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/lit/ - Literature

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16761563 No.16761563 [Reply] [Original]

aw fuck

>> No.16761576

We got too cocky bukbros

>> No.16761593

She's absolutely right

>> No.16761594


also the only thing from this list that I have on my shelf is all of Hemingways stories, so does this mean that girls will like me?

>> No.16761601

you're gonna have better chances at finding bukowski on a woman's bookshelf than on a man's

>> No.16761603

Hemingway's short stories*

>> No.16761614

what the hell is wrong with Goethe

>> No.16761616

>you're gonna have better chances at finding bukowski on a woman's bookshelf than on a man's
Thats why he doesnt belong on a mans book shelf.

>> No.16761627

Top warning signs in women:
Divorced parents
Twitter/Instagram/tiktok/reddit account
In debt for a psychology, social studies or cultural major
'Not like the other girls'
Not a virgin
Works out in a belly revealing top
Works out in tight yoga pants
Doesn't work out
Gets drunk
Hobby is shopping
Watches vlogs
Supports BLM
Likes sunbathing
Does photoshoots with friends

>> No.16761630

Guess how I know she didn't live a tough life.

>> No.16761638

No one reads all of these other authors plus Ayn Rand

>> No.16761641

>Doesn't work out
Spot the alt right gayboy. Women shouldn’t participate in intrinsically male activities

>> No.16761642
File: 44 KB, 600x719, 1604831584165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it say about a man who literally only has history/politics books on his shelf?

>> No.16761652

Enjoy your landwhale

>> No.16761657

He's no fun and probably an autist.

>> No.16761660

the thought process is probably
>old writer
>people back then believed bad things
>he must believe bad things too
I have seen this suspicion of people liking older classics quite a bit. It's possible that she's referring to Werther too though, I can see why they might be put off by a guy who identified with that book

>> No.16761665

What the fuck do statements have to do with a bookshelf? Women are legit retarded.

>> No.16761669

Women who work out are usually whores

>> No.16761671

But why?

>> No.16761674

what's wrong with a social study major?
t. social study student?

>> No.16761675

What's wrong with Turgenev?

>> No.16761676

straight white male

>> No.16761677

no anon you are

>> No.16761682

Whats wrong with fathers and sons and goethe

>> No.16761697

Any sports activity qualifies as working out, not just doing hip thrusts

>> No.16761704

Sports are still male

>> No.16761706

Forced socialist agenda at worst, pseudo science at best. Complete waste of resources

>> No.16761708

This again...

>> No.16761733

Yes ballet, spinning classes and yoga are such manly activities

>> No.16761734

I have four Hemingway books (which includes two different copies of a Moveable Feast), Lolita (but I also have Pale Fire), two Goethes (Werther but I laugh at it and Faust which I actually haven't read) and yes, Fathers and Sons. How much of a red flag am I?

>> No.16761738

Don’t forget:
Literature begins and ends with Harry Potter.

>> No.16761748

Werther was the original involuntary celibate male

>> No.16761751

Two out of three of those are whorish activities. Women don't really need to work out anyway, as long as she doesn't eat like a pig.

>> No.16761764

>Likes sunbathing

>> No.16761765

Hm yes this is true

>> No.16761773

Read Faust

>> No.16761775

How did I do /lit/? Is she a keeper?

>> No.16761781

Yeah yeah, I'll get around to it.

>> No.16761796

Which 6?

>> No.16761841

Also I asked this in a previous thread but what the fuck is wrong with Fathers and Sons?

>> No.16761883

whatever you say, roastie

>> No.16761893

Warning signs in women
>Thinks that Ayn Rand is a warning sign in men

>> No.16761917

>Warning signs in a man's bookshelf
>Last two are implied to be opinions of the man himself

>> No.16761928


Probably meant Nietzsche and picked Goethe instead

>> No.16761934

OOOOooh, you forgot Lovecraft! Did you know he was RAAAACIIIST? As a woman and person of color, I cannot tolerate THIS. Do you HEAR me?

