly women talking about how much they loved it as a young girl. I don't care though, I agree with your analysis. It's a book about healing and growing as a person. Anybody can relate to that. We were all kids once. Super comfy setting too.

>> No.16785661
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Pic related.
It is great, one of the best historical essays I've ever read.

>> No.16785692

On Blue's Waters. It's absolutely fenomenal.

>> No.16785751

confessions of a mask
it's extremely gay

>> No.16786384
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I'm reading 'Complex Organisations: A Critical Essay' by Perrow and i'm actually having a blast. It isn't particularly good, it's just nice to be back to reading the topics that i love.

>> No.16786831

Is it a conventional autobiography or is it focused through his own theories of development?

>> No.16786910
File: 14 KB, 255x391, WallyLamb_IKnowThisMuchIsTrue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing, I'm like 330~ pages in and so far it's not all that enjoyable and kind of annoying to read. The main character is just a miserable prick half the time and it's mostly about all the bad shit that has happened in his life (a lot of it self-inflicted because he's kind of a dick), there's still 500 more pages and I haven't really had the urge to read more, it's not hard to read and I'll probably try to finish it but so far I just don't really care for it

>> No.16786923

I'm too dumb to read anymore. Friendship ended with books. Currently playing Panzer Dragoon Saga, Bravely Default, and some sort of Pokemon game

>> No.16786959


>> No.16787003

>Bravely Default
Love the music from this game.

>> No.16787006
File: 44 KB, 728x546, 3D11BD1D-15FA-41FC-BBB9-766C18A33E41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global History of Organic Farming by Gregory Barton. The writing isn’t great, but it’s interesting to read how Barton shoves his own ideas into the book and exposes his own biases. He’s very obviously sympathetic to fascism and this whole book reads like a cheeky fascist trying to plant ideas into unassuming organic liberal heads. That said, it’s pretty accurate and it’s does show, pretty in depth, how organic farming got to where it is today.

>> No.16787046

Portrait of a Lady again

Gibbon’s Decline and Fall, almost done with the whole thing, it’s been a real slog

>> No.16787446

What did you expect?

>> No.16787459

Just started the 2nd book of Adam and Eve. Pretty fucking good, man.

>> No.16787492

Do you mean Genesis or some obscure book really called Adam and Eve?

>> No.16787499

Pseudopigrapha. Follows the events which occur after the expulsion from the garden.

>> No.16787514

Also known as The Conflict of Adam and Eve With Satan.

>> No.16787522

started WCWs Paterson. Just a few pages in it looks pretty cool. very much a book I will almost certainly misunderstand, but in a pleasant way

>> No.16788623


>> No.16788630

Japanese classic ヨスガノソラ

>> No.16788640

Also it's terrible but I can read it, being able to read some moonrunes feels nice

>> No.16788686

The Book of Disquiet
it's alright, it's a bit like reading someone else's transcription of my diary desu

>> No.16788692

Goethe’s “Faust.” Just finished Part 1, and though I struggled at times with the embedded play and off-stage action, I found it really compelling. Atkins translation is readable and quite beautiful in stretches

>> No.16788702
File: 40 KB, 500x392, joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rereading Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man again, bringing back memories from high school. Gonna read Epitaph of a Small Winner next I think.

>> No.16788861

It was done really late in his life, he had a co writer that would edit but everything was his final decision. It's still pretty conventional I guess.

>> No.16789008

The Death of Virgil, by Hermann Broch. It's great.

>> No.16789042

cute autist

>> No.16789220

Maldoror. Yeah, it slaps

>> No.16789234
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It's well written, and I enjoy his organized view of the post-revolution society, but I admittedly have a hard time convincing myself any of it will become reality simply because the Elites have too much sway over the media, the internet, and thusly, the way people think.

>> No.16789363
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>> No.16789824

Currently going through the Bible cover to cover and so far (on Deuteronomy) am really enjoying it. RSV - 2CE

>> No.16789840

Sounds good, what do you think of Paradise Lost?

