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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 78 KB, 628x622, 1539139454554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16771301 No.16771301 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, this guy is hilarious.
Can you remind me why do we hate his books?

>> No.16771307

Because we don't live tough lives.

>> No.16771317

Because lots of edgelords like him for the wrong reason. The real truth is ham on the isn't a bad read.

Honestly, most of the literature this board has a problem with is just because it's popular

>> No.16771325

I previously had no opinion on him but i now hate him thanks to the Bukowskifag

>> No.16771651

I have no problem with his output, I just hate him because he is a dirty kike.

>> No.16772167
File: 137 KB, 1024x957, 1605044253472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u slanderous bitch, he was not a jew. in fact, he's been accused of antisemitism (but then again, who hasn't?)

anyway, don't lie, he was german.

>> No.16772977

He’s a slav

>> No.16773088
File: 877 KB, 1370x1106, bukowski.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16773279

where's the humor?

>> No.16773582

imagine interacting with art in such a fucking retarded manner. on the off-chance you meant this unironically leave /lit/, theres nothing for you here

>> No.16773596

we're is the joke man

>> No.16773600
File: 299 KB, 500x375, 1304376955947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gatekeeping an anonymous social site

>> No.16773626

He's such a try-hard. And only good if you're a drunk. Read him for years when is a homeless gutter punk. Stopped all that foolishness and when I went back, he w just horrible. Depressing. Shitty. I could smell the rank, stale cigarettes and beer farts wafting from the pages. Plus, have you heard his voice? LoL. Maybe because I read him pre-internet, and saw his face a lot, I assumed he'd have a voice like gravel. In a blender. Instead he sounds like a eunuch. But mainly it's because he tries so much to come off as a hardass.

>> No.16773631

Ham on Rye is actually bad. Very bad. Just went back to read it and made, tops, twenty pages before deleting all 6 EPUBs. Haha

>> No.16773728

I loled

>> No.16773798

the catch

crud, he said,
hauling it out of the water,
what is it?

a Hollow-Back June Whale, I said

no, said a guy standing by us on the pier,
it's a Fandango Escadrille without stripes

we took the hook out and the thing stood up and
farted. it was grey and covered with hair
and fat and stank like old socks

it began to walk down the pier and we followed it.
it ate a hot dog and bun right out of the hands of
a little girl. then it leaped on the merry-go-round
and rode a pinto. it fell off near the end and
rolled in the sawdust

we picked it up

grop, it said, grop.

then it walked back out on the pier.
a large crowd followed us as we walked along.

it's a publicity stunt, said somebody,
it's a man in a rubber suit

then as it was walking along it began to breathe
very heavily. it fell on its
back and began to thrash.

somebody poured a cup of beer over its head

grop, it went, grop.

then it was dead

we rolled it to the edge of the pier and pushed it
back into the water. we watched it sink and vanish

it was a Hollow-Back June Whale, I said.

no, said the other guy, it was a Billow-Wind Sand Groper

no, said the other expert, it was a Fandango Escadrille
without stripes.

then we all went out way on a mid-afternoon in August.

>> No.16773810

he's authentic

>> No.16773814

people hate buk because he's punk rock of course the classical nerd is gonna hate on him.

>> No.16773927

Every drunk is authentic. The bowery is filled to the brim with authenticity. Also with poets and writers.

>> No.16773948

I do think he had an image to maintain after he got famous and was mostly a try-hard tough guy. Different people like different things and what appealed to us at 20 as punk rock and hardcore may seem... not feigned but... narrow... and depressing later in life.

>> No.16773980
File: 675 KB, 1251x1920, 1251px-Iraqi_dome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even tell if that's Bukowski or a parody of him you just made up. But it reminds me of why I don't like Hemingway. Same pointless machismo and deadening, dull, LCD POV tone. I dunno. Not my thing I guess.

>> No.16773997

it's real, here's another


he's a runt
he snarls and scratches
chases cars
groans in his sleep
and has a perfect star above each eyebrow

we hear it outside
he's ripping the shit out of something out there
5 times his

it's the professor's dog from across the street
that educated expensive bluebook dog
o, we're all in trouble

I pull them apart
and we run inside with the runt
bolt the door
flick out the lights
and see them crossing the street
immaculate and concerned

it looks like 7 or 8 people
coming to get their

that big bag of jelly with hair
he ought to know better than to cross
the railroad tracks

>> No.16774006

I went to the balcony. I farted.

