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16783401 No.16783401 [Reply] [Original]

How did this book make it to amazon #1 best seller? How does Bezos allows anti-tranny stuff but not books like Logos Rising?

>> No.16783421

this whole tranny shit is the equivalent of cutting your thighs/wrists because no one understands you while listening to my chemical romance except now you can broadcast it to the world on social media

>> No.16783442

Three Cheers and Black Parade were dope albums though.

>> No.16783458

Yes, I notice that, weird. For some reason amazon recommend me this book while browsing yesterday. They clearly know I hate trannies. Regardless of that, how long till this book is ban from the platform? I bet trannies have gone suicidal after seeing this kek.

>> No.16783496

Lmao did it really take the growing ftm transitions for parents to consider this isn’t a good thing?
Mtf is by far the bigger problem. I hope the title is just bait and they deal with it at least gender neutrally - ironically.

>> No.16783511

Yeah how the fuck is chopping off parts of your legs or whatever to make a meat tube on your body mentally stable

>> No.16783517

The tranny shit was a genius way to exploit young men dropping out of society and tricking themselves into thinking their whole life should revolve around being gay. Millions of young men are already cooped up indoors (even before covid), jerking off to degenerate porn constantly. One of the most common results of this sexual oversaturation and dopamine diminishing returns syndrome is to experiment with "weirder" sides of it, like bi/gay shit.

That's already bad enough. But then factor into it that all these guys are checked out from society, don't identify with its institutions or customs, are willing to radically question it. That can be a fun thing within reason, it's the source of 4chan's irony culture of "lmao i have an anime bodypillow XDDD" self-deprecation etc.

But the tranny thing mobilized all this, combined it with the loneliness and constant horniness and sexual hypertrophy, fused them all together, and literally created a cult. There's nothing wrong with aspects of it: being a fag (who cares?), being a terminally online guy who thinks reality is the internet (bad but lots of people do it), having weird fetishes and porn addiction (bad but can be fixed). The tranny cult takes all of these and turns them into a fucking witches' brew of evil. It says "Here's a whole IDENTITY, a LIFESTYLE and a POLITICAL MOVEMENT for you to spend 110% of your time on, made up of all your worst habits. The more time you spend doing it, the deeper in the hole you get, the deeper your bad habits get. Everything bad is good. Mutilate yourself to prove your commitment, you must join the cult permanently!"

You know what other groups/societies use mutilation as a commitment oath, to prove "once you're in, you're never out"? Satanic cults.

>> No.16783523

Someone cuts their thighs!?

>> No.16783526

No one cares about men. It's only a problem if it's hurting women.

>> No.16783538

ummm no sweetie. on 4chan you either justify pumping a 4 year old with hormones and cutting their dick off or you are a based trad child molester with an epic QT anime toddler gf. fucking hate this site

>> No.16783540

It's only a problem if women are harmed by it. That's how our pozzed society works. There could be bodies of mtf in the streets but the tranny shit would still be praised as being woke, but when women start harming themselves, SUDDENLY it's a big problem. Notice that? Still, it's good that this book is out there and receiving this much attention. This tranny shit genuinely has to stop

>> No.16783554

good post

>> No.16783556

It's common for people to cut themselves in places that won't be easily seen. There's less of someone seeing your thigh than your wrist or arm.

>> No.16783565

From my middle school days I remember seeing scars on fat emo/goth girls' thighs

>> No.16783566 [DELETED] 

The reason FtM triggered the author so badly is that she's Jewish. If Jewish women become infertile, her lineage will die off because it's matrilineal. Men can go MtF all day, it doesn't matter as long as there are still enough with functioning cocks to get the women pregnant. The author retweets anti-Palestinian shit regularly.

>> No.16783574

>it's the source of 4chan's irony culture of "lmao i have an anime bodypillow XDDD"
Having a dakimakura isn't ironic.

>> No.16783581

Saved and good post

>> No.16783588

>being a fag (who cares?)
1. god
2. your parents, who regret that you were born
3. your future self, burning in hell for eternity

>> No.16783593

The ftm has unironically increased substantially over the course of years. Is probably the reason why there is a sudden backslash against ftm. Regardless of that, both types of trannies are mentally ill and they should take professional treatment.

>> No.16783597

I've read that they like to targets girls with autism since they're already uncomfortable with themselves, so it's an easy inroad for brainwashing.

>> No.16783598


>> No.16783602

This exactly. I got pulled into tranny shit at my lowest point in life when I was just smoking weed, skipping class, and staying in jerking off and browsing the internet. Eventually I found tranny internet and was deluded into thinking the only way to solve all my self imposed problems was through hormone therapy. TERF shit took me out of there and I’m forever grateful to TERFs

>> No.16783605

>they should take professional treatment
Transitioning is the treatment and they do take therapy as well. Unless you know better than the medical consensus?

>> No.16783608

Source on this? I saw a screenshot of an article saying that most of trannies might not even have dysphoria, just autism. I don't know how legit that article was.

>> No.16783615

I’m glad I’m not the only one who has this take.

>> No.16783621

Did this really happen? I can hardly imagine anyone would be susceptible to this. Can you give us more insight into your thought process and how you were manipulated?

>> No.16783620

Retard. Medical consensus was to lock away or lobotomize anybody with a slight mental defect in the early 1900s. This tranny shit will be looked down upon in the exact same way. A bunch of doctors and therapists too scared to do their job correctly damning millions to horrible lives.

>> No.16783628

I've read about it on Rod Dreher's blog where he's posted emails from readers or links to other articles in which people talk about how their daughters have been indoctrinated (often at college). It seems like Asperger's/autism was a common theme. If you poke around there you can find some stuff.

>> No.16783629

You sound personally invested in this anon, anything you'd like to share?

>> No.16783630


>> No.16783639

>Transitioning is the treatment and they do take therapy as well. Unless you know better than the medical consensus?
Mutilating yourself is definitely not a treatment and the medical consensus was not reached through actual scientific studies but (((political))) reasons. I have read in /sci/ that there was an actual treatment that seem to work to for trannies, but it got shut down. Here is the link of the thread I made.

>> No.16783642

>Jewish consensus says cutting your dick off is good for you
Lmao listen to yourself you fucking delusional faggot

>> No.16783643

There is incredible demand for these verboten perspectives. Underneath it all, many people know that the liberal orthodoxy is disconnected from reality, and are tired having delusions dictated to them as facts. Yet they keep their opinions to themselves for fear of reprisal. These kinds of books which generally sell well are evidence of this.

>> No.16783647

I prefer 7

>> No.16783649

>Unless you know better than the medical consensus?
Yes I do know better than the medical consensus.

>> No.16783673

Why do you think genital mutilation is in any way a positive for anybody. Just explain it to me how someone cutting their dick off is better than someone reverting back to a normal mental state

>> No.16783693

>(((political))) reasons
>Jewish consensus
Take your meds
No you don't.

>> No.16783697

Why do people always think about "cutting dicks off" the second they hear about trannies? Most of us don't get any surgery

>> No.16783703

They think this because of the concept "gender identity." They view this is an integral aspect of one's person, something essential to one's identity. To deny it is to deny the self. Of course there is no such thing as "gender identity."

