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/lit/ - Literature

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16769395 No.16769395 [Reply] [Original]

This is a call for help. I am overwhelmed by high-speed internet culture. I have a kindle where I put on lots of books and mangas and never end up reading them, I got a list of movies and tv series i want to watch, but i never watch any, i got a list of animes i wanna watch i never even watch anime. why do I make lists of things to do but never wnat to do them? I guess the idea of doing it is attractive to me but I don't want to spend any actual time on them. This is a new mental disease and i'm the first to have it probably. let's call it the high speed internet brain syndrome (HSIBS)

>> No.16769402

nigga just close your browser and lock your phone

>> No.16769407

distance yourself from the internet immediately if only for 10 minutes a day and read or do something that actively involves your brainy
ramp it up as time goes on, the only way to fix yourself is to act now

>> No.16769410

have sex

>> No.16769415

and then what? sit in a dark room? cmon you and me both know that's the biggest bullshit and low effort response

>> No.16769420

t. Teen who hasn't lived a tough life

>> No.16769428

>and then what? sit in a dark room?
for at least 20 minutes.

>> No.16769430

You seem to be under the impression that only people who have had a tough childhood are worth it. It almost screams out to everyone reading this that you have some insecurities you havent quite dealt with yet, would you like to talk about it with a therapist anon?

>> No.16769433

Just realize that 4chan isn't that fun most of the time, the less time you spend here, the less of a 4chan brain you will have and you'll be able to enjoy simple things without a hostile cynical internal voice whispering into your ears

>> No.16769443

it's a literal bukowski meme, anon

>> No.16769444

>without a hostile cynical internal voice whispering into your ears
truest thing i read today famalam lama dingdong

>> No.16769453

This is actually something I've dealing a lot with recently (because my university is online right. Thanks corona-chan). I think it has to do with the weakening of our ability to concentrate on an activity such as reading a book. Social media such as youtube, 4chan, and others are to blame. I have tried repairing this by getting back into reading a book at a time, which has actually helped my attention span quite a bit, but the damage is noticeable.

Just try one day with out going online if you can and start a book. It doesn't have to be some fancy book.

>> No.16769495

go on a very long walk, taking a path you've never taken before, and leave your phone and wallet at home. Do not return home for atleast two hours (you will lose track of time quickly anyways without your phone)

>> No.16769511

i run for an hour every other day, being in nature doesn't help that much contrary to popular belief

>> No.16769532

So my guy

I'm interested in everything
I want to do everything, learn everything, experience everything
I can't live an all and learn it all. All directions are infinite

So what I do is I give the stage to one "thing" I want to get into, and I turn all my processes towards that thing. I identify with and become that thing. Subject, mood, skill, whatever.
I grow it for awhile. Until I'm satiated or what have you.
Then I swing to the next branch.
Anything that doesn't coincide with this thing while I'm about it just doesn't exist to me.
Then I collapse it all for awhile, be like water, then pick a new thing.

If I look at the big picture I get overwhelmed.
So, I would recommend parsing it out.
There's no short supply of things to get into nowadays. Focus on one thing at a time until you've had your fill, then onto the next

>> No.16769559

based slut

>> No.16769574

I think you just need to find the things in books or movies that you are passionate about. Once that will be taken care of, having 9000 books on your kindle or 13000 movies on your hard drive won't be such a big issue. Also try to read one physical book at a time and learn to focus on things without stressing out to much like it's some kind of a chore. Try to pace things out a little.

>> No.16769591

Honestly that pretty much sums it up
I'm loyal to it so long as it satiates me, challenges me, entertains me, and fills me up lol

But for real there's just too much shit going on these days
And I don't trust what culture tells me so I have to learn all these things myself. Something i cant do going just one way.
Plus this helps me to connect to more people and more of reality, and actually expand myself rather than being a dog for some rich dudes business.

Changing the channel too fast just makes me cross wires way too much. I think that's why most people just default to cumbrainery, because the sensory is an easy escape from convolution.

>> No.16769649
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join the candle lifestyle

>> No.16770104

WTF? Is that cat real? How did the cat learn that? No way, someone msut have trained him. WOW!