Give Part 2 a wait before you read it

>> No.16789907
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I too am reading the Bible! I started only a little over a week ago and I'm already halfway thru Exodus. I'm also reading Ready Player One and I can't believe how bad it is. I'm also rereading UBIK by Philip K. Dick and I'm enjoying it. I have a bunch of other books on the go currently as well, including a book on an expedition to Easter Island and a book on the origins and history of satanism.

>> No.16789935

Get ready for the second half of Exodus and most of Leviticus to be a bit dry (though it does have some interesting points) it filters a lot of people from going all the way through but its worth it
Numbers is pretty good, about as good as later Genesis and earlier Exodus, and Deuteronomy is almost the best part so far (though not as interesting perhaps as the pre-Abraham stuff, it is peak/climactic for the story of Israel before Israel)

Curious what made you read rp1, I thought everyone here knew it was shit, at least from that one section thats often capped

>> No.16789949

I wanted to know just how shitty it really is, just to laugh at it. But now it's a slog.

>> No.16789973

one of the most comfy images i've seen
i want book gf :(
did you read his other works? do you know if morphine is any good?

>> No.16789985

Hopscotch by Cortazar, finishing it (8/10 at times great but wouldnt want to reread anytime soon)
Call the Midwife, the third book of the trilogy, a non-fiction by woman who was a nurse in 1950s east end london. enjoyed the books a lot, light prose, great insight into the topic and life of these people.

>> No.16789991

Seiobo There Below
First chapter was great, the one about acropolis not so much, now I am at the one about the Buddha restoration and it seems nice

>> No.16789996

based niche readers

>> No.16789998

>Gibbon’s Decline and Fall, almost done with the whole thing, it’s been a real slog
because it's long or? i've heard it's very witty and well-writen for a vast historical non-fiction

>> No.16790005
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Oh, and I'm also reading Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by Shirer. It's pretty good so far, definitely not as dry and more compelling than I expected.

>> No.16790006
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250 pages in, I'm a little disappointed so far seeing as I was expecting more content addressing the role of christian orders in History, but it's mostly about their customs and structures. Still very interesting but not what I was looking for. The book is 1344 pages long though so maybe it's coming to it, although the table of contents doesn't suggest that it should develop this way before the part on the contemporary era.

>> No.16790007

not him but yeah morphine is worth a read, it's short and the form is interesting

>> No.16790360

Manly P Hall- Lectures on Ancient Philosophy
Lord of the Rings Two Towers

Been in a mental funk lately and these combined are doing good things for my head. Reading Tolkien at age 28 for the first time and I already regard him as an essential author to be reading especially in the climate of today.

>> No.16790363

Mein kampf
Diary of a young girl
Communist manifesto
Homage to Catalonia
Man's search for meaning
Elements of style

>> No.16790381

How so?

>> No.16790383

Your post.

>> No.16790399

It is witty, it’s just that the carefully balanced “formers and laters” get tiresome after the first 2000 pages, and I end up feeling like the whole thing could have been a lot shorter if Gibbon wasn’t always trying to show off. It does have it’s share of real gem moments though, I’d recommend reading at least the first volume

>> No.16790468

>Gibbon's Decline

>> No.16790473

Teenage angst is real

>> No.16790507

The Master and Margarita. I am liking it a lot, very amusing. The first time the cat showed up made me laugh. He just slides into the scene.

> And that wasn't all: the third member of the company, who had appeared out of nowhere, turned out to be a cat, big as a hog and pitch-black, like a crow, or like soot, and sporting a mustache like a reckless cavalryman's. The threesome set off down Patriarch's Lane, with the cat walking on his hind legs.

>> No.16790508
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Pic related right now and it has surpassed my expectations (I only knew of Beckett from Godot...) while really surprising me with its tone/atmosphere. Only almost done with Molloy, however. Somehow seems to be a link between literary modernism and postmodernism, but I'll wait to develop that thought until I finish the collection
Always read the summary of this book in my grandparent's copy of the bathroom book, thought it looked cool but for some reason now think it dumb
Cool! Eventually I will try for Goethe too.
Based. Any tips for learning russian? I am trying right now
That's a lot of books! Wait till you get to the part of diary of a young girl where anne Frank plays the penis shouting game

>> No.16790519

The Tenth of December by George Saunders.

