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/lit/ - Literature

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16775709 No.16775709 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/ approved podcasts?

>> No.16775931

Read a book.

>> No.16775967

I haven't found a single good one

>> No.16775975

me when I spend hours talking out loud about books as if I had people listening

>> No.16775984
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>> No.16775987
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>> No.16776015

I have found, but they aren't generally /lit/ relevant.

>> No.16777136
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>> No.16777145

bookworm from npr

>> No.16777151

Objectively right answer, except when they have Mary Beard on of course.

>> No.16778171

All that time spent listening to podcasts could have been spent listening to audiobooks, music, or you know... watch a fucking movie!

>> No.16778203

audiobooks of classics is so comfy in theory but every time it’s some absolute fossil reading

>> No.16778215


>> No.16778252

red scare

>> No.16778258

History of Philosophy by Peter Adamson. It's pretty damn comfy too.

>> No.16778280

this. except that he's so damn slow and spent like a hundred episodes on Arabic philosophy.

>> No.16778706


>> No.16778771

ArchaeoEd is new and really fun. Pure new world archaeology autism

>> No.16780197

Red Bar Radio

>> No.16780229


>> No.16780238
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In a world of burgeoning extremism in all directions, centrism is counter culture.

>> No.16780562

holy cringe

>> No.16780574

This. Also Secret History Of Western Esotericism.

>> No.16780580
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Apocrypals, it's about two non-believers reading through the bible and it's really cool.

They are both comic writers, but one of them is very /lit/. He speaks latin & ancient greek, has a masters degree in like classics or something, and researches well. The other host tempers him well, and they have a great dynamic.

>> No.16780589

How about you read a book instead of mindlessly listening to the opinions of failures who have zero originality.

>> No.16780689

I like philosophy this

>> No.16780709


>> No.16780759



>> No.16780801

New books in sociology

>> No.16780824

Literature and History is the best shit. Someone here recommended it and it's my favourite non-cum podcast. He is covering the history of western literature from the beginning. It's been a few years and he's only up to the new testament now. General advice is to stick with it through the early eps, he does some weird shit, writing songs about Gilgamesh etc. but after the first few EPs he starts to put them at the end so you can easily skip the songs.

>> No.16780847

Also, he is in the academic scene, I think he was a teacher at a uni (Americans say professor, professor is a title you earn in Australia so it feels weird saying it). But this means he has contacts with academic historians who will join to read poetry in its original language, which is sometimes really portent for understanding ancient poetry.

>> No.16780862

What do you people do while listening to podcasts? I find it hard to find something else to do that doesn't distract from the content. If I just site there then it makes more sense to just read.

>> No.16780899

chores, wash dishes etc, walk, construct scale models of German tanks

>> No.16780923
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>> No.16781202
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TTC courses, specially the classical music courses by Robert Greenberg. Those are amazing and he is probably the best professor I have ever heard (by which I mean precisely "the best professor", i.e., someone who is very erudite on his subject and imparts his erudition in a manner which is extremely enjoyable and clear).

>> No.16781478

Personally, I can't stand Bragg

>> No.16782426


>> No.16782477

The Secret History of Western Esotericism Podcast
Theory Talk
Weird Studies
General Intellect Unit

Not really /lit/, but I quite enjoy Srsly Wrong, but it's probably too lefty for most of /lit/

>> No.16782480

Podcast's are to be listened to when you can't read, for example: Working, Driving, working out

>> No.16782576
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Cum Town
Red Scare
The list could go on

>> No.16782580 [DELETED] 

He asked for /lit/ approved podcasts, not /onions/ approved podcasts.

>> No.16782585

He asked for /lit/ approved podcasts, not /soi/ approved podcasts.

>> No.16782623

Is Cum Town even soi? They're pretty much just a comedy podcast, (who happen to be Bernie Bros, like most young, college educated people).

