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File: 24 KB, 474x349, sowell young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16770192 No.16770192 [Reply] [Original]

"Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good."

Has anyone refuted him yet?

>> No.16770227

>"Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three centuries has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good."

>> No.16770233

the last three decades were a period of undisturbed hegemony of his neoliberal supply-side friends, did he just accidentally BTFO himself?

>> No.16770238

>"Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good."
Good summary of the replacement of the post-war consensus with neoliberalism.

>> No.16770239

Virtually all indicators of life quality have steadily increased, so he's demonstrably wrong.

>> No.16770240

Why would anyone refute a baseless claim? There's empirical evidence for you to make your point.

>> No.16770244

Unabomber was right

>> No.16770245

>"Much of the social history of the Western world has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good."

>> No.16770250

return to monkee

>> No.16770264

Technological progress and peak capitalist consumer society =/= better society

Explain the suicide and drug epidemics.

>> No.16770270
File: 78 KB, 1024x576, 1512165354660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such a stupid platitude. Cancer treatment sounds good. Faster internet sounds good. A higher standard of living sounds good. Most good things sound good, because they are good.

What he's implicitly doing here --- creating a dichotomy between "working" and "sounding good" --- is wrong. That becomes obvious when you point it out. But Sowell's whole schtick depends on an uncritical audience, so the people he's addressing won't notice.

Sound off a snappy one-liner, and hope nobody comes along to point out the dumb assumptions beneath it. You can make a career out of it.

>> No.16770287

Except he's not talking about any of the things you mentioned. Perhaps you're just as uncritical as his audience is?

He is obviously referencing the welfare state primarily, perhaps as well affirmative action. Just try and defend those.

>> No.16770294

Whose indications lol

>> No.16770301

that's nitpicking, he's obviously refering to things like price floors which are warmly welcomed by the press and public but don't achieve the aims intended by people who introduced them

>> No.16770316

The welfare state does work --- nobody on welfare starves, and studies show welfare recipients are less likely to commit crime. By any reasonable measure, that's a success.

I don't agree with affirmative action, but it wouldn't be fair to characterize "the history of the Western world" by one misguided government policy.

>> No.16770321
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When did he say that?

>> No.16770332

>TVs are cheaper therefore quality of life has increased the post

>> No.16770343


If it worked, then why was it replaced?

>> No.16770348

People make mistakes.

>> No.16770365

Those are not the goals of the welfare state. The goal of the welfare state, LBJ's "war on poverty" was to lift people out of poverty, not keep them dependent on the state to prevent them from starving or murdering. Obviously it hasn't worked.

>> No.16770370


>Sowell's whole schtick depends on an uncritical audience


>> No.16770382

Imagine caring about what a non-white female would have to say about economics.

>> No.16770407 [DELETED] 


Interdasting Freudian "People make mistakes." Could you simply mean that what we have is bad management because it doesn't get us what we want?

Look. Governance and economics (which is a governance) are management. Once you strip the bullshit of manipulating people and ideology and all the rest from the story of what is going on, you are left with something that works or it fails.
But stories are weird things: what works for one may not work for the other.
You can't say it worked once if it didn't work for all, and you can't just blame it on "mistakes." Either that management got you what you wanted or it did not.

Capitalism gets the rich exactly what they want. Communism gets the powerful exactly what they want. Monarchy gets the king exactly what he wants.

It is everybody else that suffers.

Isn't it time for everyone to want a system that gets everyone what they want?

>> No.16770410

Goals can change over time. Most contemporary welfare advocates argue for programs like SNAP, which provide funds to people whose ordinary income isn't enough to feed and house a family. By pure metrics (child health, economic growth in poor communities, etc.) these programs achieve their more recent stated goals. Who cares if we can't literally end poverty? The fact that we can care for our hungry is great.

>> No.16770426

>Goals can change over time.
In other words, people will shift their expectations to accept the failure of their policies. You're making Sowell's point for him it seems.

>> No.16770441

People weren't starving in the streets before the welfare state existed.

>> No.16770447


being this dumb

>> No.16770466
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No, that's a mischaracterization of what happened.
>hey, let's try to end poverty
>whoops, that's too big a task for the government to solve
>ok, let's end child starvation instead
>sounds good to me
>would you look at that, we did it!
>*neocon reeing in the distance*

>> No.16770498

Surprised it took you long to come up with such a sloppy mischaracterization. You remembered to project, at least.

