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File: 250 KB, 1080x1266, 1592343753541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16771613 No.16771613 [Reply] [Original]

Humans are degenerate, hairless monkeys who live by their vices. They work against nature.

The HORSE is the masterrace. Horses are beautiful. Horses live by reason and in attune with nature.

Go ahead. Try to prove me wrong.
you can't you disgusting shit living monkey.

>> No.16771632

Octopi are superior

>> No.16771635

Film a kraken?

>> No.16771642

How did you write this with hooves?
Get out of here b4 I geld you and eat your balls faggot

>> No.16771655
File: 49 KB, 790x440, 1570157837695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my Y*hoo(h***n) slave wrote this for me.
you deserve to be put in a zoo, fucking mongrel

>> No.16771660

Horses are prey animals. Their brains are too small and sucky for anything other than thinking about food or running away. Humans are the top of the food chain and always will be superior to any stinking horse.

>> No.16771662

>t. Individual on the right of this pic
Go back to middle-school
OP is a horse apologist

>> No.16771669
File: 62 KB, 400x620, 8EAD1F39-1B6D-44D3-B5FC-82F3DDE0E21F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.16771670

post essential horse literature or shut up

>> No.16771674
File: 457 KB, 1080x1175, 1582433982872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KYS y*hoo. In my country dirty h****ns are seen as pitiable creatures, and even they are more rational than you
t. y*hoo

>> No.16771679

Part 4, Gulliver's travels.
BASED fellow horse THADD CONQUERING the she-y*hoos

>> No.16771722

Black Beauty

>> No.16771762


>> No.16771787
File: 21 KB, 464x401, 1597206658520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to catalogue
>y*hoo starts posting licivious pics of she-y*hoo's
>thread instantly gets 15+ replies by lustful degenerate y*hoos
god I'm so glad I'm not a y*hoo

>> No.16772014

absolutely based

>> No.16772161

Humies simply cannot compete with the BIG HORSE COCK

>> No.16772477
File: 58 KB, 630x630, 1599230488961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reply to this post to remind y*hoos of their place

>> No.16772716
File: 62 KB, 696x476, 746212957-H-696x476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, mammalian, you dirty hot-blooded bottom-feeding abominations should be executed. You stand no chance against the lizard master race.
Picrel me, in my divine figure

>> No.16773686

octopi are food

>> No.16773702

Didn't live a tough life.

>> No.16773704
File: 9 KB, 193x144, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humans are degenerate, hairless monkeys who live by their vices. They work against nature.
>The HORSE is the masterrace. Horses are beautiful. Horses live by reason and in attune with nature.
>Go ahead. Try to prove me wrong.
>you can't you disgusting shit living monkey.

>> No.16774984
File: 54 KB, 667x800, Tamamo eating spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Horses live by reason and in attune with nature.
Horses are low IQ, high-maintenance pussies who are only good at running away.
Donkeys are smarter, hardy as fuck, stronger than horses, don't get scared as easily, won't put themselves in danger...

>> No.16775014

based, I love asses too

>> No.16775475

Horses were casually contemplating genocide because they wanted their own ethnostate.
Get off your high... uh...
Stop being a turdburglar

>> No.16776610

Okay Johnathan Swift calm down

>> No.16777328
File: 81 KB, 729x441, 1545123391922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this hideous image? a yahoo with the ears of our donkey brothers?
as long as I don't have to catch a whiff of a yahoo i'm fine. we practice eugenics as well.

>> No.16777417
File: 2.76 MB, 400x300, wolverine punch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgusting hooves typed this post away with you

>> No.16777428

why do horses wear shoes

>> No.16777939

the HORSE is just as degenerate anon. i know the stuggle

>> No.16778082

yes, but tell me this: have you ever seen a horse? a real one I mean. Not the ones that have been a product of human design and breeding over millennia, because a lot of its aspects of beauty and grace are a product of human design. To admit that there is beauty in the horse is to admit that there is beauty in man as well.

Another thing to consider with such a claim, is the assumption that nature is good. Nature - ethically at least - is quite like a child. And much like an innocent child slowly and meticulously pulling the wings off of a butterfly, it becomes aware that it is actually devoid of true ethics, and will do repeatedly horrific things because it is natural that it behaves so.
Though you may define working against nature as degeneracy (and I do believe that is possible), I see it as a gift, something unique we possess unlike any other living being that we know about. Our ability to defy nature bestows upon us a unique opportunity: the ability to create something better than nature. Civilisation - inarguably one of the greatest human inventions - creates a unique chance to reward those for acting morally, and punish those for acting immorally. But ultimately, this could also mean stooping to a low that nature would have prevented. Civilisation is the ultimate gamble in this way; with our ability to defy nature, do we create a heaven, or do we create a hell?

>> No.16778588

>Civilisation - inarguably one of the greatest human inventions
This is inarguably one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. Man came together to form a society not because it was some ingenious invention, but because of yahoo like behaviour of acting like grugs and killing each other for useless shit

>> No.16778863

t. just read The Idiot.

>> No.16779215

>society (noun)
>a body of individuals living as members of a community;
>Civilisation (noun)
>an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached.
I could use more dictionary definitions if you'd like, but I'll give you the gist. Civilisation implies a degree of refinement and advancement, that's why you wouldn't call it a civilisation of apes or other animals, yet society seems more fitting. I've yet to see other
>Man came together to form a society not because it was some ingenious invention, but because of yahoo like behaviour of acting like grugs and killing each other for useless shit
If what I said was the stupidest shit you've ever heard, you really need to listen to yourself. Humans as well as most mammals have been communal since our inception. We came together not by arbitrary factors like "Yahoo behaviour" (Whatever that means) and "killing each other for useless shit" (again completely untrue if you have any knowledge on Ancient History), but because we needed to SURVIVE, which is about as non-arbitrary as you can get, all things considered.
I've yet to see fucking Kangaroos pull off the invention of the wheel, much less a legal system. The fact remains that we as humans have something special in the form of our advanced society. Do you have any other issues with what I was saying, or was that it?

>> No.16779262

I like horses. I like orangutans. I like big toads.

>> No.16780836

Lit has always been a horse board.

>> No.16781139

go to bed Equius

>> No.16781152

>spend millennia carrying human society on their backs
>immediately relegated to running around circles so drunk rich people can bet on them as soon as the car comes along

I wouldn't judge them too harshly if Horse Hitler one day killed us all in vengeful rage

>> No.16781435

t. Yahoo

>> No.16782308
File: 2.77 MB, 640x640, horse owned.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16782498

And people say humans can't kill beasts with their bare hands.

>> No.16782589

Nigga what?

>> No.16783207

Absolutely based? WHy do we keep winning humanbros?

Everything human is natural saltlicker. why dont you chew and drool all over a lightpole or something?

>> No.16783215

Horses don't exist
only human created horselike creatures
the horse is a slave
the horse is food
the horse is entertainment for rich children

>> No.16783715
File: 18 KB, 274x342, 274px-Mario2small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bing-Bing Yahoo!

>> No.16783763

Check out fimfiction.net.