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/lit/ - Literature

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16768274 No.16768274 [Reply] [Original]

This mockery has to come to an end. Just give some plain ideas to start the draft of a discursive essay (that I will turn into a video) which will destroy /lit/ from the inside.

>> No.16768280

Why should I give you ideas for your video. Think of something original nigga

>> No.16768308

I have noticed that some of you wanted to help me in multiple ways.
I just lack the information necessary to make a destructive but insightful critique of this website. While all of you are stupidly typing "cringe", "based" or whatever absurdity you come up with, I'm actually reading and writing.

>> No.16768322

I fucking hate lesbians

>> No.16768324

obvious false flag

>> No.16768354

even if its false chinku-san will see it so lets help him out

>> No.16768672

Is it sad I know who this drawing represents?

>> No.16768736


>> No.16768753

These threads keep me alive. Waldun’s a great /lit/ character.

>> No.16768761

To what end?

>> No.16769231

It will come to an end when I show this stupid community full of (you don't even know how to use words, or even how are they spelled) "pseuds" as the place it is.
This will be known world wide as your attempts of destroying my literary career are completely innocuous.
You are the kind of guys who are name-dropping Pynchon and Joyce but wouldn't actually spell correctly Van Gogh or Shelley and would type "Van Gough" and "Shelly". The real "pseuds" are you.
By the way, you don't come to realize that you are making fun of what you are.

>> No.16769249


>> No.16769267

> This will be known world wide as your attempts of destroying my literary career are completely innocuous.
Ahahaha. Someones mad. I’ll help you though: we have a leader. His name is “Butters” because he posts under an avatar from South Park, and his opinions are accepted without question by all on the board. Usually, when we criticize a book, it’s because Butters has drawn our attention to it. Our leadership structure is decentralized though, so Butter’s word is never absolute.

>> No.16769269

but you don't need to destroy /lit/. you can just continue your literary career and ignore us

>> No.16769283

based schizo newfag

>> No.16769295

If you're so smart, write your own damned paper.

>> No.16769350


>> No.16769376

That was my first hypothesis of this site.
Only the ones who haven't read any of the great dystopian novels of our time would participate in such a system which lacks of any freedom of thought.
You are basically sheep and would never get a grasp of the wit of the great literature.
As you have helped me, I will return the favour. Start reading the great dystopian novels and maybe you will grow out of your ignorance. The Handmaid's Tale, 1984 or, at last but not least, which is actually my favourite Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.
Continue giving me ideas to finally destroy this terrible place.

>> No.16769441

>You are the kind of guys who are name-dropping Pynchon and Joyce but wouldn't actually spell correctly Van Gogh or Shelley and would type "Van Gough" and "Shelly". The real "pseuds" are you.
A masterclass bait right here.

>> No.16769449


>> No.16769461
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lmao are you that talentless chink?
nigga go read a book and calm the fuck down
maybe in 5 years or so give it another shot

>> No.16769468

This is why I unsubscribed. Sorry Waldin.

>> No.16769527

This guy is parodying Robin Wu aka RC Waldun, because he misspelled Van Gogh and Mary Shelley in his book, the Learned Retard

>> No.16769552

Go to 11:00 to see Waldun's misspellings


>> No.16769706

honestly with the way you write i could own you

>> No.16769829

The worst part of it all is that guys like you, who don't ever have deep and complex musings and who skim books of the weight of Proust, never get the bigger picture.
The Learned Disguise is a satire and a critique, so as my well-developed persona. Robin Wu is behind, he is the true rogue academic, the mastermind and myself.
And also, something which I almost forgot, is that I am making money and making influence out of this. Any of you would kill to make the achievements I'm making by spreading "bait". But, in an other order of things, I'm also ethically confronting the idea of the superficial academic which reaches out to the most of population.
Everything in this time that we are living is what you are saying non-explicitly.
Now that I have given you the secrets of the understanding of our time, help me out with my discurssive essay.

PD: This isn't personal guys. It is better to have a thick skin. The faster you grow out of this place the faster all of you will stop being "pseuds".

>> No.16769850

I know you aren’t Robin, but I’ll indulge the fantasy for a little. Shut the fuck up Robin.

>> No.16769993

very spastic association made between mary shelley and vincent van gogh, the fact that you chose those two just makes you seem eccentric and ur choice of words - cumbersome ones like innocuous, absurdity, discursive etc - just makes you seem grandiose... also like an idiot trying to write in 18th century prose because you don't understand that literature has moved past that. also the presence of hedging in your posts is annoying, i mean stuff like "quotes" lol. why don't you just focus on not sounding like an insular faggot instead of trying to pwn an imageboard that's already too full of regressive neoreactionaries and incels to be worth pwning or critiquing or whatever.

>> No.16770136


>> No.16770703
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>> No.16770727

Destroy what? There is no consensus of ideas here and everyone is some form of contrarian or edgelord.

>> No.16770752

>trying to write in 18th century prose
Um, I think you mean "proses". Evidently your meagre helping of neurons is not sufficient to comprehend my craft, which draws from the literary greats of old such as Hemingway and Proust. I bet you could not even read a volume of brother Speare, you 'malotru'

>> No.16770758

>the Learned Retard
huh? he wrote a sequel?

>> No.16770789

>I'm one of those crazy people that drift in and out of libraries and bookstores: traversing down the lanes full of books written by dead people (or people that are alive)

This is CRAZY. Reminds me of this one time I DRANK THREE cups of coffee in a single day.

>> No.16770805

no need for that to be plural... 18th century prose denotes a singular style common to the 18th century. being a stickler for grammar doesn't give you any brownie points anyway bro if anything it ups the ante on being a huge nincompoop... wait are you trolling me

>> No.16770815

We all really like Bukowski

>> No.16770821

Yeah I’m thinking this is cringe

>> No.16770825

I've never seen anyone shit on Jamie Joyce. The Europeans don't like Brother Speare, though.

>> No.16770827

Where do I find a mentor of an older age?

>> No.16770829

A gay bar