>> No.16770505

>404: refutation not found

>> No.16770513

This isn't an approximate evaluation of the development of American welfare programs

>> No.16770529

I wouldn't know as I have not been on this earth for three decades and as such have not experienced the world before. Therefore I only know the world he is criticizing

>> No.16770533

>mental health epidemic
>increased drug use and morbidity
>childhood and elder poverty
>wage stagnation
>erosion of nuclear family
>mass immigration
>environment possibly on brink of collapse

Duuuuude we got an extra $500 disposable income this year to spend on weed, Netflix, and junk food... life is fuckin sick

>> No.16770546

Yeah im sure he meant cancer medicine when he was talking about social history of the Western world

>> No.16770551

Not only that but life has only gone up in very specific areas of very specific countries. Millions in America, Russia, China, and Western Europe are living in misery right now and those are the areas touted as having the most money and technology.

>> No.16770556

>crime bad
Stop drinking soi

>> No.16770578

Idk bro China did just raise 800 million people out of poverty in 8 years and continues to develop and uplift the poorest sections of their society.

>> No.16770585

>Strangles your mother

NBD, these graphs prove that life is getting better

>> No.16770621

this is an interesting point, perhaps the answer is that things were always equal.

we may now live longer, but we, as a society, have created new problems that are as equally bad as the ones we’ve solved.

wether you find them worse or irrelevant is up to bias.

>> No.16770637

mfw 1 out of every 15 Americans has a net worth above a million

>> No.16770639

Prove it

>> No.16770640

his point was that money is irrelevant to happiness given the statistics.

>> No.16770647

>dude the enclosure movement lifted everyone out of poverty

>> No.16770657

This sums it up.

>He was a Marxist sympathizer in his youth
And this explains where he learned it from.

>> No.16770721
File: 54 KB, 624x579, Well_Respected_Person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You confuse economic prosparity with social prosparity. All the econimic prosparity that you are seeing is coming at the cost of social happiness.

Here in the UK, the conservative (an oxymoron lott, whom conserve nothing) are sacrificing social cohesion at the alter of econmic prosparity and its not much diffrent elswhere either.

>unheard of suicide rates
>Its nothing out of the ordinary for boys to be doped just to cope
>Womens happiness and self regard has been tanking ever since
>Antisocial behaviour is rampant, no one socialises beyond a screen
>A concerning trend of men resenting women and lashing out voilently
>A concerning trend of women resenting men and leading themselves into misery out of spite

You think, because we can get the iphone12 for £70 a month and FB, Insta, twwtter are "free" then all must be well.

>> No.16770774
File: 66 KB, 592x417, Valley of Despond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese middle class

>> No.16770779

Damn your pic related is cold bruh...I just wellcomed a child into the world and would not wish such a fate on my worst enemy but this is devinely level of retribution. who is she? I can see the bong genetics in her.

and wtf is a british conservative doing railing against economic growth lool

>> No.16770795
File: 248 KB, 1010x1266, Xi_Jinping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next products

>> No.16770797

you're right, but you misunderstood sowell. He's saying the same thing you're saying. and fuck all the retard's who responded so far

>> No.16770839

Why does Xi always look like his in on some inside joke that your not in on and by his facial expression, his dying to let you in on it.

>> No.16770841
File: 72 KB, 560x420, jerryrubin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, now do longevity, teenage pregnancy, world literacy, murder rate, rape rate, burglary rates, smoking rates, drug use rates, aids rate, cancer survival rate, number of wars, world infant mortality rate, financial mobility, woman empowerment in 3rd world countries, number of people lifted from abject poverty, home ownership, higher education

just this year we reached: full employment, 3% gdp, record stock market, energy independence, lowest black unemployment, lowest woman, asian and hispanic unemployment, highest black median household income.

>inb4 but muh day-job is still meaningless, muh nihilistic depression.
>implying those problems didn't already exist
don't believe the marxist propaganda: capitalism works

>> No.16770867
File: 215 KB, 531x613, suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>A concerning trend of men resenting women and lashing out voilently
>>A concerning trend of women resenting men and leading themselves into misery out of spite
This! This is what I have been thinking about for years now and I still couldn't put it better than you. Why does it have to be like this and how do we fix it?

>> No.16770878

Saving the world makes you happy.

>> No.16770889

I used to naively think like you.
A prisoner at the end of the day is
>Has security
>etc etc
But his high life expectency is not the only dimension to measure upon. He is trapped and and has little to no freedoms to speak of.

Similary, you can draw the same comparison to Mr Sowells Contention with the american wellfare system and the 60s anti negro minimum wage laws.
While yes,
>They were sheltered,
>Had goverment means to eat
>Had minimum wage laws that were supposedly meant to help them
>Affirmative action laws that were supposedly meant to help them
It instead completely ended up destroying what was a relatively stable black families that perspvered in the face of Jim Crow laws. Today Black families are a joke and we know how highrise projects turned out.

>> No.16770930
File: 97 KB, 1302x926, Deficits are only bad if a Democrat does them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just this year we reached: full employment, 3% gdp, record stock market, energy independence, lowest black unemployment, lowest woman, asian and hispanic unemployment, highest black median household income.
All these really prove is that stimulus is stimulating and austerity is austere.

