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/lit/ - Literature

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16770020 No.16770020 [Reply] [Original]

hi nerds! i am from /mu/ and i recently decided to stop listening to music because i realized having vibrations in your ear 24/7 is merely a shield from understanding your own loneliness. problem is ive been burying myself in sound for so long i dont know what else there is to do. i really dont like reading but you can only go outside for so many hours in the day. was hoping to get recs that are fun and maybe intersting for an anon that is a retarded. i like the tao te ching and camus, thats pretty much it. when i was a kid i read lots of murakami and postmodernism and music literature because of my dad, those are nice too id read those

>> No.16770030

TBBoR sounds up your alley

>> No.16770034

>I want to stop listening to music and read instead
What's wrong with people on this site?

>> No.16770044

oooh what is it called?
beats me, thats why im still here despite my best efforts haha

>> No.16770045


>> No.16770055

>oooh what is it called?
The Big Book of Reddit

>> No.16770063

What kind of music were you listening to? I you want to ease yourself out of listening to music but going cold turkey is too much, can always swap it out for something more vibrationally in tune with nature like classical music, or YouTube has loads of videos of things like Tibetan bowls, or even sounds like rain falling or the sea which again are less intrusive.

>> No.16770072

As if in a video game, they imagine themselves min-maxing to become a 'reader', or a 'music expert'. It is the commodification of human activity, the transfiguration of action into symbol. Reading, listening to music, etc. become symbols of one's engagement with capital. Desire under capitalism, in the Deleuzian sense, is not only the desire to be a reader, but the desire to be seen reading.

>> No.16770074

im ivy league, they make us read that shit all the time and i thought it was alright. i liked the bacchae and the oresteia.
bladee and slam death metal

>> No.16770089

Music can be used for catharsis and to agitate moods
I'm partial to subjective music with no words and mantra programming.

That said, I find when I spend periods without these mantras ringing in my head, that...say... something deeper in me or outside me will cue certain song mantras at certain times appropriate to my situation.

But yes, it will detract you from your own inner monologue. Pros and cons

Spending time away from convolution and words in general will help you get to know thyself better

>> No.16770102

Read the gambler and come back

>> No.16770111

Looks like you're an avoidant coomer faggot. But you're in luck, your problems can easily be solved by forming your belt to a noose and hanging yourself from a chair. Good luck!

>> No.16770117

Read Sartre's Nausea

>> No.16770122

wise words. ive just been smushing my brain with cloud rap because i like to dance with my friends and say stupid aphorisms
cool will do
haha no doubt about it!

>> No.16770251

>I want to embrace a new hobby

>> No.16770275

Problem with reading in uni is that they make you read what you read. You'll approach books in much better faith if you voluntarily read them. I'd still recommend the Greeks, but if you feel that what you have is enough, resume with the romans. As for books not written in antiquity, I'd recommend anything by Dostoevsky. SInce I assume you're a normie since you're on one of the more normie friendly boards, I'd start with Crime and Punishment. Don Quixote is also pretty good, but it's pretty long. You can never go wrong with Cormac McCarthy since he's even palatable among normie readers.

>> No.16770308

>It is the commodification of human activity, the transfiguration of action into symbol. Reading, listening to music, etc. become symbols of one's engagement with capital.
how is action into symbol commodification?

>> No.16770333

copy. i liked the aeneid. i also preferred don quixote to crime and punishment but i was intrigued so might check out gambler as per the other anons counsel. ive never read post-apocalyptic stuff, only dystopian. its been a while since i read fiction if i liked things like hard boiled wonderland and brave new world what mccarthy should i start with?

>> No.16770367

There's a lot of intentional money that funds it
Stay wise. It's good you became aware and can use it or not without being consumed

>> No.16770373

McCarthy's only post-apocalypse books if The Road. It's the introduction that many people get to McCarthy because of its accessibility. It gives you a good idea of his writing style. The Border trilogy is also pretty comfy and what people use as an introduction to McCarthy, although they're unique among his stuff. After those I'd read Blood Meridian and Suttree.

>> No.16770416
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alsalam aleykum brothers. yall r great sports

>> No.16770422

reading wont help. mediate. weight lift/yoga, do a material art, practice a religion, listen to classical and jazz. dont read philosophy that shit gets you nowhere.

>> No.16770429

and get the fuck off the internet!!!!!!!

>> No.16770450

you need a lot of work. asking the internet for help is a huge red flag. if you dont commit you will stay here forever

>> No.16770488

Here are some simple classics that you can speed through

Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce
Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon
Woman and Men by Joseph McElroy
The Gold Bug Variations by Richard Powers
Zettel's Traum by Arno Schmidt
Big Typescript: TS 213 by Ludwig Wittgenstein
Glas by Jacques Derrida
The Arcades Project by Walter Benjamin
The Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil
Zibaldone by Giacomo Leopardi

there you go! they're all quite short you can probably finish each of them in one or two afternoons.

