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16771001 No.16771001 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the New Atheist movement sputter and die?

>> No.16771012

we took the deism pill

>> No.16771018

Because it was false and Christianity was right.

>> No.16771033

Atheism has low energy, low birth rates, and lots of very brainy people with very unhealthy bodies. It could never last.

I think agnosticism is fine, but honestly, Nietzsche was right, most people cannot invent their own morality. There are segments of the population who can't even imagine an apple when they close their eyes. You can't expect the general public to invent their own morality.

>> No.16771037

god and morality have nothing to do with each other

>> No.16771045
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It didnt sputter and die. Put simply, they won.

Look around. theism is nowhere to be seen in the credible academic world. Science has definitively proven the majority of the so-called nu-atheists' assumptions and has revealed a world that is wholly naturalistic and deterministic and which we are well on our way to solving thanks to advances in deep-learning AI and inovations in physics like Wolfram's theory of everything which explaims the appearance of complexity from simpler computational processes.

There doesn't need to be anyone out there in the public space arguing against "souls" or "angels" or "god" etc because such language is now patently ridiculous. So there is no need to go on refuting such trivial things. I actually don't think a single Zoomer would be able to even define "soul" (not that theists ever could anyways).

In the end, it was a victory so absolute that there really wasnt any need to even declare it. theism has lost its place in culture, it has no cultural presence anymore except as a fringe and marginalized flourish of the more uneducated minds, and so naturally all engagement with it would evaporate.

>> No.16771053

It was like any other mostly online movement that relied on cults of personality. It wasn't able to win more mainstream appeal or make compelling metanarratives that seeped into human consciousness. I guarantee you could make a post like this about Boogaloo Boys or the Dirtbag Left five years from now. Nothing has staying power anymore and that's by design

>> No.16771076

I've posted about this before but have injured myself in such a manner that makes effortposting hard, so I will give you a previous effortpost:


tl;dr nuAtheism was a tool of Progressives to shit on low status Southerners. The non-Progressives who partook in nuAtheism dropped it and formed the Alt-Right when they saw that they weren't getting space ships and laser guns.

>> No.16771083

I also apparently damaged my brain because I linked to the wrong post. Fuck me. My first post in that thread is >>16662397. That dude's post is good none the less, it just doesn't really touch on nuAtheism.

>> No.16771096

> wholly naturalistic

Nah, no naturalistic/physical explanation for sentience.

>> No.16771110

Yeah, but this isn't because of New Atheists surely. The credible academic world has gradually purged any theological/mystical elements since the birth of the modern public research university 200 years ago. Christopher Hitchens didn't have that big a hand in it

>> No.16771114

Based reply. So much of the work of outing the nonsense of fundamentalist theistic dogma has yet to become apparent, because the youngest generation will be impacted the most. We have yet to see how they will rewrite public policy with that kind of non-dogmatic mindset, but I am confident it will be a beautiful thing.

>> No.16771116
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>theism is nowhere to be seen

>> No.16771117
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Because they are retarded lowtest ignoramus pseuds

>> No.16771118

No, but you need a structure and metaphysical backbone for belief and religion is a shortcut to that and keeps society oiled and moving.

>> No.16771121

This man wrote a book called outgrowing god after having three divorces

>> No.16771124

humans are designed to worship. The movement was fed by an audience of teenagers who naturally grew up. It couldn't reform with new teenagers because the waning absence of religion led to young people making political movements their identity and they butt heads to much to join under one roof.

>> No.16771147

religion is irrelevant in any sensible country

>> No.16771153

Hearty keks were had at these posts

>> No.16771158

Just because you don't like physicalism doesn't mean that the people who control the levers of academic, media, and government power don't believe in it.

>> No.16771166

look, a holy trinity of retard!

>> No.16771169

>by design
Whos design? Gods? The Jews? Jeff Bezos?

>> No.16771178

Based New Athiesm poster

>> No.16771186

Artificial intelligence and computational neuroscience is swiftly proving you wrong. We will have the answers in twenty years.

>> No.16771188

Because nobody gives a shit anymore.

>> No.16771205

You’re a loser on 4chan, not a part of academia

>> No.16771217
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here pic related enjoy.

Right, the point is why nuatheism "disappeared". They didn't "cause" any substantial scientific advance, they were just situated in accord with the inevitable trajectory that such research would take and dissolved after the final bastion of religious influence in society/academia was definitively silenced since their position was untenable to any but the most egregiously anti-intellectual fundamentalist conmen.