I came back inside. I had a beer.

It was warm.

Barabara called. What the fuck are you doing, I said. Fuck you, she said.

I hung up the phone.

The apartment smelled like old cheese and dick.

Barabara came over. She slapped me with her saggy tits and we laughed. We drank warm beer.

A fly came in through the balcony. It buzzed and buzzed. There no food here so the fly came to the wrong place. Barbara caught the flu in her hand and jammed it into my rectum. What the hell?

Ha ha, she said. We drank more warm beer until I vomited in my lap and began eating pages of poetry.

>> No.16774016

This bullshit every time. Separate the work from the author. I call him Charles Bukake because his stuff is guttural, the conclusion is abrupt, and you have to wipe it off your face after reading it.

>> No.16774027

kinda accurate

>> No.16774033

>commom sense
what a fucking joke this bukkake

>> No.16774044

I never looked for work on Wednesdays
The post office kept me in stamps
Send away for some dignity, she said.
I pissed on her while she was asleep.

You won't find anything in there
I emptied it out last week
when I was pawning the watch
Fuck your closet, said she

so i did

now I'm on the bed
pulling splinters out of my shriveled mistake
it's taking a longer forever
this time

>> No.16774045

People know it's a metaphor, right? Not supposed to be taken literally

>> No.16774048

So 'ardcore. Too bad Buk couldn't punch his way out of a paper bag. A wet paper bag. Getting shit faced and smoking two packs a day for twenty years will do that to you. Man had arms like sticks and one punch in that belly and all his rotten guts rupture and he's dead. Which was my point. Huge, huge gap between what he wrote and who he was. Which isn't necessarily bad... if you're trying to be a better person but pretending to be a worse person, imo, is just fucking pathetic.

>> No.16774061
File: 47 KB, 628x622, 1605231813271 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16774072

what the fuck are you talking about he was a pretty big guy he'd prolly fuck you up

>> No.16774083

Glorification of vices. Indefference of virtues.

>> No.16774091

Is really, really easy to write like Bukowski. His shtick was being, as someone said, authentic. Being the real deal with his long, greasy hair, beat-all-ta-fuck face and wild hijinx. Like supposedly eating pages if his own poetry and then throwing them up. That type of shit is fun when you're twenty and rebelling from 19 years of having parents. Shit gets real old, as someone who did it, and as someone who was around it after sobering up, real fast. When I see looney tunes getting naked in public or jumping into dumpsters and everyone going wild in now like, let's see where you are at in five, ten, fifteen years max. Inexpressible agony. If you're lucky, a quick death by misadventure but it almost never ends up like that. And all the 'friends' you make just want the crazy, self-destroying, entertainment they don't give a fuck about you. Etc etc. I don't even give a shit. Live it up. You'll see. Somr people have to find out for themselves.

>> No.16774100
File: 67 KB, 628x622, 7815192019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16774118
File: 389 KB, 801x1024, bukowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally loled. No. He would not. And I'm not even that big. Chuckles was a drunk. All drunks think they're hard asses and talk insane amounts of shit. It's very authentic to run your mouth and say the first thing that pops into your soggy brain. I guess. Why am I even talking about this? Lol

>> No.16774124

I'm not disagreeing with you re: Bukowski but being small doesn't necessarily mean you're weak. Look at Harlan Ellison

>> No.16774155

i'm not saying he was a tough guy i'm saying he could fuck you up
hows being 6ft small his arms are small for his size but thats only if you arm punch, if he threw his fat torso into it it its gonna hit hard. or if he just ran into you.

>> No.16774796

Yeah, it's a shitty metaphor, for the obvious reason that the pic points out.

>> No.16774815


>> No.16775001

>Can you remind me why do we hate his books?
Galatians 4:16.

>> No.16775048

You realize this guy spent his life consuming alcohol and filling his lungs with tar, right?

>> No.16775085

>You realize this guy spent his life living

>> No.16775102
File: 34 KB, 223x223, JVNaJWm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16775249

Imagine responding in such a fucking retarded manner.

>> No.16775393


>> No.16775418

I thought this was very profound but I have a slightly different perspective on it now.
Working is natural for people. Yes it kind of sucks when you have to do it for someone else, but then is it necessarily worse than living in the wild, where each hunt could be your last?

