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File: 56 KB, 1200x800, economics1-47c6be284e7c448aa084543c417301fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16764803 No.16764803 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start?

Where should I end this journey?

>> No.16764810

Start with the greeks

>> No.16764817


>> No.16764826

Go mainly with scientific and pick some gems from either side.

Adam Smith - Wealth of Nations
J. S. Mill - Principles of Political Economy
Karl Menger - Principles of Economics
Henry George - Progress and Poverty
Leon Walras - Elements of Pure Economics
Irving Fisher - Theory of Interest
Von Neumann + Morgenstern - Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
John C Harsanyi - Rational Behavior + Bargaining Equilibrium in Games and Social Situations

:3 read them all

>> No.16764832

Glad to see ya again :3 poster

>> No.16764833

Oh also

Frederich von Hayek - Road to Serfdom
John Maynard Keynes - The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money

And only trust people who have read from a lot of schools of thought, not just one. :)

>> No.16764834

Then the Austrian School?

>> No.16764841


The Austrian school mostly sucks but I HAVE ALWAYS stood by The Road to Serfdom making some fairly valid points. It's the most respectable one.

>> No.16764844

>Schools of thought
Can you name the most importants?

>> No.16764851

I did.

>> No.16764852

If you don't like the Austrian School (Menger, Hayek, Mises, Hoppe, Rothbard) what do you like them?

>> No.16764865

clearly he likes neoclassical

>> No.16764870

Don't waste too much time with history of economic thought though. Yes some things such as Smith, Ricardo, and the austrians are worth reading (Marxism is worth it too but don't read Capital), but if you want to learn something actually related to our modern world then don't waste your time with abstruse discussions about value. Read microeconomics instead, especially Industrial Organization Theory, and study Game Theory.

Also, Schumpeter (and most of the previous german authors from the historial school) is definitely worth it. Check him out.

>> No.16764873

In my post, I had the...

Classical school
Austrian school
Geoist/Fabian school
Lausanne school
Neoclassical school
Game theory

Right now I'm reading on information theory but that's even further down the mathematical matrix, I would suggest you really just focus on the above schools and you will do well.

>> No.16764886

Ah yes, listen to him.

Arthur Schumpeter's Capitalism Socialism and Democracy is AMAZING.

It is my personal belief, due to game theoretical observations, that Schumpeter's 'Austrian Socialism' is by far the most efficient, stable form of an economy.

Wonderful read.

>> No.16764890

And the Freiburg School?

>> No.16764893
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>> No.16764897

in university theres 1 course for micro and 1 course for macro.

do the equivalent of each of those through youtube videos, then you're done. why read the long ass books itt which are each about like 1 idea lol

>> No.16764910

>lol why read about people's well thought out ideas, experiments, and data throughout the years lets just summarize it in MUH TEXTBOOK

>> No.16764921

Ok I will read evey single one

I will read everything here too

Gotta it, thanks

I see...Thanks anon!

Thanks pal


Ok I will watch it

>> No.16764960

The Grundrisse and all 3 Volumes of Capital by Marx
Essays on Marx's Theory of Value by I.I. Rubin
An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital by Michael Heinrich
Time, Labor, and Social Domination: A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory by Moishe Postone
Workers and Capital by Mario Tronti
Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century by Braverman
Theory of Economic Dynamics by Kalecki
Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities: Prelude to a Critique of Economic Theory by Sraffa
The Making of Marx's Capital by Rodolsky
On the Economic Theory of Socialism by Lange

>> No.16764968

The Lesser Key of Solomon

>> No.16764969

You didn't read any of those

>> No.16764973
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>> No.16764989
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>> No.16765015


>> No.16765044

Thanks anon...I think

>> No.16765061
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It sure is

Graeber was so good

>> No.16765093


>> No.16765094
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Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian by Richard D. Wolff and Stephen Resnick

gives a good comparison of the main economic theories in use

>> No.16765098

I was looking for something like this. Thanks anon

>> No.16765115

>Dude co-ops
Reminder that Wolff is not a Marxist.