There's still "divinity" departments judiciously toiling away at universities like Yale or Cambridge, but you'll notice how insular they have become and how they have absolutely no communication with the secular departments. Their professors are constantly publishing papers against the latest Neuroscience journals or figures in AI, but the secular professors and scholars never even deign to reply. It's basically just an inertia that will slowly dissipate as the years go by and 1) the old guard dies while 2) the new generations don't bother with it.

In fact, the majority of "religious studies" students at cambridge are already atheists who are just getting credentials in those fields so they can publish polemics against the remaining christians, as well as rectify the highly falsified historical accounts that christianity has told us about itself.

>> No.16771223
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The beginning of the end was when some soibeard invited this woman to get a cup of coffee in a hotel elevator.

>> No.16771234

They kind of morphed into the Intellectual Dark Web. Some of the same people, similar agendas (secular, sort of conservative, opposes PC culture, Islam, etc.)

>> No.16771241

Am ai really though?

>> No.16771266

Not really, like I said, it's an easy substitute for metaphysics. Not every person can create their own world view.

You can't have a population struggling with nihilism. There's a reason fervently religious societies demolish societies without religion. Fear of death and will to do beyond the material are useful to a population as a whole.

Regardless of whether religion is true, good in terms of making people happy, or bad. It's a tool.

>> No.16771304

A lot of the faggy reddit New Atheist didn't actually give a shit about atheism, they were just mad at their parents for making them go to sunday school. Look at what happened when guys like Dawkins or Hitchens criticized jews or muslims. Specifically with Dawkings, people went nuts. Apparently the guy that had spent the last decade or so saying religion is gay, actually meant religion was gay, and wasn't just resentful towards WASPs. Makes sense the movement didn't have legs, the list of people they were willing to criticize was very narrow and pretty much fell into the accepted list of generic "bad guys" in society anyway.

>> No.16771308


>> No.16771318

Only in your think head do suck things “die”

>> No.16771339

ElevatorGate and Atheism+. I haven't read it but I believe Moldbug wrote about it in "How Richard Dawkins Got Pwned".

tldr SJWs and idpol infiltrated and destroyed it from within by trying to turn it into a religion leaving a radioactive crater in their wake.

>> No.16771353

Apples and morality have nothing to do with each other

>> No.16771360

Substitute the word morality for human behavior. I'm order to operate an efficient society you engineer human behavior with religion. Superstition is normal. If you don't give the public superstitions they create their own.

>> No.16771372

>they were just mad at their parents for making them go to sunday school
I see christfags throw this line a lot, usually from the same kinds of people who say that the Japanese are only Shinto because they are immature and "hate God", so I'm curious: just how prevalent do you think Sunday School attendance was in the early 2000s? What about now?

I ask because from everything I've ever seen, Sunday School attendance has been in freefall since the 80s. Perhaps it's exactly the opposite: a lack of Sunday School attendance? Or are you arguing that Sunday Schools were so shit that they actually did the opposite of their intended purpose?

>> No.16771374

It's adherents were almost entirely co-opted by the anti-SJW movement. See TJ Kirk. Once they realized the homosexuals and race revolutionaries they had become addicted to making fun of were also atheists and that applied atheism would flow into Animal Farm far before it would yield space colonies they largely abandoned it as a practical matter. Most of them presumably still maintain atheism privately.

Both were founded and maintained almost entirely by autistic young men. I don't know where they'll go from here if anti-SJW flames out but it's worth noting that two of the most powerful cultural movements of the 21st century were maintained almost entirely by autistic people. We're at their mercy

>> No.16771395

Nice revisionism

>> No.16771400

I think we will also soon be unraveling a world that might be akin to our idea of what exists in the religious. A world within and without. In the end, the simplest explanation will be the one the theists talk about, which they figured out thousands of years before we had to clarify that 'things are things' via science. Religion and spirituality separate, there is no difference between what science is aiming for and what religion is aiming for. It is all interconnected and beneficiary.

>> No.16771405
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It was replaced by the new incel movement

>> No.16771409

revise this dick

>> No.16771426

Atheism forces you to reckon with the fact that morality is not static, because the fundamental reasons to be moral could change. A lot of people are uncomfortable with this idea that the chips go down and it suddenly becomes ethical for people to eat each other alive, for instance. Religious morality tries to save this with an afterlife where everything gets atoned for, but that's a story made up to save face. So it comes down to bare truths vs. a comforting story. It's a difficult situation to get out of.

