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16770714 No.16770714 [Reply] [Original]

What are best fantasy and science fiction series? edition

Previous thread

>Recommended reading charts



>> No.16770731
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first for

>> No.16770760

>The Amber Chronicles by Roger Zelazny
I gave this a shot because a girl I was trying to impress said it was her favorite book. I got maybe halfway through the first book and was bored senseless. Is it worth it to go on?

>> No.16770766
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>What are best fantasy and science fiction series

>> No.16770767

Bakker in mosts-who’ve-read-its’ opinion

>> No.16770770
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any good books with a comfy world full of beautiful nature? I want forests and lakes and green plains. something not in a city or town but an adventure in the wild.

>> No.16770776
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Which fantasy books fulfill at least 2 out of the 3 buzzwords?

>> No.16770778

Thomas Covenant

>> No.16770784

Literally the hobbit

>> No.16770790
File: 160 KB, 836x1256, the-magazine-of-fantasy-and-science-fiction-november-december-2020-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Nov/Dec 2020
This Halloween edition really went in on the horror.

The Bahrain Underground Bazaar - Nadia Afifi
An old woman is constantly experiencing in VR the memories of those who committed suicide in preparation from her own death from cancer. One of the dead fascinates her and she becomes obsessed. In the end she decides that, life is worth living despite suffering and she wants to live it to fullest and to the very last moment with her family.

La Regina Ratto - Nick DiChario
Three rats begin talking to the unbelieving protagonist and give him their terms of cohabitation. They become great friends. He then becomes involved with a Queen Rat and the story takes a turn for the strange to where I don't know if it was metaphorical or literal.

How to Burn Down the Hinterlands - Lyndsie Manusos
A female blacksmith is very angry and for valid reasons. I felt like I was reading fanfiction of the concept of generic fantasy.

The Glooms - Matthew Hughes
The seventh Baldemar story. He had thought his adventuring days were all behind him, but the past and wizards have a way of catching up in ways unsuspected.

A Tale of Two Witches - Albert E. Cowdrey
Well, this was dark. It would have been a lot darker if the events were described rather than having been said to have happened. This story was a content warning overload which I thought about listing but I'd rather not. Protagonist is an older woman with a sixth sense investigating a missing children case.

A Civilized and Orderly Zombie Apocalypse per School Regulations
Exactly what it sounds like for this 6th grade class. In this world zombie attacks seem to be a regular occurrence. Ending Spoiler: No one survives (probably). Much cannibalism ensued.

The Homestake Project - Cylin Busby
Beware what lurks deep within the Earth. Parasitized by creature miles below the surface.

On Vapor, Which the Night Condenses - Gregor Hartmann
The latest in a series of interconnected stories. Once again a murder in the far future must be solved, this time involving an atmospheric fragrance artist.

The Silent Partner - Theodore McCombs
An antique dealer finds more than he bargained for in an elderly woman's house.

Skipping Stones in the Dark - Amman Sabet
An AI on a generation ship decides the fate of its passengers and those who want to be individuals who aren't devoted to the collective are dealt with.

>> No.16770814

Hey guys. So throughout my life, I'm 20 now, I've tried about three times to read lotr and each time got up to the second book and at about the time that they all split up I always drop it. The only part I consistently like is Bombadil. I don't know why I don't like. I can't even think of any reasons. I just always drop it. But I want to reread it and finish it. Do you think I should start with the second book this time? (btw I read all the time so I'm not just a retard).

>> No.16770816
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Anyone else feel like a bunch of crazy shit was going on in this book but none of it see connected

>> No.16770832
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I need to re read it, I agree with you

>> No.16770847

Forgot to put the rating for The Glooms, which was ok.

>> No.16770871
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Wolfe's The Knight is as comfy as it gets, bros

>> No.16770873

Yes, for a while it did seem disconnected. The connections are more visible near the later half of book 2. And it does conclude with almost everything making sense. Save a few details that are intentionally left open.

The actual plot is pretty simple, but the author took a very long and scenic route to tell it all.
I just finished it recently, so I might be able to answer some questions. I might not have all the answers though, as I haven't been able to talk about it myself, so I don't have all the information neatly parsed. But I understand the important stuff

>> No.16770890

Oh, I didn't see your post. But here. >>16770873

>> No.16770898

Idk I didnt like it that much. Too many big moments kinda broke my immersion

>> No.16770899 [DELETED] 
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Chateau Cascade. Hands down.

>> No.16770920

>And it does conclude with almost everything making sense.
That's why it's shit. Nobody should read beyond the first book.

>> No.16770953

oh. I didn't think about it like that. But I liked all the big moments I suppose. They set up so many highly dangerous devices in the first book, and then the second book pretty much sets off all the devices and observes the results.

Really? I'm digging the second story so far. Endymion? I'm about halfway through, and it's definitely a different kind of story. Less mystery. Less intrigue. It still has some mystery. But not like the first book where it's just oozing mystery with every chapter.

But I like what they're doing so far. Building upon the world, and just having fun with concepts that were already established in Hyperion. Taking those concepts and playing around with them. It's more light and fun. Which is weird to say, because half the book is about being so devoted to a mission that you're willing to ensure life and rebirth dozens of times, no matter how painful it is, and how much it degrades you mind and soul.

>> No.16771006
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books about little kids befriending loveable monsters?

>> No.16771017

Codex Alera’s My all time favorite series. Pretty solid magic system and interesting races all done with a Roman Legionary theme.

Throne of Glass is a fun series too. Aelynn’s a bit of a sarcastic Mary Sue but there are several moments which genuinely surprise you and make things interesting.

Peter and the Starcatchers was a nice series. They intended to end it at book three and ho boy it shows...(there are five books)

If you guys have any more recommendations, I’ll gladly consider them.

>> No.16771074

what is the best cyberpunk epic out there?

>> No.16771137 [DELETED] 
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The best is Chateau Cascade by far.

>> No.16771283

Can someone give me a reading list for Conan stories?

>> No.16771383

So true! That chapter where they have to use the crystal sounding rod on the MC's dick to summon netherlightning to impregnate his testicles with the dark lord's original protoform!?! What a mindfuck bro!