>> No.16765124

>It's the :3 poster that simps for neoclassical economics

>> No.16765151

Here's the minimum:

Wealth of nations (intuitively outlines all the main concepts of economics)

Keynes General theory of employment, interest, and money (the one all economists argue about. Makes no sense to read the arguments without knowing their source. Difficult to grasp without taking notes as you go)

>> No.16765167

Marxian economist. Which is all Marx is good for really. Stop trying to shoot down the messenger. He’s waking people up to the alternative
>Buh he hav patrion!
Don’t contribute

>> No.16765172

Don't. Especially not the neoclassical bullshit >>16764826 is selling.

>> No.16765181

Forgot to link this as well: https://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2015/12/29/are-economics-majors-anti-social/#:~:text=Economics%20majors%20are%20more%20anti,social%20than%20they%20were%20before.&text=Econ%20majors%20are%20less%20likely,cheat%2C%20lie%2C%20and%20steal.

>> No.16765186

he's way more red than he lets on in his internet videos. His online presence acts as a useful gateway from liberalism to communism, which I can attest to.

>> No.16765195

he is not a marxist at all. and he's not pointing towards any alternative co-opts can be perfectly adopted by capitalism.
if your critique of capitalism is grounded in instability, unfair rent distribution, or struggles between sociological classes, you're to marx essentially utopian & advocating for the sort of socialism the schumpeters of the world found reconcilable with capitalism. if you think the real meat of the problem is simply that surplus value extraction is unfair you'd be much better adjusted being a georgist or roemerian coupon socialist type, a lot less to figure out.
the critique of capitalism is properly grounded in all human life becoming through its embedding in commodity relations merely an appendage of unthinking capital sitting over us and brooking no escape.

>> No.16765196


>> No.16765218
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>> No.16765225

He’s more Marxist (a Marxian economist) than President Lenin.

>> No.16765328

I read it. Good book, perfect to get started.

>> No.16765464


>> No.16765571

Fake post

>> No.16765796
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I'm sure you've read all of those anon

>> No.16767363


>> No.16767832


>> No.16768181

I did

>> No.16769053


>> No.16769380
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Start with pic related

>> No.16769978

Most of the advice in this thread is garbage. Dont bother with shit like Smith and Keynes and Marx, approaching the subject like that will only confuse you.
If you want a good history of the evolution of economic thought read "the worldly philosophers". Then probably start on some famous modern academic's accessible pop econ work, they're usually very readable, someone like Ha Joon Chang. After that if you still want to learn just read a textbook, find a good uni and a reading list for their undergrad econ course, read a micro book and a macro book and then you should know enough to dictate your own study, stay away from books about econometrics.

>> No.16770003

>Don't bother with Marx
the advice in this comment is garbage

>> No.16770043

How exactly is it garbage. The one book i recommended covers marx, im not disregarding his work at all but he was a prolific writer and if you focus on trying to absorb all of his work youre not gonna get a practical view of what the subject is

>> No.16770198

Marx isn't the guy who create communism? The ideology of hunger?

>> No.16770203

No, that was Christianity.

>> No.16770209


>> No.16770459
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Communist bullshit aside, I found a pdf of this book in a book dump file I have. Is it a good starting point?

>> No.16770542

Yes it’s a good starting point, might be a bit dry and you probably don’t need to read it extremely closely. Good way to get a comprehensive overview of contemporary econ

>> No.16771159

Wealth of Nations to Hayek to Buchanan and Tullock.

>> No.16771175


>> No.16771179

OP: ignore ^ faggot.

>> No.16771221
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The worldly philosophers is a great intro. It somehow makes their lives seem interesting. Also, you are so close to quads that its an injustice.

>> No.16771230

Write don't every single book recommended to you in this thread and read it in the exact order you found. Maximize chaos.