>> No.16771427

It died because there is no need for it anymore, no one takes religion seriously, even "religous" people just use it as a label these days

>> No.16771431

Some of the leaders are the same but most of the crowd is different on the right anti-SJW side. On the left SJW side there are different leaders with some of the same crowd but not entirely.

>> No.16771483

>Why did a movement that achieved overwhelming victory die?
Do you consider the American revolution to have "died" after the treaty of Paris?
Religious teachings went from directly informing western government policy to snarling at it from several light-years away

>> No.16771509

>a few decades ago all the atheists were contrarians and everybody was a theist
>now the theists are the contrarians and everybody is an atheist

Are we going to have the reverse flip-flop now? Are the theist contrarians eventually going to win again?

>> No.16771538

You're not really understanding what I am saying. Plus, not all religions have an afterlife.

I'm just pointing out that religion is a biologically efficient tool for people. Also, you're speaking an religion from a very western place. Instead of using the word morality, just substitute "human behavior."

Yes we know human behavior is not static. There are cultures in New Guinea that rape their sons from 7 and up and believe specific trees give them magic semen. I used to be baffled by their religion until I saw how ultimate useful it was. The trauma from raping their sons was what made them sich a potent Warrior culture. They got erections before going into battle and waved them at other tribes. Then they'd run in and kill the men and take the women to rape them.

It was then I realized that religion develops as a cultural tool to run a society. Religion is extremely efficient. It exists for a reason. The mighty wonders across the world that were built through religious fervour. It is a tool.

Atheists low birth rate is a sign that without a metaphysical backbone Roop are not efficient and will not pass on their genes.

>> No.16771547

Yeah dude, definitely no dogma hanging around universities these days.

>> No.16771590

I was using Sunday school more as a general reference for people barely or performatively practicing Christianity, I dunno what the stats are. I was just saying most of the new atheists were less interested in theological arguments and more just fueled by resentment, either from their own family, or peripheral Christianity.

>> No.16771656

It was entirely negative. New Atheism was defined entirely in opposition to a very specific strain of conservative evangelism. I'm not saying that there's no more conservative evangelism, but the power animating that evangelism has largely shifted hands. Without power in what defined it, New Atheism collapsed.

>> No.16771727

When the Alt Right took it over and hijacked the movement.
Then all the new atheists went and took their love of science and started applying it to literal pseudosciences like race and IQ.
The Race Realist movement got a lot of its support from new atheists.

>> No.16772484

Hilarious, SJW destroyed it but then they say the alt-right hijacked it. Amazing cope.

>> No.16772495

Hitch died.

>> No.16772536

One of the few intelligent posters ive ever seen on 4chan. You should probably leave before someone tries to argue over abortion laws with you or something, completely missing your points

>> No.16772547

This. He was the only entertaining one.

>> No.16772553

>we will have the answers in twenty years
They said that in like the 1840s too. Sure, eventually science can more or less find the physical reason for everything, but reason isn't meaning.

>> No.16772561

lmao put away the thesaurus, it doesn't sound smart when its this obvious

>> No.16772566

The alt right undeniably hyjacked it. also, COPE. Your president lost.

>> No.16772586

Show me where the alt-right hijacked it prior to ElevatorGate and Dear Muslima. Unless you're calling Richard Dawkins alt-right.

>> No.16772603

Because it stopped being useful politically. It used to be that new atheism was a tool to attack republicans for being evangelicals who just believe whatever they read in a 3000 year old book. Now they attack republicans for being racist instead. Which serves the democrats much better considering the religiosity of blacks and hispanics. Go look at any old atheist youtuber from 2010 and if they're still around they will have become progressives talking about social justice and communism, that's not a coincidence.

>> No.16772639

Because they won, so there isn't much need for the movement anymore. Religion shat the bed and got completely destroyed in the culture war.

>> No.16772669

He probably thinks that Sam Harris is alt-right

>> No.16772677

Most of the politically active atheists were always progressives dumbass

>> No.16772721

This is mostly true, atheism movement was primarily pro establishment, a few broke off into the anti sjw skeptic group but those people have mostly moved left as they find the whole "its just common sense" routine only actually works if you're arguing for establishment ideas.

>> No.16772724

Nigger, I can imagine both kinds of apples with my eyes open.

