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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 188 KB, 1244x406, The Learned Disguise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16763501 No.16763501 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys. Some /lit/izen snagged the last copy himself. At least upload it b-ok when you get it man. This work of art needs to be shared with the world! I am sad because now I might never be able to read this esteemed piece of literature! Do you guys have any recommendations for something similar to R.C. Waldun or The Learned Disguise? I guess I should check out Goethe's Faust since that inspired it. I'm sad. I really want to read this breathtaking novel. I can't wait for L'Academie (FRENCH FOR THE ACADEMY) though! Waldun truly is a remarkable mind in this overly technological age!

>> No.16763514

you wrote this book didn't you anon

>> No.16763518 [DELETED] 

You are a fucking dumb nigger.

>> No.16763523


how do we know it was a /lit/izen who got it? Can someone please confirm?!

>> No.16763529

i thought the same after seeing all these threads but I just understood that the author is some kind of e-celeb that got memed recently

>> No.16763530 [DELETED] 

It was me

>> No.16763539

can you post a screenshot confirming the order

this is urgent anon

>> No.16763553

Who else would buy this book at this point in time? It has to be have been a /lit/izen. It's the whole reason RC took down the Kindle version, removed it from Kobo, deleted his unboxing video of The Learned Disguise, and removed the links to it on his website! RC is trying to purge this from existence because /lit/ discovered how horrible it is. The only video left pointing to its existence is this one.
Shit bros the link didn't work for me, but it was working earlier today.

>> No.16763569

An erudite post for an erudite book! Nice one, brother.

>> No.16763576 [DELETED] 

I don't want to get doxxed.

>> No.16763582

crop out all the revealing information, anon. Literally give us any proof that you bought the last one or stop larping

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.16763598 [DELETED] 

I don't care if you believe me or not.

>> No.16763599

I was half-thinking of getting the last copy for the hell of it.

>> No.16763604

then quit shitting up the thread with your larping

>> No.16763620

And now he has pulled strings with Youtube to halt the viewing of all videos, the bastard!

>> No.16763690

R.C is in the process of destroying the internet because of his bad book.

>> No.16763704

>buy last copy
>resell on amazon for $99

>> No.16763808

Video is working now. Watch before RC takes it down.

>> No.16763922

Oh my fucking God, one minute in and it's already completely unbearable...
>Kill thy darlings!
>Seeing this book near completion, the more that I'm starting to feel like I'm approaching something
>This is the thing I've been waiting for for so damn long
>Life's purpose
>God's given calling
>divine calling
>inner genius, or inner divine voice, it spoke to me
>your muse is sitting on your shoulders, and pumping out words onto the page that you're not even responsible for
>He's talking about the fucking piece of shit that is The Learned Disguise

Jesus fucking Christ... I can't handle the sheer level of fucking pretension. I would physically assault any grown man speaking like this irl.

>> No.16763932

Like really, that one minute raised my blood pressure and made me feel anger.
I need a cigarette. Who the fuck falls for this shit?

>> No.16763940

Same people who fall for the smoking meme probably.

>> No.16763945

Smoking is /lit and patrician.

>> No.16764026

Yeah what he says about that novel makes him seem really far up his own ass. Hopefully he doesn't have the same thoughts about it now. I'm hoping RC was just overcome with joy for having written something longer than a few paragraphs.

I can also see why it is so bad. In the video he claims to have written the first draft in 48 hours.

>> No.16764042

He also says he wrote 12 volumes of writing (which he never published!), so I wouldn't take the things he says at face value.
He probably just thought it was more impressive to people to say it was written fast. He probably read that On The Road was written in two weeks.

>> No.16764056

>I Wrote A 45,000 Words Novel - What's It About?
>A 45,000 Words Novel
>Words Novel
cant be an accidental typo as its literally in the title. he must actually think that is the grammatically correct version. for my own mental health im choosing to believe this is satire.

>> No.16764072

Does he say that in this video? Do you have a source and timestamp? I need a good laugh.

>> No.16764084


Also when he says he wrote the first draft in two days, a smile comes over his face and he looks to his side... dude really can't hold back his duper's delight.

>> No.16764088

>goes on to say "sufferage" instead of suffering.
oh no no no

>> No.16764091

> Publisher : Independently published (June 14, 2019)

Op wrote this book. The ebook has already been taken off of Amazon due to low quality and complaints from purchasers


>> No.16764105
File: 397 KB, 1600x800, save_some_of_that_chin_for_leafy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy looks like Elliot Rogers ... did he come back from the dead?