>> No.16772003


>> No.16772077

This. Imagine reading multiple 500-page tomes on ancient economic theories only to realize that they are massively outdated and you only had to read a modern textbook to know what is going on, burn out from overextending yourself and have your brain hemorrhage from frantically trying to understand all 350 years of economic thought from beginning to end, all to prove your intellectual worth to a bunch of anonymous nerds on the internet.

>> No.16772084

economics isnt real

>> No.16772091

A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind

>> No.16772858

Is this actually any good?

>> No.16773535

If you want a good introductory book and stop there.
Hazlitt, economics in one lesson

If you want treatises which generally handle most topics:
von Mises, human action
Rothbard, man economy and state with the power and market

If you want a comprehensive overview of history of economic thought:
Rothbard, history of economic thought

Some books on more specific topics which might be of interest as well:
Bohm-bawerk, marx and the close of his system
Kinsella, against intellectual property
Thornton, the skyscraper curse

it's a good introductory book. A few topics in it are slightly dated, but if you read nothing else this book will give you a decent understanding for most economic problems.

>> No.16773572

just read some macroeconomics textbook

>> No.16774499

this, read Mankiw's book too, or any textbook that econ majors in a good university read

>> No.16774533

>Henry George - Progress and Poverty
George is just restating Mill's principles (only need to read him if you're interested in the history of American politics).
>Frederich von Hayek - Road to Serfdom
Political tract.
He mentioned Morgenstern who is kinda an "Austrian", see his "On the Accuracy of Economic Observations".
>if you want to learn something actually related to our modern world then don't waste your time with abstruse discussions about value. Read microeconomics instead
Ya if you just assume away a problem it's not an issue. The cambridge capital controversy proved 60 years ago microecon is basically useless.

>> No.16774580
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>read Mankiw's book
All the assumptions have been successfully falsified by reality, loanable funds model is bunk.

>> No.16774738
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What about pic related?

>> No.16774783

i started getting into econ with destiny streams

>> No.16774804
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yeah and I'm sure Vaush too

>> No.16774814

friedrich list - national system of political economy
hamilton - report on manufactures
all books by ha joon chang
chalmers johnson - miti and japanese miracle

>> No.16774826

I had a book on the history of world trade and currency and stuff. It was really interesting, things like copper and tin to make bronze and the beginnings of cities and grain storage. There was something about a gold coin equal to 12 silver, in China it was 1:10 as an aside the Chinese had a higher value of silver because they had less of it, and that sort of business.

The best place to start is at the beginning

>> No.16775254

Did a Econ or Business major steal your girl lmao

Rise and Fall of American Growth

>> No.16775572


>> No.16776347

I've not read a lot of Bastiat, but from the few texts I have read it's both entertaining and informative. Try reading his petition of the candlemakers and then the law. If you like those then you can try his other works.

>> No.16776840

Economics by Begg and Fischer are good for entry level... and Krugman's is better for later.

>> No.16776876

Just read financial theory instead because the study of economics is a fools errand that's well on its way to being completely automated

>> No.16776885

Get to MMT, then stop when you realize how nonsensical economics is

>> No.16777265

Read Undergraduate micro and macro textbooks, Dont read all those historical pseud texts, you wont learn anything about actual economics as it is practised and understood today - just outdated ideas

>> No.16777284

>dude, some social graphs and basic bitch calculus
econ isa joke

>> No.16777730

They have such a boner for capital

>> No.16777731

Why you consider them nonsensical?

>> No.16777742


>> No.16777751

Check em

>> No.16777763

Check em'

>> No.16777779

Check em :^)

>> No.16777799

They... they just skipped it

>> No.16777807

The praxic critique of the value form in armed mass struggle by workers councils.

>> No.16777984

A good micro and macro text like those by Mankiw
A Game Theory text to understand the underlying logic behind modern neoclassical economics.
And an econometrics textbook so you can base your beliefs on empirical evidence, not just theory.

>> No.16778026

You sound like an insufferable pseud desu

>> No.16778040

Incorrect. People suffer me all the time.