>> No.16772934

While I believe this is the metaphysical truth, what really happened is the plug was pulled on the New Atheists. They were only allowed to thrive in an environment where they could be attacks dogs against Christianity. When the movement had to attack Islam or religious Buddhism or any new age spirituality the movement was deemed racist, bigoted and close minded, so the air had to be taken out of its tires. It's the same as black nationalism is tolerated and promoted for if an only if it doesn't attack feminism, LGBTQ inclinations and the redacted.

>> No.16772947

Who are the redacted?

>> No.16772964

This is how I see it. A lot of these 'nuAtheists' were, at some point in their lives, seriously hurt by the church and American / evangelical christianity, which is why alot of them target christianity specifically. The American church and evangelicals don't represent christianity as a whole, and a lot of their practices and teachings have no basis in Biblical values.

>> No.16773357


>> No.16773370
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>> No.16773533

Yeah, but godless people usually get a bad idea about people's needs as a whole, it's boiled down to maximizing happiness, which in turn becomes mere pleasure. Religion has a better idea about what people need.

>> No.16773592

That has been addressed a thousand times. Most atheist aknowledge that some form of God could exist, like a deist God but since it's an unfalsifiable claim, noone should be forced to believe in it.
Many atheists focus more on the personal God and certain passages in the bible. Maybe you have an elightened interpretation of the bible but many religious people don't and yet they still have influence in siciety.

>> No.16773722


>> No.16773793

Because no one gives a shit about religion aside from crazy sandniggers, and they would rather kill people than have a twitter discussion or post about their LARP on /lit/

>> No.16773816

Most of the New Atheists were accustomed to a forum of civil and orderly argumentation, not one of phoneposters and paid trolls
The American religious right are batshit crazy, and Dawkins did humanity a favor spending his retirement years calling all their (and your) bullshit
And Dawkins invented the meme, like Gibson did cyberspace, no one here has anything on him, least of all a bunch of incel third world LARPers

>> No.16773832

because religion addresses things that haven't or can't be explained. and that element of spirituality in our lives can't be denied.
im not religious though.

>> No.16773900


Those who have already deigned to dact at least once.

>> No.16774565

I honestly don't get what "New Atheism" means, a bunch people attacking deism and religion? I don't even get why that's a movement though. There's people attacking deism and religion today, there are book and media about it till this day, there are forums and what not of people endlessly talking about it, just because it's not a trendy and hip or weird anymore like the things 4chan likes to talk about and make memes of, it means whatever died. And if you are referring to the big names of atheism of the last decade not talking about atheism like they did before, I think that they just want to talk about something else after many years of dealing with the same topic.

>> No.16774584

>I think it seamlessly merged into the modern social justice movement.
>This probably comes as a surprise, seeing as how everyone else talks about how atheists are heavily affiliated with the modern anti-social justice movement. I think that’s the wrong takeaway. Sure, a lot of people who identify as atheists now are pretty critical of social justice. That’s because the only people remaining in the atheist movement are the people who didn’t participate in the mass transformation into social justice. It is no contradiction to say both “Most of the pagans you see around these days are really opposed to Christianity” and “What ever happened to all the pagans there used to be? They all became Christian.”

>> No.16774616

>Not really, like I said, it's an easy substitute for metaphysics. Not every person can create their own world view.
The solution to this is a philosophical education, not a return to Divine Command theoretics

>> No.16774618

oof might want to wipe your mouth off, you've got some of Dawkin's cum in it :)

>> No.16774629

Lack of culture. Atheism is a weapon you inflict on your enemies to kill them off at a genetic level. It has zero viability as an actual worldview held by actual people.

>> No.16774642

New Atheism was a political movement of the two thousands, and has to be understood as a reaction to Bush (and right wing evangelicals) and 9/11.

>> No.16774707

Culture is a myth, anon, a dangerous one.

>> No.16774729

I can sense your morbid obesity.

>> No.16774736

No, almost none of them had much contact with religion at all. Its just a cheap "i'm smart" identity to put on.

>> No.16774743

What? I can imagine an apple and think in 3D but I don't see it in front of me when closing my eyes.

What does that mean?

>> No.16774760

Islam will ruin that.

>> No.16774846


>> No.16774854

good post anon

>> No.16774868
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This picture.
I unironically believe that this was a tipping point for internet atheism and the reason why it will never be seen anything other than a joke.

>> No.16774876

Its message is so ingrained in modern culture that talking about it now is like saying water is wet.