>> No.16771591
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unironically just a ripoff of Sword Art Online desu

>> No.16771623

Probably not..

>> No.16771634
File: 12 KB, 947x191, Screenshot_2020-11-12 Will be needing roguelite loving testers for a demo pretty soon Here’s a taste of gameplay .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The author is too good to stay a reddit janny.

>> No.16771763
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What are some of the best dragons in literature?

>> No.16771845

The author needs to go back.

>> No.16771859


>> No.16771867
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Any fantasy books that give off the same vibes as OP's picture?

>> No.16771939 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 266x400, 1604948777890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best is Chateau Cascade by far.

>> No.16772024 [DELETED] 
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The best is easily Chateau Cascade!

>> No.16772125 [DELETED] 
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The best is easily Chateau Cascade! Note: some janny is deleting this solely because he hates the author of this book

>> No.16772138

Be petty and report it to the irc. Show them the post numbers

>> No.16772154

Don't encourage spammers.

>> No.16772162

Link me to the irc. I know who the janny is and he is absolutely abusing his powers.

>> No.16772163

You think sitting around deleting posts eating hot pockets all day makes you a man?

>> No.16772170

Check the FAQ

>> No.16772220

holy shit that cover art is so bad lmao

>> No.16772234
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Wheel of Time, more like Waste of Time amiright fellas

>> No.16772464 [DELETED] 
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So, gonna try this again. I'd like to discuss Chateau Cascade and other indie books. Stuff that is much less known than Sanderson. Stuff with few readers. Where do you find good quality indie stuff like this?

>> No.16772501

rec me a book with good character building, and with a gandalf-type character. wise, powerful, old, doesnt have to be a wizard

>> No.16772513

I was reading the Penric and Desdemona novellas and a line stuck out to me, so I'm going to post it.

>“That seems to have been tried, judging by the histories I’ve read.” And Pen had read rather more of them than he was going to let on, not that one could trust their writers. “Successfully, sometimes.” Arisaydia grimaced. “Ten years ago, even five years ago, I would have believed that myth wholeheartedly, that we needed only the right man to quell all wrongs. But, as you say, it’s been tried, and nothing seems to change in the end. I had to see a lot more of the court to learn what we are up against, and it isn’t just the corruption of courtiers, for all that we’re well-supplied with that, too. Taxation is a mess, for one thing. The sporadic plagues have chewed holes in the fabric of the realm. At some golden periods the shortfall was made up for by conquest, I suppose, but it seems every generation we lose more territory than we gain. Reform is resisted by everyone who has an interest in it not taking place at their expense. Including the army, I’m sorry to say. To set one man, no matter how heroic or well-intentioned, up against the whole vast weight of that… and then to excoriate him for his inevitable failure…” He shook his head. “I would say five gods spare me, but there was a cadre of my officers who thought otherwise. And started to go beyond muttering. Evidently, half a year and Patos were not distance enough to save me from their admiration. And the reaction it engendered.”

>> No.16772537

The Bible

>> No.16772620

>female fantasy writer

>> No.16772840

>Chateau Cascade
we discussed it when it was released. literally taunted the writer with posting download links for it and he sperged out about piracy and all the things that were pointed out about his book that were shit.
there is no need to talk about it anymore. go read the archive if you want to read opinions about it. dont talk about that trash heap anymore. shitty harem litrpgs are better than that shitty book.

>> No.16772891

Huh, it's weird to me that two people can read the same book and have such different opinions. I thought it was one of the best things I've read, particularly as far as indie stuff goes. Anyway I'm not going to the archive and I'm not going to stop talking about books I like, thanks for your suggestion though

>> No.16773052

Read it already :)

>> No.16773227

You think spamming a shit book makes you cool.

>> No.16773243
File: 510 KB, 822x1280, Tchaikovsky_CAGE-OF-SOULS_HB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit's going off the rails at around the halfway point.
>psychic powers
>time traveling communist
>cocooned god underneath the last city on earth maintained by a mechanical spider

>> No.16773288

You misspelled great book

>> No.16773354

Indeed. I thought it would be some dying earth future tech book and it ended up being something of a mess. The frog thing down below was very creepy.
The ending is not exactly for everyone though.

>> No.16773415

where is this artwork from? I like the style.

>> No.16773436
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the hildebrandt brothers used to be pretty big in sff.

>> No.16773454
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>4 more days
I know I'm not the only person looking forward to this.

>> No.16773457

I read the first chapter of the first book like 8 years ago and was instantly put off by the animu action.

>> No.16773479
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>> No.16773607


>> No.16773608

>The frog thing down below was very creepy.
That entire chapter was pretty fucked up, from the giant crab like monster cutting through the cage walls and snacking on a prisoner, to the strange beaked creature stalking between the cells and finding a spot on the ceiling to wait for a passing warden to feed on. All in complete darkness, of course.

Just the concept of a partially submerged prison cell in the middle of a jungle swamp filled with all sorts of horrors ready to nibble at your feet through the floor is terrifying. You'd think the prisoners condemned to that floor would just try to get themselves killed by the wardens to be spared a nightmarish death in the dark like that.

>> No.16773658
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>> No.16773706

What the fuck is this? https://youtu.be/BC35cQKHwzg

>> No.16773719
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>> No.16773764

Cyberpunk 2077

>> No.16773813
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What are some of the biggest fantasy anthologies with the best bang for the buck?

I'm open to stuff from the Tolkien-like and beyond.

>> No.16773836


>> No.16773855

In hospital and wished I brought some gene wolfe. What would you bring to hospital, /sffg/?

>> No.16774194

do you guys think Sanderson has ever gotten any pussy from his fame?

>> No.16774209

Brandersander is a good boy who only has leglock missionary sex with his wife.

>> No.16774215

The man is married, he has free pussy for life.

>> No.16774229

Isn't this literally a scene from Lord of the Rings?

>> No.16774231
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how can one man be so based and so cringe at the same time? I really should reread these books .. just lost my job so now I've got my thumb WAY up my ass. I was thinking reread this or start the KSR Mars Trilogy. I just finished Dune Messiah and cannot press on ...

>> No.16774237

I work in a bookstore. It's sitting on the back counter right now. I can't (legally) sell it yet (unless I want to buy it for myself).