>> No.16770940
File: 115 KB, 859x1088, 1602859218465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>A concerning trend of men resenting women and lashing out voilently
>>A concerning trend of women resenting men and leading themselves into misery out of spite
Imao its interesting, in your point the men subsidize their uprising with their lives while the roasties use goverment boots and gibs to fuel their self destruction.

Robotic wombs cannot soon enough, then it will be the night of long knives every roastie will up rooted, heads on a pike, swift!
They started it, we will oblige them :)

>> No.16770954

Why refute him when you can just call him an uncle Tom? Same reason why leftists simply call people racists instead of attempting to logically refute those people's arguments—it's easier and requires hardly any thinking.

>> No.16770966

Typical baseless right-wing talking point. You hear talking heads on Fox News say stuff like this all the time, what original argument is there to refute?

>> No.16771061
File: 54 KB, 850x400, 1603137959337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am with you on some things and myself am a huge fan of Sowells literature(second to based Thomas Clarence, A good friend of Sowells) Industrial machinery has perhaps delivered and perserved the human body (if you ignore the middle east/africa which neo liberalism feeds on)from scratches and dents but the interior that is incased in that flesh is whats paramount and its what has thus far continued to be neglected.

Before the barbarity of the 20th century people had meaning in their lives.Mortals knew who they were and knew they had an imaterial, immortal part of them that carried on to the hereafter, souls. it gave them meaning, it made things matter. A father could justfy to himself to wake up at 5 am every morning to go into some mine, have his teeth fall out, then only to die of blacklung 40.

The human soul perished (atleast in the west) and no amount materialistic consumption is gonna fill that bottomless pit where it used to be.

>> No.16771070

Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what sounded good with what sounded better.

>> No.16771164
File: 60 KB, 750x960, imageedit_80_6049604799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is trapped and and has little to no freedoms to speak of.
compared to what?

>> No.16771193
File: 92 KB, 695x770, sink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know anon, some days I wake up and think I have it sussed out and then others days am bewildered.

Take a look at this anon >>16770940 Perfect description what we are talking about. What would twist a mans soul in such a fashion that his salivating at the seems for such things

I am not a lefty at all but the fear mongerer Thom York comes to mind. of his seminal piece at the turn of the mellenium, KID A. People tout about how that album is about global warming and envoiromental collapse but not for me.

Towards the end of KID A, in idioteque. he sings about an ice age coming and pleads desperately to put "The children and women first" I imagine men just pushing children and women overboard taking to the life boats for themselves first. And whom among us can tell them its wrong?

The exact scenario above has already happenned twice this past decade. God help us.

>> No.16771227

possible bait but u crazy if u think more than a couple percent of men would rather women die out, also the men who would rather this would in general not be of high combat ability and be easily owned by real men

>> No.16771244

there will always be poverty in capitalism retard

>> No.16771260

I called it
>>inb4 but muh day-job is still meaningless, muh nihilistic depression.

people blame capitalism because their life is devoid of meaning. the only thing that can bring meaning is god, and god has never existed. so people blame capitalism because god doesn't exist.

your post is full of shit. i suspect you must be trolling. you literally would prefer a world where kids die of dysentery than the world where you can spout shit while you sit on your ass eating a dozen donuts for $3? if you have no purpose, get a religion, don't blame social progress.

>> No.16771264

hes correct but not for the reason he thinks he is

>> No.16771273

Still wrong. Cry moar tranny.

>> No.16771297

I am not a leftist. You would propably be shocked how much towards the right, the left has pushed me.
>>He is trapped and and has little to no freedoms to speak of.
The comparisons I have thus far been making has been towards the past(Europe) The freedoms, Civil liberties and sense of privacy enjoyed by westerners just 50 years ago has almost entirely deteriorated.

but you can also make this comparisons across the globe now as well and Europe scores poorly, soon America too I fear.
Its always nice to come across a Sowell fan I am trying to have a decent conversation with you but you seem helbent on posting infographs and have not even recognised all my posts have conceded to you that yes,
Capatalism has improved the material well being of allot of countries(by also, feeding on the blood of middle east, africa) but we are also over looking an important other part of the uquation.

Its fun to own the libs, but thats such a low hanging fruit. It doesnt take much to make a tranny seeth, childsplay

PS: Are you that anon that wrote the Sowell /lit/ post debunking that eceleb pedophile?

>> No.16771300
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, what2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What would twist a mans soul in such a fashion that his salivating at the seems for such things
>also the men who would rather this would in general not be of high combat ability and be easily owned by real men
Did you have a stroke?
> Checked
But does there have to be? Is this something that Adam Smith himself explicitly stated to be the case?