>> No.16774908

because there were no wmds in iraq

>> No.16774917

Everything has been said before
There's nothing left to say, anymore

>> No.16774921

If that's the case, then why is christianity still the most efficient way to run a society, considering the fact modern urban life in a western country is in so many ways dissimilar to that of roman and medieval life -where christianity also prevailed-?
Of are the changes not so wild after all?

>> No.16774935

It offers a soulless alternative that involves prostrating yourselves to politically-driven scientists and liberalism. I’m not even a Christian, but I’d rather remain one than become a new ath*ist

>> No.16774939


>> No.16774947

>Wholly deterministic
>What is QM?

>> No.16774997

Religion is irrational, because not only suspends reason, but also erradicates it completely. Read Violence and the Sacred by René Girard, The Idea of the Holy by Rudolf Otto and The Sacred and the Profane by Mircea Eliade. Religion and the destruction of reason takes you back to the concentration camps, genocide, colonialism, sectarianism, and massive rapes. The Idea of the Holy is too powerful that if God appears to you and says that in order to save mankind you must sacrifice your only son, you must not hesitate it, or doubt it, you just do it, because it's a sacred order from the Creator, because the Numinous trascendends law, ethics, morals, doubt, human feelings and emotions, family and even reason of any kind. The holy and sacred comes from the word sacrifice (sacrificium), it's a combination of the latin words "sacro" (holy) and "facere" (make, fix) then sacrifice means making something sacred, when you made a sacrifice you're transforming something profane (unholy) into holy (sacred), obviously this is just a brief and poor explanation, the concept is more complex, strange and violent. Religion is the management of the holy.

>> No.16775035

>I’m not even a Christian, but I’d rather remain one than become a new ath*ist
For a board that reads so much philosophy, /lit/ doesn't seem to be very concerned with truth.
Why is it, that everytime we discuss religion and atheism, most "arguments" are based on political motivations? It's as if this board has become /pol/ light.
To me it doesn't matter if you can run a country using religion or if some internet atheists were cringy, the only thing that matters is wether a God exists or not.

>> No.16775097

there's no point in arguing with religious people cause they are retarded and also, you get nothing out of it. God still won't exist. I gave up like a decade ago.

>> No.16775108

>It's as if this board has become /pol/ light.
that's almost every board on this here 4channel, pal

>> No.16775527

>has revealed a world that is wholly naturalistic and deterministic
Except our current understanding of physics is exactly the opposite of this

>> No.16775554

"Deterministic" is wrong in that there's randomness, but I don't think that helps.

>> No.16775569

It can be either way, it depends on the interpretation of quantum mechanics you pick.

>> No.16775622

Many worlds still has the subjective randomness of which branch you inhabit, at least

>> No.16775650
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It served its purpose of destroying a certain cohort of white religion while advancing neoconservativism amongst secular gentiles.

That project's done on to the next.

>> No.16775677

Nice meme

>> No.16775729

Truth is a difficult concept, it might even not exist in an objective way.
However saying that you believe in God to save the white race or to own the libtards is not even making an attempt to find anything resembling truth in any way. You can't believe something as a means to an end anyway, you can only pretend to believe it, my definition of "belief" being the most accurate statement about the nature of the universe under uncertain conditions created with our imperfect brains.

>> No.16775809

Because their whole gimmick was antagonizing dumb burger evangelics who believe the earth is 6000 years old. But then you realize most christians aren't like that. Also, secular groups can be as intolerant and violent as any organized religion.

>> No.16775879

Atheism is boring. I’m atheist but I like watch videos on religion and read about religion.

Alex O’Connor is an entertaining atheist though.

>> No.16775921
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>culture is a myth
Can you elaborate please?

>> No.16775948

>There are cultures in New Guinea that rape their sons from 7 and up and believe specific trees give them magic semen
Do you have a source for this?

>> No.16775962

>Religion and the destruction of reason takes you back to the concentration camps, genocide, colonialism, sectarianism, and massive rapes.
That's weird, I thought these came from atheistic super-powers like the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

>> No.16775966

your mom's cunt

>> No.16775973

It was a reaction to the Bush years and died once Bush was out of office. America was also on schedule for another Great Awakening which began in 2012 under the second Obama term, which is where you saw contemporary American "social justice" thinking begin to propagate at a large scale. Many New Atheists on the left end of the Elevatorgate split would go on to become today's SJWs.

>> No.16775990

Christianity of today is not the same as Christianity of the roman era. It has changed a lot to adapt. Christianity is no longer expanding so it is safe to say it is in the decline cycle of its life. An evangelical of today is probably much different than a protestant of the mayflower era. A Christian of the pre legalization period is almost not understood by modern christians. Many of the christian doom cults in the middle east are near unimaginable to modern people that haven't lived in a doomsday cult.