>> No.16764106
File: 69 KB, 220x220, 1603387895789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's really down

>> No.16764108

OP isn't waldun. We just like to make fun of him. These threads should provide a warning for any young men like Waldun who are lurking.

>> No.16764115

Why would someone who is not Waldun make a LOOK AT MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE post about Waldun?

>> No.16764121

It just makes me hate this guy even more that he was so full of himself over his novel, and now he wants to completely erase it because his delusions were shattered.
He's a literal bugman.

>> No.16764124

Because it's funny, faggot. We're on the precipice of another COVID lockdown, and seasonal affective disorder is kicking in.
Let us have our fun.

>> No.16764129

ok RC

>> No.16764136

That the kindle version. The page for the paperback is still up. It's just out of stock.

>> No.16764142
File: 23 KB, 843x133, purecope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would RC shill a book that he now admits is shit?

>> No.16764146

Yeah, Amazon is strict about its Kindle books. If even 1 customer asks for a refund and cites low quality, you have a good chance of being delisted. Paperbacks on the other hand, are up forever, even if everyone whos buys your book thinks it's shit. I don't even think there's a way to refund Amazon's independently printed books. If the paperback is no longer being printed, it's because Waldun himself delisted his book

>> No.16764163

You might not be able to buy Disguise, but unfortunately, he will write more books.

>> No.16764166


You FUCKING imbecile

>> No.16764168

first rule of lolcows, you don't approach or poke the cows

>> No.16764177

Calm down, Chang. And I'm not sorry I called him a synonym of a chink, which he literally is.

>> No.16764182

Kill yourself immediately, you language mangling subhuman

>> No.16764192

What is this guy? Chinese? Squinty Mexican? Mixed Asian?

>> No.16764204
File: 194 KB, 1000x600, internationalstudents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugman: someone who is a cultural bottom-feeder, firmly connected to an insect-like hivemind, going around feeding off the waste of Western culture like a dung beetle.
Literal men with bug minds.

>> No.16764212

A possibly illegal Chinese immigrant to Australia.

>> No.16764217

The Japanese were justified.

>> No.16764221

But he has an American accent

>> No.16764226

guys, you scared him off

>> No.16764228

You really don't understand, do you? Now I just feel sorry for you. Advice: stop being racist. You're dumber than the average nigger.

>> No.16764233

It was just up like five minutes ago. RC is lurking. LMFAO

>> No.16764241

What was up?

>> No.16764242

t. Chinaman
The chinese are the most hateful and vain group of people on this Earth.

>> No.16764246

You act like being racist is a bad thing

>> No.16764250

holy shit he actually is here, i was just looking at it a few minutes ago

>> No.16764257

His youtube video in which bragged about how clever and smart he is for writing the Learned Penis

I've already downloaded his video. You got here too late, RC

>> No.16764263

Based anon. RC is a seething faggot.

>> No.16764265

Does this mean RC Waldun has seen all my disgusting screeds about how I want to pierce his boypussy? Because I kinda like that, I wonder what he thought, probably watched some sissy hypno and dreamed about it the femboy bitch.

>> No.16764267

Oh shit.
Hi RC, don't get down about all this. The most important thing for any writer or artist to have is a thick skin.

>> No.16764276

Shiddddd I feel bad

>> No.16764294

No. He's a narcissistic faggot who is so low IQ that it took a YouTube review and a bunch of 4channers to shatter his delusions.
I doubt he has read any of the books he claims to read. His paperback copies he shows off on videos look too clean.

>> No.16764295

chinku chinku san is here?!?

>> No.16764296

it's still up. what are you guys talking about?

>> No.16764311

RC Waldun let me fuck your fat ass and destroy your bussy

>> No.16764319

If his next video is him breaking out in tears over the events which have taken place on /lit/ over the last two weeks, then Waldun posting will have gone too far. We can't have another Katie Loves Books on our hands. Thankfully when that anon roasted paperbackdreams in the comment section she didn't let it get to her.

>> No.16764320
File: 71 KB, 758x473, notforme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for me, m8. Don't tell me RC looked at this, saw that DELETING FUCKING EVERYTHING shows that you're a seething idiot, and unprivatized his video immediately?