>> No.16783705

Is not only that anon. This shit is more sinester and darker than you might think. The emo shit was simply just a phase, this shit can cause permanent damage to an individual. There wasn't propaganda supporting emos back in the day and you could mock them without any repercussions. Nowadays, if you said anything against the (((alphabet))) community you may even go to lost your job and reputation, and in the worse of scenarios to prison.

>> No.16783708

>normal mental state
Doesn't exist

>> No.16783720

Yes he does
Science medicine and many other formerly reputable institutions have been tainted. No longer grounded in truth but in ideology

>> No.16783723

It doesn't matter what surgery you get. It doesn't matter how you reshape your face, your genitals, your chest, your voice. None of it will ever make you a woman. You will simply be a mutilated man.

>> No.16783740

Dilate. Prove me wrong, that there is any empirical research that prove this shit is even real. Note: psychologist are not scientists. I want actual STEM sources instead of your pseudo-science shit.

>> No.16783746

>No you don't.
I do. There is no such thing as gender identity. You possess no such attribute. There is no sense at all in which you are a woman.

>> No.16783753

False. The identity of a women and men has biological reasons.

>> No.16783779

Stop confusing the issue. "Gender identity" is the concept used by trannies to refer to their mental gender, so to speak. It has no relation to their biology.

>> No.16783789

I'm still confused about this idea people who have gender-dysphoria think they know what it "feels" like to be the opposite. It implies some ability to tap into the consciousness of their opposite -- and, furthermore, understand the biological experience.

These just aren't possible and, essentially, is romanticism/fetishism.

>> No.16783799

I find it funny how so many /pol/tards who have never read a book as an adult other than Mein Kampf have invaded this board

>> No.16783807

For men who think they're women it's autogynephilia. For women who think they're men it's some kind of repressed lesbianism or a response to sexual abuse.

>> No.16783819

The hole (not a vagina) you had carved between your (male) legs needs to be dilated, doesn't it? Shoo shoo.

>> No.16783820

Ok sure, first off I have been diagnosed with ADD but pretty sure my psych is a pill pusher, I’ve been steadily depressed since the fifth grade, and I might be mildly autistic. I also experimented a lot with psychedelic and dissociative use in my senior year at highschool. So combining all this with the fact I was still heartbroken over my first girlfriend and entering the atmosphere of college with easy drugs and distractions and it was the perfect storm.

My destroyed brain kept going in circles wondering why I always felt so shit, how I could feel better, and how I could get my ex to notice me again (real dumb 18 y/o shit). Eventually somewhere along the line I started questioning my masculinity, looking in the mirror and hating how I looked and I found the answer to all my problems in being a tranny. I had known a few trannies through political activism and they seemed cool, some even attractive, but that’s cause I’m bisexual, so I thought maybe this is the right path. I got deep into trans internet and all the hugbox spaces made me feel accepted, gave me a path, gave me success stories, and gave me hope for a better life. At the point it just spiraled until I really genuinely thought I was transgendered, even coming out to a couple close friends which is really embarrassing to think about.

Weirdly, what got me away from it was a night out with a tranny and some other friends. I had done a very large amount of concerta (ritalin) and at like 7 or 8 am we came back to the tranny’s house, at this point my brain felt hollow from the drugs I took that night, and I just saw the tranny in a different light. He was very manly, he had tons of body hair, it looked very obvious that he wasn’t putting in any effort, that he wasn’t and would never be a woman. From that point on the illusion was completely shattered, I would go on tranny internet spaces and notice tons of disgusting fifty year old men interacting all cutesy with confused 13 year olds, the whole thing was so obviously demented. From there I started looking at TERF shit like r/itsafetish, r/gendercritical, r/neovaginadisasters, etc. and I pulled myself out of the brainwashing.

It was a weird experience, but at the end of it I know a lot more about myself and I never went far enough to destroy my body so it wasn’t that bad.

>> No.16783826

I find it funny how many easily peer-pressured autistic women and men make themselves infertile for life. We need less of them in the gene pool desu.

>> No.16783835

Mutilated man or no Trannies are far more pleasant to be around than the people who screech about how bad they are.

>> No.16783842

This is true. If you've got a walking freakshow next to you there's always something to laugh at.

>> No.16783865

I never visited /pol/ and I have probably read more books than you actually did in your miserable life dumb tranny. Also, go back to bunkerchan leftcuck

>> No.16783868
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>> No.16783875

i have a dick retard

>> No.16783883

Would you accept neuroscience, or is that "psychology"?

>> No.16783889
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Ah, good. You still possess the clearest proof you are a man and will always be a man no matter what you say or do.

>> No.16783891

There was actually a thread saying that they do raids on /lit/. Bunkerchan niggers fuck off.

>> No.16783897

That's right! Transsexual psychology is uniquely acausal, having no ontological point of reference at all.

>> No.16783898
File: 366 KB, 1302x882, E56FBD39-7626-4722-ADEC-7F9C9CC91527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This look at the /r9k/ Raiko shit and the other “tranny discords” you hear so much about. There’s a reason internet trannies are without fail politically radical. In the end I blame anime and “kawaii” stuff combined with porn addicted, sexually frustrated, alienated people being roped in. You’ll notice trannies always have anime profile pics or in /r9k/ the posts will be a reused pasta of “If you can’t get the girl then why not be the girl?” with an anime character as the pic. I also think 4chans obsession with traps plays a role in this effect when involuntary celibate, outcasted teenagers (who undoubtedly feel emasculated by their social position) come here and see that stuff. I used to browse here when I was underage a long while back and personally felt the temptations due to my irl social status and what I was seeing on the internet. Yes it’s cult. No it’s not natural.

>> No.16783901
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They're pretty pathetic lol

>> No.16783902

Neuroscience is actually science.

>> No.16783903

The gas station I go to has an obvious tranny working there calling itself "Natalie" (who I call Nat) who works the morning shift when all the workmen come get their breakfasts and coffees. Can you imagine anything more awkward than a chubby tranny in his early 20s interacting with grizzled construction workers and tree service guys? The contrast makes me a little ill

>> No.16783905

I feel bad for you anon.

>> No.16783907

Having quite a bit of experience with competitive MTG and gay tinder, the question shouldn't be "how many mtfs are autistic" but rather "how many mtfs aren't autistic". I have met exactly one who didn't have immediately obvious autistic traits.

>> No.16783911


>> No.16783915

Transsexual is different from transgender. Transsexuals want to change their sex which while impossible it at least a material basis. Transgenders are just retarded

>> No.16783928

Stop seething

>> No.16783930

So hol up, leftoids will take metaphysics seriously when it comes to gender bender shit?

>> No.16783941

The difference between the words 'gender' and 'sex' is a late 20th century invention with no basis in real etymology. It's a created premise to validate transgenderism/transsexualism.

>> No.16783949

I miss when this board wasn't full of right wing retards

>> No.16783954
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>> No.16783957

Duh, just like they take libertarian economics seriously as soon you bring up immigration controls

>> No.16783958

Just cuz you were a retard loser doesn't mean that every trans person is

>> No.16783963

Sure, I agree, but in our contemporary english there is a distinction. Sex is considered the material, and gender is the social construct surrounding sex.

>> No.16783966

Found it. Stop raiding my board commies niggers.

