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/lit/ - Literature

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16786493 No.16786493 [Reply] [Original]

>"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

>> No.16786507

brainwashed mutt

>> No.16786554

Nael Age 6 would body this kid

>> No.16786583

Guys how do I find God?

>> No.16786593 [DELETED] 
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the Questions and Answers board is a separate community within 4chan (or an enclave if you will) and is very well worth a visit if you wish to explore the boundaries of imageboard posting on
please, do not hesitate to visit esteemed board >>>/qa/
you too can have a better imageboard experience at this very moment

>> No.16786605

sorry thanks.

>> No.16786643

Mushroom trip, then study the bible

>> No.16786707

It's not ancient times so you dont get to find god in any literal sense.
He left us with some very discrete tasks we have to accomplish without any direct conversation or evidence and even without culture or faith or religion.
Apparently the plan is to strip every support structure away and see what remains
Read Kierkegaard

>> No.16786731

Look in the toilet after a date with a girl who asks to use your bathroom because you took her to Chipotle. He'll be in there.

>> No.16786843
File: 121 KB, 928x485, genetic-science12-g008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This to me is the perfect evidence that I made the right decision in devoting myself to STEM. Proof that all theisttards have the literal mentality of children, which is why they should be treated as such.

The so-called pinnacle of theology and poetry is literally on par with a fucking kindergartener's scribbles. When six year olds are able to articulate the contents of your field, you might want to reconsider the intellectual rigor of said field.

Whereas, on the other hand, no five year old is going to be making contributions to the human genome project, synthentic chemistry, or deep learning ai research any time soon.

>> No.16786866

Beautiful poem Felix, I give you a grade of the turkey sticker!

>> No.16786893

Your devotion to STEM has only further revealed the veil of illusion to no particular end

Also when did Aquinas and Goethe become equal a kindergarteners work?

>> No.16787051

Which book?

>> No.16788083
File: 90 KB, 960x621, 1594894320840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that picture
>she blinded me with science
In truth, you're just egoistic

>> No.16788108

yeah, it always makes me laugh when scientards fail to see the parallel between their beliefs and religion. "...but mine is true!!"

>> No.16788141

God is in everything

>> No.16789325

Saw this on another message board, as I like spiritual teachings over religion. Spiritual gives more freedom. But this opened my eyes to some of the supposed most spiritual trusted people in the world.
Fast forward the video to where E.T. starts talking. Give the video a chance you will see.
Someone got BTFO big time.


>> No.16790481
File: 322 KB, 1080x1175, grug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STEMfags are also theists, in a way. By uncovering the intricate design of the material world, you're proving that it was designed by an intelligent being. What are the chances that the universe "just happened"?

Secondly, while you find pleasure in science, some other people find pleasure in literature. It's like vanilla vs chocolate, or dogs vs cats, everyone has their tastes and there's nothing wrong with that. The only retards are the ones that try to put down others for the sole reason of trying to prove they're smarter. Narcissism is not cool, brother!

>> No.16790895


>> No.16791301


>> No.16791321

thats a shitpost but i unironically get that christian mindset on half of my shroom trips
last time i was sure death is coming closer and was afraid if theres an actual afterlife and im unprepared

>> No.16791344

Christians are brainlets.

>> No.16791351


>> No.16791476

>What are the chances that the universe "just happened"?
A lot of STEMfags believe that.

>> No.16791542

Nael Age 6 probably fucks this guys mom every day after school.

>> No.16791609

jesus you are delusional. im too bored and tired to argue with you. just think of some shitty wojak i guess cause i wont post a picture