>> No.16774244

The first law

>> No.16774245

c-can you touch it??

>> No.16774252

Why are you fags so obsessed with this guy? I don't know a thing about my favorite author beyond his writing style and preferred genre.

>> No.16774261

honestly? because I wish I were him
I kinda look like him, desu
fat and goofy

>> No.16774263

Wizard Knight
The Buried Giant (not really)

>> No.16774287

You'd have to be an actual autist to like his long-winded exposition heavy "story-telling" where the the plot and characters motives and emotions are spelled out explicitly for you. So these autists, as they do, fixate on everything around these books, including the author to an absurd extent.

>> No.16774305

So, which is the best /sffg/ harem series out there?

>> No.16774310


>> No.16774319

lovely colors

>> No.16774348

For some reason, it holds up better on the second read imo. Yes he’s kind of cringe in some ways, but the power and expanse of his vision is undeniable. I found the second series unputdownable on the second read.

>> No.16774357

>literally millions upon millions of books to read
>you can read 100 or so a year if you have no life and dedicate your time to reading
>spend it rereading something instead
y tho

>> No.16774397

I knew a guy from the Netherlands who looked exactly like him, and who incidentally became familiar with Sanderson's work because I recommended the Way of Kings to him. He was an insecure douche with a superiority complex who'd never say something like this, not even ironically. I wouldn't be surprised if this was exactly the case, though.

>> No.16774490

hmm you may have convinced me. fuck though, Judging Eye was REALLY slow to read. talk about a slog

>> No.16774500

Is Guy Gavriel Kay good? I'd like a grounded historical-ish fantasy novel. I like culture, geography, geopolitics, etc. more than straight up warfare.

>> No.16774507
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>> No.16774520

The Curse of Chalion and its sequel, Paladin of Souls. Followed up by the Penric novellas (same setting, different time period and characters).
To quote the heiress of Chalion, when told she was being given exactly what she wanted
>A coastal city with an excellent harbor?

>> No.16774788

Joke's on you, my world building is also shit

>> No.16774904

> he doesn’t reread (and re-reread) books he enjoyed in order to more deeply grasp their meanings
> he reads only to cross books off his list rather than the sheer pleasure of the text
typical /lit/ pseud detected, ngmi

>> No.16774934
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>calling anyone from /lit/ proper a pseud
>on /sffg/ of all places

>> No.16774944

Jealous. Wanna be a bro and post the part title ketek?

>> No.16775087

>he's such a brainlet that he has to read something twice to grasp and enjoy the text
wew lad

>> No.16775256

Ahh emm

No Fuck for E William Brown

>> No.16775285

How come there are 8,442 comments in this thread? With new discussion every day?

>> No.16775310

Dune is very difficult for me to follow :(

>> No.16775321

...how far are you into the book?

>> No.16775371

Chapter 12
They are talking about the equipment, collectors, to extract the melange i think.And that CHOAM doesn't want to negotiate with them for some reason or something like that...

>> No.16775385

>rereading bad
>must consoom new experiences
>even self published and probably shitty books that have been half forgotten
>scraping the very bottom for new things instead of rereading what you consider the very best
>"What a brainlet, he didn't get it the first time."
The absolute state of readers of genre fiction.

>> No.16775404

>finite time
>can read less than 10000 books in ones lifetime
>wastes it on re-reading because of shit memory

>> No.16775497

Rereading books can be a sign of depression.

>> No.16775559

It doesn't have to do with forgetting things in a book. García Marquez reread Borges. My father rereads Arabian Nights from time to time. It was his favorite book growing up and it reminds him of the time his family read it to him, and the time I was a kid and he read it to me.
Do you think it has anything to do with trying to solve a puzzle or forgetting how the story went?
If memory is the best plausible explanation for rereading something, them I'd recommend a cyanide pill. You sound like an absolute retarded faggot. Your fear of death (oh noo! ten thousand nonsense books in my lifetime, woe is me) suggests you're in your early 20s at most. Your overestimation of your memory skills also point in the same direction. These reasons and the fact you haven't found one or a few Books of Gold you'd actually want to reread make me pity you.

I hope you were baiting. I hope you won't do a pathetic larp claiming your IQ is in the top 1% and you have eidetic memory. Here's your chance for a graceful exit (albeit only pretending to be retarded is never graceful, really).

>> No.16775599

Holy cope. You couldn't appear any more in denial and mad about wasting your time rereading books.

>> No.16775618

So can exisiting

>> No.16775628

Yeah, if you devote your life to it and nothing else. More likely 1,000 actual books for most people as a maximum.

>> No.16775684

You could've said what would be good about reading 10000 books or as many new books as you can, but I don't think you have an answer for that.
>rereading is bad because it's a waste of time
Imagine being so retarded you keep repeating this nonsense as if was a revealed truth and posturing all the while, as if endlessly reading mediocre genre fiction for pure entertainment was somehow a desirable life mission.

>> No.16775724

Why would I dwell on the past when I can experience new things, retard?

>> No.16775800

>imagine posting in the same thread for years and being on the same site for ever longer rather than having new experiences.

>> No.16775819

Because your second read will be fundamentally different to your first read.
Because you might have missed something, forgotten something.
Because new works may not necessarily be as good and reading worthless crap might be as worse a time waste as anything else.
Because if reading new stuff = entertainment & enjoyment, who's to day rereading yields any different result. You're certainly not an authority on the subject, what with being a genre fiction reader admittedly interested in stimulating his brain with new and unknown impulses for no good reason other than 'it's good', and 'life's short.' lmao

It's not even a dichotomy. Most people, not writers who are forced to do it, have a handful or few books they liked so much they enjoy revisiting from time to time, but in your retarded brain, 4chan has ruined your ability to discuss any subject unironically or non confrontationally.
The only people I know who are opposed to rewatching are sorry braindead retards seeking pure escapism. I wouldn't be surprised if they were diagnosed with autism or ADHD.

>> No.16775901

Based on these posts, I'd say you've likely been diagnosed with autism as well.

>> No.16776012

honestly a lot of books in these threads shouldn't be read once, much less twice.

>> No.16776036

>It's not even a dichotomy. Most people, ... have a handful or few books they liked so much they enjoy revisiting from time to time

>> No.16776146

Yes, they're called autists.