>> No.16783974
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>> No.16783986

I still know multiple transgenders, while I grew out of my phase they are all still at rock bottom doing drugs and hating themselves every morning. They literally tell me about it. Maybe not EVERY tranny is like this, bust most are.

>> No.16783987

Why is it that lefties can't handle people bringing arguments to the table to challenge their narratives? I actually like that you can have an argument on this board and that there's multiple points of view, it's refreshing. Why are you so deadset on having an endless circlejerk where you all just validate each others' ideas lmfao. Really puts the cancerous left-wing mindset on display

>> No.16783988

The castle on the left needs a noose in the doorway.

>> No.16783993

You can just become a normal person instead

>> No.16783997

There are some left wing retards who agree with them here too, if that makes you feel anybetter

>> No.16783998

You're indulging a false premise by granting that they're difference concepts when they're not.

>> No.16784004

>look up amazon page for this book
>top praise from denis prager and ben shapiro

lmao, the big dick intellectuals weighing in on this modern classic i see

>> No.16784005

>Implying filled with leftwing retards will make it better
you are just as cancerous as /pol/

>> No.16784012

So it’s a delusion?

>> No.16784020

There’s a middle road you know

>> No.16784024
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>False dichotomy

>> No.16784025

fat girls tend to do it

>> No.16784030

What is normal anon? If I'm not whatever that is to you and I'm not hurting other people why do you want me to be "a normal person"

>> No.16784032

>Doesnt want to live in a gothic stronghold alone with a weird butler

>> No.16784036

Yes. I think for men it's often a sublimated autogynephilia, but the core of it is a delusion. They create a new aspect of identity for themselves that is immaterial and exists only in their mind.

>> No.16784042

The thing is ftm rates are sky rocketing and mtf is decreasing.

>> No.16784044

Maybe, but it’s easier for people to understand that way. Maybe it’s just because im a terf so I do still incorporate semi modern feminist theory into my understanding of English and words like sex or gender

>> No.16784053
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>> No.16784056

What do they mean about their daughters?
Are they calling their sons daughters?

>> No.16784057

>indulging in a philosophical lie for convenience

>> No.16784062

trannyism is untenable, even the ruling class know they'll have to fully disavow it sooner or later, in the future it'll be considered a disturbing anachronism like lobotomies and footbinding

>> No.16784087

There's absolutely nothing wrong with more MtF trannies. They're important to devalue the sexual market value of roastie women.
The sexual economy has been destroyed

>> No.16784094
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THIS IS WHY WE MUST HONPOST. You too can save an innocent anon! Just remind trannies every single day they will never pass and never be a woman

>> No.16784097

The book is about how biological girls in their teens are eating up the propaganda on social media. This propaganda feeds them the idea of taking testosterone to fix their awkward puberty phase.

>> No.16784104

highly overrated post.

>> No.16784107

You must be a ball panty huffer

>> No.16784115

Oh that doesn't matter in the slightest.
Its not like these girls would have gone for me anyway. Women are taking testosterone and removing themselves from chads dating pool. Not ours.

>> No.16784117

How do I get a depressed MtF to become my sex sl-- I mean boyf--- I mean "girlfriend." He'd have to wear a chastity cage 24/7 of course.

>> No.16784125
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Marx would have wanted trannies gassed just as much you retarded faggot

>> No.16784126

/pol/ is the patrician spirit, /lit/ is just the clergy who muscles up

>> No.16784134

By asking for one on /lgbt/ which is where this thread belongs

>> No.16784139

Why are you incapable of realizing your place? This isn't dignified

>> No.16784145

>If you don't want your son/brother to cut his dick off and eventually kill himself then you must read mein kampf
Again, just listen to yourself, delusional insane faggot. I realize that talking to you is like talking to a brick wall, because you just won't listen, and you'll do what you want to do, regardless of the price. But I'll keep saying it just in case I break through and save you: you have to stop the tranny shit. You seriously have to stop.

>> No.16784147

I'd rather be around trannies than be around you.

>> No.16784152

Stop lying. We all know you hate yourself and your male body.

>> No.16784153
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I'm quit capable of understanding my place. I understand it on a level you never will because you are materialist egoist. Feels bad you may never ascend because of it.

>> No.16784156

Dont worry, the comrades and I will make sure you enjoy each other's company for eternity

>> No.16784160

>not wanting people to mutilate and kill themselves en masse is right wing
Uhhhh... sure bro

>> No.16784162

You'd rather have your son die as a virgin incel. At least if he transitions, he might make himself and someone else happy if he's not masculine looking.

>> No.16784164

So where do you hang out? Graveyards?

>> No.16784165

God had nothing to offer me

>> No.16784173

Yes. We need more trannies, not less.

>> No.16784181

>my son will be more happy being a hole for creepy men on grindr than toughing through life naturally

>> No.16784182

ahhh so mtf are just ugly niggas with zero bitches coping

>> No.16784187

>mental gender

That's called "fantasy" or "delusion". There is no such thing as a mental gender.

>> No.16784193

Kek so the incel to tranny pipeline is real then

>> No.16784195

That's why I said "so to speak." I do not believe "gender identity" exists. I was trying to explain what the term means to trannies.

>> No.16784199


>> No.16784205

Guess what that means?

>> No.16784209

>tfw you can't get pussy so you become the pussy

>> No.16784220

Thanks for the detailed response, this is both heartbreaking and nauseating. I'm glad you managed to get out of that spiral. Do you know of other people who took it too far?

>> No.16784222
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but i don't to be a nazi tranny

>> No.16784230

I found it ironic how modern left wings morons like to suck it up to trannies because of being "progressive". The ironic reality is that trannies are just a product of the capitalist bourgeoisie to gain more money through tricking retards to waste money on their crap. Truly ironic.

>> No.16784235

Less trannies means less mentally ill people. More trannies means more mentally ill people. How are you not getting this? You truly are fucked. What would it be like to be you, when you could literally just say anything you want, regardless of the truth, and fully accept it as reality? Nothing I say can change your mind; I could bring you all the evidence in the world, all the arguments and it wouldn't matter, because you've just completely checked out and are living in a world where anything that goes counter to your ideals just doesn't exist. If someone said two times two was fifteen, and it happened to suit your purposes, you would accept it. You are fundamentally an ureasonable human being. You will end by killing yourself, and the worst part is you think you're getting internet points by being snarky and denying reality. I'm arguing with a member of a death cult. There's no point. Whatever.

>> No.16784255

Any trans-identifying person who takes hormones already took it further than I ever did

>> No.16784256

So the theories others have put forward itt are true?

>> No.16784266

Trannies can be sexually appealing as long as they don't get surgery. I don't want them unless they still have their cock.

>> No.16784270

wait so she takes the man hating angle of second wave feminism??

also pls go back to parler where you can cope without interference.

>> No.16784272

This was literally a line of reasoning trannies would use to try to convert /r9k/ incels

>> No.16784275
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Fem men have always been the hottest. Masc women have always been the hottest. Trannies are just returning to tradition. It honestly makes sense that the weak fleshy incemintation tube should belong to the bottom and the enveloping thrust absorbing baby birthing hole would belong to the top.

>> No.16784278

A true lolicon protects from the shadows.