>> No.16764324

45,000 words is barely novel territory. Dude took the path of least resistance just so he could churn out a book for the sole purpose of calling himself a writer. Low IQ behaviour.

>> No.16764325

We need to save any proses or verses channers make regarding rice cuck to prepare for the inevitable long picture detailing the history of 4chan's involvement with him. Everything of importance needs to be catalogued

>> No.16764336

Isn't NaNoWriMo 50,000 words? That means even teenage girls doing that meme contest have longer novels

>> No.16764347
File: 126 KB, 334x338, RiceCockWaldun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ooh, I issa so sad dat you did not rike my novel
>i put in ah so much rork ona mry novel

>> No.16764355

is /lit/ the most poorfag board? been seeing this thread for a month now and no one's bought the $4 ebook. meanwhile on /pol/ some fag just spent $25000 to buy voter data

>> No.16764370

/lit/ doesn't waste their money lol

>> No.16764372

based polchads

>> No.16764375

RC lurks /lit/ confirmed

oh god what have we done

>> No.16764386
File: 476 KB, 624x380, RCIJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His paperback copies he shows off on videos look too clean.

Exactly. Look at this shit. In this video he's claimed he spent a month reading IJ, and that he is halfway here. How is that possible? My copy developed wrinkles immediately, and the edges of the spine began to dissolve from the oil of my hands. Give the amount of flipping back and forth you have to do with this novel, the thing shows its wear very fast.

>> No.16764392


its confirmed Waldun is lurking here, pls stop bullying him

we're sorry Waldun

>> No.16764394

To be fair, the spine is clearly curved from use.

>> No.16764401

Hi Waldun. Nice that you placed the the book open on a table for like ten minutes. Again, the fact that you have to constantly flip to the endnotes beats the shit out of this book.

>> No.16764404
File: 2.82 MB, 720x404, Untitled.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this guy? I haven't been keeping up.

Maybe it's because he's Asian but this guy looks fucking underage. What if we're shitting on some 16 year old's dream of writing a good book?

>> No.16764410

He's 20 .

>> No.16764417

he is (or was) /lit/'s new lolcow, also it appears he lurks here because he's been taking down videos and removing shit from Kindle

>> No.16764421

Tbh I tend to handle my books carefully. I even wash my hands before reading

>> No.16764425

He has an essay on his website about how people who dirty their books with their greasy fingers are disgusting and lack basic personal hygiene. He clearly takes effort to take care of his books, probably translates to the way he shaves and cleans out his asshole. God I want to drill him so fucking hard, I’m leaking just thinking about it jesus christ.

>> No.16764428
File: 2.82 MB, 720x404, Untitled.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, fucked up the subtitles in the earlier webm

I feel sorry for this guy. He may have a speech impediment. Look at the way he says "so damn long". His mouth contorts unnaturally. I think he's handicapped

>> No.16764431

either way, /lit/ has breeched the first rule of lolcows: don't touch the fucking cow. We should probably leave him alone

>> No.16764433

How is that possible with a 1000+ paperback like IJ? The fontsize is so small. You'd have to really grasp the spine like bat to keep the two covers kinda parallel to each other to avoid the spine from creasing, which would definitely obscure the text on the pages. Everyone I know who has actually read IJ has a beaten-up and creased copy to prove it. And really, this guy takes his book out with him, in his bag probably, to the coffee shop and class... how is it still so white?

>> No.16764437

maybe he bought 2 copies of IJ: one to read and one to show off to youtube

>> No.16764438

Link to this essay. We need more of this lolcow's shit proses.

>> No.16764445

fuck, now it's blocked for me too. Maybe because I'm in an Spanish speaking country it was delayed here?
I'm glad I could see it in time. Anyway, an anon here claimed he has saved it.

how old is this guy? I've had thoughts like that about my own writing sometimes but I cringe even at that point. I can't imagine someone filming, editing and uploading that shit

There's a lesson to be learned here.
Maybe he should have learned his disguise some more.

>> No.16764447

How do people arrive at this level of pseudery and pretension unchecked? Regardless of whether he is a retard or not he clearly needs to get shit on

>> No.16764450

Holy fucking shit, this guy has FORTY ONE pages of essays


>> No.16764451

It's called having Asian parents.