>> No.16771310

>Did you have a stroke?
also the men who would rather this [occur] would in general not be of high combat ability and be easily owned by real men
i forgot to type one word, work on that reading comprehension buddy
if the above doesn't make sense to you you're literally developmentally challenged

>> No.16771345
File: 412 KB, 1080x1024, you do not spark joy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if the above doesn't make sense to you you're literally developmentally challenged
Well, since this is a literature board, let's discuss your other retarded errors
> possible bait but u crazy if u think more than a couple percent of men would rather women die out, also the men who would rather this would in general not be of high combat ability and be easily owned by real men
> Using 'u' instead of "you"
> atrocious grammar and syntax
> Not putting a period before the "also"
> real men
Would you consider yourself a real man in that case?

>> No.16771358

ok, either bait or autistic 15 year old
>Would you consider yourself a real man in that case?
no im a femoid, peace out

>> No.16771380
File: 118 KB, 1024x1024, consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> femoid
(read: MtF tranny)

>> No.16771421

then how did obama double the national debt and have the slowest economic recovery since ww2? how is obama quoted as saying a 2% gdp is impossible, and it reached and exceeded it to 3? google the great depression of 1921

you're completely ignoring tax cuts and historic deregulation because it doesn't fit your narrative.

plus, your image doesn't prove your point. it doesn't prove that republicans spend as much as dems, and it doesn't prove that more government spending brings gdp growth in a 1:1 ratio

>> No.16771505

Can anyone give me a list of some thinkers on the opposite spectrum of Sowell? I've read a few of his books recently and really enjoyed them but could use some balance.

>> No.16771553
File: 130 KB, 768x1024, 1603272277256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are willfully naive anon. I am a black muslim, so I see the bible from a certain vantage point (Allaah, declares it to be his book, one before the Quran) But the fact that you, as a non believer, couldnt look at the central figure of western culture (The self sacrificing Christ) from any angle be it from a Nietzscheism one (God=Values) or Jungian one(God=A meta narrative) Or even many other ones like Hobbes.

You are only /lit/....

I am not requiring you to believe god, Nietzsche did not but he recognised the death of god and foretold the barbarity of the 20th Century, which was a testament to Dovteosky's "Without God everything is permitted”.

>people blame capitalism because their life is devoid of meaning. the only thing that can bring meaning is god, and god has never existed.
Lool you remind of my younger days. I too lived on every word Milton Friedman espoused and then had the nerve to wonder why my Libertarian crowd only held Pedophilia second to Mr Friedman.

> you literally would prefer a world where kids die of dysentery than the world where you can spout shit while you sit on your ass eating a dozen
I am the one thats been continously mentioning Africa and middle east remeber, I have family there so I know too well of there sad reality there...I would have thought the pic related in my post here would have clued you in >>16771061 Its not the worship of ashes but the perservation of fire. I dont see why you could not have free market capatalism then (we did infact have them) whilst perserving social cohesion and other things. I dont see why you cant have meaning and purpose in todays capatalist societies. You fail to recognise Captalism was bore out of christianity.

Adam smith used tout his teachers line of
>The greatest happiness of the greatest number.
But Happiness is fleeting and its consequent utopia disturbs humans, the first human to find himself there would propably lobb a rock at the pristine glass houses just to see something intresting and meaningful happen.

>> No.16771583
File: 50 KB, 680x371, Ekt4WYAUUAAnz20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx, Mr Sowell was actually a Marxist himself in his younger days, I think that came to an end when he started attending Brown College.
He also wrote a thorough book on Marxism not a debunking one at all. but very through book that in which came at it from an intresting angle.

Also, Take the Sowell pill and Add to that List Thomas Clarence, whom I believe god has sent forth to guarantee Mr Trump the 2020 Elections.

>> No.16771604

>Marx, Mr Sowell was actually a Marxist himself in his younger days
No way, that uncle tom chud was a based Marxist? I refuse to believe this either /pol/ was right being niggers being sub iq retards or well...he is just retarded

>> No.16771630

This. Literally describe the trainwreck the Chicago school got us into.

>> No.16771638

> One of the painful signs of years of dumbed-down education is how many people are unable to make a coherent argument. They can vent their emotions, question other people's motives, make bold assertions, repeat slogans-- anything except reason
I just realized how ironic it is that 4chan is teaching people this better than actual schools. Due to the text-based format and the fact that people can't just get banned or downvoted to oblivion, it has forced its users to actual figure out how to properly argue with one another. One simply can't rave and scream, twist and shout because it isn't easily translated into text. Even if someone tried, all the other anons would simply laugh at them and move on with their day.

>> No.16771657

Conservatives are the dumbest people on Earth.

