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16787461 No.16787461[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/ why has leftism, more specifically marxism become so ingrained in pop culture it's like I cannot even read about leftist theory without hearing some buzzword that some faggot used in my poli-sci class.

>> No.16787482

oh yeah... billie eilish singing on how is imperative to seize the means of production...

this is the thing kiddo. Cultural marxism is indeed cultural neoliberalism; and if marxism is allow'd to be discussed publicly it's because it's on the fringes of the liberal ontological horizon; there are many worldviews which put you in jail if you talk about them.

>> No.16787487

and those are the ones outside the liberal ontological horizon

>> No.16787489

Moldbug knows

>> No.16787494

To defang it

>> No.16787495

Pop-culture is inherently capitalist dumbass. It's a product meant to be bought and consoomed.

>> No.16787511


>> No.16787531

Marxist lingo

>> No.16787538

big disagree, at least from the academic sphere (what you're taught is different than the environment) two instances, Chomsky and Zizek gone are the days of anti-sjw brain rot now psueds take over and worship these modern thinkers as gods. They won't ever have any power but holy shit their influence on the general populous is annoying.

>> No.16787606
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I bet you also think words like "rent", "capital", "industry", "land", "labor" are also Marxist lingo.
Fucking dumbass

>> No.16787658

Wtf is this sentence structure man, do you mean Chomsky and Zizek are gone, or the "anti-sjw brain rot" is gone, replaced by them?

>> No.16787661

No, but "consoom" certainly is. Nothing wrong with consumption, in fact it's a vital function for life.

>> No.16787732

It comes from the "I'M GONNA COOM" meme, mocking people who just jerk off all day - cumming is an essential function of life too, but if it subsumes and obliterates all other concerns it becomes a detriment instead. Same thing with the modern Netflix-watching, Pepsi-swilling, Funko Pop-owning capitalist mindslave.

>> No.16787744
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>The ND opposes multiculturalism and the mixing of different cultures within a single society, opposes liberal democracy and capitalism, and promotes localised forms of what it terms "organic democracy", with the intent of rooting out elements of oligarchy. It pushes for an "archeofuturistic" or a type of non-reactionary "revolutionary conservative" method to the reinvigoration of the Pan-European identity and culture, while encouraging the preservation of certain regions where Europeans and their Caucasian descendants may reside. Concurrently, it attempts to sustain the protection of the variance of ethnicities and identities around the globe, defending the right of each group of peoples to keep their own lands and regions to occupy. To achieve its goals, the ND promotes what it calls "metapolitics", seeking to influence and shift European culture in ways sympathetic to its cause over a lengthy period of time rather than by actively campaigning for office through political parties.

>De Benoist and other early GRECE members had long been involved in far-right politics, and their new movement was influenced by older rightist currents of thought like the German conservative revolutionary movement. Although rejecting left-wing ideas of human equality, the Nouvelle Droite was also heavily influenced by the tactics of the New Left and some forms of Marxism. Particularly influential were the sociocultural ideas of the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci, with ND members describing themselves as the "Gramscians of the Right".

>> No.16787748

>It comes from the "I'M GONNA COOM" meme, mocking people who just jerk off all day
Also Marxist lingo / a Marxist pastime with very little bearing on reality.

>Same thing with the modern Netflix-watching, Pepsi-swilling, Funko Pop-owning capitalist mindslave.
Are you even trying to hide what you are anymore?

>> No.16787753

Whatever. The point is pop culture is NOT Marxist. It has absorbed it into itself to further the interests of capital, since pop culture's purpose is to be consumed. No one is going to start a proletarian revolution because they saw Netflix's latest show.

>> No.16787759

>Also Marxist lingo / a Marxist pastime with very little bearing on reality.
Ah yes, I remember Marx's First Treatise on Wanking well.

>> No.16787764

They have good ideas but take them to disastrous, tribal-irrational-conformist conclusions. The Fourth Political Theory is needed. Something beyond Fascism, communism and (the current world champion) neoliberalism, which turns everyone into a bugman bit hey you can still choose whatever lil 'tribe' you want. Sadly for neo-libs, turns out Terror Management Theory is true and essential and many people are at heart irrationally attracted to conformist identity-giving racial and/or national tribes so we're back where we started.

