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16783927 No.16783927 [Reply] [Original]

Or is he just a Christian loony?

>> No.16783994
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>A man has as many masters as he has vices. By promoting vice, the regime promotes slavery, which can be fashioned into a form of political control. Once man is freed from the moral order, he is immediately subjected to the depotism of those who know how to manipulate his desires.

>If morality is a form of repression, then reason is repressive, and if reason is repressive, then man can only become free by becoming irrational, but once he becomes irrational, the only thing that drives him to act is his appetites, his impulses, his passions. But once a man is driven by his passions, he loses all control of his actions. Thus freedom of this sort, as the ancients rightly saw, becomes a form of slavery. Those who advocate freedom of this sort are promoting, whether they understand it or not, a form of social control because the motive for action which previously lay in reason has now been replaced by the stimulation of passion. Those who control the stimuli now control the stimulated.

>Appetites belong to man only if he exerts rational control over them. If the opposite is true, the man belongs to his appetites. Addiction is the only word which seems to convey this truth in our culture. Unless passion is under rational control, it is invariably under the control of someone else, especially in an advertising culture like ours, which is based on manipulation.
There are two options
1) Either you control yourself according to the moral law, or
2) Your passions control you in the absence of moral control or, - and this the the modern variant of 2)
3) Someone controls you through the manipulation of your passions.

>> No.16784129


>> No.16784155

>"The Jewish interpretation of the world followed upon the Christian, just as the Christian one followed Roman and Greek culture. So now Jewish analyses, images, definitions of art, science, sociology, literature, politics, the information media, dominate. Marx and Freud are the pillars that mark the road from East to West. Neither are imaginable without Jewishness. Their systems are defined by it. The axis USA-Israel guarantees the parameters. That is the way people think now, the way they feel, act and disseminate information. We live in the Jewish epoch of European cultural history. And we can only wait, at the pinnacle of our technological power, for our last judgment at the edge of the apocalypse…. So that's the way it looks, for all of us, suffocating in unprecedented technological prosperity, without spirit, without meaning... Those who want to have good careers go along with Jews and leftists [and] the race of superior men [Rasse der Herrenmenschen] has been seduced, the land of poets and thinkers has become the fat booty of corruption, of business, of lazy comfort."

-Hans-Jürgen Syberberg

>> No.16784218
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>> No.16784227

If you're not a Roman Catholic, reading his books can help you understand the context behind antisemitism, which is the product of religious hysteria. Catholics have always tried to hold a monopoly over truth and universality, Jew's were viewed as Christ killers and a satanic splinter from the chosen people which were Roman Catholics who had a real sacrifice in the Eucharist. Many of the blood libel rumors were Catholic in origin, because Christians as we all know have always demonized everyone outside of their church. If the Church was thee true chosen people of God, the Jew's and their own religion was it's polar opposite, and this is where grandiose conspiracies about them originate.

>> No.16784236

yes. modern control is not repression but directed desire. capitalism is a great vehicle for liberalism ironically

>> No.16784259

haha Deboonked!

>> No.16784628

This reminds me of something from the mid 80s, when I still had an echoic memory and made audio montages from broadcasts:
>Garry Meier: [interrupts, with the sound of a newspaper rattling] Steve it was on this day, 30 years ago, that the Pope absolved Jews of collective guilt for the crucifixion of Christ.
>Steve Dahl: [giggling hoarsely] That was nice of him. And people say the Catholic Church isn't wonderful and beautiful and compassionate.
>Garry Meier: That was today. 30 years ago.
25 years later, amid satanic panic so general that lizard overlords in one version or other are a subject of raging controversy among our lowest common denominator, Catholic voodoo of the era seems so quaintly low-key, as insinuation goes.

>> No.16784658

he's a fucking retard

>> No.16784706

what's your argument against his argument in this post (>>16783994) ?

>> No.16784768

What's his best book? I keep hearing about Logos Rising because it's his newest, but is it his best? Also why can't I find it on Amazon? Some of his other books are on there.

>> No.16785137

>What's his best book?
Libido Dominandi.

>> No.16785178

they banned him from amazon earlier this year, then youtube then twitter or whatever order was it

>> No.16785194

I fucking hate how Twitter is stepping up to be the self-appointed arbiters of truth and acceptable thinking. I don't even use it, but I know there are lots of people who do.

>> No.16785222

it is not just twitter. every mainstream media broadcast in the west now is the arbiter of "fake news" while they promote fake news. you cannot believe how they are promoting lies while they condemn 'fake news' here in brazil. i have never seen more dishonesty

>> No.16785299
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Czech'd and true. I'd rather battle with retards on 4chan than have Approved Opinions™ fed to me through a tube.

>> No.16786129

chinny chinny chin chin

>> No.16786625
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>> No.16786691

Not the anon you're asking, but it looks like he is not refuting but endorsing those views...