>> No.16776158

This fat mormon fuck is going to drag his feet and delay kaladin saying his fourth oath for the next book, isn't he?

>> No.16776194

From what you guys learned from fantasy novels, is it better to be a medieval peasant than a modern day wagie?

>> No.16776246

Get your mommy to wipe the drool off your face if you can't do it yourself.

>> No.16776393 [DELETED] 
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What the fuck, janny? Do I need to go back to the irc and tell on you again? It's not against the rules to discuss the fantasy novel called Chateau Cascade. Stop deleting posts about it.

>> No.16776424

I don't see Kaladin living through book 5, so he should get one per book and then he turns into the wind or something.

>> No.16776574
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>> No.16776606

Sure. Didn't read the preview chapters, but I read Dawnshard.

By the way Kaladin should really fuck someone this book. Syl is fine, but my pick would be Jasnah, because it would probably leave him in an eternal state of confusion.

>> No.16776622
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>tfw not very excited
It could be any day once the e-book is leaked. If fucking Wintersteel is out days early, this will be.

I hope Dalinar shits in Odium's mouth.

>> No.16776692
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>> No.16776728

Read book
Like book

Still like book
Read book again

Simple as

>> No.16776745

This guy is my friend.

>> No.16776751
File: 294 KB, 1400x1255, The Black Company.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never really read any Black Company books past the first three. No real reason, just never did. Thinking of starting up, but are they any good?

>> No.16776878

Is the first one good? I remember starting the first one as a kid but I got bored and didn't finish it, but I was a dumb kid

>> No.16777027

Posting the only good thing to out of the Snooze of Time.

>> No.16777052

Not really. I mean, the premise of the books of the South sounds interesting at least. The Black Company finally going back to where it came from. It's just that the setting is horrible and brazenly lifted from India, Constantinople I guess, and shitty Hinduism, with names getting dumber and everything being jungle-like. Muh Kali Yuga and all that. Things pick up in the last 2 books, more fantasy and less South East Asia ripoff.
Action and realistic battle was never the point of the series, but the sense of scale from the battle in book 1 is just not there as well executed.
It's a 4-5 long book series that still hasn't a clear ending. It has a few PoV switched (another annalist taking Croaker's job), extremely retarded plot devices like you wouldn't believe (something a kid would've come up with) and it just doesn't feel like the Black Company any more. It's still somewhat comfy, but inferior to the first 3 books imo.
It's like 300 pages long. Check it put for yourself. Anyone claiming it's a perfect book series or even a truly great series is lying or has an extremely cheap taste.

>> No.16777070

Didn't Glen Cook try ripping off India and Byzantium with the whole Dread Empire series anyway?

>> No.16777157

I wouldn't know because there's no way in hell I'll read any Glen Cook again, but he probably didn't feel like letting all that Hindu knowledge go to waste. It's like the North is not-Russia, the desert in the middle is Mongolia I guess, and instead of China you get a Thailand, Vietnam and India or something very similar. The cities and names are more Asian rather than Byzantine, definitely not Persian or anything like that. I mentioned Constantinope because I know very little of India's story.
The Kali Yuga is actually there and the hack even put in those Hindi killers, the OG thugs

>> No.16777499 [DELETED] 
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Posting about Chateau Cascade, my favorite fantasy book, any mention of which is being censored here by some rogue janny.

>> No.16777525

cute trap, at what chapter does he get deep throated?

>> No.16777548

1k is extremely low if reading is your primary hobby. Include audiobooks and you have people clearing hundreds of books each year just working on autopilot.

>> No.16777567

complaining about staff is against the rules. just discuss the book

>> No.16777577

Based janni BTFOing shart-teu fagg

>> No.16777583

Damn, I'm gonna have to give this shit 1 star on gayreads out of spite.

>> No.16777628
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I am indeed trying to discuss my favorite book, Chateau Cascade.

>> No.16777683
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You, as a reader, a mere parasite, are not entitled to any sequels to any books, even if the author has once expressed intent on writing them. Things change, people change, and authors might no longer be willing or even capable of writing a sequel. Thus it falls to you to get over yourself and stop being such a needy little bitch. If the author feels like it, they'll write a sequel, if not, then you probably wouldn't want to read a soul-less forced-out book anyway.
t. waiting for Shades of Grey 2 by Jasper Fforde

>> No.16777743

Wrong pic you used. Early Riser was shit

>> No.16777744

>the people who put food on your table

>> No.16777749

I wish I was like you guys and could read through a whole book just over a weekend

>> No.16778029
File: 126 KB, 240x320, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a book about a demon that first appears to the twink fantasy MC as a weird catepillar then later cocoon, then butterfly and so on until the climax where he's a full-fledged gay butterfly man who makes sweet rape to said MC

>> No.16778072

This, except the MC inserts the caterpillar into his urethra and lets him grow inside of his penis, until in the final act, he performs autofellatio and cums a fully grown butterfly into his mouth, where they kiss.

>> No.16778074


>> No.16778135

He may never say it. He may take off and join Moash so he can stop hurting for the people he couldn't save. He may just fucking die :^)

>> No.16778164

The writer's opinion counts for no more than blatant shilling.

>> No.16778176

I am not the writer, though. Just a big fan, both of this and indie novels in general.

>> No.16778190

I want a book about bisexual dragons that turn teenage boys into vaginal fleshlights, but you don't see me posting about it.

>> No.16778196

Go join his server then, we don't want you here.

>> No.16778301


>> No.16778308

Its been years bro, I've given up. I just feel like the first should be left as it is. I wouldn't want a shit sequel.

>> No.16778350

Why haven't you written it yet

>> No.16778361

Sad Panda has all you wish for, fren. Just search tomgirl.

>> No.16778367

Severe brain damage, working full time, and various things downstream of that. Also I have other projects and interests. Also I'm worried if I wrote it I wouldn't be able to enjoy it.

>> No.16778390

Fantasize about it, then write out your fantasies and fap to them when you proofread. Then publish.

>> No.16778393

For me, it's Aphrodite of Pisces

>> No.16778550

There's a manga with a gay butterfly man as an antagonist.