>> No.16787769

Play coy all you want, but good pro-Western capitalists do not share your mindset. Even if you aren't aware that what you're saying is inclined towards Marxism more than capitalism, that's still what it is.

>> No.16787775

neo-china arrives from the future

>> No.16787814

Because like any other organization, those responsible for creating and distributing popular culture have outsourced there training and vetting to organizations that go out of their way to inundate their clients with enough "theory" that they inevitably internalize it.

>> No.16787817

>Cultural marxism is indeed cultural neoliberalism
The thing that intrigues me about this is that you guys are so helpless and hamstrung against the faux leftism that has captured left wing parties the world over. It brings into question your arrogant certainty about the trajectory of history when the movements that once stood for workers and labour are now ideologically captured by your enemy in the name of vulnerable social (but not economic) classes. What do you actually intend to do if workers are politically and socially inconsequential?

>> No.16787824

I don't think it's necessarily irrational that people are attracted to such groups because people do, inherently, like to feel as being part of something, i.e. meaning; what might be irrational is what that group evolves into -- and I do think groups, inherently, are tribal at their core because they have to have some distinction or else the meaning of being part of a group dissolves.

>> No.16787847


>> No.16787848

the logical development is getting depressed, taking lots of drugs and partying, and concluding that accelerationism and technology is the only thing that has the possibility of creating a future different from neoliberal oblivion

>> No.16787870

To my understanding that's not what the consoomin meme is. Look up "Commodity Fetishism"? And the Society of the Spectacle. Or, that stupid "Post your shelves lads!!!" thread which is filled with pictures of unread books. Perfect example.

>> No.16787895

Technology is also the most likely thing to enslave you on an even deeper level in a neoliberal death spiral. Haha.

>> No.16787905

It isn’t about leftism winning, Capitalism will fail and the only places to go would be towards socialism or fascism to save capital. There will be a period of struggle, but socialism ultimately will be victorious. There is a reason China is quickly overtaking the US both diplomatically and economically on the world stage. Get ready for a new world order bitch

>> No.16787918

yeah maybe. got any better idea though?

>> No.16787930

china is not socialist. If anything they gave up on socialism for an accelerationist project and that is what propelled them to world super power.

>> No.16787949

I was thinking about this recently while reading Norwegian folktales and... leaning towards (thoughtless being attracted to) this 'ideal' of living in a village and having community and all of that. Then, thought of my own neighborhood and how much I despise my snobby, shitball consoomer neighbors (bragging about their BMWs, etc) & realized it would be Hell on Earth, trapped in that heirarchy. It'd be like every high school clique or shitty stratified social "scene" magnified into a nearly inescapable.. It'd be shit. Is my point. That's why I say, maybe, neoliberalism has an advantage that the tribes ares required or mandatory but your still free to join. I really don't know. TMT treats it (wanting to 'belong') as a curse but wanting to connect to other people and have your life make sense & 'count for sonething' (to assuage our fears of death and... being reduced to nothingness) seems... unavoidable.

>> No.16787956

China is fascist.

>> No.16787967

china is not fascist. Its debatable if fascism can even exist anymore because of the way liberalism diffused power away from the state. China does not meet any meaningful qualification of a fascist state.

>> No.16788002

>It isn’t about leftism winning, Capitalism will fail and the only places to go would be towards socialism or fascism to save capital.
The inevitability of capitalism failing is as trite as saying that every one of us dies. The Marxist view is less of an analysis and more of an accelerationist cope that redefines the defeat of capitalism's increasing power and penetration into all aspects of human life as a victory simply because it makes everyone's lives so bad that they might consider revolutionary activity. That you are not concerned by "winning" is not a virtue in this sense.

>There will be a period of struggle, but socialism ultimately will be victorious.
Why? What evidence is there to suggest this will be the case?

>There is a reason China is quickly overtaking the US both diplomatically and economically on the world stage.
And it isn't because of a superior socialist ideology. China's rapid growth, industrialisation, and urbanisation was created by global capital. If anything, China has actually served to extend the power and life of capitalism because its authoritarian state capitalist system provided the perfect ecosystem to exploit workers for the highest possible return with low risk of politically powerful labour movements which would be more likely in countries with greater political freedom. Meanwhile, unionised industries in western countries were shuttered by globalisation to China. Tell me again how China's rise was a victory for socialism/communism?