>> No.16782712

>Is Cum Town even soi?
>(who happen to be Bernie Bros, like most young, college educated people).
You answered your own question. You can't be a Bernie bro without soi. Also says something about the horrible state of college educated people nowadays.

>> No.16782743

>Implying college educated people haven't always been left leaning

Makes you think

>> No.16782753

No, they weren't always, you disingenuous fuck, only after you had purged anything non-left-leaning from universities. It should make you think though, since college educated people are some of the most uncritical sheep I've ever encountered.

>> No.16782760

I really like these ones:

Kermode on Film (great if you're into cinema)
In Our Time (a lot of interesting information on pretty much any topic out there)
Pynchon in Public (great to listen whenever you're reading something by Pynchy)
Enter the Void (pretty sure they've stopped doing new episodes but the stuff that they've recorded is pretty cool to listen to if you're into cinema)

>> No.16782785

Professors are usually left leaning because they're intelligent. College educated people are left leaning because they're more intelligent than your average non-college educated person. Most right wing people don't go to college because they aren't intelligent. You can try and convice yourself that you and your right wing friends on Discord are the REAL smart ones because you "took the red pill, man", and knew that college is just a place where rich people go to go indoctrinated, but this isn't the case. The most intelligent people in society go to college, always have, and always will, and there are plenties of studies to back this up.

>> No.16782801

I studied at one of the most left leaning universities in my country and I'm right wing, genius.
>College educated people are left leaning because they're more intelligent than your average non-college educated person.
I hope this bait, but I think you actually believe this nonsense. You've probably not had a single unique, critical thought in your life, just constantly regurgitating talking points your professors have indoctrinated you with. Good going. Being good at school does not equal intelligence, and you saying it does shows your own capacities.
>The most intelligent people in society go to college, always have, and always will,
This is blatantly false and shows you have no idea what you're talking about, it's only been a phenomenon since the previous century.

>> No.16782812

>You've probably not had a single unique, critical thought in your life, just constantly regurgitating talking points your professors have indoctrinated you with

Funny, since you're just regurgitating talking point's you heard from right wing Youtubers.

>I studied at one of the most left leaning universities

Lmao what was the methodology for finding this out?

>> No.16782828

>Funny, since you're just regurgitating talking point's you heard from right wing Youtubers.
I'm just stating observable facts. You're making claims that are untrue without bothering to check them. Which proves my point, whether righr wing youtubers have said the same thing or not.
>Lmao what was the methodology for finding this out?
It's a well-known fact? It's evident in the studies that are published from it? It's home to the foremost sociology and humanities departments in my country?
You didn't address the fact that your claim about college and intelligent people is historically false, by the way.

>> No.16782833
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>tfw study a STEM subject at a non-American university and didn't have to put up with clueless lecturers telling me to analyse capitalist realism and hauntology in Marvel's Avengers Assemble through the lens of bipoc sex workers

>> No.16782838

You probably didn't go to university.

>> No.16782846

what makes you say that? He may be exaggerating but it's really not far off from what is happening in universities.

>> No.16782853

There is an icelandic radio show where the host reads old books and articles, cozy and informative
1.5 speed

>> No.16782858
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Don't know why I'd lie on the internet about going to university and not gettign pissed off.

>> No.16782861

some pseuds will never learn. Go and get an actual education.

>> No.16782866

книжниый бaзap, if you speak ru

>> No.16782868

What does a real education involve?

>> No.16782870

a phd

>> No.16782873

>Go and get an actual education.
No thanks, I did and it took me years to undo the brainwashing and progressive indoctrination.
What's your beef with Hermitix though?

>> No.16782880

>brainwashing and progressive indoctrination
Anglos will seethe and universalize their education.
That podcast has the depth of a puddle (the same depth of Anglo education).

>> No.16782882

This criticism has the depth of a puddle

>> No.16782886

Good thing I'm not an anglo then, retard.
>That podcast has the depth of a puddle (the same depth of Anglo education).
Just like your criticism of it then. What a waste of a conversation this is. I thought you were mr. well-educated? Doesn't seem like it.