>> No.16778556

Alright, what the hell. Going to make it my NaNoWriMo effort. It will be called The Ultimate Alchemy of Alexander Ciana

>> No.16778608

They are not as good as the first ones but you can try them anyway. It's kind of a long burn though. The Silver Spike isn't about the Company itself and gives closure to some of the characters from the first three books, like a sort of spin-off. It is pretty good.

>> No.16778612

Why are these threads turning into complete shit, now?

>> No.16778652

Post nut syndrome.

>> No.16778659
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my man

>> No.16778668

they've always been shit, prove me wrong

>> No.16778669

>gender: male

>> No.16778681

I read The Three Body Problem series last time I was dying in the hospital, would recommend. Behind that, Walter Moers writes some pretty amazing fantasy.

>> No.16778685

Something tells me neither dalinar or kaladin will do much in this book besides be whiny bitches. Then they'll both die dogs deaths in the fifth book so navani,shallan,jasnah and Rysn can save the day. Enjoy your strong womyn you cuck.

>> No.16778702

Literally cringing @ those names rn.

>> No.16778733
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Lads, give me a writing prompt that I can put into my Fantasy novel :D

>> No.16778768

I haven't even mentioned Szeth-son-son-Vallano.

>> No.16778921

Wanted to let you know that I took the time to give it a five star review specifically because of this post

>> No.16778938

No you didn't -- it's not even real.

>> No.16778969
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What could you possibly have meant by this post?

>> No.16778980
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Are there still fantasy/sci-fi magazines and anthologies out there or have they all died out in the age of the internet?

>> No.16778983

All of the internal 'a's makes them very samey. Then you have Rysn. Rysn.

>> No.16779050

Any bros hook me up with a torrent for Dawnshard? Can't find it in the usual places I look.

>> No.16779063


>> No.16779066
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Explain what's wrong with it.

>> No.16779077

I really enjoyed Solaris. How are Stainslaw's other books?

>> No.16779080

It's insistent instead of receptive.

>> No.16779081

see >>16770790

>> No.16779117

Yes, there are quite a few left.

>> No.16779154
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>Thirdly, when going into this novel I heard it came across as extremely sexiest, I wanted to call bullshit but half way through I got sick of every male character stating how women were “weak” or teasing someone and comparing their weakness to a women, I also didn’t appreciate the fact that every man in this book EXCEPT ONE, thought all women were whores.. Yeah. DA FUQ. You think women are weak? Fight me and I’ll kick your arse mother fucker.. (jokes) but seriously, I’m not a feminist but I got sick of hearing this bullshit, YES I understand these views are not the authors and are the arsehole characters he has created and YES I understand it is a cruel harsh world, however sometimes you get sick of reading that bullshit. So yes if you are a feminist and easily offended by these themes you should definitely steer clear of this series. It stinks of masculinity. Oh and I nearly forgot to mention that the only two female characters were a whore and a concubine and both were weak as. Lastly… I feel like he just wrote violent scenes for the sake of being violent and I feel like he was just sitting at his writing desk and got bored and thought “hey I’m going to just add a torture scene here for fun and shock value”. (I love violence and I'm actually complaining that this was a tad too violent..)


>> No.16779282


>> No.16779442

>being this butthurt about Dawnshard
Dalinar v Ishar is going to be awesome. Something is going to happen with Adolin's sword in Shadesmar. The actual Dawnshard isn't supposed to play a role till the next book, and if anything Shallan is overdue for a spectacular fuck up. Stay salty tho.

>> No.16780015

Watch The Dragon Prince. No clue for books though

>> No.16780121

WHO decided that Cyberpunk had to exist?
was it in literature? Neuromancer?
A few years ago I found out that there was a popular cyberpunk 'card game' but I don't remember its name or what date was that kek

>> No.16780171

no one decided. a bunch of people had the similar ideas when tech changed in the '80s with PCs etc and the boomer idealism had been fading for a decade or two or three to be replaced with a more realistic pov.

>> No.16780275

The author also isn't entitled to my free advertising when I start telling people not to bother with a series that won't ever be finished.

>> No.16780316
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Saint Seiya was weird homoerotic

>> No.16780390

The card game is Netrunner. The original version ran in the 90s, died, and got revived as Android: Netrunner in the late 2000s (where it proceeded to die again and get adopted by the fanbase who makes stuff for it now). Quality game.

>> No.16780468
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>> No.16780483

That sounds demonic and goes against the Christian roots of Fantasy.

>> No.16780581

they don't have to be Christian demons
also Fantasy didn't start with Tolkien

>> No.16780933
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Ha! Thanks for all the suggestions guys, really appreciate it!

>> No.16780947

A man ignored by his peers sets out on a quest to find inspiration

>> No.16781067

Life imitates art.

>> No.16781260

Well they come from the same culture so it makes sense they have similar-sounding name.

>> No.16781299

A hobbit finds a gun

>> No.16781348


>> No.16781392

imho the quality declined when the focus has shifted from sci-fi towards fantasy during the last year or so.

>> No.16781432

>last year
It has always been like that because most like fantasy better. Scifi is only good when it's soft scifi and basically fantasy in a different setting.

>> No.16781439


fuck worldbuilingcels

>> No.16781536

So i'm almost done with Roadside Picnic... i mean it's a short book but jesus what a sludge. Let me explain: So we have this really cool zone that all the weird shit is happening in and around.
And instead of us slowly exploring this shit and actually being immersed in it by "show" we get a lot of fucking "tell" when the local american drunkards (whom the authors have no ability in portraying as americans and instead seem like out of place russians the lot of them. Which is kinda funny and not in a bad way) talk about whatever shit has happened in short mentions while the focus is on how boring these drunkards are.

How the fuck am i supposed to care? How the fuck am i supposed to care about some personal relations bullshit when there's this cool zone that we're only talking about and not actually exploring?
"Yesh, but accshually that'shh what kheepsh you intelested slhh....shll..."
No. I'm gonna fucking skip. I'm gonna skip until i read something of interest and the instant i hit more boring fake american names bullshit i'm gonna skip again. Fuck you, overrated shit book. I had hopes for something cool and once more they got shot down by the inability of this genre to deliver.

Can't be arsed with an image cause i hate mac. And it's my only working computer atm.