>> No.16788012

Instead of spamming large blocks of quotes, here's a decent link I enjoyed. Nouvelle_Droite applies many of these concepts into a... non-communist, non-commercial, anti-American political ideology. Title: "Commodity Fetishism, Consumerism, the Society of the Spectacle, Alienation, and More"


>> No.16788073

Bookmarked. I'll check it out later. Thanks.

>> No.16788088

>Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to people “I offer you a good time,” Hitler has said to them “I offer you struggle, danger and death,” and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet.

>> No.16788107

wasnt lying about the death part i guess.

>> No.16788118

And Dreher too

>> No.16788126

Funny. But..
>All men must die.

>> No.16788134


>> No.16788138

All men must poop but it doesnt mean anyone should be subjected to excessive amounts of excrement

>> No.16788167

Why would capitalism "inevitably fail"? What about it makes it fail? No one is immortal, so eventually all accumulated wealth circulates back into the economy somewhere. Only when a specific outside and malevolent interest group aims at dismantling capitalism will it fail, and that has nothing to do with inevitabilities because it's not inherent to capitalism itself.

>> No.16788171

china is textbook accelerationist. I dont even know what you're mad about. Accelerationism isnt even incompatible with marxism. Marx and Lenin were both accelerationists to some extent. You can even claim Post Deng china is a century long strategy of attaining socialism with a modicum of plausibility but saying China is currently a socialist country or that their rise to a super power was facilitated by socialism is outright false.

lefties are so fucking insufferable jesus christ

>> No.16788179
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>> No.16788221

Lmao this thread is full of brainlets, isn't it? China is in no way socialist. They're closer to fascism than anything else.

>> No.16788226

>China does not meet any meaningful qualification of a fascist state.
To the West, Fascism literally is just "what hurt the feelings of western leftists"

>> No.16788233

china isnt fascist you fucking retards. holy fuck read a book

>> No.16788235

>lefties are so fucking insufferable jesus christ
But lefties are the guys that deny China is communist

>> No.16788238

>Ethnic nationalism
>Class collaborationism
>Police/surveillance state
>State capitalism

>> No.16788247

You don’t know what accelerationism is. China has socialism with chinese characteristics and is strategically developing their productive forces using market mechanisms which are subject to total state control. Cope.

>> No.16788251

> fascism is everything I don't like and the more I do not like it, the more fascist-er it is.

>> No.16788252

not fascism.

the only people that call china communist are shallow lefties that want a gotcha against right wingers in a twitch chat or some other gay shtit and the far right that calls anybody they disagree with as soulless communists.

>China has socialism with chinese characteristics and is strategically developing their productive forces using market mechanisms which are subject to total state control
also known as accelerationism

>> No.16788258

Wow you hit almost all the Dengist keywords. Next time you should mention "Amerikkka" and how the Uighur genocide+Han colonization isn't happening.

>> No.16788265
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Read a history book or two. Since capitalism came about there has been a desire to repair or replace it. It’s shit and every sane person knows it.
It isn’t “pop culture”, socialism is ingrained in the modern age

>> No.16788286

>History book
>Posts pop history
Kys. Also have you ever read a non-left leaning book?

>> No.16788303

OK. I like analogies, too. Pretty good one there. I wasn't, in any way, supporting Hitler, btw. It was an example of that 'terror management theory' that I keep bringing up. You're familiar with the heirarchy of needs, right? People crave meaning. Rich people 'slum' in '3rd world' countries to get back to nature and live simply. People living close to nature in those places would give a limb to raise their families in a materially prosperous penthouse. And all is vanity and a chasing after wind. The closest to a 'truth' that I've ever found is that people (but maybe just me) seek connection. Seek love. Something glaringly absent and/or impeded in this tech-heavy, compartmentalized modern world? I really don't know. People want connection, love... but placing your life in someone else's hands seems a mistake. So maybe there needs to be a balance there. I guess overall I'm just saying that commodities, and sportsball clubs don't seem to be filling that void the way neo-libs may wish. So, Marxists may be right about that. And that's why (perhaps vaguely understood) Marxist buzzwords and memes replicate and etc etc survival of the fittest. And/Or, maybe Thomas Frank hit the nail on the head and capitalism has Commodified it's Dissent and, as others have pointed out here, is wearing communism skin to sell more products. I could go on but would just be repeating myself