>> No.16784280

Can you even fuck the fake pussy? Does it even feel good? I can't imagine it does

>> No.16784281
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>> No.16784283

True, were there many that did? I really know nothing about this scene except that I've always found the idea of trannies uncomfortable.

>> No.16784290

Apparently you can, from what I've read. But I don't even particularly like real vaginas, so a fake one is definitely out.

>> No.16784292

Look up what "dilate" means

>> No.16784303

That line of reasoning is everywhere on trans internet spaces.

>> No.16784308
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>It's only a problem if women are harmed by it. That's how our pozzed society works.
That's how society has always worked. I've never seen any traditional society say that war is bad because it affects fathers/sons, men have always been the expendable gender.

>> No.16784314

Yes. Millions of transgenders medically transition. That’s the norm

>> No.16784317

Yes. You don't have to date creepy men. You can date a friend or something

>> No.16784318

Thinning the herd, I suppose.

>> No.16784325

Then you'll love trannies because 80% of them don't even intend to ever cut off their dick.
Its funny how you all bitch about trannies all the time but you don't know anything about them.

>> No.16784326

Normal people don't want to date trans freaks. You're useful fetish objects though.

>> No.16784327

Honey, aint nobody want an ugly tranny

>> No.16784332

There is nothing wrong with doing drugs

>> No.16784333

This image is okay

>> No.16784334

Trannies don't "date"
there is not and will never be someone interested in a tranny except degenerate coomers who once they coom want you immediately gone. You will never pass. You will never be a woman. You will never be loved by anyone, only used as a political pawn by elites to further destroy community and society. Your very presence leads to disgust, discomfort, and the destruction of pleasant society. Your parents will use your real name when they bury you.

>> No.16784335

pseudo scientific book, neuroscience probes the existence of gender disphoria.

>> No.16784344

Have you considered that this reflects your friend group/social group/haplogroup?

>> No.16784345

Then don't be an ugly tranny. Learn to wear makeup and take lots of hrt. It only costs 50k to have your face feminized by a surgeon.

>> No.16784346

Transgender propaganda definitely hurts a lot of people. I feel more pity for them than anything else though.

>> No.16784347

There is a story where someone who is using the little stump end of repurposed dick flesh as a "clitoris" loses it to the necrotic process. It falls off.

>> No.16784348

Oh only 50k thats good

>> No.16784350
File: 491 KB, 828x810, 1605377975786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's tons of trannies that pass and are better at looking like girls than girls themselves

>> No.16784352

All trannies will be in heaven

>> No.16784355

Does anyone have a nuanced view on this stuff? I'm against surgery for obvious reasons, but I think that socially we should be more tolerant towards people's chosen gender identities. Gender essentialism has done a lot of harm to both men and women, and I would advocate for a more open and compassion alternative to rigid gender roles.

>> No.16784358

Better as a twink desu, Looks like that smelly girl in science class there

>> No.16784360

Cuter on the left
Effeminate male > trannie

>> No.16784364

Doe this also happen with underage people?

>> No.16784365

Yeah and what do you think this man will look like at 40?

>> No.16784370
File: 789 KB, 886x888, 1605296414519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, the "I CAN'T SNEED"

>> No.16784374


>> No.16784379

Life isn't worth living past 40

>> No.16784382

man, this issue is not a left-right thing, even some lefties see it as a problem

>> No.16784383


>> No.16784384

>Citation required

>> No.16784387

tranny cope

>> No.16784389
File: 63 KB, 600x624, 1592779923667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal suicide cultist
You're already lost. I hope to God one day you look in the mirror and awaken from this nightmare

>> No.16784400

No, most of my friends, including me now, don’t do drugs anymore and have their lives on track. The trannies I still associate with are objectively the least functional people I have ever met.

>> No.16784404

Shit, that's what most modern gay guys are too.

>> No.16784406

You're aware that there are large groups of people who have never done drugs and/or have always had their lives on track, right? Apparently not.

>> No.16784412

Biden's covid advisor wrote an article for The Atlantic arguing that life past 75 is not worth living because it's "diminished". Ironic that he should be the pandemic advisor to the oldest president in history at 78 on inauguration.

>> No.16784425

Transgenderism is what is enforcing gender roles retard. The whole idea is that because you identify more with feminine shit like wearing dresses or whatever that you must be a woman. Gender roles and gender identity are social constructs that don’t matter in the slightest, what matters is biological sex. If you want to get rid of gender roles you make it socially acceptable for men to crossdress, act feminine, etc, without literally considering them women.

Take the terfpill retard

>> No.16784433

Yes, obviously. Do you not know anything about transgenderism?

>> No.16784436

This. Being a woman doesn't mean anything about what you wear or how you wear your hair or whatever bullshit trannies think it's about. They just see what the average woman does and imitate it. They wouldn't know any better since they're men.

>> No.16784442

I don't really hate them but yeah that is some bad optics if the author wants this to appeal outside right wing circles

>> No.16784450

Not the trannies LMAO

>> No.16784461

You're wrong, transgenderism existing weakens rigid existentialist notions about sexes. If someone who is biologically penis can become a women, people who don't conform to traditional gender expectations will become more acceptable socially.

>> No.16784467

>If someone who is biologically penis can become a women
They can't though, so none of the rest you mentioned will follow.

>> No.16784477

Yes they can, the social attributes of female identity can be adopted by someone who was born with a penis.

>> No.16784483

That doesn't make you a woman.

>> No.16784492

>the social attributes of female identity
That can't happen because the socialization of a woman is conditioned upon her having female biology. It's not a costume, but a lived experience that occurs from birth.

>> No.16784494

So you're saying "dresses/makeup/feminine things" are what make someone a woman?

>> No.16784495

They won’t become more accepted, they’ll be pushed more and more into the tranny category until we end up again with retarded and rigid gender roles just with the sexes mixed up a little. That or this whole ideology blows up in your faces and ends up taking down the rest of the LGB and gender-nonconforming community down with you in a wave of far-right reactionary power. Trannies, just like in weimar germany, are a great catalyst for nazis and a horrible burden for leftists. Fuck trannies

>> No.16784501

It pretty much does.

>> No.16784506

It doesn't mean you can bare children, but what it means to be a women is mostly cultural. It's the same thing with racial identity, some people have different features, but what people consider racial identity is 99% a social construct

>> No.16784516

If you're infinitely sure of something, you should be willing to wager your soul on it. A lot of people in this thread are acting infinitely sure about the illegitimacy of transsexualsim. Let's see their wager. I wager my own soul on the opposite. Put up or shut up.

>> No.16784518

What's considered female is more than just being a person who can give birth. We all know this, but some are dishonest.

>> No.16784522


>> No.16784524

It does not. See >>16784492. You will never have the lived experience of life as a woman. This is what the "social attributes of female identity" are. It's the real experience of having lived as a woman, of being treated as a woman, for better or worse. You cannot have that no matter what you do. You're donning it like a costume, playing pretend with something you don't actually understand, because you've never experienced it.

>> No.16784527

Bear, anon, bear children. Bare means to take off their clothes.

>> No.16784529


>> No.16784530

It is as long as you take care of your body and mind. There's a comfort in experience and wisdom but you have to work hard to reach that age and be without regrets.