>> No.16770135

the trouble is you cannot have a professional or social life today without the internet. well, maybe if you are already established. but for someone in their 20s and struggling like me it is career and social suicide to be "out of the loop", to not be constantly sending and responding to messages and so on.

>> No.16770147
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>Turn your phone off and put it in a drawer unless you ACTUALLY NEED IT FOR SOMETHING SPECIFIC
>Set a daily reading quota. I do like ~25 pages per day, usually in the morning while I drink my coffee
>Uninstall every videogame from your computer and/or unplug all consoles and put them into the cuckdrawer beside your phone
>Go outside for a walk everyday, nighttime is best.
>Cook your own dinner (if you live alone). Stop eating fast food and corndogs
There ya go anon, here's the cure for you "new mental disease".
>But I don't want to do those!
Then rot, faggot. Don't whine about being unhappy and then whine when you don't like the remedy.

>> No.16770181

based, I miss candlebro (pbuh) bros

>> No.16770268 [DELETED] 

If I wasn't the world already I would jam it into my head in one piece

>> No.16770299

Also do some light bodyweight exercise since we can’t hit gyms anymore. Some yoga, pull ups, pushups, sit ups, etc every night before or after reading.

>> No.16770311 [DELETED] 

Listicling ambitions is just adoration of the potentia *current*. It's a form of hesitation from contentment, it's the preening in rat paradise. What is not the world is exactly what is the object of discovery, and it can't be planned for.

>> No.16770326

This is good too. You could even spend $50 on some barbells, lift for ~20 minutes per day. It's all about the little changes that add up over time.

>> No.16770506

if you want to cure your condition you need some willpower, you are basically a junkie right now.

>> No.16770642

Do a dopamine fast, so no food, music, videos, sex/jerkin, games, even human interactions keep to an absolute minimum. Do this for atleast a day, see if it helps with doing the things you actually wanna do. Trust me you will go full crackhead mode, but do not go back to being a dopamine addict.

>> No.16771095


>> No.16771155

Slow steps my dude; cultivating good habits takes years, but it has to start today.
I’m a screen addict, and I’m only porn-free since September, but I’ve managed to turn reading into a big part of my life and I’m way happier because of it. It is possible.

>> No.16773000

>Dude just tell your dopamine receptors that they are wrong!

>> No.16773077

Honestly this isn’t even that bad I don’t know why everyone was shitting their pants over this
it’s really just a (somewhat unconventional) take on meditation, which can be practiced by focusing your full attention to one thing for a period of time

>> No.16773287

This is great advice, thank you

>> No.16773292

Everytime this pic is posted I get offended at how it closely resembles my room.

>> No.16773527

Set quantitive goals for yourself for example, max 2 hours Chan today min 2 hours read, start at what is easy for you to accomplish even if it is 8hr chan 1 hr read tehn slowly decrement your Chan and increment your work so the next day 7hr40min Chan 1hr20min work. If you start to burn out increment in smaller units like 10 min or reset 2 or 3 steps and increment again set a desirable goal like 1 hr Chan and 7hr read and don't stop until said goal is reached. This method is usefull for a range of other things as well. Finally on /sci/'s sticky there is some really great content on increasing your productivity example 'Cambridge handbook expertise and expert performance'. God bless you OP.

>> No.16773536

>i'm the first to have it probably.
Literally everyone in modern society has it and most people are aware of it. Stop thinking you're unique just because you're asocial and have nobody to compare yourself with.
Building good habits and removing bad ones is fairly simple in theory (but difficult in practice). You just need to remove opportunities to do bad things and increase opportunities to do good, you can't just willpower yourself into being someone else, it's about changing the world around you to fit how you want to behave. One of the key things is to have something that replaces the bad habit so that when you get that familiar urge you do (good habit) instead of (bad habit).

>> No.16773551
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>and then what? sit in a dark room?
Yes. Facing the wall. Do this for a few days and if you survive the suffering, the boredom and the insanity you will become enlightened.

>> No.16773555

Yo what the fuck.

>> No.16773558

Embrace it. Feed it. Go with the flow of high speed consumerism. Drown yourself in the endless entertainment of the internet. Sustain your body on fast food delivery. Merge with it all. Become one with the modern logistic network made to satisfying your ever increasing desires. Resisting is pointless.