>> No.16778092

Economics, much like philosophy, is a meme

>> No.16778141

Do you take pills to be stupid?

>> No.16778173

Econ majors take the cake for being the most pretentious retards out of the bunch desu
>half ass a bunch of fields of study in a vain attempt to make a "crossroads"
>they're shit at math
Econ isn't even a science while we're at it

>> No.16778198
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>Where do I start?
The creature from Jekyll Island

>Where should I end this journey?
The Bitcoin Whitepaper

>> No.16778204

went from top to bottom of this thread and this is the first and only legitimately good take
gay, useless
even gayer
imagine picking amerimutt and anglo authors to explain Marx. kalecki and sraffa are alright tho
actually a good recommendation for what OP asked
retarded ameritard cover with simple slogan = worthless book
Mankiw is absolutely useless
> mankiw
> a good micro and macro text

>> No.16778227

Sounds like someone who has a pet heterodox economic theory that's butt mad over it.

>> No.16778245

Why are econ majors such pretentious pseuds? Do they not know how much of their work has been automated and will continue to be done so?

>> No.16778721

So which pet theory is it? Austrian? German historical school? MMT? God forbid you're a Marxist.

>> No.16778815

>Imagine picking amerimutt and anglo authors to explain Marx. kalecki and sraffa are alright tho
What are you on about?
And there is one American and one Canadian on that list. Rubin is Russian, Heinrich is German, Tronti is Italian, Lange is Polish, and Rodolsky is Ukrainian.

>> No.16778850
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>> No.16778904

>stay away from books about econometrics
Are you retarded?

>> No.16778963

OP, im an Econ PhD.
if you want to learn economics, honestly sign up for a coursera or mit open course and start from the basics.
econ is heavily math based and relies on you clearly stating your assumptions and reaching conclusions. then, researchers can test these conclusions with data and causal inference.

most of the advice ITT is from non-econs or pseuds. if somebody talks to you about schools of thought, they are either not economists or are more into the history of econ.
dont get me wrong, the history of econ thought is super interesting! i teach a course on it and students love it. However, this only serves as context for economic ideas.

just like physics does not read newton's treatises, economics does not read marx or smith. their concepts have either been incorporated into the body of knowledge, or have been empirically tested.

my main suggestion is Mankiw- Principles of Economics.

>> No.16779348

Thanks a lot

>> No.16779388

Read the Austrians, it's the only relevant economic theory today.

>> No.16779440
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>All these books
What the fuck do I read if I just want to not be poor and understand how money works?

My parents taught me nothing about personal finance.

>> No.16779463
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All you need, anything else is bourgeois pseudoscience and propaganda. Neoliberal bourgeoisie economics is just a breeding ground for pseuds.

>> No.16779511

Why would this person who has never studied economics in their life need to learn metrics you fucking retard

>> No.16779514

You are never fucking Butters

>> No.16779522

Is this a legit advice?

>> No.16779633

Budget your money
don't live above your means (pirate movies and games, you really don't need that new gadget)
You don't have to eat out all the time, cook your own damn food.
Pay off high interest debt first, then snowball the other debt (google snowball method)
Save your money
if your job has a 401k and they match up to a certain percentage, at least contribute that percentage.

>> No.16779659

>your job
>tfw did a bootcamp with an ISA and its been nearly a year and I can't even find a paid internship in tech and when I do I'll have to give those cunts 10% for 2 years for nothing

My fault for not taking the CS pill in college

>> No.16779671

By realizing that economics is as exact a science as astrology.

>> No.16779682

Which sinusoidal function is this?

>> No.16779754

>Marx was ethnically but not religiously Jewish. His maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx.
>He first joined the Jewish Bund
>Moishe Postone, son of a Canadian rabbi
>Sraffa was born in Turin, Italy, to Angelo Sraffa (1865–1937) and Irma Sraffa (née Tivoli) (1873–1949), a wealthy Italian Jewish couple.

>> No.16780635

I agree

>> No.16780967

Marx was Santa Claus