>> No.16784534

Beta males act like women anyway

>> No.16784539

>it pretty much does
So you believe in enforcing gender roles? LOL

>> No.16784542

So if I decide that I am actually black, the fact that I have lived my entire life as a white person means nothing now? The fact that I've never experienced what life is like for a black person is meaningless? What does being black mean without the social experience of actually being treated as black?
They are not treated as women and did not grow up experiencing the life of a woman. You don't understand what I'm saying.

>> No.16784547

You're not a leftist, you're a reactionary. Trannies existing is totally harmless, and it cuts away at peoples existentialist dogma

>> No.16784562

>So if I decide that I am actually black, the fact that I have lived my entire life as a white person means nothing now?
Not necessarily, but a white person can have similar thought patterns and cultural programming to what's considered "black"

>> No.16784563

>Trannies existing is totally harmless
No it's not, read >>16783820

>> No.16784564

It is not harmless. They are used as pawns for restriction of free speech and for widespread demoralization tactics by forcing people to play pretend and lie around them constantly.

>> No.16784570

I do. I hate bisexuality and nonbinaries

>> No.16784573

>ut a white person can have similar thought patterns and cultural programming to what's considered "black"
No you can't. You have to say this because it exposes your nonsense for what it is, though. You are a joke.

>> No.16784575

They are not women. They are weak men and are treated as such. Women are not derided for weakness (at least in the real world) and don't have a complex for it.

>> No.16784583

Also, transgender MtF are important for the tech industry because they improve the gender imbalance. If you can code at all and transition to female, you can have your pick of silicon valley jobs.

>> No.16784588

>No you can't.
Are you retarded? You've never spoken to white people who grew up in black neighbourhoods have you lmao

>> No.16784592

>, it looked very obvious that he wasn’t putting in any effort
So you're gonna pin all of this on the fact that some trannies don't put in effort and don't even take hormones and those are representive of the ones that do make the effort?

>> No.16784595

It doesn't hurt anything but your feelings you goof

>> No.16784600

Different anon, but modern black ghetto culture is literally a continuation of southern white cracker culture.

>> No.16784603

Now he's gonna say "facts don't care about your feelings" even though he's the one giving a shit about harmless trannies

>> No.16784609

>you’re a reactionary
No, I’m a leftist. Transgenders existing is a sign of serious societal degeneration into totalitarian capitalism.
>totally harmless
Except for, you know, the millions of people chemically castrating themselves for a fetish?

>> No.16784611

Just because you don't like something that complicates your cartoon vision of reality, doesn't make it so it no longer exists. Most of what you consider normal is a product of time, you think you can strip down people to supposed biological roots and find genuine identity, but that identity you consider essential is still nothing more the a consequence of circumstance.

>> No.16784613

>You've never spoken to white people who grew up in black neighbourhoods have you lmao
You're talking to one, moron. I have no firsthand experience of what their lives are like. I've never been treated or viewed as black for a single moment in my life.
I live in the south and this isn't true either. Even if it was it's irrelevant to my point. I'm not just talking about cultural similarities but the experience of being socialized into a given role from birth.

>> No.16784615

lol. Imagine if half the Apple board were normal men and half were MtF; the liberals would celebrate gender equality.

>> No.16784621

Nonbinaries enforce gender role

>> No.16784622

I'm not talking about biological roots, you fucking moronic piece of shit, I'm talking about socialization.

>> No.16784634

It's not black and white (pun intended). There's a spectrum.

>> No.16784635

Socialization directly flows from some material base. That material base would be their biology

>> No.16784639

And I fundamentally reject your idea of socialization. Human socialization is play and expression, not something archaic that need to be defended by aging virgins.

>> No.16784640


>> No.16784644

Who cares? Let them live. You’re on the internet 24/7 and you’re wasting your 20s. Who cares?

>> No.16784647

The material base isn't some deterministic totality anymore than a white sheet of paper determines what's written on it.

>> No.16784648

The glamorization of transgenderism has lead to an increasingly large number of stupid impressionable teenagers pumping their bodies full of hormones and mutilating their own bodies in extreme cases. Instead of treating these people we feed into their delusions and give them the means to hurt themselves, which inevitably leads to suicide and the deterioration of their already fragile mental health. It has led to the suicide of many people who would have otherwise led ordinary lives.

>> No.16784651

And? String a point together to show how this means that a man can take on the "social attributes of female identity" as was stated earlier.
You can't express something that you have no legitimate conception of.

>> No.16784652

It is true. Weather its relevent to your point, I was pointing out that modern black ghetto culture is the descendant of Southern white cracker culture which is itself a transplant culture of the Ulster-Scots and England Scotland border peoples. This is fairly obvious.

>> No.16784655

Transgender people are the janissaries of liberalism. They will fight harder than any other group to keep liberalism alive, because in any other society they'd be screwed. That's my only real gripe with them.

>> No.16784656

conception doesn't need to be legitimate you fucking nerd

>> No.16784664

There’s few. And your pic will look like shit 5 years from when that pic was taken. Also you can already see through that gross ass hair texture that something is up.

>> No.16784666

Then all you have is a costume. You aren't a woman in any sense. You're playing pretend.

>> No.16784671

Yes, I'd rather my son die a virgin but live an otherwise fulfilling life than engage in some disgusting occult ceremony meant to resemble sex.

>> No.16784682

Bodies are costumes, you dweeb. Hindus figured this out way before liberalism has existed

>> No.16784684

I would actually agree personally but you’re just proving how harmful the tranny mindset is on a wide scale

>> No.16784702

Costumes can be shed.

>> No.16784711

Trannies kill themselves because of dick heads like you being mean to them. Just let people decorate their body how they want.

>> No.16784712

>the masses will explode in moral decadence if we don't crack down on trannies
The masses will be fine if society is more tolerating to alternative gender expressions

>> No.16784713

> If someone who is biologically penis can become a women
They can’t though. They will still be a mutilated, carefully kept alive freak that can only come close to passing with obscene amounts of cosmetics

>> No.16784723

>Just let people decorate their body how they want.
No. Society needs to protect weak and ill people like yourself from yourselves.

>> No.16784728

So are bodies? You do know we only keep these bodies for a relatively short amount of time, right? Nobody is getting chastised by nature for being avant garde

>> No.16784738


>> No.16784744

Trannies are the carefully procured tools of technocratic liberalism

>> No.16784745

Not carrying on your genes and reproducing is essentially getting chastised by nature for being avant garde. Nature is literally taking your genetic line, which has been around for hundreds of millions of years, and ending it.

>> No.16784746

Their self-mutilation is the chastisement.

>> No.16784750

Here, have an upvote.

>> No.16784751

Based trannies

>> No.16784752

>people make use of technological developments to further express themselves
>this is bad

>> No.16784754

After thinking about it for a bit, I think it's natural selection at work. People too weak to be male or female try their hand at being the opposite gender. If it works out for them, good. If it fails, well, the stats are sad but they are there for a reason.

>> No.16784762

Indoctrination, self harm, inhumane surgeries, mental delusions, and high suicide rates aren’t hurting anyone?

>> No.16784763

reproduction is a means to an end, not the end itself

>> No.16784765

I reject that self-expression is the highest good or necessarily good.