>> No.16782891

Cum Town is painfully onions. And all the people I know that listen are extremely and literally onions vegans.

>> No.16782894

Книжный чeл is good as well

>> No.16782898

I know of 1 podcast that is the embodiment of what /lit/ wishes it was. It wouldn't be /lit/ approved because it blows even the best of /lit/ (notpynchon) out of the water. I'm not going to post it since no one else has... though it's obvious and you're all so cringe.

>> No.16782903

Sleepycast is not lit but still based.
Alzabo Soup is good as long as you're willing to look past that they blame Severian for everything that goes wrong.

>> No.16782906

>Thinks the anglos haven't exported their model of progressive education
If you've had an education that involves "brainwashing and progressive indoctrination" then you've had an Anglo education.

I needn't say much about the podcast as it doesn't have anything one could say about it. It lacks depth on every topic and it glorifies surface thinking. How is one to value and talk about something valueless that doesn't say much? By saying it's shit. Nothing else needs to be said.

>> No.16782910

Just say nothing if you have nothing relevant to say.

>> No.16782938

>Being good at school does not equal intelligence
He fell for the meme

>> No.16782961

Hardcore History is the best podcast in general

>> No.16783005

God I'm trying so hard with azalbo soup but the first 15 minutes of every episode where they talk about their college majors or whatever is onions. I started skipping but then it seeps over into the rest of the podcast too. Fucking unbearable.
I think this is how people in Colorado actually talk to each other. Virtue or status signalling in every single comment

>> No.16783036

If someone out there is looking for a genuinely good podcast that’s thought provoking and insightful, I suggest Martyrmade. All of the episodes are so information dense that it has a lot of replay value, and the host is likely more well read than any of the other podcasters listed in this thread.

>> No.16783407

Who, the guy who thinks going to college equals being smart? Yeah he did.

>> No.16784799

the problem I have with Hardcore History is that Dan spends 6 hours covering a topic, but his endless tangents trying to illuminate the main subject often distract from said subject

>> No.16784825

Sorry anon, but we're running out of time

>> No.16784917

The thing I like most about him is his immense amount of references for each subject. Not only does he give generally entertaining summaries of events (I actually wish his podcasts were quite longer than 6 hours) but I use his source material to dive into the subject further by actually reading the books he references on the show, which is what the purpose of the podcast is, I believe. His tangents, at least to me, are more illustrative of his quality as a story teller and the complex links of history, rather than detracting from the primary narrative.

>> No.16785002

You don't consider washing dishes a chore??

>> No.16785060
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I'm going to shill my own channel


>> No.16785091

>Secret History Of Western Esotericism
Is this a scholarly podcast like history of philosophy without any gaps or some new age shitter jerking off?

>> No.16785103

any podcast that requires a paid membership and is about esotericism is absolutely a scam

>> No.16785376

one of life's greatest pleasures

>> No.16785435

kek, I do this in the car.

>> No.16785594

I'm planning to start one later this month. Who wants to be my guest to set the spaghetti-heavy tone right?

>> No.16785634

Prime Mates, they talk about monkeys

>> No.16785875

Yeah alright faggot. Probably Last Podcast on the Left or some shit.

>> No.16785907

I would, but I'm willing to provide acknowledgement that I post here. email me.

>> No.16785935


>> No.16786435
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>> No.16786453
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It has nothing to do with /lit/ but the Tim Dillon Show is the only podcast I listen to.

>> No.16786454

I used to like Hermitix until the overdone pseudo-intellectualism started to irk. I noticed he took down videos about some of the more controversial authors despite them being some of the best interviews he had. The deleuzo-landian playthrough of Outer Worlds was really what cemented it for me though.

>> No.16786465
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>Professors are usually left leaning because they're intelligent.

>> No.16786476

What’s the basic premise of this channel? Do you just do random book reviews or do you have a lens or theme?