>> No.16781653

this is kinda of a stupid question but please bare with me : most fantasy is sort of rooted in the western tradition, sprouting from tolkien, and earlier texts, novellis, beowulf, shakespeare.

As a slav, I was wondering if there were any fantasy epics specifically set in a more ruso-centric envrioment, or in the time of the princendoms.

This is a retarded shot in the dark. But if someone could offer some reccomends that may strike that nerve I'd be glad. TY, have a good night

>> No.16781671

idk like the witcher?

>> No.16781706

witcher is a good bet I think. Kinda forgot about it. I always heard mixed things about it. Though witcher didnt' seem like an epic fantasy story. Ty tho

>> No.16781769
File: 85 KB, 800x600, fuckit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are the characters the focus of the book and not the anomalous sci-fi thing
Stick to reading Wookiepedia

>> No.16781801

Did Sanderson go to far with Kaladin literally flying to the moon in the latest book?

>> No.16781821

Don't talk about plot details without spoiler tags.

>> No.16781882
File: 113 KB, 878x1087, Kleist,_Heinrich_von.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not strictly fantasy and not scientific fiction. But maybe, lacking anything substantive and NEW in those genres, some might be interested in this guy I just ten minutes ago learned about:
>Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm von Kleist (18 October 1777 – 21 November 1811) was a German poet, dramatist, novelist, short story writer and journalist. His best known works are the theatre plays Das Käthchen von Heilbronn, The Broken Jug, Amphitryon, Penthesilea and the novellas Michael Kohlhaas and The Marquise of O. Kleist committed suicide together with a close female friend who was terminally ill.
Or maybe German Romantic fiction writers as a genre? I have no idea what I'm taking about. But...

Wild, huh?
Bang! Bang! I shot my baby down.

I'm reading, "WILD NIGHTS!!!! Stories about the Last Nights of Poe, Dickenson, Twain, James and Hemingway" (fiction) and anyways the first (Poe, didn't you read the title?) has a bunch of references to authors I've never heard of. Cautiously optimistic about the rest of the book. I'm sure most of Joyce's jokes and references breeze right over my cantelope sized head. Again, you snappy literary bashers might enjoy it...probably even than I am. As for me ill just say that JCO is a good un, sho nuff and leave it at that.

>> No.16781967

Another reference from Wild Nights!
>Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann (commonly abbreviated as E. T. A. Hoffmann; born Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann; 24 January 1776 – 25 June 1822) was a German Romantic author of fantasy and Gothic horror, a jurist, composer, music critic and artist.[1][2][3] His stories form the basis of Jacques Offenbach's opera The Tales of Hoffmann, in which Hoffmann appears (heavily fictionalized) as the hero. He is also the author of the novella The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, on which Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's ballet The Nutcracker is based. The ballet Coppélia is based on two other stories that Hoffmann wrote, while Schumann's Kreisleriana is based on Hoffmann's character Johannes Kreisler.

Another real quick before I get back to it...
>Jeremias Gotthelf's best known work is without doubt the short novel The Black Spider (Die schwarze Spinne), a semi-allegorical tale of the plague in form of the titular monster that devastates a Swiss valley community; first as a result of a pact with the devil born out of need and a second time due to the moral decay that releases the monster from its prison again.

Cutie Patoots. One of you younger fellows, don't let this opportunity pass you by. She's cute and reads, what more do you need? Trust an old geezer.

>> No.16781992

The nazgul looks so dejected and low-energy here. His crown is squishing down his head and he can't even be bothered to swing the mace from the shoulder, he's just half-heartedly bending his elbow.

>> No.16782010

>and in that very moment, away behind in some courtyard of the city, a cock crowed. Shrill and clear he crowed, recking nothing of war nor of wizardry, welcoming only the morning that in the sky far above the shadows of death was coming with the dawn.

And as if in answer there came from far away another note. Horns, horns, horns, in dark Mindolluin's sides they dimly echoed. Great horns of the north wildly blowing. Rohan had come at last.

anyone else get chills and go LETTTTS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO when something like this happens in a book

>> No.16782047

Please, please, ple-ease kill yourself

>> No.16782143


But the characters suck! Give me one personality trait that one person has that someone else doesn’t have? They’re all flat like your moms chest.
Whenever a conversation starts it soon changes into ”and then they talked some more about [insert everyday stuff]” and the whole opportunity of building personality and interesting interactions is wasted.

>> No.16782152
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Is the Culture Series any good? I know my dad rates it highly but I've only liked Wasp Factory, and cared little for Transition

>> No.16782179

i know a guy who likes it and he's a bit of an asshole. From what I know the series is cringe le epic super powerful culture that's weakest ships fire like a million black hole guns or something and they are some kind of commies or something

>> No.16782223

>cringe le epic
Please, please, ple-ease kill yourself

>> No.16782444

That doesn't really answer the question, but I suppose art can be judged by its fanbase.

>> No.16782464

Sometimes. That's the beauty of art, anon. :-)

>> No.16782602

stop telling me what to do

>> No.16782697

I've tried reading the first book a few times and just seems like a shitty Tolkien...why does that Green bloke shill them so much?

>> No.16782807

Yeah they're good, but can be a bit much. It depends what kind of sci fi you like. If you summarise the Culture's post-scarcity, no one needs to work, AIs are all powerful and just benignly look after everyone, that society, it would seem very utopian and boring to read about. But the stories told in the novels are about things going very wrong or the limited amount the Culture can actually do to intefere with other civilisations

I've read a few of them and I like them. They're well written and quite humourous but certain stories have a sort of horror element too. Especially that simulated hell novel, Jesus

My favourite one is the first novel Consider Phlebas which is the novel that most other readers rate as one of their least favourites. I like that it's from the point of view of an enemy of the Culture, and you see the Culture sort of from the outside.

People say the second novel Player of Games is the best one to start with if you're new to the series. I understand why, and it's also very good.