>> No.16784767

Because men look more feminine now anyway, so most women can pass as a beta pretty easily. "Traps" on the other hand are so rare and usually mtfs end up as horse faced stubby freaks with donkey King's hands.

>> No.16784773

Says a lot that you guys proceed to talk about them as if they are important to learn from. trannies will disappear once everyone forgets they exist and are equal to nature itself. it all goes back to the earth. they'll all be gone if everyone forgets about them. yes, im contradicting myself a bit here by recognizing their existence. however dont fall for these traps.

>> No.16784781

Love is the highest good

>> No.16784782

Express what? Their failure to accept reality? Its a massive cope with many consequences. You don't see people championing schizos "expressing" themselves. There where trannies in Roman times. Technology is just more cope.

>> No.16784786

Without state enforced tolerance I imagine the “masses” would go around lynching freaks like trannies

>> No.16784787

You are the reason for the suicide rates. You are literally on the side of indoctrination.

>> No.16784794

I love you enough to tell you the truth that mutilating your genitals is bad.

>> No.16784795

At least he probably faced his demons instead of befriended them

>> No.16784797

Maybe if trannies were mentally stable they would be so susceptible to muh bullies

>> No.16784806

I'm not mean to trannies. If you tell a heroin addict that his addiction is harmful for him and others around him, you're not being mean to him, you're telling him the truth and even helping him. Now imagine society on a wide scale starts advocating for drug abuse, saying it's empowering and that you can start at 12, even 10 years old and anyone who tells you otherwise is a bigot.

>> No.16784811

You wouldn't understand since you're clearly autistic, but not everyone exists as biological reproduction machines. Consciousness is expression, being conscious is taking part in a dance which it's expressions are vast. The climax of all expression is love.

>> No.16784813

There is no other means to reach the only objective goal of life.

>> No.16784821

The goal is life is love. I'm not strictly speaking of romantic love, but just love itself. The point is relational, reproduction is a way of setting the stage for this ultimate knowledge.

>> No.16784829

Seeing how tranny shit and sex work progressed in the last 5-10 years, it’ll probably be like this. At least in the false bubble of the liberal world

>> No.16784831

why does this matter at all? there are skeptical people like you that exists that will always exist to give caution to otbers. if a dumb nimrod (yes, children are susceptible to either being idiots or naive genius') falls victim to it. it isnt the fault of the people who market it. this is basic capitalism. consumer should always be wise enough to analyse and critique. obviously with natural selection people are bound to do stupid shit. that is out of anyones control and only people to blame are the people who fell to it in the first place, but if they dont mind it then there isnt a problem in the first place. people eat bad foods and they accept this choice and go with it. knowing it is bad for them.

>> No.16784843

Yeah, no. Romanticize life however you want, but the only reason life exists is to perpetuate itself. The only reason anything you feel, the love you revere, exists is because nature decided that that feeling would encourage reproduction

>> No.16784847

>The goal is life is love.
Are you religious? Because otherwise I find it hard to square that with evolution

>> No.16784850

The appeal to natural selection is incredibly cynical.

>> No.16784854

The only thing I'll agree on is that surgical genital reversal is damaging and doesn't really work out. Transgenderism itself hurts nobody, but it's hard to discuss these things with nuance.

>> No.16784855

You just don't get it cause your a sociopath. Not very thing is subject to immediate hedonistic self pursuits. Awareness of the constraints of reality alow freedom of conscious existence. The only expression of sapient life is self control and a perspective of long time horizons.

>> No.16784858

How is drug addiction anything like trying to be pretty and cute?

>> No.16784867

>the only reason a car exists is the perpetuate itself and car existence
Everything is play my nigga, no need to be autistic

>> No.16784868

Why do you guys get pissed about trans people lol
You guys are basically women yourselves, might as well support those who want to be women :-)

>> No.16784869

Be metrosexual then.

>> No.16784870
File: 236 KB, 750x660, 554F7BE3-FD0C-48BF-864D-66B1860E6B11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incontrovertible proof that trannies are all bitter fetishist freaks

>> No.16784873

Cars arent alive retard

>> No.16784874

Terrible bait.

>> No.16784877

Because you cannot fight the will of God and nature. You have been predetermined to be a man. Fighting this will only lead to more misery. Both eastern Dao and ancient Stoics knew there are certain things we cannot ever hope to change, and to attempt to change this is to bring about suffering.

>> No.16784878
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>people exist only to align themselves to the established natural order, which is culturally dictated by us
>all notions of fun, self expression, and playfulness are to be stomped out by the police of logic and reason

>> No.16784883

the thing is that regardless people are driven to survive. although not everyones priority is to survive the longest. most would prefer to live in ways of rules or pleasure. this is basic ethics. everyone uses ethics to live the life they want to live. not all ethics are going to leave results that'll make every individual agree on. this is the same argument as, 'would you rather live a short life at its peak? or live life as long as possible well past your peak?" i believe it is not possible to be consistent in having the best moments of your life all the time. that seems too ideal and silly to me. it is possible however to have multiple peaks in your life, but that is incredibly unlikely to people who don't have strong willpower.

>> No.16784884

neither is your conception of "reality"

>> No.16784909

No, reality isn’t alive. But there are real things in reality that are objectively alive. You can’t pretend to be the gotcha! philosopher guy while also being obviously retarded

>> No.16784911

I feel like this thread is a classic case of deontology vs. utilitarianism. although with a mixture of various epistemological perspectives.

>> No.16784924

Nice strawman.

People exist to dominate their self. Otherwise, we are no different than animals. You are an animal only pursuing base instinct and seeking pleasure. Constraint is the mother of creativity. Mindlessly indulging in whatever makes you immediately feel good is foolish and counterproductive to you own alleged goals of fun and self expression.

>> No.16784936

I'm a virtue ethnicity and reject your claim.

>> No.16784948

We are animals, but our consciousness is of a higher resolution than other animals in the sense that we have language. You're wracked with existential guilt which has been burdened on you from Christianities idea of original sin, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying good food, good sex, and fun.

>> No.16784950

Oh you're a god fag and you're calling others delusional. Sad.

>> No.16784952

Enjoy your bovine existence, dweeb

>> No.16784956

sounds to me as a metaphysical misnomer that is based on your own experiences. i'm not that anon, but i can clearly see that you already have a set way of seeing things based on your own ontology and cannot stray from it. idk what terms like what is the difference between real things and things in general? what makes something real? what makes something alive? an object like a rock is dead. what makes a person different than a rock? i would argue a person is the same as a rock it is just that no one can peer into the mind of a rock which is why i think people typically detach them from an identity similar to a "person".

completely fair. my ethics are only based on my self interested values based on me faithfully believing in them. i can't answer to you why i believe it. same as spirituality. i can't explain it, it is just this force of will i believe in without logic.

>> No.16785015

they get even more thoroughly btfo here than they do on other boards. can't shill your murderous ideology when there's anons who have read up on its history and are familiar with its major thinkers lurking behind every corner.