>> No.16775486
File: 43 KB, 650x650, 1605191981710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win in a fight, Charles Bukowski or John Updike?

>> No.16775504

he can't write poetry, only reason, really

>> No.16775509

what the fuck even is this post

>> No.16775562

You do understand a social structure can't hold on his ideology alone. His philosophy isn't something that's all encompassing to give any meaningful answers to life. People like him are leeches that live off from what they hate. I can get you deciding to be a lazy piece of shit your entire life because your only skill being able to write while drunk, but don't be so smug about it.

>> No.16775578

>not Gatekeeping an anonymous social site

>> No.16777173

That person has to have aspergers

>> No.16777457




>> No.16777545

we don't hate his books. He's based

>> No.16777557


>> No.16777586
File: 59 KB, 628x622, 1605231813271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the "Average modern mans most painfull experience is his shits" guy or am I confusing it with someone else?

>> No.16777605

He wasn't Jewish

>> No.16777612

he isn't even jewish

>> No.16777621

yes, he was. look at his face.

>> No.16777638
File: 23 KB, 474x316, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks not Jewish

>> No.16777646

>mfw Jews are so white nowadays even racists mix them up with regular Europeans

>> No.16777666

> Jews are so white
No you're not.

>> No.16777676

that's a Jew nose and Jew eyes. doesn't look German at all.

>> No.16777690
File: 37 KB, 236x341, charles bukowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks Eastern European

>> No.16777995

He's just pointing out how autistic that reaction was.

>> No.16778014

Probably some type of Pollack.

Lots of slavs have names ending in ski, especially the Pollacks.

Some of his short stories about the post office are pretty good. Those are pretty funny and worth reading.

>> No.16778355

looks like a neanderthal

Where were the neanderthals from? Neander valley, where is neander valley? Germany. Where was Heinrich/Henry Charles Bukowski from? Germany

Case closed

>> No.16778371

checked and holmespilled

>> No.16779116


>> No.16779175

beware, so you don't cut yourself on that edge

>> No.16779189
File: 83 KB, 835x835, neanderthalensis_JG_Recon_Head_CC_3qtr_lt_sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't like a neandethal at all. He looks textbook Jewish. That nose doesn't lie.

>> No.16779565

>food methaphors

>> No.16781294

he was a tougherman than 99.8% of this board purely from what he went through, doesn't make him an elite fighter or anything but he's definitely tough

>> No.16781322

>Can you remind me why do we hate his books?
Because /lit/ hates books and the idea that anyone could find reading, any reading, enjoyable.

>> No.16781327

I had the same idea. Recently restored my pinterest account, saved a few random writer quotes and my feed had Bukowski all over it with cringy backgrounds and lame artwork. I think normies just like the idea of being free and edgy with a slice of street wisdom. Ironically, Bukowski certainly would've hated the majority of his readers, because now every jerk he wrote about loves Bukowski. Feels bad, man.

>> No.16781386

Unless you have an artistic or athletic talent, this is your fate. I was really good at math. That talent doesnt let you escape the 9 to 5. Overall this life is something to avoid, but its nothing to be afraid of.

>> No.16781998
File: 33 KB, 610x324, charles-bukowski-drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He rooted for the Germans when he was a kid, definitely wasn't jewish

>> No.16782004

Looks like an Italian cave man that hasn't had water in years

>> No.16782043

I only read post Office, but I thought it was okay. Some parts were quite amusing.

I think most of the people absolutely bashing authors here is due to not having read them at all or not having read consistently enough to have encountered average authors before.

Always remember that a large chunk of lit are 20 year olds who just recently got into reading in order to become ”smarter” rather than from a real passion for literature.

>> No.16782048

Nice opinion faggot.

>> No.16782053

Your cringe is much more dangerous than his edge

>> No.16782193

Bukowski's work is both personal and working class so I am ok with him.
The jew I have a problem with is Philip Roth.

>> No.16783632

>How to detect a person who is lonely and sad because of his overblown ego 101

>> No.16783668

Bukowski himself is great

its the academic wankers that used him to be "more in touch with the working man" who are fucking awful.

>> No.16783942


>> No.16784349

I wake up at 2 a.m., myself.

>> No.16785819

>couldn't be happy in 1950s USA

I think we all know