>> No.16761942

Maybe she thinks Werther was an incel.

>> No.16761953
File: 34 KB, 223x223, JVNaJWm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah I have a Lovecraft collection, too.
Somebody stop me!

>> No.16761968

Sorry bud, women by default live tough lives. The easiest woman's life was tougher than Bukowski's. The same goes for PoC.

>> No.16761971

>no mention of American Psycho
I preferred the previous tweet.

>> No.16761985


>> No.16761989

>dog eared IJ
Correct in that people way into DFW are usually huge faggots
>Too much Hemingway
Correct, he’s extremely overrated by pretentious normalfags of almost zero intellectual substance (ie people like Hemingway)
Correct , he’s the male Rupi Kaur, only retarded drug addicts like bukowski
>Ayn Rand
Correct, her writing ability is trash and could have better expressed her ideas with something shorter. Also
Uh, no thanks
I haven’t read any more than a few pages, he doesn’t seem that bad though so I’ll tentatively say this is wrong
>Lolita is my favourite
Correct, not nabokovs best and Nabokov wasn’t the best writer of the time
>Fathers and Sons
Idk I haven’t read it

>> No.16762004

He is based

>> No.16762021

>t. didn't have a tough life

>> No.16762029

good thing I only have twinks like Rimbaud and Novalis on my shelf.

>> No.16762036

if (writer == German) {

>> No.16762046

roasties can't cope with Goethe's sheer, unmatchable genius.

>> No.16762049

Having Fathers and Sons as your favorite novel is fucking based. It's a glorious novel. I might actually prefer Turgenev to Dostoevsky.

>> No.16762071

I guess Werther

>> No.16762101

>Dog-eared copy of Infinite Jest
Have the book, haven't read it, probably won't for a long time
>Too much Hemingway
There's no such thing
>Any amount of Bukowski
Don't have any, but it wouldn't be a problem if I did because he's a genuinely good author and poet
Don't own it, haven't read it, never will and never will.
Women will never understand Faust
>Lolita is my favorite book
>Fathers and Sons is my favorite book
I own two copies

>> No.16762117

>>Ayn Rand
>that's probably a feminist twatter
>doesn't like a woman philosopher

>> No.16762128

I’m going to enlighten you: she’s not sure how to pronounce it.

>> No.16762136

hemingway is alright but dudes get too emotional about it

>> No.16762139

my first thought too lol. dude is absolutely inoffensive

>> No.16762152

i hate women

>> No.16762154

based, as, fuck, my dude

>> No.16762171

spot on with Goethe, ends up being too much perversion

>> No.16762172

And then there’s chad, who uses his shelves for PS4 games, trophies and bottles of booze - getting that pussy and kicking it to the curb.
Who gives a fuck.

>> No.16762177

I am an ethnic nationalist but I own none of those, my cover is intact.

>> No.16762178

Ballet is extremely manly and a very hard art form. Sorry that you idiot amerikans have no culture.

>> No.16762190

I would agree on veganism, but a lot of good women have been historically vegetarian. You can get most of your protein from eggs and milk, and the warnings on cholesterol is outdated nonsense.

>> No.16762196

Just playing devil's advocate but Goethe is a weenie and Sorrows of Young Werther is pretty much the incel self-torture fantasy. I'm not surprised it's on this "list."

>> No.16762203

Lmao literally every other woman who reads has "Lolita" in their top 3

>> No.16762224

if writer == German:

I added dots for indentation.
Python is much simpler and elegant language, even though it may be slow due to using an interpreter rather than compilation.

>> No.16762350

I would love to see the man who made this post. Do you have a good relationship with your mother?

>> No.16762497

Yeah visiting her this weekend for her birthday. I also live together with my girlfriend.
Do you realize that pretty much all of those points were very rare say ~60 years ago, and most of them are still rare in South East Asia today?

>> No.16762521

But only because she doesn't read; inclusion of 5 and 7 are as far from BaSeD as it's possible to get: ANB

>> No.16762535

>t. social study student?
You're never going to make it, anon.