>> No.16771661

I am not baiting you at all. What I wrote is happening, I've seen it in non muslim black communities and its the rhetoric of a large subset of the internet now.
>also the men who would rather this would in general not be of high combat ability and be easily owned by real men
Not really, Just enough number of men simply need to check out of society, refuse to stop doing the heavy lifting, infact any lifting.

Evil only advances when good men dont stop it. You dont need god to know so

>> No.16771668

>no amount 4chan consumption is gonna fill that bottomless pit where it used to be.

>> No.16771692

> that uncle tom chud was a based Marxist?
Damn, I really wish /lit/ had tripcodes so I could see what other retarded posts you clogged this thread with.

>> No.16771711

He was, go read Marxism by Sowell. It's like $150 off on Amazon right now.

>> No.16771728

WTF is this what Niggers are capable of when they stop breeding like rabbits and groveling for gibs?
Some well thought words...

>> No.16771780

Now fought asymmetrically. Kills millions more than ever has ever been known. Capable of destroying the entire biosphere.
Currently locked in a death embrace of lockdowns because we are reliant on a global “just in time” supply chain.
>muh wages
Can they buy safe streets, high trust societies with socially cohesive goals? No? Doing real good though.
What an idiotic nigger, worm you are. Pile up your marvel films and Harry Potter books and set them afire and throw yourself on it.

>> No.16771795

You didn’t “call” anything. You know you have no actual argument. To think the world is better because you can stream netflix tranny porn and get door dash while the world burns is delusional faggotry.

>> No.16771797

>I'm not moving the goalpost

>> No.16771814
File: 119 KB, 799x397, capitol(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It certainly gives me hope that at least some of them are salvageable enough for Africa to actually do something with itself.

>> No.16771835
File: 86 KB, 1032x711, deathsFromWars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kills millions more than ever has ever been known.
wrong. pic related

>Capable of destroying the entire biosphere
true since 1939. a lot of people complain about this. this isn't some cutting-edge, original, insightful observation.

>Can they buy safe streets
murder is down 50% since 1993. rape and burglaries are down 25%. but in answer to your question: yes, a houses in idaho are very cheap. the vast majority of cities in the US are clean, spacious, low crime, inexpensive, minutes away from a hike, and have plenty of job openings.

>> No.16771837

impossible to refute such a nebulous statement

>> No.16771862

Right. Pic not related.
Rapes and murders are not down. Not by any stretch. Find the murder rate in Chicago in 1945. Compare it to today. Is San Francisco “safe” and clean? Is LA? Atlanta? Minneapolis? How open riots with looting occurred in 1984?
Just pure delusional idiocy.
What fucking gutless nigger you are. You fucking father must have shit in your mother rather than ejaculate.

>> No.16771866

>Currently locked in a death embrace of lockdowns
are you? I'm not. i just have to wear a mask.

but now do smallpox, rinderpest, poliomielitis, guinea worm, measles, mumps, rubella, lymphatic filariasis, pellagra, and cysticercosis

>> No.16771871
File: 52 KB, 693x523, homicide_51yr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh cherry picked examples
just because it went up the last year doesn't mean it hasn't gone down the last 27 years, faggot

>> No.16771876

Yes. You are. You walk around with a worthless face diaper that literally gives you zero protection. People wear it and thousands of cases increase everyday. Correct? Now, “do” that. “Do” when mumps shut down the entire world. “Do” that. You fucking retard.

>> No.16771884

>several years later
he killed himself in 2015 and she wrote that article in 1999. It seems like she's a pretty horrible person but she may have backtracked on such a stupid comment

>> No.16771886

>durrr it went down...
> durr but not that year!
Complete failure.

>> No.16771935
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>> No.16771981

Have you been to /pol/?

>> No.16771993
File: 145 KB, 1853x607, alex jones2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't count if that's what you're wondering

>> No.16771998
File: 12 KB, 378x83, tark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lool how was I moving the goalpost though? dude I actually spent some brain cells becuase I wanted to explain something to you.

You dont believe in god, which I accepted and brought up those who may have been like you in the past whom recognised god was an important figure in peoples life (Nietzsche, Hobbes etc etc) and they each proposed a solution to this problem, Nietzsche proposed the Uberman, people striving to create their own values(Something he admitted to being impossible) Hobbes actually foresaw Nietzsche's dillema(an all out warefare, of every man against every man) way before and proposed the lavaithin mechanism. You seem to think god only matters to those whom believe in him. Not at all.

The roman empire, though deeply angry at Issa(Jesus) and not believing in his gospel at all, in the end recognised that religion would be a good tool to regulate the behaviour of the masses and so allowed it to spread.

Your infographics that show continued returns of economic growth will be for nothing if we dont present a viable solution to the social issues that continue to plague us. No amount of money, nor material possesions will suffice.

What does chud mean?

