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/lit/ - Literature

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16772257 No.16772257 [Reply] [Original]

is one book per week a good reading goal

>> No.16772265

Don't set goals anon, read what you want, at your pace. And don't forget to stay hydrated anon.

>> No.16772267

well it depends a lot on the length of the book. I wouldn't suggest anyone try to read Gibbon's Decline and Fall in a week.

>> No.16772285

>read what you want, at your own pace
Good advice
>Don't set goals
Bad advice. Just set goals that are achievable and don't get discourage if you don't achieve them. Like if your goal is 20 pages a day and you only read 10 one day, don't worry and just read 20 the next day.

>> No.16772296

Yeah, I made it a bit too simplistic. Thanks anon for pointing it out

>> No.16772388
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It's not too too much (like ~50 pages per day) but you should only read as much as you enjoy reading. Don't force books down your throat. I would love to put in 50 or 60 per day but I'm in my last semester of uni so that's not really a viable plan. If I were a neet I'd do it.

>> No.16772466

You guys are all autistic. Stop ruining your hobbies with mindless data tracking.

>> No.16772507

Decide for yourself, anon! Do you feel better reading a book a week? Are you strained to your limit and unhappy? Do you feel like you could read more? What do you think of as a book - would a couple short stories or some poems do the same?

>> No.16772514
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Tell me one reason why we shouldn't try to set reading quotas for ourselves? I'd like to ensure that I keep a constant flow of new /lit/ going at all times. And there's nothing wrong with being autistic you meanie. We're all autistic here.

>> No.16772517

Corona helped a lot but I read 56 books so far this year. Book a week is a reasonable goal, but you should only be reading for yourself

>> No.16772525

It's not a goal but that is about what I get through on average. It works just fine

>> No.16772526
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You'd need to be a NEET to read for 90 minutes?

>> No.16772541

Sure, go ahead

>> No.16772562

No but is a still reading goal and 80% of people don't have one at all.
I'd say that if you are going you should aim for 150 pages a day, which s achievable if you make a good use of your free time.

>> No.16772571

wholesome gif

>> No.16772592

depends a lot on the length of the books. I'm trying to read at least a book a week at the moment but I started reading a 1000+ page book and that's like 4 or 5 short novels - so it's kinda fucking up my count

>> No.16772627

>60 pages in 90 minutes
I don't know if this is some kind of flex or if I just read slowly. I get like ~25 pages/hour.

>> No.16772633

Do you play videogames for 6+ hours everyday?

>> No.16772642
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I-I recently uninstalled all of my games so I could focus more...

>> No.16772645

Good luck

>> No.16772648

Reading is a skill and most people get better and quicker at it after doing it regularly for a while. It depends on what you read and how big the text is too of course

>> No.16772667

Thank you anon. I felt compelled to make a change when I realized that I'd spent 1/4 of my life between the ages of 14 and 21 playing video games.
I could probably eke out more but I'm really only reading for pleasure. That said it would be nice if I could read for pleasure faster.

>> No.16772680

If y’all are true man literature you want to get warped around by a lamia girl

>> No.16772688

Sure, when is your mom available?

>> No.16772696

>lamia girl
Yes but unfortunately lamias aren't real and you're tulpa/waifu thing doesn't keep you warm at night and cook you breakfast. Human females are necessary, unfortunately.

>> No.16772705

Understanding what you're reading and batting the (hopefully) engaging ideas around to form your own opinions is a better reading goal, imo

>> No.16772938

Why goals? Reading is not a video game

>> No.16773096

Embrace men and do away with women from your life once and for all