I'm fairly sure they also shill on /ic/ btw

>> No.16785016

but what about people that have already accepted that nature intended for them to live this way of life? Daoism allows for hedonistic properties like Yang Zhu albeit that is subversive from typical canon. going with the force of will of nature and letting it take you places on which it deems correctly. obviously Zhu was self aware that his will is binded to the Dao. However, he rejects the notion of finding balance. Which makes him not a devoted follower of the beliefs of Zhuangzi or Laozi. Which is why his lifestyle is similar to Nietzsche's Dionysian lifestyle or Stirner's The Unique.

>> No.16785017

No one is advocating for the forbidding of (consensual) genital mutilation. The problem comes when they require me to refer to them as something they are not and will never be, and in Europe those procedures are paid by taxpayers money, which is also a problem.

>> No.16785024


>> No.16785029

Because it's not about MtF trannies, it's about teenage girls who become (insert any amount of genders) but only when in a group. It's not even discord trannies, it's about the kind of girls that discord trannies like to get n00ds from.

FtM trannies who are teenagers and only doing it once they have joined a group which promotes it, outnumber all other tranny surgeries in the US by several hundred percent. As in, if you took all the MtF trannies in the US at all ages, put them in a box with all the FtM trannies who are 25+… and then put a box on the other side of the scale filled with teenage girls who do it for clout, the side with the teenage girls would always be heavier despite them being the lightest individually. It's literally legally far easier to get drugs and surgery as a teenage grill than it is to get your dick chopped off as a full grown adult in the US.

The only people who object to the book are probably either pissed off their mother worked out that teenage girls are prone to dumb hysterics, or are pedo trannies who can see their cornucopia of teen titties and surgery scar porn drying up.

>> No.16785032

What makes something alive is the ability to reproduce. Hence the purpose of life is reproduction. It’s very simple

>> No.16785036

>anti-trannie agenda is right wing
we're progressives anon. you're the traditionalist holding on to inhumane social customs against all evidence.

>> No.16785043

So your mom stops being alive when she hits menopause?

>> No.16785045

maybe rebel and stop paying tax dollars to europoor countries?
also any person enforcing language on you is a loser and a dweeb and their concepts are spooks. i applaud your effort. although you can't vice versa force them to abide to your terms either. people can call themselves w.e. they want. anyone has the right to do w.e. they want with the given might they have.

>> No.16785050

No you're reactionary, and are afraid of things that you don't understand.

>> No.16785056

that is your conception as the definition of what being alive is. i see no difference. definitions are just there to make it so that people who use language to get a point to their fellow member of their species. you never know. rocks could have a secret mystical message of their own which is far beyond anyones compacities.

>> No.16785066

If there's anything in the world that can unite people of all political persuasions, it's hatred for you degenerate sexual fetishists who won't stop trying to rationalize your porn addictions.

>> No.16785073

>An extreme conservative; an opponent of progress or liberalism
ah yes, the age-old communist buzzword. "everyone I don't like is an enemy of "the people""

>> No.16785075

Man, so many people in this thread thinking being LGBTQIA+ is a choice.

>> No.16785076

Infertile people are still alive. It's the mentality like this that makes them lesser in eyes of society and turn to practices like surrogate mothers, essentially treating babies like goods that can be bought.

>> No.16785077

Trans lives matter

>> No.16785080

What the guck kind of rebel are you talking about? So should I commit fiscal fraud to not pay for transition surgeries?
You shiled yourself on individual freedom while actively violating the freedom of people who don't think like you. Antidiscrimination laws and the subsidiing of transexual treatment directly impacts society, so don't come around saying it's 'respecting freedom'.

>> No.16785085

No, you're being hysterical over what is literally a non issue just because it's not the traditional western status quo

>> No.16785095

all tranny lives don't matter, unless if it is possible for me to respect one in person. this'll always apply to me. same goes for niggers, white trash, ching chongers, spics, and beaners, and eurogays. i will always call anyone i oppose as chris chan.

>> No.16785096

partially determined by the environment, true
medical condition
genetic defect

>> No.16785101

im saying use ur might to beat them in their game. if tax dollars in european countries are funding for tranny garbage. fucking rebel.

>> No.16785102

Trannies are a burden on whatever movement they associate with

>> No.16785104

you're projecting again, hon

>> No.16785110
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>> No.16785113

Born like this, isnt determined by the enviroment.
Also born like this.
Not a buzzword, just people who dont know what they are.
I kinda agree with this one but Intersex people are still cool and valid.
Born this way, not depression.

>> No.16785120

I dont think your looking it at the right way.
I am left leaning man by all accounts and I deeply resent transexualism and all its variety. to say resent is an understatement.

No everyone is on board with this filth.

>> No.16785124

I would argue that it doesn't matter if it's a choice or not, a society that's tolerant and open to alternative identities and sexualities is a more humane and preferable society.

>> No.16785126

do what i said here >>16785101 but also kill them or kidnap one and make an example. do w.e. you can do destroy them entirely with ur own selfish means. if you dont like the direct approach. come at it at a social approach and get all their friends destroyed either by getting ur friends to destroy and manipulate them from the inside. basic machiavellen methods here.

>> No.16785136

I'm a male, I'm also not trans

>> No.16785138

Yeah, okay i agree with you there. People just need to calm the fuck down and let people live.

>> No.16785145


>> No.16785146

arbitrary garbage. sounds like a bunch of rough up assumptions based on your own experiences with these terms.

>> No.16785148

not if "being tolerant" means allowing "queer activists" to indoctrinate your kids and make them join their death cult.

>> No.16785151

fuck no, anyone who fucks with me. will perish! although if you dont fuck with me. then fine, u get to live another day.

>> No.16785155

not even experiences, "I was always born to be this way" isn't something you can know through personal experience, it would need to be determined scientifically - and the science plain doesn't support the gay gene hypothesis.

>> No.16785156

>Also born like this.
No. Just a mental disorder caused by several factors. From propaganda, hormone problems and other shit.
>Not a buzzword, just people who dont know what they are.
It is. They used queer for all anthying that is close to their retardation.
>I kinda agree with this one but Intersex people are still cool and valid.
They are people, but definitely shouldn't praised for having such defect.
>Born this way, not depression.
No, being asexual can be caused by low libido or hormone problems. This is mostly environmental and is not caused to being born in this way.

>> No.16785161

I just read his story and I got a laugh out of the image cause I totally thought the same lol

>> No.16785164

Interesting. Where is the empirical evidence for being a tranny you faggot? And no, psychology isn't a science.

>> No.16785165

that also sounds arbitrary as science is created by committee through consensus. psychology is impossible to make sense of. all we can tell is chemical processes, but interpreting these as a basis of behavior is a massive leap of logic to me. as people in the scientific community still fight on this till this day.

>> No.16785166

I have no idea why i even came here, i dont know what i expected, so i'll leave now before i get more dissapointed than i am now.

>> No.16785173

>science is created by committee through consensus.
what did he mean by this anons?

>> No.16785174

It’s all environmental

>> No.16785182

society: "projecting your insecurities on other people is bad, being homeless is shit, letting mentally ill people near your kids is dangerous and you definitely shouldn't educate kids with weird shit"

literally trannies: "blah blah blah gender issues blah blah, if you don't want to date me or don't want to hear about me you're transphobic and inhumane, my 8-year-old little brother thinks life sucks because he's a boy and now he wants to be a girl, geez just let him live"

>> No.16785186

Stop trying to rationalize your fetish

>> No.16785192

nigger you're aware that homosexuality occurs in nature, right? you can literally track when and why homosexuality occurs in rats and it's been done.