>> No.16762543

Have sex

>> No.16762547

true that book sucks shit but faust and elective affinites and such aren't like that book. though i guess young werther is one of his most popular

>> No.16762557

since when do egg eaters call themselves vegetarians?

>> No.16762577

>An ovo-lacto vegetarian or lacto-ovo vegetarian is a vegetarian who consumes some animal products, such as eggs and dairy. Unlike pescatarians, they do not consume fish or other seafood.
Historically speaking, people who call themselves vegetarian typically mean ovo-lacto kind.

>> No.16762599

But bukowski fag said that reading him would get me laid? Have I been rused?

>> No.16762614

"Lolita is my favorite book" is an absolute power move.

>> No.16762661


>> No.16762663

What is it about the modern man that prevents him from understanding Werther?

>> No.16762675

veganism is good vegetarianism does nothing.
>the warnings on cholesterol is outdated nonsense.
no it isn't. and eggs and dairy are awful for you

>> No.16762683

The only people i've ever met who like Bukowski are women.

>> No.16762684

Some of your points are sensible some are ridiculous. You're judgemental to a fault if you actually think sunbathing, eating well, taking photos or working out are red flags. I find it very strange that you're adamantly opposed to such innocuous things. But I was probably off base and it's just a superiority complex thing rather than a woman hating thing. To each his own

>> No.16762691

What are the warning signs in a woman's bookshelf?

>> No.16762724

Its a copy pasta, dont bother.
And dont psycho analyse through a screen, it always Comes off as cringe.

>> No.16762727


not to validate the other redflags but what could you possibly have against goethe

>> No.16762728

Yuval Noah Harari

>> No.16762731

1. who
2. cares
3. what
4. a
5. woman
6. thinks
7. ?

Get off my board.

>> No.16762734

All YA or celebrity biographies. But hell most adults don't even read so if she owns books and actually picks them up once in a while it's still a plus imo

>> No.16762736

No such thing. Women are not expected to be smart/well read to be suitable as partners

>> No.16762741

>only men should physical fitness

>> No.16762745

Aw man. I have three Hemingway on mine but I don't like any if them. Bummer

>> No.16762749

Goethe was an incel proto-nazi. The exact kind of person incel /pol/tards would idolize today.

>> No.16762784

>Goethe was an incel proto-nazi
How so?

>> No.16762817

This entire thread proves the post right. I thought it was a funny shitpost when I first saw it but judging by the insane amount of virgin rage in this thread it must be accurate.

>> No.16762825

>unable to have sex until thirties
>thinks larping as greek MUH STRENGTH MUH VITALITY MUH ACTION is going to save him
>writes seething incel manifestos
Truly a German.

>> No.16762831

Neither are men lmfao. Have you ever worked in a mechanics shop? Most of those fuckers are dumb as rocks and they have 2 kids apiece

>> No.16762846

Seems more like he said some stuff to upset you and it worked

>> No.16762871

tattoo (singular)
Divorced Parents
Works out in tight yoga pants
Supports BLM

she got mad that I didn't want to attend a BLM rally but eventually admitted that it was okay that I "didn't support it"

>> No.16762874

Yes of course I'm upset, don't we all go on 4chan to hurt each others feelings?

>> No.16762878

guaranteed she has a specific ex-boyfriend or hookup in mind, goethe, nabokov and turgenev are too specific

>> No.16762879

it mainly comes down to:
>werther is an annoying proto-incel
>goethe can't write women without mentioning breast
>goethe bad writer because bad at writing woman

>> No.16762880

In fact, the dumber you are, the more likely you are to have kids.

>> No.16762894

It's probably that Rick & Morty pasta.

>> No.16762903

You sound like you swallow up any belief 4chan throws at you

>> No.16762918

This lmao. Americans are so insecure and uncultured. I've heard they think singing and dancing is unmanly too. Like wtf.