It's a collection of short stories. I've read 3 so far. One (titled Al Roosten) was very funny, another (Puppy) was a intriguing but a little convoluted, making it difficult to grasp what exactly was going on, nonetheless it was gripping. The other one, "Sticks" wasn't particularly good.

It's been an interesting read, I like Saunder's style of writing, he manages to capture the inner-monologue of his characters very well and he is quite witty. The writing is a little too complex for its own good at times, although that might be my lack of comprehension showing through.

>> No.16790527

I read a fantastic short story by John Updike, titled "A&P". That encouraged me to pick up Rabbit, Run. I read the first 30 or so pages and didn't feel any connection at all with the protagonist or the atmosphere of the book and so put it back down. Strange, that.

>> No.16790529

Hauntology: The Presence of the Past in Twenty-First Century Literature by Kate Shaw - the writing style is pretty basic, but that's good in this case because it helps me get a grip on just what the hell Derrida was talking about

>> No.16790536
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>The Autobiography of Malcom X

I had it on my "Want to Read" shelf for many months and never got to it. Wow, I have been missing some good writing and storytelling. Malcom lived, in 17 years, more than most people do in their entire lives.

>> No.16790544
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Her name is Fumika and she is my waifu

>> No.16790648


I think lotr was a kind of reaction against the evil he experienced in his life his response being the creation of his own world that tapped deeply into human history and deeply forgotten truths whilst also telling plainly great stories

>> No.16790675

I'm surprised she's from idolmaster

>> No.16790764

I approve. George is good. Sorta distressing and dark, like Joyce Carol Oates without the high lit aspirations, but good choice.

>> No.16790780

The Greek Myths by Robert Graves.
It's a reread, so I'm going over some familiar grounds.

>> No.16790807
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I had it on my "Want to Read" shelf for many months and never got to it. Wow, I have been missing some good writing and storytelling. Adolf lived, in 37 years, more than most people do in their entire lives.

>> No.16790960

I would like to give it a try. May start reading it today.

>> No.16790983

mein kampf, i'm only at the beginning but it's written really well. i still have a long way to go before i can become a leader of my country and get rid of the kikes in minecraft

>> No.16791157

King's Pet Sematery. It's slow.

>> No.16791194
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>The Triumph of Death, by Gabriele D'Annunzio.
It's good. A bit too melodramatic for my taste, but not unexpectedly so. I've read only a forth of it (about 100p.), so I may change my mind.

>> No.16791206
File: 39 KB, 280x500, 64E9EE9C-ACFE-43FD-BFAC-02C3F6D77D58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best books I’ve read all year. Characters are believable. First book of his I am reading and he is already a favorite of mine. Highly recommended

>> No.16791263

Something about people reading Hitler for the prose is fucking hilarious to me.

>> No.16791288
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Recently finished Frankenstein. No wonder it's a classic. Really enjoyed the scenery descriptions.
Now I'm reading A Country Doctor, which somehow reminds me of Looney Tunes. Guess Kafka was pretty looney himself.
Also read Strange Weather in Tokyo by Kawakami because I misread her name as Murakami

>> No.16791345

It's shit. Something written for teenage girls and I'm a grown up man.

>> No.16792864
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>> No.16793110

current reads
> Inherent Vice
>Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
Very no

>> No.16793268

Ubik by PKD
Very good

>> No.16793307

Can anyone recommend me something positive and uplifting for once? And yes, it will be very funny to rec me Goebbel’s private diary and you will be very based and redpilled. I’m just tired of reading non-fiction. I want a good and wholesome piece of classic literature.

>> No.16793316

Shirley Jackson - short stories and Hill House; everything is swell so far although Flannery O'Connor made a stronger first impression.

I recommend Jackson's short story 'Nightmare' due to how elegant it is.

>> No.16793992
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>> No.16794224

The Doomer picks are better than the Bloomer picks. Most of the Bloomer stuff pick out are trash except for William Blake and Walden. I hope you realize Daoism and most process philosophy like Whitehead are pretty Doomer btw.