>> No.16770559

unironically indulge in YA if you want to
comfiest lit and makes getting (back) into reading a breeze

shut up bruh
OPs genuinely just been into a hobby for the longest time. if you wagecuck for ten years it's hard to envision being able to do anything else for a job, why should it be any different with whatever else occupies a majority of your time?
you underestimate how autistically obsessed you can get with a hobby that interests you.

>> No.16770651

Reading = action, Being seen reading = commodity.
OPs inability to move from one hobby to another without those hobbies embodying him is the symptom of someone consumed by cybernetic capital. He obsessively checks his body, monitors himself through health data, worries that listening to music will cause cause unhealthy 'vibrations (??). He is running diagnostics, his search for a new hobby an attempt to expunge an unknowable virus. His mind has fully been territorialised by cybernetic intelligences which reduce him to machine level. OP, like a machine, can only imagine himself capable of running one 'program' at a time - either the reading program, or the music-listening program. There is no room for ambivalence or measure, one must merely embody the hobby one has chosen with no restraints, and thus that hobby must also embody him. One does not read, one becomes a 'reader', much as a machine that prints is never free, but becomes a 'printer' - branded with fate through function, the machine produces itself. And so on. This is the affliction of the world, not just OP - but this is a good example.

>> No.16770696

completely underrated

>> No.16770705

yes big wordy words lot word. very intelligence of you anon.
>OPs inability to move from one hobby to another without those hobbies embodying him
reasonable assessment
>is the symptom of someone consumed by cybernetic capital
completely unfounded jump
you're literally just spewing shit with no rhyme or reason to it. what purpose does this serve besides self-masturbatory grandstanding?
>Desire under capitalism, in the Deleuzian sense, is not only the desire to be a reader, but the desire to be seen reading.
if this isn't the most projective projection i've seen

>> No.16770719

sauce on pic?

>> No.16770732


>> No.16770748

It's not my job to educate you.

>> No.16770750


>> No.16770753

Idk why I'm the only person to say this, but you're obviously correct

>> No.16770786
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>It's not my job to educate you.
no, obviously not, but if you're intent on speaking in a public forum including even the slightest bit of context or interactivity to make yourself communicable ought to be considered a reasonable expectation. hell, the average /lit/izen doesn't even read, let alone somebody as dense as deleuze. knowing this we can reasonably say you're one of three things: (1.) a newfag lacking board knowledge, (2.) lacking in social faculties generally, or (3.) intentionally ignoring this implicit rule to some unstated end.

>> No.16770792

>intentionally ignoring this implicit rule to some unstated end
You're right on the money. The unstated end, imminently stated, is to filter sub-100 IQs.

>> No.16770800


>> No.16770809

How to I become a powerful Deleuzian without grinding?

>> No.16770822

Purchase Anti-Oedipus or A Thousand Plateaus, turn to a random page and read it. Do this 20 times and you'll be a Deleuzian.

>> No.16770826
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it's not the confession i wanted but it's close enough, so i'll take it. i'm all ears for you, anon. whisper your sweet ideological nothings into the void of my skull.

>> No.16770862 [DELETED] 

Consider suicide

>> No.16771055

hahaha based

>> No.16771058

intelligent post

>> No.16771113 [DELETED] 

70% right and 30% nonsense

>> No.16771187
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>> No.16771197

As if people didnt read before the invention of capitalism

>> No.16771378

Reading, yes, but caring about being seen reading is distinctly capitalist.

>> No.16771391 [DELETED] 

Economically sucessful people don't care about being well read. You are either projecting or plain wrong

>> No.16771424

>Reading, yes, but caring about being seen reading is distinctly capitalist.
no it isn't, any culture with any amount of literacy provokes this behavior. it was arguably even more pronounced in the middle ages with psalm books

>> No.16771532

The lion heeds not the opinion of sheep.

>> No.16771539 [DELETED] 

What an argument

>> No.16771658

signalling status by way of virtue, and more generally opulence, isn't a new phenomenon retard
>And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others.
literally the bible

>> No.16771691
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wow some of you were so helpful but in general yall should seek therapy or sex lol

>> No.16772108

How do we stop the Deleuzian menace in this board? every post I make there is bound to be a Deleuzian ridiculing me with his verbose posts

>> No.16772137

music functions as a good medium between literature and nothing, nothings more cozy then falling asleep to some nice tunes.

>> No.16773609


I sure would like to have sex with her.


Looks like my ex.

>> No.16775308
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>The ego is a capitalist invention
So this is the power of communism?

>> No.16775410

>he doesn’t know

>> No.16775612

/mu/ might be a worse board than /lit/, but music is more soulful than literature.

>> No.16776020

>hi nerds! i am from /mu/
go back