Good point, it works most times. /lit/ is allright though, you dont really get a chance to flex your muscles in real life or maybe thats just my cirlce. but its nice to come in here atfer some reading.
but I noticed this does not really work outside of /lit/ though /g/ or even /tv/

Reddit is cancer, a perfect example Capatalists turned social engineers. Adam Smith's invisible hand should have them out of business by now and replaced by someone better but no. they are still viable. How does that work?

>> No.16772010

I was talking more about the "CONSEED" and "You will never be a female" posts, as well as the rest of it. Not too much logical, sourced discussion even on here desu. Going through the work of sourcing claims and trying to respond to people's barely related posts is too much work for the pay off of maybe changing someones mind.

>> No.16772045
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>Conservatives are the dumbest people on Earth.
Hhaha I dont doubt you, especially us black conservatives. Thomas Clarence, a hero of mine whom used to spouse
>Now that we can go inside the library its our duty to the RACE to exercise that right everyday
He went and married a white woman. The only brother on the SCOTUS, I have nothing against white people and regard christianity to be a needed force but this intermixing shit its trash and it should have been beneath such a great man.

I mean Blacks are by large god fearing christian and constantly align themselves with Decomcrats and abortion which kills mostly black children.

>> No.16772049

But the posts that feature those types of comments are started in bad faith, so they are simply ridiculed for fun. If you have a genuine idea and position you won’t get “you will never be female.” If you go on reddit and post an empirically factual comment you WILL get “you are a racist!”

>> No.16772054

> The roman empire, though deeply angry at Issa(Jesus) and not believing in his gospel at all, in the end recognised that religion would be a good tool to regulate the behaviour of the masses and so allowed it to spread
Damn, I never even thought about it like that
> What does chud mean?
Don't even worry about it. It's a meaningless term
> they are still viable
Funded by China and other special interests
> "CONSEED" and "You will never be a female"
I'll be honest, I've never seen anything about that and I've only been gone from /pol/ for less than a week. Did it really change that much in my absence? Perhaps my brain just filters stuff like that out.
> Going through the work of sourcing claims and trying to respond to people's barely related posts is too much work for the pay off of maybe changing someones mind.
You know what, you're probably right about all that. Even with all its faults, however, 4chan is still better than public school

>> No.16772112

Sometimes true, sometimes false. Never been on reddit and never will.
Contrarians and shills have posted CONCEDE since Biden's projected win, and CONSEED is the mocking of that, while the other comment is assuming the shill or whoever is a tranny in discord trying to demoralize /pol/. I would say public school is worse except that I actually went to a decent public school. It might be better than community college though.

>> No.16772226
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>>The greatest happiness of the greatest number.
You are actually one of the few people I've seen correctly credit this to its right owner. Smith never said this but his teacher.

And it perfectly describes what the anon with the .jpg graphs could not grasp after three posts of you spoon feeding him.

Anon did you get into Oxford in the UK via admission qoutas? Imao

>> No.16772776

because five year plan go brrrrr and the west can only seethe.

>> No.16773504

compared to YOU nigga, the fuck you mean "to what"

>> No.16773779

dude stop it´s embarassing, stop with your identity politics and accept that he´s just a black Ben Shapiro

>> No.16773825
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>> No.16773834

No one with half a brain would waste time "refuting" some vague mumbo-jumbo quoted by /pol/-tards who suddenly love that bbc
You are all pathetic

>> No.16774208
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"Shut the fuck up Sowell, Marx was right, capitalism is broken and we don't have to be looking further than our economic landscape of today were the fed is offering interests rates of near 0%"

>> No.16774289

The Civil and Women's Rights movements were indeed a mistake

>> No.16774313

Yes, he completely BTFO himself. I was about to type this and then I saw your post. All the good-sounding stuff is the neoliberal trash from the Chicago School that Sowell has been promoting. The US was a much nicer place when the workers had more bargaining power.

>> No.16774368

That is explained by the evolution of security camera.

>> No.16775121

>The roman empire, though deeply angry at Issa(Jesus) and not believing in his gospel at all
Fuck you nigger. He was JESUS. Stop trying to "we wuz kangz" into everything. He wasnt a nigger

A fucking apity, jumped up nigger with a library card is not going to change that. Neck yourself

>> No.16775283

>The roman empire, though deeply angry at Issa(Jesus) and not believing in his gospel at all, in the end recognised that religion would be a good tool to regulate the behaviour of the masses and so allowed it to spread.
>The roman empire, though deeply angry at Issa(Jesus) and not believing in his gospel at all, in the end recognised that religion would be a good tool to regulate the behaviour of the masses and so allowed it to spread.