>> No.16764452

My copy (same edition) has a more curved spine than that and I've never read it

>> No.16764455

>how old is this guy?
He's either 20 now or turning 20 in a few months according to one of his videos

>> No.16764460

im tagging this thread for future purprose. im on to you assholes

R C Waldun

>> No.16764461

and you can still buy the book from BN. Quick, before he deletes


>> No.16764462


Also I know some american here might get too excited trying to make fun of him and call out ‘subtile’ but there’s nothing wrong with subtile.

>> No.16764475

>Because, your fingers are not at all static beings. The skin cells are constantly reproducing and you’re constantly picking up dirty particles every time you come in contact with any objects. So after a while, you fingers will inevitably become a depository of dead cells, dirt particles and skin oil. Then, for an average Sapien, they’ll just flip through the pages with those greasy fingers.Which will then lead to the attachment of grease particles to pages.

What a fucking faggot, holy shit. Hahahahahahahahaha

>> No.16764477


I love how even in this essay where he’s being self aware and shitting on Learned Disguise he’s still too lazy to bother proofreading and fixing the grammar.

>> No.16764481

Whoops. Post was meant for >>16764462
was laughing too hard at the sheer autism at display in this "essay" here

>> No.16764484

i have to admit i never finished IJ and i only like from DFW the short story about the rapist father and the essay on how AIDS is good.

>> No.16764490

dude, you're so fluffy... men are supossed to be pointy and rectangular

>> No.16764497

I think he saw a bookshelf thread on /lit/ once, and how people can easily spot when a mass market paperback is unread. So he wrote this cope as a way to continue to lie to people who look at his bookshelf.

>> No.16764505

You can hear the smugness radiate

>> No.16764507

I have a feeling that this is RC right here. He's trynna throw you off his trail by appropriating 4chan's nomenclature, as well as mimicking the post he replied to with his syntax. Bugman see, bugman do.

>> No.16764509
File: 2.89 MB, 720x404, Untitled.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf, this guy is a genetic freak. He has a fucking speech impediment. You're picking on a cripple

>> No.16764512

>Papa Hemingway

he really makes friends of his literary ancestors doesn't he... Brother Joyce, Jamie Speare...now papa hemmingway

>> No.16764515

What is the point of these if there is no sound?

>> No.16764519

He's probably in the process of rendering the thing or something.

>> No.16764520

>Mommy Woolf
>Jane Aunty

>> No.16764522

it's not up to me, asianmoot doesn't want sound webms on normal boards

>> No.16764523

can't post webms with sound on 4chan, or at least on most boards

>> No.16764524

Jamie Joyce and Brother Speare actually. I bet he imagines himself as owen wilson in Midnight in Paris who would go back in time and immediately befriend all these great writers.

>> No.16764532

He must think he's in a gang with them or part of some "Cool Guys Club".
Someone needs to write a charachter who refers to (dead) writers in this way. It's hilarious

>> No.16764533

I don't know if I want to bother making a compilation of his "best" moments and post to bitchute. I'm 85% sure this guy has a mental defect. His parents should've made him spend once a week in those autism schools, ABA or something

>> No.16764536

fuck someone with a nook please hurry before RC catches on

>> No.16764545


what's the over/under that waldo-kun paid Cliff for this collab?

>> No.16764550

do you think waldun-kun is looking for a white top bf?

>> No.16764554

I forget where, but if you through his instagram he has a screenshot of the DM where the dude accepts to collaborate. Above the guy saying yes is half of a dm he sent in letter form which ends in “sincerely, Robin”. I mean come on the guy actually texts in letter form, it’s absolutely absurd. If I were that cliff guy I would say yes immediately out of pity

>> No.16764555

he sold to Chad Sargeant his boypucci...
kek, jokes aside, you can see on Chad's eyes the unwillingness and no will to do this collab.

>> No.16764557

How do you get to the point where you regularly make videos namedropping Proust and Jamie Joyce but leave glaring grammatical errors in your published work? Some of his errors are really jarring and unintuitive as well, like "They have a kind of the beauty of their own" and "I’d steal some gem from these grounded men". Is he dyslexic?

>> No.16764564

the fact that bugman has 110k subscribers and Q only 15k made me mysoginist... check the comments left in his insta account

>> No.16764568

unbelievable levels of larp
how many of these dark academia kiddos are out there watching this shit

>> No.16764573

>kek, jokes aside, you can see on Chad's eyes the unwillingness and no will to do this collab.