>> No.16762941

eggs and dairy are highly nutritious. veganism is not healthy it is slowburn malnourishment and artificial supplementation instead of eating good food. the nutrition industry has castrated your mind. cholesterol is not an issue for 99% of people.

>> No.16762946

All food is poison, stop eating now

>> No.16762957

eggs and dairy are toxic and lacking in nutrients. there are hundreds of better things to eat. they aren't even that high in protein. veganism is healthy and also good for the environment and the animals. big food has castrated your mind. heart disease is the number one killer. kill yourself for spreading misinformation that is toxic to people's health.

>> No.16762972

This whole book fetishism culture where books are secondary objects for signaling in the sexual market is vapid to an absurd degree. Why is this metric of consumerism lauded while others are denigrated?

>> No.16762991

not him but:
Sunbathing=bad, aged skin and revealing one's body to strangers

eating well? cutting out nutritional foods isn't eating well. i wouldn't want a braindead woman who jumps aboard whatever marketing nonsense is put in front of her.

he said NOT working out was a warning sign. he also said warning sign not absolutely avoid at all cost sign. you are obviously kneejerkedly seething because you hit these marks.

he didn't say taking photos, he said photoshoots with friends. i have no idea what he means by this but it clearly isn't the same as just taking photos although personally regularly posting photos to socialmedia is a redflag for me.

>> No.16763111

Vegetarian diets are very good for you if you put a tiny amount of effort into being healthy. It seems you are kneejerkedly - excellent blend btw - seething as well my friend.
He has a problem with working out in comfortable clothes though, which is just prudish and silly. He can take the girls that are out there overheating for the sake of modesty

Subathing feels nice, it's natural and animals do it all the time. You're a serious prude if you think the goal of enjoying nature while not overheating is "revealing one's body to strangers"

>> No.16763139 [DELETED] 

You aren't the smartest person in the world, intelligent people like to let loose and party too. If you keep good company you get invited to good parties, and vice versa. If you just gatecrash random ragers of course it's going to be "culturally dead" you autist.

>> No.16763142

she hot

>> No.16763154

This is just a list of the books that filtered her, with Ayn Rand and Lolita thrown in bc they are easy targets. Out of all the cringy books to obsess over, who's sincere first thought is Goethe, Turgenev, and Hemingway?

(I guess Star trek fanfic is okay though)

>> No.16763182

based bimbos

>> No.16763190

Celebrity biographies
Self help books

>> No.16763192

I hide all my books under my bed so people cant mock me for reading books.

>> No.16763217

I'd say the only ones of these that apply are divorced parents, hobby is shopping,

>> No.16763222

It has been my experience that most people who screech about Ayn Rand haven't read anything by her or listened to her speak.
Personally she isn't someone I care for but people tend to have a visceral reaction when she is brought up.

>> No.16763276
File: 59 KB, 657x527, apu-suit-reading-glasses-sideburns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5. and 7. is me
Wh-what's wrong with those

>> No.16763302

>flat-chested right-honourable gosling of a daughter, hatched at last and daintily corseted
This is a great description, why are they seething so much?

>> No.16763305

100% Werther, imagine getting filtered by Werther out of all things.
He's a spergy fuck for sure, but I'd imagine women would be able to relate to his depression or his extreme mood swings.
On the other hands, there's also Faust to consider, Faust is probably problematic because of Gretchen.
The young naïve girl that gets tricked by an old man and her getting executed for killing her child. Pro life and sexist.

>> No.16763538

>Werther sucks
Whoa there big guy
What's going on?

>> No.16763550


>> No.16763554


>> No.16763579

Is this thread really so good that we have to have it again and again?

>> No.16763662

What are these warning signs of? Can't people just read what they want to read?

>> No.16763672

The person who made this clearly hasn't had a tough life. Cringe teenagers...

>> No.16763789

mostly "why are you writing about a flat chest underage woman. especially a daughter" "you can write anything, but you had to write the breasts of a woman. how dare you"

>> No.16763809

Women and men will always hate each other. Get over it, you young faggots.