>Implying religion didn't exist before Christianity
>implying it wasn't easier to control slaves and plebeians when your gods approve it
>implying being adored as a God by everyone is t the epitome of social control
>Implying old money and patricians weren't mad at their customs being slowly replaced by the pleb's customs

>> No.16775389
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>He was JESUS. Stop trying to "we wuz kangz" into everything
Since you want to argue over etymology, he wasn't called Jesus either.
Different languages all change the names of Biblical figures slightly. Maybe if you didn't chimp out and lash out over literally nothing, you would've remembered that.

>> No.16775400

> extremely low quality
ad infinitum

>> No.16775501
File: 1.40 MB, 480x248, chuds_getting_BTFO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conservatives are the dumbest people on Earth.
They remind me of my favourite anime movie princess mononoke. The proud tribe of the patriarchal wild boars, in their retarded last effort to go out with a "HUrraaahh"

Only a conservative would listen to KID and come out of it with that take, Imao
>I am not a lefty at all but the fear mongerer Thom York comes to mind
He wasnt fearmongering you chud and it was done by Radiohead not jus Thom
Just stick to dry literature books by dead white men because conservatives obvisouly cant hack into Art

>> No.16775507

>They remind me of my favourite anime movie princess mononoke.
are you 12?

>> No.16775545
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Yes, getting rid of Keynsian economics, lowering top marginal tax rates from 90%, demolishing unions in the name of idealisms like "trickle down economics" really Fed America up. I am glad Sowell agrees.

>> No.16775577
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>anime movie princess mononoke
Akira's better

>> No.16775605


>> No.16775649

The capitalist class literally doesn't care--they will jump ship to China as the US hegemony fades away.

>> No.16775665
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> patrician

>> No.16775673
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>A fucking apity, jumped up nigger with a library card is not going to change that. Neck yourself
KEK somebody is triggered

>> No.16775680

Also this
Lmao at this. "The welfare state does work" yeah it works at justfying taxation, but it doesn't do what it was advertised as doing ie helping people out of poverty. It just makes people dependent on the government.
Also minimum wage laws do in fact hurt people on the bottom weungs of society

>> No.16775687


if you think netflix and doordash are frivolous, then look at the things I list here:

>> No.16775779

Based Mugabe, You gotta love him for his humour and his eve to the right laughing at his bants imao

>> No.16775823

>Also minimum wage laws do in fact hurt people on the bottom weungs of society
Would replace unemployment subsidies, old age pensions, earned income tax credit, and minimum wage law with ubi, nit or citizen's dividend (not focused on the details) with some chronic disability benefits on top and that would effectivelly end the welfare cliff (nobody would lose benefits by working) and nobody would be priced out of the labor market.

>> No.16775875

t. literal brain damage
grow up before posting you underage discord dweller

>> No.16775900

How about just letting people keep their money instead of having to cycle it through the government? You just leak money that way

>> No.16776473

Some people don't have money to keep and have reduced or no capacity to work such that can't fetch a price for their time that is enough to live by.

And you could dicentivize crime by docking the basic "pay", reducing the need for police and prisons.

>> No.16776501

based anime chad

>> No.16776511

>Now fought asymmetrically. Kills millions more than ever has ever been known.

>> No.16776869

yes and that's why you can safely ignore this dinosaur

>> No.16776870

another marxist trying to solve a problem nobody has.

reminder we reached full employment this year, reminder 5 million people were lifted out of food stamps
reminder black median household income was the highest it's ever been

>And you could dicentivize crime
the current system we have has reduced murder by 50% since 1993, reduced rape and burglaries by 25%

>Some people don't have money to keep
on with your propaganda, always complaining. you can end starvation among poor people. you can have a country where the poor have access to education, and health insurance for free, and these fuckers will still complain

>> No.16776906
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>but it doesn't do what it was advertised as doing ie helping people out of poverty

>> No.16776917

monkee works not, monkee eats, shits and fucks

>> No.16776924

the goal of SNAP is subsidizing the food industry which is why it never goes away

>> No.16777053

That such a nebulous statment that I'm not sure what you expect to have refuted.

>> No.16777066
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>He was JESUS. Stop trying to "we wuz kangz" into everything.
I was not making that claim at all. Islamic scripture strictly forbids us from putting a face(skin color) to gods messengers or prophets, hence the sad Charlie Hebdo affair.

My goodness, is this what passes for rebutalls amongst leftists crowds? All you did was just repeat what the other poster said about "dumb conservatives" who did not offer any reason or rebuttal as to why and neither did you.

Stop identifying with harry potter, avengers and anime thinking they are some sort of self evident proof of your arguments.

>Only a conservative would listen to KID A and come out of it with that take, Imao
Yh sure it wasnt, the typical regurgitated interpertations of global warming found on the Guardian, Salon, Indiewire but it was just my interpertation of it . Infact, your beloved Thomas is on record for saying some of the songs on KID A are about a father walking out on his kids, another about a father going through devorce and the seperation of assets and kids.