The harsh reality of the aging hipster...

>> No.16764590

Oh, didn't know about that.
Keep up the good work.

>Cousin Kerouac
>Uncle Shelley

I spend too much time on /gif/

>> No.16764589

The Ignatius of our age. It must be done.

>> No.16764591

>the unread copy of Finnegans Wake on his shelf

lol of course

>> No.16764592

A lot. His comment section on instagram and youtube is filled with decently attractive early 20s book-aesthetic women. Shows all you need is some confidence and you can get anywhere you want with women.

>> No.16764593

How did we find out about him? Did he originally post on /lit/?

>> No.16764598

>decently attractive early 20s book-aesthetic women
All I see are Indian ESL women and teenagers...

>> No.16764599

Do you think he'll make a response video or just try to memory hole The Learned Disguise?

>> No.16764604

For me and I assume others here, he started popping up in my youtube feed and then slowly popping up in booktuber threads. Eventually we all learned what a gem he really is and after dozens of comments about how much I wanted to drill his boypussy I still have yet to do it

>> No.16764606

Seems like he is already trying to memory hole The Learned Disguise.

>> No.16764609

Look at these comments

>> No.16764611

the first mention of waldun was may 21st of this year.

>> No.16764612

Life is about chasing your dreams anon. I believe in you.

>> No.16764616

desu... i had more sex between 15 and 17 than i had between 24 a 26... older women; women for some retarded reason like the idea of an androgynous elegant man... but i am "white" (argie boy) and i was really tall already when i was 14 so i don't know about him. Pretty sure he's not a virgin, but also pretty sure he never had sex with a woman he loved.

>> No.16764622

The man did FIVE "revisions" of the manuscript. THEN send it to an editor, and THEN he did another "revision".
It has to be some kind of social experiment. I can't take this as true.

>> No.16764624

this was the first real thread about him and it blew up from there

>> No.16764625
File: 17 KB, 658x134, questionable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an editor he found on fiverr apparently
bold move to say the least

>> No.16764634

'cause he was just larping and the editors at fiverr are a bunch of fucking scammers.

>> No.16764635

The only decent commenters are

>> No.16764636

It's just ESL women and teenagers.
Not particularly hard to impress those types of people.

>> No.16764638
File: 442 KB, 960x960, 1603148580937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he nukes his online presence, adopts a pseudonym and becomes a reclusive Pynchonesque post-modernist writer, his mind broken by /lit/'s brutally honest criticism and bussy lust

>> No.16764650

>/lit/ bullied an asian teenager into becoming the worlds next great writer

It's like an even more autistic version of Whiplash

>> No.16764661

Don't worry. The Gaping of RC Waldun will preserve his legacy.
"The callow face of R.C Waldun looked at me, lacquered with oriental tears, eyes pleading like they’ve never done before. Oh, I have more in store for you, my little polymath. What a nicely-fitted blazer you have on, quite dapper, yes… hmm, and those trousers, my, oh my, what a marvelous taper. Such fashions only fitting for someone as esteemed as you, Mr. Waldun, future Laureate.
Now you may be wondering how we came to this predicament, with young Waldun tied up before me, teary-eyed and terrified. Well, it’s quite a story indeed. See, young Waldun fancies himself a bit of a scholar, a man of words, one whose heart skips a beat when thinking of mahogany-panelled libraries, lined with leatherbounds flashing the richest patinas. I noticed him nursing his whiskey in a Melbourne bar, his elbow patches betraying his vocation, his stark, black mop obscuring his forehead. We hit it off. I told him of the long and glorious history of the fabled Male Bisexual Writer; how all the greats—Shakespeare, Dante, Wilde, Rimbaud—dabbled in homosexual practices. I told him to truly grasp the reigns of the higher muse, one must be nourished from the nectar of every fruit imaginable. Scour the Earth, scorch it with your desire! Give in! Write like you’ve never done after the life-affirming thrill of neglected carnal bliss! For how often do you get to feel something new? He sipped his whiskey and squinted. He told me I had a point. It wasn’t long before I drove three more shots into him, and hurried him home.
Oh, young and bright Waldun, I will show you a “brother Speare.” His brows furrowed as the teeth of my zipper uncoupled. Stop, young Robin, you will sully your tweed. Poor lad, all tuckered out from struggling, the rope gnawing at his wrists… I slid the glasses off his Humpty-Dumpty face, giving me a clear look into his oriental eyes—fish-like, empty, the hue of a full Kikkoman bottle.
“What will you do to me? What about my proses?”
“I’ll make sure they get to Michael Pietsch, don’t you worry your little head,” I said, a hand tenderly upon his cheek.
“But, da… da proses aren’t ready. My team of editors has not gotten to it, prease.”
“I will see to it that you won’t have to ever work with peons like that again. Pietsch is your new word-daddy now, Waldy. Brother Wallace? Hello?
“Buz my proses aren’t up to dat standard.”
“Oh, I’m gonna turn you into a real writer. My little Borges-boipussy.”"