>> No.16794327

Waugh's "Black Mischief". It's pretty good for now, although not as good as "Decline and Fall" and "Vile Bodies".


Doubly based.

How is it compared to "Satantango" and "
The Melancholy of Resistance"?


Molloy was my favorite out of the three. I really disliked The Unnamable, but I'll probably reread it in a few years to see what I'll think of it then.

There's a bigger Bloomer chart than that one, but I don't have it on me.

>> No.16794527

Purdue OWL lab from the writing general. It looks fine to work through. I have a hand injury, so I'll have to be careful with my injured finger.

>> No.16794594

Only read Melancholy of Resistance which was great, this is not so gloomy and every chapter is a different story. The part about the Acropolis for example reminded me of Destruction and Sorrow Beneath the Heavens

>> No.16794602

Thanks for the response, Seiobo is the next work of his that I plan on reading.

>> No.16794938


>> No.16794966

Just finished "Bigly" and it was the worst book I read in years. I think it made me physically ill.

>> No.16794986
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What should I read first?

>> No.16795043

I’ll take a look at that one. Hill House was good IMO

>> No.16795055

lol he bought "all of them"

>> No.16795059

imagine buying "The bell curve"

>> No.16795090

G, G, & S has been harshly criticized for gross inaccuracies and instances of the author forcing events to fit into his preconceived frameworks instead of creating frameworks based off of historical events. It's mildly interesting to read but just be sure to step back every couple paragraphs and really think about some of the stuff he's telling you. Some of it is so bad it begins to approach the "noble savage" level of racism and revisionism.

>> No.16795140

>Most of the Bloomer stuff pick out are trash except for William Blake and Walden.

Why is Whitehead doomer? I've only read science and the modern world so far.

>> No.16795361 [DELETED] 
File: 962 KB, 1080x1394, Stark contrast .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I bought "all of them" and more. Do you have anything else of value you'd contribute?

I intent to read it at face value. I don't necessarily have any negative preconceived notions, however I'll note your constructive criticism.

>> No.16795382

Just picked up always with honor.

The russian civil war really does not get enough historical coverage. Germany always fucks up everything.

>> No.16795394
File: 962 KB, 1080x1394, Stark contrast .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I bought "all of them" and more. Do you have anything else of value you'd like to contribute?

I intent to read it at face value. I don't necessarily have any negative preconceived notions, however I'll note your constructive criticism.

>> No.16795420


did not read it


plebeian crap; really dissapointing

>art of deal

>denial of death
did not read it
>empire of summer moon
did not read it

>in cold blood



always good

>> No.16795460

Do you have any non-meme tier recommendations?

>> No.16795476

one soldier's war in chechnya
mishima's short stories
cioran's writings (in contrast with ligotti)
exquisite corpse (poppy z brite)
pirate freedom

>> No.16795492

>reading ghostwritten books
The absolute state of this board

>> No.16795532

Are you familiar with Kierkegaard or Pynchon?

>> No.16795541

i did not read kierkegaard, pinecone is among my favorite writers

starting order would be crying of the lot 49, v, inherent vice, mason and dixon, vineland

gravity's rainbow has proven to be a bit too dense so far

>> No.16796344
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Quit trying to insert your stupid, oh-look-how-exitic-i-am, Asian religions into the conversation!! Tibetans shot in blind people in the street!!

>> No.16796364
File: 79 KB, 309x500, thegambler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't advanced into the story very much but the style of writing and the characters themselves make it very enjoyable.

>> No.16796517

>All the bloomer picks are garbage except Walden
What does it mean?

>> No.16797722


>> No.16799205

The Red and the Black. My first time reading Stendhal and it's kinda comfy.

>> No.16799209

Just read "Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie" and it was fucking shit.

>> No.16799231

I have read like 2/3 of the bloomer books and only two of the doomer ones, I must be missing something.

>> No.16799235

Just enjoy books for their contents instead of forcing them into these dumb pre-established frames of thinking Anon.

>> No.16799245

Poe's short stories.
Yes, much funnier than I expected. I thought he'd just moan about his dead wife and write edgy shit about ravens, but instead he has some dude getting crushed by a fat man and then having a suitcase dropped on his head.