>> No.16782813

Also there's some utterly disgusting imagery in the Culture novels, especially in Phlebas. That fat guy on the island. It made me feel sick

>> No.16782832

Finally, I didn't like the final novel he wrote just before he died. The Hydrogen Sonata. Incredibly depressing, it made me feel down for weeks afterwards. Not depressing in a good way as something like Stoner by John Williams. Depressing in a bad way

>> No.16782884

He has to write the first book as a Tolkien clone to get it published. Then ha go to do his own thing ,so the series does change quite a bit in flavor. Books 2-6 I would say were pretty good, then you hit a slog. Jordan was masterful in getting the reader to feel the same way about women that he did, which was a growing sense of dread anytime you saw it was one of the femal character's viewpoints. While there was always a morbid curiosity about what oddly titillating punishment would come up next for the female characters, seeing Egwene or Elayne's name at the beginning of a chapter gives the most horrible sinking feeling. I can only imagine that these books were a cry for help, and he was attempting to communicate his feelings whenever his wife walked into the room. Min was obviously the girl of his dreams who never actually materialized. But if its the Tolkien style that's throwing you off, just make it to book 2.

>> No.16783196

I liked them a lot. As a previous anon said, you can start with player of games and see from there.

>> No.16783437

Can't be arsed giving you a picture of it:

>> No.16783622

Looking for books that involve some sort of magical school or academy that are not written by Rowling.

>> No.16783752

Masters & Mages by Miles Cameron. It's a trilogy and complete.

>> No.16784407
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>Wheel of Time is not the longest Fantasy series
Ok', I'm surprised now. I wonder how Swrod of Truth would rank.

>> No.16784428

A Wizard of Earthsea is a classic
The Magicians. Idk much about it, I've only seen 1 ep of the tv adaptation

>> No.16784439

I hate it, but The Name of the Wind?

>> No.16784455

There's plenty of even longer things in other languages.

>> No.16784456

The Bear and the Nightingale was good. I'm going to read more of the series later but the first book was self contained

>> No.16784459


>> No.16784464

mage errant

>> No.16784484

Colour of Magic by Pratchett

>> No.16784504

Guin Saga, over 150 books in the series.

>> No.16784717

>reading Poe
>unaware of the huge influence of German romanticism on his writing
Well, at least you'll learn something

>> No.16784835


>> No.16784856
File: 54 KB, 638x630, 1586148084487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading Dune, and the first book was amazing. I am not really pleased by the sequels so far though. It seems like Herbert made a lot of weird decisions just to try to keep things fresh.

>mfw when Leto goes out on the sand and covers himself in sand trout

>> No.16784992

Bartemaeous trilogy

>> No.16785020

That’s the best sex

>> No.16785042

>Guin Saga is the longest single-writer's work in the world,[8] with total sales of 30 million copies.[9]
>After the 100th book in the series was published in 2005, an event to celebrate this was held in Tokyo, with 600 attending
sad damn

>> No.16785112

Dude read Mars trilogy, I loved it

If you can deal with all of KSR's thinly characterised semiotic psychobabble the rest of it is pretty simple

>> No.16785286

is dawnshard as cringe as edgedancer

>> No.16785315
File: 193 KB, 992x560, Screenshot_20200922-033003_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a modern fantasy book that takes more influence from Dunsany and George MacDonald than D&D and George R.R. Martin?

>> No.16785336


>> No.16785685

do you mean this as Dungeons and Dragons or the fags that worked on GoT?

>> No.16785707

I assume he means the game.

>> No.16785749

Could anyone recommend me some modern weird fiction? I've been reading and enjoying stories by Thomas Ligotti, Laird Barron, Clint Smith and John Langan.

>> No.16785777

library of house char

>> No.16785821

Recommend me an audio book, please

>> No.16785840

>the game

>> No.16785866

There's a Jonathan Davis reading of Snow Crash that's kino.
His reading of Wolfe's Book of The New Sun is decent too.

>> No.16785924
File: 121 KB, 1300x956, female-cashier-in-bookstore-serving-a-customer-or-client-DXMPYE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow, anon! You sure bought a lot of fantasy books. I hope your kids love them.

>> No.16785942

I bought 3 fantasy books with amazons 3 for 2 deal. Did I do good?
>stormlight archives way of kings
>first book of earthsea
>the name of wind

>> No.16785950

No, sorry.

>> No.16785983
File: 129 KB, 768x1024, cuckkiller chronicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the name of wind

>> No.16785999


>> No.16786017

Something really perverse about that - don't like it!

>> No.16786028


>> No.16786029

any recommendations then to rectify this mistake?
I just wanted some quality big fantasy.

>> No.16786044


>> No.16786052


>> No.16786063


Maybe the show will be OK.

>> No.16786066

The Rithmatist :^)

>> No.16786074

>he ships Syl and Kal

Go fuck yourself. That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.16786083
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>Stormlight to surpass GRRM's 5 books in 4 entries
>not counting novellas
>or all the other cosmere works

>> No.16786093

>He hadn't even read the preview chapters
RoW is pogged out, gancho

>> No.16786101

Got fans BTFO

>> No.16786139

what zero pusy does to a mofo

>> No.16786153

Already read BotnS and wouldn't want to listen to anything actually read worthy, I'll check out Snow Crash

>> No.16786186
File: 1.47 MB, 1200x795, Knights Radiant Order Names and Surgebindings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What bloodline ability is Lindon going to magic out of his ass?

>> No.16786234

*plucks lute*

>> No.16786265
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check libgen

>> No.16786266

This. I wish I had spent the time I wasted reading WoT, instead doing something usefull, like rereading BotNS.

>> No.16786272

Sanderson is a mediocre writer writing generic fantasy.

>> No.16786291

The only time I've ever talked to a girl while buying books is when I got curious and picked up a discworld book. I didn't buy it because I know that women only like shit

>> No.16786326

Earthsea is good
People do like the other two. I've only sampled then but I did not like Rothfuss, Sanderson seemed ok but not great.
My personal recommendation is the first Amber series by Zelazny.

>> No.16786331

I had a female cashier snort when I handed her a copy of Goblin Slayer Vol.1 to purchase. This was well before the anime adaptation and she obviously didn't know what it was, she just saw Priestess on the cover and said it looked like Sailor Moon.
I was too shy to even respond with anything except a meek "thank you" when leaving.

>> No.16786332

Adolin will be an Edgedancer after he revives his deadeye with new oaths.

>> No.16786337

What a shit opinion you have.