>> No.16764663

RC has his "Dark Academia," but what is your /lit style?

>> No.16764664

so... we're the good guys, we're doing God's work

>> No.16764665

Still pretty good for a guy like him. He could definitely pull dumb arthoe tail if he tried.
>bussy lust
It isn’t even /lit/‘s bussy lust, it’s almost entirely just me. God I want to fuck him so hard, I can barely even get it up to men this past week, but god I want to fuck him.

>> No.16764667

optimal result desu

>> No.16764668
File: 7 KB, 314x137, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is genius level of satire. Oh no, wait. Oh no no no no.

>> No.16764669

Kek, 3/4 are ESLs and mani.reads is painfully poseurish. 3 posts which are photos of her worn copy of A Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.16764676



>> No.16764679

>the hue of a full Kikkoman bottle


>> No.16764680

He's too egocentric to write under a pseudonym.

>> No.16764681

what did you expect? everyone here has an arts degree

>> No.16764687

Isn't RC Waldun a pen name?

>> No.16764688

i can barely bring myself to buy books im genuinely interested in
also poorfag

>> No.16764691

/pol/ is full of boomers.

>> No.16764694

desu I don't think he would write if he couldn't attach his face to his work

>> No.16764695

Yes, the R stands for Robin his English nickname which almost all chinese internationals have, the C. is likely his real surname, and Waldun probably just sounds cute to him

>> No.16764696


>> No.16764698

I mean, it has his face attached to it.
Pseudonym or not, he's still making big brain thinking faces in front of the camera impersonating R. C. Waldun.

>> No.16764700

Imagine being so autistic you name your pens.

>> No.16764701

i guess, his real name should be something along the lines of: Ai kanno Wurite Shitte

>> No.16764703

Jessica Slaughter 2.0

>> No.16764706

We spend all our money on Tao Lin, this guy's too late to the pot.

>> No.16764708

It's Jessi Slaughter

>> No.16764710

Why do almost all self-published authors have an abbreviated first name? I have one by coincidence but I've noticed nearly all of my contemporaries have one, too. What's up with that?

>> No.16764715

His real name is Robin Wu or something. Which sounds way more badass than Rice Cock Waldun. Sounds like a writer who writes Neuromanceresque books about Neo China, with neon green spiked highlights in his hair.

>> No.16764717

Androgyneity and mystery.

>> No.16764725

They’re subconsciously influenced by J.K. rowling

>> No.16764726


>> No.16764732

I'm not an anglo and until now I didn't realize Brother Spear was Shakespeare. I can't stop laughing, fuck. Nobody could make this shit up, it's just too absurd.

>> No.16764733

Funny, this is how i first encountered him. In my YT feed appeared this chinese guy who uploaded a video about "Darl Academia" and a lot of views... "SOMEONE IS REDPILLING THE NORMIES WITH DARK ENLIGHTMENT!".

Needless to say my disappointment and then pure hatred against him... imagine spending a whole video in a lit channel just to talk about fashion? stupid chink

>> No.16764734

His bio on his website makes me laugh
>I'm one of those crazy people that drift in and out of libraries and bookstores: traversing down the lanes full of books written by dead people (or people that are alive). Also, I'm a fiction writer.

Whoa now, madman, in AND out of them??? He's gonna kill someone doing that. Fucking crazy nut.

>> No.16764735
File: 13 KB, 460x300, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha, his name is Robin Wu. What a girly name. I'd have shortened it to R too

>> No.16764741

He has a fair amount of speeding tickets for that. Watch out.

>> No.16764743
File: 75 KB, 946x746, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tank you huwhitu man for your praisu

>> No.16764744
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>> No.16764748

you're preordering my next book, aren't you anons?

