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/lit/ - Literature

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16771983 No.16771983 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't he just finish the book series?

>> No.16772023

jesus, Chip Delany is looking very pale these days.

>> No.16772029

One of the most miserable things I have EVER read is Patrick Rothfuss' short biography of himself. It was so disgusting it convinced me never to read any of his books.

>> No.16773048
File: 189 KB, 1063x555, Screenshot_20201113-182852_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but he is a cuck neckbeard whose every utterance seems like it belongs in a cringe compilation.

>> No.16773055

this is the dude with currently the best prose in the fantasy genre?

>> No.16773057
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>> No.16773065
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get gnome'd

>> No.16773069

Oh fucking God it's like if you gave the average Reddit retard a global platform.

>> No.16773083

I don’t know yall. Looks like a happy and well adjusted guy living his dream life with a full family. I can’t hate him for living the dream, he’s not even offensively bad or pretentious like an RC Waldun type. Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Robin was spamming threads about him to force the creation of another lolcow.

>> No.16773118

>Heart of bile.

>> No.16773202

Feel free to disregard any author who says, "she said sarcastically."

>> No.16773738


>> No.16774746

Cause he’s a pig. It’s been so long that I now hate KvOThE. Such a stupid fucking name.

>> No.16774787


"The lion's share of old-school literature IS fantasy, they just pretend it isn't. The Odyssey is full of gods and spells. Oedipus Rex has a sphinx and a prophecy. There are witches in Macbeth, faeries in Midsummer Night's Dream, and a ghost in Hamlet. Dante's Inferno? Beowulf? All looks like fantasy to me....

I think a lot of people read and respect fantasy storytelling. A lot of the more forward-thinking colleges offer classes studying it, though they usually call it speculative fiction or magical realism to make themselves feel better. We all know the truth though: it's fantasy.

As far as having my book recognized as literature? [Pat shrugs] Why would I want that? I mean, have you read Great Expectations? Gech. Why would I want to invited into their little club? Give me Tim Powers and Phillip K Dick. Give me
Le Guin, Gaiman, and Pratchett. Give me McKillip and Whedon. These are the storytellers. These are our modern mythmakers. Our oracles. Our dreamers. I want to be on that team."


>> No.16774808
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>give me gay man

>> No.16774841

That's the thing about becoming popular in the mainstream, though. It doesn't last at all. If you get famous in pop culture and the mainstream, in a couple years once the hype has died down, you'll only be remembered as nostalgic, as a product of your time. In academia, you get a lot less attention at first but you get remembered and discussed for a years upon years on end. The only way to be truly remembered is by making meaningful contributions to academia. Think about Harold Bloom; he's unknown outside of academic circles, but inside of them he's highly respected and his works and writings are preserved and will be discussed for years and years.

>> No.16774905

Yeah, and even if you dont take posterity into account, it's hard not to see how a little more effort towards the quality of their prose wouldn't improve most fantasy writers' books.

That being said, although I meme him, I've read the first volume of this guy's series, and once you pass the horrible, overstreched beginning, it isn't that bad, as popular fantasy goes.