>> No.16786360

thank you anon
>My personal recommendation is the first Amber series by Zelazny.
Asking this in a friendly way, why this series? What makes it good?

>> No.16786362

Yes, generic. He's writing shōnen fantasy books. It's like popcorn.

>> No.16786416

We're supposed to get a major representative of each category but we already have Lift as an Edgedancer.

>> No.16786469

what's the most shounen thing he's done so far?

>> No.16786477

It's five books but ~200 pages each, no filler, all intrigue and action. I like Corwin/Zelazny's "voice"which is capable and driven but not an asshole, no edgy grimderp, magic system is cool, raining between worlds, and it keeps its mystery without doing any deus ex machina

>> No.16786544

thanks anon, I will try to buy it in the future

>> No.16786569

You can probably read the first book and stop there if you like it because it's standalone or at least ends on an open-ended finale.

>> No.16786582

Literally Dalinar versus Odium and the "I accept all my actions" Honor's Perpendicularity DBZ power up bullshit.

>> No.16786591

Vita Nostra by Marina + Sergey Dyachenko

>> No.16786608

You missed your chance to smash sweet cashier poon.

>> No.16786636
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>Honor's Perpendicularity
I think you're using a term incorrectly, champ.

>> No.16786665

Vvvv cool world and vvvv cool characters.
The second series I guess is good I just don't understand wtf is going on

>> No.16786666
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... it's a yikes from me

>> No.16786674
File: 977 KB, 1173x1600, Reading order (2-3 years outdated).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your Sanderson thing btw

>> No.16786749

what is the maximum pages you read a day? what is the most pages you read in a day?

>> No.16786752

The alloys of law etc are really bad. Weed me 2 years ago disliked them and he really had no taste

>> No.16786786

I don't know, but have you read Lyonesse?

>> No.16786791

Aubrey-Maturin series read by Patrick Tull

>> No.16786798
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do you think gurm has been using the opportunity of covid-19 restrictions to finish the books?

>> No.16786815

>what is the maximum pages you read a day?
just a bit over a hundred but that's only if its a short novel that could be finished in two such sessions
there are probably a few longer novels where I read more than that during work-from-home in the early chinese virus days but that was more due to the ability to read and nod off then wake up and read some more while keeping my phone's notifications on for work.
the average amount of pages I read a day?

>> No.16786829

I think he really shines when he reads Urth. But I'm an outlier there, I think Urth is the best book Gene ever wrote.

>> No.16786854

I find it alarmingly positive that people keep recommending these, I literally only ever heard good things about them.

>> No.16786858

>Golden light surrounds Dalinar
>Pushes the Fused back like a strong wind
>Makes the Big Bad confused and scared
>Gives the other Radiants/Szeth power to draw upon to fight
>Stormfather had told Dalinar his power is not used for offense. Ongoing theme throughout the books of "the power of teamwork".

Leak us Rhythm of War already Sanderbro.

>> No.16786887

I read House on the Borderland in one night. 300?

Om average, I'd say 100-150

>> No.16786933

Oh, it's amazing. First two are a bit rocky -- but very rewarding -- then it's smooth sailing through volume 18 and the last two aren't bad either. Every writer (and maybe reader) of genre fiction should read them. I'd link to David Mamet's obituary of him, but it has spoilers.

And Tull's performance is perfect. He just spits out all the period and nautical terms like a native, with perfect nuances of character, class, position and emotion. Back in the day O'Brian fan groups would invite him to meetups to read live. It's just great.

>> No.16786953

I've finished the Vorkosigan saga(yes, all of it) and was just thinking of another long binge(with interludes for other writers in between). Might give this a shot.

>> No.16786956
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>centering on male friendship

>> No.16786981

Is there an updated degen-core chart?

>> No.16786985

This is what the normalization of homosexuality has taken from us.

>> No.16786998

I don't bother to keep track. I'll stay up late reading the end of a good novel. But I did once read The Sound And The Fury over two days (366pp says Goodreads) for a book report. The fucking Faulkner prose with pages long sentences compressed into that time frame nearly broke my brain

>> No.16787016

A nerd who doesn't understand friendship. Unsurprising

>> No.16787057

Any strong feelings on The Expanse series? I've watched the show so far (seaons 1 through 4) and find it good-for-what-it-is, but I'm sure there's a lot lost in the adaptation. How are the books?

>> No.16787065

don't take it so personally, you repressed faggot
it was a joke

>> No.16787343

make new

>> No.16787347

no u

>> No.16787451

I think they adapted The Expanse for its adaptability, not because anyone had strong feelings about it.

>> No.16787454

It was a repressed faggot's joke.

>> No.16787497

I stopped after book 3. The first two were decent spooky sci-fi pulp, but in the 3rd the new characters were just uninspiring. One was so blatantly SJW-pandering it felt jarring even to a leftie like me and the other just bland, and their filler shit just took too much pagetime away from the main spooke intrigue. So after this book I kind of lost interest, it just felt like the writers are repeating their mentor's mistakes - too many characters and plotlines, and not knowing how to resolve the main arcs satisfactorily, so they're just going to spin chapter after chapter of filler, flying to and fro, and introducing more and more pointless PoVs you can't be arsed to care about.

>> No.16787501

Still a lot better than Martin though. The guy saved WoT, his books were the best since Lord of Chaos.

>> No.16787569

He's a step above that. David Eddings is generic and mediocre. Sanderson tries to give you a value-add in story and setting. If you don't like it, you don't like it, but if you don't notice it you're a moron.

>> No.16787599

make the new thread FAGGOTS

>> No.16787726

Where the fuck is the rythm of war leak? Absolute state of leakfags in 2020.

>> No.16787966

Honor's Perpendicularity is not what gave him power but whatever abilities (likely Shard he may or may not be the Vessel of) he gained allowed him to create a perpendicularity, however short lived.

>> No.16787979

Metal and fantasy are the best

>> No.16788031
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>> No.16788040
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hope you're ready to see this Urithiru posted for the next 4 years :)

>> No.16788100
File: 348 KB, 706x1006, ruh roh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no that was actually an oathbringer image REUSED
here's a new hotness

>> No.16788101

On it

>> No.16788124