>> No.16786488

>Tim Dillon Show
Unfathomably based even though I hate him

>> No.16786501

>Unfathomably based
>I hate him

>> No.16786533

I tried this and turned him off after a few minutes of him ranting about some waitress.

>> No.16786549

I'll try this one thanks

>> No.16786568

Cringe and brainwashed pilled

>> No.16786579

Anon, I would have to go on an entire rant to explain why I hate the guy. Just know that while I hate him, he’s so fucking funny I can’t help but listen.

>> No.16786584

autodidacts will seethe

>> No.16786806
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>> No.16786883

I believe this is what homosexual Zoomers call being "extra". He's very very "extra".
He really is hilarious. I don't think I'd ever want to meet him, but my God he's so fucking funny. The last Patreon episode was a real treat.

>> No.16786898

Listen to music. People think they can listen to a podcast while doing other activities and they are "passively learning", its ridiculous.

>> No.16787125

i guess random, mostly non-fiction. why? do you think a theme would help?

>> No.16787189

I listen to podcasts whilst playing occupational therapy type strategy vidya, the kind of thing you can sort of autopilot on. I like it, I think I'm used to it too as I used to work in a trade and had the radio on constantly. I used to listen to music but also a lot of talk shows and sports when they were on.

>> No.16787216


>> No.16787226

tbf, Arabic philosophy is literally his specialty, and I personally thought it was interesting how the Greek tradition was taken up by a less western culture

>> No.16787363

Finding Drago is a great comedy/mystery podcast with 2 guys investigating the existence of a novelised Rocky 4 fanfiction published in the 80s

>> No.16787371

It might. I don’t really know. I was just curious as I was perusing your channel. It doesn’t look like my thing to be totally honest with you but I’ll download a video and give it a listen.

>> No.16787389

You won’t regret it. Pretty much everything he does is quality. His series “goes socialist” is particularly relevant today.

>> No.16787498
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>> No.16787831

Really? He's one of those people I wish I was a bit more like in conversation.

>> No.16788537


I love In Our Time but I can totally get this. Bragg is kind of a windbag and he cuts off his guests as soon as they say anything that isn't written on his cards. He also seems to have a problem with anyone getting into the meat because he'll cut them off at that point, too. I know people defend it as him trying to be economical with time but he'll let some people talk forever about nothing then cut someone short when they get going on the good stuff.

Also, he's basically a pseud outside of the show. His book on the English language is one of the most pop-edu books I've ever read and even then I'm sure it was mostly researched by IOT interns. Bragg comes across as thinking that he's an expert on everything because he hosts 20-minute discussions of topics.

>> No.16788557

Who would listen to some fag angloids willingly?

>> No.16789014

Thanks friend. The ones I'm most proud of are the cola wars one and the one about k-12 education. Sadly I recorded these before I ironed all the technical kinks. I'm also very proud of the jefferson davis one, even though it's far from perfect. I have some coming up: all woody allen books, one about the book "the young Hitler I knew" and one on "investing for dummies". I understand the likelihood you'll enjoy my long videos is small, so I just want to say I appreciate you even listening to part of one video. Godspeed

>> No.16789914
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That is gay

>> No.16789917

I wonder if he posts here?

>> No.16789922
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>> No.16789929

History didn't begin in the 60s.

>> No.16790242

It's pretty heavy and academic, I woulnd't recommend to someone new to the topic.

>> No.16790484
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>> No.16790487
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listen to Uncle Joey, read The War of Art

>> No.16790498
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>Red Scare
What is going on?
Why has /lit/ gone to shit?

>> No.16790501

upload your ramblings. frankly thats what almost all podcasts amount to, yet they still garner lots of attention. you have nothing to lose

>> No.16790511
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>> No.16790524

sup chud

>> No.16790540

No love for Death is Just Around the Corner?

>> No.16791484

I have to take a 4 hour drive every other week, and then another drive back a couple days later. that's the only time I listen to podcasts.

>> No.16793087


>> No.16794499
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>> No.16794515
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Mad at the Internet