Morning bells lyrics, which follows Idioteque are (The only song I mentioned earlier)
>Release me
>You can keep the furniture
>Cut the kids in half
>Cut the kids in half
>Cut the kids in half

So, yes. The continued resentment between the sexes and lack of cooperation would also not bode well for a sinking ship.

>Just stick to dry literature books by dead white men
Young man, you are lost. Not because your a leftist but becuase you resent your forefathers. I pray for you kind.

>> No.16777271
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> Islamic scripture strictly forbids us from putting a face(skin color) to gods messengers or prophets
That's quite interesting. Out of curiosity, I've searched up pictures of Muhammad and a lot of depictions show him with a cloth over his face which is explained by what you said. Can you educate me more on Islam's sacred traditions that are a bit more obscure to outsiders. I'm trying to learn more about the outside world.
> The continued resentment between the sexes and lack of cooperation would also not bode well for a sinking ship
This is one of those cases where we should emulate the Islamic and Jewish traditions and keep women and men separate during certain intervals of time. I don't know how Muslims do it but the Jews have something called a Mechitzah in Synagogue for this very purpose. It's because of excessive interaction between the sexes that these problems arise in the first place.

>> No.16777842

I'm pro-market.

The current welfare system is more complicated than it needs to be and dicintivizes work through welfare cliffs which could be done away with while still offering a safety net - and one that leaves less power to government because it lets each individual do their own budgeting.

The judicial system is too opressive and arbitrary as is. Fewer cops, fewer prisons - isn't that befitting of a free country?

>> No.16777923

Applies more to the postwar order really, because America is so dumb that it can't help but run anything it touches into the ground.

>> No.16777952

>Fewer cops, fewer prisons - isn't that befitting of a free country?

That presumes this free country is also free of crime -- or has far less of it than current. The judicial system has its faults, of course -- every system does.

>> No.16777972

>Islamic scripture strictly forbids us from putting a face(skin color) to gods messengers or prophets
Islamic "scripture" forbids "us" from depicting any animate thing, larper.

>> No.16778263

>woman empowerment in 3rd world countries
very very subtle, almost sublime

>> No.16778915
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> Can you educate me more on Islam's sacred traditions that are a bit more obscure to outsiders.
I recently restarted to practice my faith, after a hiatus of not practising but believing it. This would be a big task for me, its also, a very important duty of muslims. Sharing Alhaah's Deen(Gospel) with non muslims

As best as I can put it, God says in the Quran, that many times he had sent down to us books. The bible was one and it always ended up getting revised by men(in parts). So a large part of Islam is about perservation and the total submision to God. Thats what "Islam" actually means, not "Peace". Its for this reason muslim children spend their childhood learning to memorise the entire Quran and reciting it in a lyrical manner. So that its integrity is never comprimised.

Its also, why you dont associate faces with god and his messengers because people tend worship them instead. One of the highest sins in Islam is Bidʻah(Innovation/Progress). Other than that there are five pillars of Islam. Every muslim is called upon to observe.
>Shahada is the fundamental statement of faith
>Fasting during Ramadhan
> Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca

There are Hadiths, which are accounts of how the prophet lived according to his deciples, it may explain the Sunni/Shia thing.

As for how we live our lives, hierarchy is very important. The child follows, the mother, the mother follows the father and this extends to the elders, even men outside the house. Cooperation is natural, muslims girls expect to give it. Its one of the biggest reasons I came back to my faith after experiencing total alienation with modern western life in University.

>It's because of excessive interaction between the sexes that these problems arise in the first place.
Agreed, having seen both sides for myself. I would go with segregation, am not saying its peachy but its much better. To give you an example of our culture, here is a thread I made yesterday on /adv/ about a dillema am having, to be fair I am just being stubborn with trying to secure a mate on my own, the parents usually handle this.

I hope that helped.

>Islamic "scripture" forbids "us" from depicting any animate thing
According to my mother and brother who is a sheikh, we are also forbidden from listening to music.
I've resolved to looking at this for myself in the Quran and Hadiths and decide in good time. These things are a big part of who I am. but If scripture demands it, I will walk away. I hope to god I can carry on, am not looking to pornographically titalate the human figure but like Rodin to serve god. Are you a muslim?

>> No.16779107

Is this nigga still stuck on the lolbert paradigm? Modern conservatism is NAZBOL GANG. Left wing economics but we also hate immigrants.

>> No.16779431
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>its just like my Japanese anime!

>> No.16779469

This is such a vacuous statement that has no specificity whatsoever.

What worked in the world for the last three decades?

>> No.16779799

>I jerked off into my own mouth for internet points.

>> No.16780044

Why am I not surprised a tripfag thinks wage-productivity decoupling is a bad thing?