>> No.16785197

everything is environmental, someone needs an epigenetic course

>> No.16785200

Homosexuality≠Trannies/Meme genders/Schizophrenic delusions

>> No.16785216
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>being a terminally online guy who thinks reality is the internet (bad but lots of people do it), having weird fetishes and porn addiction (bad but can be fixed)
I have doubts that either of these can be fixed, even if you don't fall for the tranny stuff.
First piece of evidence: me

>> No.16785220

oh, you were talking about the science of trannyism, I thought you were the anon who argued that homosexuality is "something you're born with". yeah, it's more difficult to map the psychological causes of meme genders and gender dysphoria. still possible though.

>> No.16785221

How can you have been a teenager and still not understand teenagers?

>> No.16785230

How new are you?

>> No.16785236

science is just modern day esoteric alchemy. people can only interpret things and others will nod their heads in agreement if the theories line up enough times from their experiences, but the thing is that the basis of logic is based on the logos. without this basic understanding of philosophical discourse. spiritualism will be lost. rationalism is just part of the logos akin to the spirit. the mind, spirit, and the rational all come together as interpretations of reality and inferring that information due to prepared deductions.

sounds like bullshit to me. one species is not exactly the same as others. even if mice have similar genome structures. they are not me. every mouse while genes are similar to each other have genes that evolve until their death. this is the basis of experience. when the human species evolve to a point that is unrecognizable to the next. the today people are going to be wound up as ignorant as the cave people. although perhaps some cave people had the foresight to see all this coming, but definitely not the mass populist of them believed things would wound up this way.

>> No.16785250

he's saying that science is basically shit that has been observed, re-observed through repeated experiments by multiple people that all agreed that some shit was happening
followed by unironically "psychology is too complex to make sense of" lmao

>> No.16785262

i mean this all comes back to math. can math exist without rational thought? it is the basis on how humans can deduce things from even the most basic level.

>> No.16785271

>but the thing is that the basis of logic is based on the logos. without this basic understanding of philosophical discourse. spiritualism will be lost. rationalism is just part of the logos akin to the spirit. the mind, spirit, and the rational all come together as interpretations of reality and inferring that information due to prepared deductions.

why would spiritualism be lost again, anon?

>> No.16785292

math existed before humans did, it's the purest and only form of language most of the universe can be understood with, now what's the link with psychology?

>> No.16785296

spiritualism has to be rational in order for it to even exist. without rationality the spirit would cease and all will be nothing in the mind. this is why materialists are against spirituality unless it could be used as a pragmatic tool to be utilize for the greater cause of reality. which is to use it to control the masses and create cults of dull minded zealots.

in order to find the spiritual center one has to abandon all notions of upholding social order and find mystical truth from within.

>> No.16785308

i don't agree with your notion that math is basically God in your eyes. This has to do with psychology because psychology is just a more "convincing" version of horoscopes and archetypes.

>> No.16785326

following that logic, science and spirituality stem from the same root because you can't do science without rationality either, science is not perceived as the opposite of spiritualism for most scientists, it's only the case for small-minded humans (also known as atheists)

>> No.16785352


>> No.16785364

you can't define God by any tangible mean, because his will is literally the origin of everything in this world, maths are a part of Him just as we are. Anyway, psychology also rests on the basis of science: observed behaviours through experiments and history. It's not some astrology esoteric shit

>> No.16785421

God has no origin. It just is. Which is why the God of your sense is just the big bang or some creationist concept. Which is a very western way of looking at it.

This could also though make me deny your God. As your God isn't exactly the same as my own. Science on its own is no different then me than alchemy of the middle ages.

>> No.16785470

>1 anon out of 75 anons actually read the book
>74 read Twitter instead and thought they were stunning individuals deserving of a voice
To be fair, if you get 1 in 75 people to read any book, it'll be a best seller.

>> No.16785473

what's the part you didn't understand about me talking about God? if in doubt stop assuming shit and ask questions so I wouldn't have to correct you on every last one of your posts

Alchemy was partly shit, it literally was masturbation, most alchemists spewed out the shit they 'realized' during one of their drug-induced trips and never got anything substantial done. That's nothing to do with science, I can't believe I'm baiting this shit

>> No.16785516

How can you say that when the origins of science come from esoteric ideas of preserving and pursuing truth at any cost? spirituality is the fastest shortcut towards that as it is about already being enlightened enough to know that is your truth or other peoples truths. mystical christianity tried its hardest on trying to understand God's design by rationalistic means demonstrated by Plato or Aristotle's seeking of truth for the forms or objectivities in reality.

>> No.16785529


>> No.16785589

this pic is fantastic, whoever made this is doing a service to humanity

tranny anthropologist. emphasis on ANTHRO

>> No.16785601

Name one tranny that isn’t a retarded loser.

>> No.16785713

Just turn 360° and walk away

>> No.16785773

based TERFs

>> No.16785791

you're normalizing something that makes people hurt themselves

>> No.16785834

I will call a tranny a she. I will never date a tranny. I will not make friends with a tranny. I will never not notice the weird voice, frame or facial features. It is impossible to have children with a tranny.

>> No.16785859

Christcucks are the worst 4channers.

>> No.16785890

based, congrats on getting out anon, and thanks for sharing your story

you should consider putting your experiences out there in a way other people can learn from. not pushing that on you but putting the idea forward in case you hadn't considered it.

>> No.16785940

>Do what I want or I’ll kill myself!!
How do you figure I care?

>> No.16785984

Exactly. The incel to tranny pipeline is very real. I didn't kick my degenerate porn habits until I actually started participating in society and got a gf. If I even try to look up autogynephilia I get bombarded with trannies telling me to take hormones and sink further into degeneracy. Fuck them.

>> No.16786095
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>> No.16786157

>the incel to tranny pipeline is very real

The book in the OP touches on this

>Many of the adolescent girls who adopt a transgender identity have never had a single sexual or romantic experience. They have never been kissed by a boy or a girl. What they lack in life experience, they make up for with a sex-studded vocabulary and avant-garde gender theory. Deep in the caverns of the internet, a squadron of healers waits to advise them.

>> No.16786200

yeah being a woman is only makeup and cute dresses.
vapid hons

>> No.16786289

I really doubt you care about the well being of trannies. Most posts are so extremely hate filled, you are literally happy when they kill themselves, so dont pretend otherwise.

>> No.16786319

Does this book talk about mtfs at all? or is it only concerned with ftms? I've been looking for a book that fully demolishes the tranny ideology from the pseudoscientific 'male/female brain' angle to the 'you have to let them transition or they'll kill themselves!' arguments but it doesn't seem to exist.

>> No.16786670
File: 6 KB, 219x231, soyjakk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much of this tranny glorification has to do with big pharma gaining captive patients who need HRT, therapy, and associated medical care for life?

>> No.16786687

why do alphabet people love this word?

>you're still valid sweaty!

>> No.16786832

Considering most of the laws are designed around freeing up access to children's medical insurance/care, I'd say bigger than ADHD. The trend in female teenagers could boost it to Paxil levels if not Prozac. There's probably a decade before anyone starts suing too.