>> No.16776062

Some people literally cannot imagine things in their head.

>> No.16776078

Fuck off with your lame copypasta

It died because it was lame and didn't advocate for or mean anything.

>> No.16776080

They got scared that Muslim chads would blow them up after the war on terror intensified and attacks began happening in Europe

>> No.16776116

yeah the edgy internet circlejerk shifted from militant atheism to deus vult christian larping lately

>> No.16776137

People say this all the time and never post any proof.

>> No.16776245

yikes lol

>> No.16776317

I don't care for drama but what is Elevadorgate?

>> No.16776410
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Just a bunch of smarties that had their brains broken by 9/11, which soon attracted all the gamergate and alt-right kiddies.
Who wants to be part of that?

>> No.16776430

you dont get it lol

>> No.16776467

not sure how to prove it but anecdotally i'm barely ever antagonized online by atheists anymore, their place was taken by "christians" seemingly defining themselves in opposition to the fedoralord meme and the sheeple (then imagined as dumb evangelicals, now they're degenerates or whatever)
if you're an angsty kid looking for a position that lets you look down on the world around you, it's gonna be religion now

>> No.16776485

I have more experience with self righteous progs looking down on everyone.

>> No.16776532

They all became anti-sjw reactionaries, choosing in a brobdingnagian moment of sunk-cost to attribute a method of analysis to an unworkable framework. What was an enlightened movement exists only now as a flaming corpse, its eternal fist raised in a protest that screams "BUT SHE HAS SHORT PURPLE HAIR!"

>> No.16776852

Its goes by a different name nowadays................
Alt Right.

>> No.16777324

yeah I hate those people who think there so smart because the are atheist in an atheist and a dumb as fuck!

>> No.16777365

Gotcha! movements always die out since they have no substance, kind of like how anti-sjw shit is slowly but surely becoming passe

>> No.16777913

The issue isn't that it became passe, per-se, but that the passage of time filtered the grifters from the true believers.

The liberals who were just asshurt abut religious people and SJWs died out because their content isn't interesting.

Fascists, whatever you might say of their ideology, are inherently interesting characters because their ideology is literally rooted in aesthetics. Sargon of Akkad or fucking, I don't know, tTe Amazing Atheist, these guys aren't funny. Thunderf00t is not funny, he's a tedious shitblood with terrible hair.

You know who is funny? Andrew Anglin. Mike Enoch. They're fucking hilarious. Weev is funny. Hunter Wallace is funny. Nazis are funny, because they have no boundaries. The Nu-Atheism movement was always astroturfed subversive bullshit, it ran out of steam the instant Christianity stopped being a sacred cow. Look at them now, these stupid faggots like Sam Harris pretending that kicking shit on Islam is somehow transgressive? It's cringe. They're hacks. The lot of them.

>> No.16777932

>There are segments of the population who can't even imagine an apple when they close their eyes.
This has to be a meme.

>> No.16777949

It's true. 70% of people can't actually visualize objects mentally.

>> No.16777985

I fucked Dawkins' daughter, who is 20 years my junior, and choked her while making her say that God is real and her father is damned.

Slut. I've bought Yugoslavian whores who put more of a fight before calling their fathers faggots.

>> No.16778002

Elevatorgate was the origin of the split in New Atheism which developed into the Alt-Right and SJWs. It was an event of nontrivial historical significance but few have realized it.

>> No.16779376

>SSC is back up
fuck this gay thread, best news I've heard all day

>> No.16779417

Far more pressing political and economic crises and national and ethnic issues took the front stage and something as stale as a tired religion like Christianity being dunked on by atheists lost importance. The same reason someone like Ben Shapiros FACTS AND LOGIC schtick lost relevance in the face of irrationality and uncompromising beliefs.

>> No.16779474
File: 70 KB, 329x512, The Myth of Culture - Gustavo Bueno (pbuh).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you have it friend.
Gustavo Bueno offered a brief critique of the abstract idea of Culture, considered today as a supreme value and fundamental political idea. If it presents Culture as a confused idea, a transformation of the Christian idea of the Kingdom of Grace, opposed to Nature, which begins its triumphant journey in the philosophía of German idealism and has become part of the ideological leadership in our days of our societies: the myth of culture.

>> No.16779599

Stop lying anon. It's more like 2-3% can't visualize.