>> No.16763891

That's true. Too many pages in Rand's books to have time for anyone else.

>> No.16763964

I olny read schopenhauer.

>> No.16763968

TOP 1 warning sign in a woman bookshelf: Eat, Pray, Love.

>> No.16763978

>t.Seething [insert shit author you like] enjoyer

>> No.16764048
File: 1.99 MB, 400x400, ridiculous emoji gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my wife only does 2 of these 18 things (divorced parents and takes photos with friends)
damn time to tell her she's /lit/

>> No.16764061

What's wrong with Rand?

>> No.16764123

i've got a full set of hemingway and bukowski. am I toxic ?

>> No.16764176

>bad prose
>reductive ideas
>ideologically liberal
What isn’t wrong here?

>> No.16764188

You’re pretty cringe, bro. Smelly-beer-shits and baby-shoe-seller are the only guys on that list that actually suck.

>> No.16764251

Her books are entertaining

>> No.16764297

isnt it great how some stupid cunts worthless twitter opinion has created numerous troll threads with hundreds of replies.

>> No.16764299

take it back

>> No.16764323

B-but I liked Lolita...

>> No.16764327

What do bitches have against Goethe

>> No.16764345

its fine if you like it, but if its your favorite book anon...

>> No.16764362

When I was a teen it was unironically one of my way to cope with the fact that I got didled as a kid. It's not my favorite book per se, but it still has a special place in my shelf because of this. Plus Nabokov has a great writing style.

>> No.16764378

>He has a problem with working out in comfortable clothes though
he is not, again you lie. compare with male workout clothes. the ones he specified are fully designed with sexualisation in mind, which women are trained to subconsciously know and express even when they recognise they would rather not, they act. and it's the same sort of logic that has prepubescent girls wearing bikinis and twerking. compare that to the past worldwide where there was little social (including clothing) difference between children until puberty.

sunbathing is counter to all of known human history until the mid 20th century where it was invented and imposed on all through mass media. unless you're inside all the time, it is not healthy. enjoying the warmth of the sun in moments is not the same.

>You're a serious prude if you think the goal of enjoying nature while not overheating is "revealing one's body to strangers"
women's public appearance in general is based on this. i'm not a prude, being comfortable with nudity is good, but all of this is very offputing and unambiguously sexual. women in my family have self-respect and actual personalities, they do not wear make up ashamed of their faces or reduce themselves to sex and men's pleasure, so i find the vulgar monkeys i see about disgusting especially when they expect me to play along with their ooga booga displays, getting mad when i don't so fragile is their sex-based self-esteem.

perhaps they believe believe no one really reads.

>> No.16764424

>"Lolita is my favorite book."
Clear projection.

>> No.16764467

I have all of those and then some and I don't struggle. The problem is /lit/ bitches. English Majors are obnoxious cunts both male and female.

>> No.16764472

I'm getting into reading and I'm curious as to what thinks about me reading Lolita first? I also have The Growth of Soil.

>> No.16765622

bazarov is the original m'lady trillby tipper.

>> No.16765658

vampire novels, larry potter, agatha christie, nyt bestsellers, anything related to the holocaust or whatever the jews call it, cookbooks, the koran, anything by a poc other than thomas sowell

>> No.16765690

But Gretchen is forgiven by God in the end. It's not like you're supposed to hate her, you're supposed to pity her for being under the influence of Faust/Mephistopheles. Any reader with a heart would feel bad for Gretchen and rightfully blame Faust.
God I hate women.

>> No.16765809

Hambeasts for patricians, then?

>> No.16765919

to be fair rand is a pretty big indicator that you are an edgy retard at best or an actual sociopath at worst

>> No.16766283

>never date an incel
Nothing wrong with that

>> No.16766311

>Hemingway's short stories
That's far too much Hemingway. A Farewell to Arms is probably safe if you have no other Hemingway. All his other novels are likely too much.