>> No.16773565

>expecting actual empathy from lit

>> No.16773566

>when ur class makes the retarded kid cry

>> No.16773670

lists have inherent aesthetic value. you dont need to do the things in the list to make lists. keep making lists and indulge in the transcendent ordering of things

>> No.16773688

That's not what he meant, you dip. Nature is passive yet interesting, but the crucial part is you leaving your instant entertainment device at home

>> No.16773707

Thank you Satan

>> No.16773714

Like any addiction you may have to taper. Slowly. I have empathy for you

>> No.16773730

Staring at candles is actually a very calming thing to do. It sounds boring but I can see how that could refocus your mind. Based candleposter.

>> No.16773756

Hurts my eyes. I'm sensitive to light. Does it not hurt your eyes to stare at for long periods?

>> No.16773805

He's right. When you first discover 4chan it actually is that fun, and occasionally becomes that way again, but 90% of the time it's like a very slow trickle of content just entertaining enough and easy to consume where it might not be fun but it still manages to pass the time.

>> No.16773830

It's a long road to reparing your dopamine receptors, but it is possible.
The hardest thing about it is your willpower management. Imagine it like a mana bar. The more you use it the more it depleats. The best way to keep it up is to literaly get rid of the things that distact you, you don't need them to survive, trust me. If you aren't able, or willing to do that, I suggest taking one step at a time. First quit youtube, since it uses up a lot of time and then continue one with anotor form of social media you enjoy. I recoment StayFocused as a google extension.
The most fierce beast to kill is PMO addiction. Willpower just isn't enough here, actually it's the opposit, the more you try the more helpless you get. You have to read a book about it ( you can find one on easypeasymethod.org i think) and it will help you. I am currently here, I'm still an adidct.
You shall find enough time after quitting youtube to do all the things you want, or thats how it was for me.
Hope this helps, anon. God speed

>> No.16773881

It's important for your hip to be raised above the level of your legs/feet

>> No.16773933

unironically /thread
Also buy only what you gonna read today or tomorrow, use an empty card for the Kindle that you gonna "recharge" only when you need to buy something.

Lastly, do lists only for what you've already consooomed, following a list of things to do requires discipline, whatever is for job, study or watching films

>> No.16775266
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>This is a new mental disease
No, it's not. Look up "decision fatigue", "analysis paralysis", "overchoice"...

>why do I make lists of things to do but never wnat to do them?
I can completely relate to what you mean. The root cause is having too much choice. Compare it with TV: whatever is on, you have to watch. You get no control over it, you don't have to make a choice, it has already been made for you, there's no fear of missing out because of a choice *you* made.

In fact, having someone else make the choice for you may actually introduce you to things you wouldn't expect to like: /tv/ has a livestream channel (google "cytube tv-movienight"), right now they're showing western movies. If you asked me, "would you watch a western?", I'd likely say no, but if it was "already on", then chances are that I'd give it a try.

I think it plays out like this in your head:
>When you have to make a decision yourself, you feel like you have to choose wisely, or you will have wasted your time.
>In order to make the best possible decision, you start overthinking what you pick, or maybe start looking at new possible choices, thus further increasing your cognitive load.
>At the same time, you don't think you can walk away from making a decision, since you've already sunk so much time into trying to pick something to watch.
>Eventually, you get tired, and drop the matter altogether. Your list has probably gotten longer, but you have made no progress on the items it already has.

The only way to get over this is to start reading/watching. Take your lists, and pick an item at random, and make yourself watch/read that. Make sure that you have as little input in the decision as possible: point at the screen with your eyes closed, ask someone else to pick one item at random, or even better, use a computer program, like https://onlinerandomtools.com/pick-random-item

You have to let "someone else" decide, because then you won't be able to feel guilty for choosing poorly, you just followed an outside suggestion. When you decide to watch a movie, you think, "I will have to watch this for the next two hours", whereas when someone else makes the decision, you think to yourself, "I can stop watching this after 5 minutes if I don't like it".

Most importantly, don't try to neurotically second-guess yourself, go on GoodReads or MAL to check reviews, just roll with it, just do it. When you start reading/watching, don't think, "oh, this is boring, I could be reading something else", give it a chance, turn your brain off (in a good sense).