>> No.16766315

Probably ex boyfriend liked the nihilist character and she Unjustly associates ex boyfriend’s retarded edge lord statements wIth Turgenev who really wasn’t that edgy

>> No.16766317

Nabokov is one of those writers that shy lonely boys shill quite a lot without reading to appear that they're readers. That's why he's on there.

>> No.16766319
File: 92 KB, 1242x1394, giga_chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Chad Signs In a Man's Bookshelf:

My Little Pony: Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell

Fluttershy and the Fine Furry Friends Fair

Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party!

Applejack and the Honest-to-goodness Switcheroo

Princess Celestia and the Summer of Royal Waves

My Little Pony: The Art of Equestria

The Journal of the Two Sisters: The Official Chronicles of Princesses Celestia and Luna (My Little Pony)

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Princess Luna and the Festival of the Winter Moon

Discord and the Ponyville Players Dramarama

My Little Pony: Daring Do and the Marked Thief of Marapore

My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Volume 2

Sunset Shimmer's Time to Shine

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Through the Mirror

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #10

Starlight Glimmer and the Secret Suite

Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Forgotten Books of Autumn

My Little Pony: Daring Do and the Eternal Flower

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Sleepover Surprise: Book 6

My Little Pony: Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds

Lyra and Bon Bon and the Mares from S. M. I. L. E.

Princess Cadance and the Spring Hearts Garden

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: A Friendship to Remember

Equestria Girls: The Mane Event

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Canterlot High Stories: Rainbow Dash Brings the Blitz

My Little Pony: Under the Sparkling Sea

Trixie and the Razzle-dazzle Ruse

Pony Tales

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Magic, Magic Everywhere!

The Art of My Little Pony: The Movie

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: The Legend of Everfree

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Make Your Own Magic: Starswirl Do-Over

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Canterlot High Stories: Twilight Sparkle's Science Fair Sparks

My Little Pony: Beyond Equestria: Rainbow Dash Rights the Ship

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Canterlot High Stories: Pinkie Pie and the Cupcake Calamity (Equestria Girls: Canterlot High Stories, 3)

My Little Pony: Beyond Equestria: Pinkie Pie Steps Up

My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries: Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Vol. 9

My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries: Peryton Panic

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Volume 12

My Little Pony: Friends Forever Volume 2

My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks

My Little Pony: The Wonderbolts Academy Handbook

My Little Pony: The Movie

Through the Mirror

My Little Pony Baking Book

My Little Pony: Art is Magic

>> No.16766335

That he's not trying hard enough to hide that he's a fascist.

>> No.16766339
File: 129 KB, 1600x900, duh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes ballet, spinning classes and yoga are such manly activities

>> No.16766343

>How much of a red flag am I?

>> No.16766344

what's wrong with fathers and sons?

>> No.16766347

Ayn Rand is an interesting inclusion, since she's a warning sign period.

>> No.16766377

theres nothing wrong with smoking quite frankly

>> No.16766394

imagine paying money to consume propaganda with the hopes of getting a worthless piece of paper for your efforts.

With no exaggeration, you're getting scammed and perpetuating a scam, which makes you a fool and a bad person.

>> No.16766432

Top Warning Sign In a Woman

>She's concerned about the fact you have Bukowski in your bookshelf.

>> No.16766442

why hide

>> No.16766447

anyone who smokes displays a lack of regard for their own health and appearance. does not bode well for how they will treat your or your offspring

>> No.16766462

Dump that in the fucking lake mate. Watch yar waiting for?

>> No.16766476

>3 Bukowski
>10 Hemingway
>Faust (Eins und Zwei)
>Fathers and Sons and Sportsman’s Sketches

I am doomed to be forever alone

>> No.16766510

>and appearance
The aesthetics of smoking are undeniable.

>> No.16766526

also undeniable are the stench and vocal cords of a pirate

>> No.16766532

>the stench
Do you not bathe or brush your teeth?

>> No.16766535

What women resent is that when a man has a book, it does reflect his character, because he engages with what he wants to engage with, and with confidence. Women’s tastes and therefore shelves are filled with what they read just converse with other women, and never really get into them - other than as a conversation piece.
But in the same token it is still a misunderstanding because as much as none of her books are carried within her, she assume that all of the book is within us and therefore Bukowski on the shelf = Bukowski in the soul, even if there is only one verse or something that actually resonated with you.

>> No.16766540

1, 3 and 4 are the only real ones

>> No.16766545


>> No.16766558

doesn't matter. it gets on each article of clothing, in the home, car, etc.

>> No.16766567

bukowski is objectively good. post office is a classic and women is hilarious

>> No.16766635


>> No.16766657

Read more.

>> No.16766662

women is just stuff that didn't happen: the novel

>> No.16766666


>> No.16766675

Quints called it. Bukowski = shit.

>> No.16766867
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Bukowski is shit

>> No.16767735

>ballet, spinning classes and yoga are such manly activities
>spin class and yoga
Not sport
>ballet is manly
Ballet is an art form and men uninterested in it are low class scum.

>> No.16767765

>reading primarily for entertainment
Now that’s what I call a warning sign

>> No.16767810

He was raised into the aristocracy for his writings, writing about those things unironically did save him.

>> No.16767816

Based. Occasionally I scroll down some of the longer threads with the express purpose of seeking solid contributions otherwise ignored. You're dead on. Only criticism's not really a criticism: Goethe's so much more than just Faust, but I assume you know this.

>> No.16767869

>bad for skin
>bad for nails
>bad for lungs
>bad for teeth
>bad for general condition
>bad for smell
>no benefit to smoking at all
There's a lot of things wrong with smoking, being addicted to smoking shows two things: a lack of critical decision making since you shouldn't start in the first place, and a lack of discipline since you can't just stop like a weak willed faggot

The only good thing about smokers is that they are slowly killing themselves, thus lowering the chance of their subhuman genes polluting the gene pool

>> No.16767886
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>tfw only based Latin American literature on my shelf

get so many art-hoes with it

>> No.16768036

>be old grandma
>smoke non-filtered Pall Malls since the age of 16
>die in your nineties

>> No.16768076

>one outlier disproves everything
Maybe take a statistics class sometime. Don't bother replying to this, if you really want to argue if smoking is bad for your health then your head is so far up your ass that your comment isn't even worth reading. It's unironically similar to people who will claim that the earth is flat or climate change isn't real, there's just no convincing them as fact based evidence which leads to a conclusion without any doubt is the best proof you can get, yet they will just deny it.

>> No.16768115

>Sunbathing=bad, aged skin and revealing one's body to strangers
Muslim fanatic detected.

>> No.16768189

this is such a random mismatch of literature though.

>> No.16768244

No shit it's bad for you, but so is most of the food we eat and the fucking environment itself because of all the nukes we set off on our soil during the Cold War. So who gives a fuck? Just enjoy life and let me motherfucking smoke.

>> No.16768261

only 5 is outright wrong here

>> No.16768339

Most of it is bullshit unless you're doing something like game theory or linguistics, but in that case you are probably better off in some sort of biology or computer science department.
Don't view this as an insult. If you enjoy what you doing and you're good at it, then the social sciences might be a good choice. It just that if you are actually working in, say, a psychology department most of the people are extra,Ely dogmatic, and in my experience people in the social sciences tend to be mathematically and philosophically illiterate. This results in superficial and trivial research in a lot of fields like sociology and psychology, and methodologically flawed research papers.

>> No.16768430

Whats the meme about people who have In Search of Lost Time as their favorite?

What does dog-eared mean?
Filled with post it notes?

>> No.16768448
File: 1.11 MB, 2816x2112, Dog-ear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16768458

>What does dog-eared mean?
U wot?

It's when people fold the corner of a page as a way of bookmarking.

>> No.16768461

I've known more Women who won a copy of Ayn Rand than men

>> No.16768463

>That's far too much Hemingway.
well shit. Who needs women anyways, romantic relationships are overrated