>> No.16764750

Robin Wu is such a hot sissy trap name though jesus christ. He’s needs to watch some sissygirljasmine

>> No.16764753
File: 104 KB, 762x799, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you is Toby?

>> No.16764755

Oh no, bros. He's compiling all our IP addresses AS WE SPEAK with his LAWYERS.

>> No.16764760

God, young female bookworms are retarded

>> No.16764766

rice cuck holden

>> No.16764769

i don't give a fuck, the punishment for being racist in my country is to publicly apologise

>> No.16764785

>Implying anything will happen

>> No.16764798

Just a shitposter lol. Anyone who would actively file a suit against 4chan for hate speech or harassment would be laughed out of court. Its servers are hosted in data haven countries where it is exceedingly difficult for that sort of thing to happen.

>> No.16764804
File: 129 KB, 1304x516, la academia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So his first was an excuse to insert himelf and talk about his literature knowledge (i.e. namedrop authors). I bet this one is going to tackle the hole "polymath" thing, obviously set in a distopian future because that's what sells nowadays.
The question is: Is he determined to publish it or will he reconsider it given the harsh backlash?

>> No.16764805

It could be him. Think about the meltdown he's having trying to erase his digital footprint. He's as emotional as two women in heat right now

>> No.16764811

These threads make me want to write but totally avoid self-publishing

>> No.16764822

"Eddington" dafuq is that name?

>> No.16764828

Or, just don't have delusions of grandeur

>> No.16764845

I think there's nothing wrong with self publishing. Just be extremely cautious, and have people near you who can both proofread and be honest about their thoughts.
Waldun lack those people it seems.

>> No.16764846

Anyone with sufficient fame or efame gets this eventually. Look at Lindsey Ellis and her book. Threads of threads of CHILD MURDERER.

>> No.16764855

waldun clearly has never suffered in his life. since he was a boy he was certainly told he was special and could be anything he put his mind to. it's a rude awakening for him but better at 20 than 30

>> No.16764857

Not to mention 4chan is hosted on cloudflare. Absolutely protected by the First Amendment of The Greatest Nation on Earth: America!

>> No.16764859

that's why men need men as friends... i was bullied and mocked into shit-pieces by my male friends when showing them my writing years ago... i got to a point where i recognise my work is at the same level of some "literally who?" and no-ones but published authors. I don't say my writing is good, but at least it is no longer bad; and in this ten years the aggresivity of my friend's critiques were really helpful

>> No.16764860

I always have nightmares about that movie because I dont know whether other people see me as that main character for liking literature

>> No.16764868

meant for

>> No.16764869

Lindsey Ellis book seems to be not mediocre... btw i want to butt rape her feminist asshole

>> No.16764872

I have a couple good male friends I can share writing with. I'm sorry yours aren't so supportive. It is an important thing to have. It is truly impossible to evaluate your own stuff.

>> No.16764882

do you mean male friends, or "male" friends, RC?

>> No.16764884

First sentence: coherent English

Second Sentence: L'academie apparently starts (is given rise to?) in a pre-existing education district? It's purpose and methods are unknown.

Third Sentence: Bizarre left-turn with attempt to insert mystery, Mystery!, in a sentence which suggests that students work away in a uni then graduate in another location - this is an implied dystopia that has nothing appreciable to do with the first sentence. Possibly on the other side of the wall we will find Mexico.

Fourth Sentence: Begins with a but, inserts a gratuitous comma - still gives us no idea what L'academie is.

>> No.16764885

Where do you live? Where do women have any feelings towards elegant androgynous men?

>> No.16764889

they're supportive, one of the runs a magazine and let me published some articles... non-fiction, but... well, better than nothing.

>> No.16764895

Argentina, specially the bisexual feminist AWFL type

>> No.16764900

Argentinians are really obsessed with sex in my experience...

>> No.16764901

specially oral

>> No.16764927

>Possibly on the other side of the wall we will find Mexico.
Oh, yes, for sure there'll be a "political undertone". Too vague to say something, but everyone will read it as anti-Trump.

Do you think that there will be an explanation for why it is called "L'Academie"?
Obviously he choosed it bc it fits better with his aethetics or whatever, but I still want an explanation inside the world of the novel.

>> No.16764951

What great read of a thread to start a morning with, thnk you anons

>> No.16764953

I have a new appreciation for Quentin now after becoming aware of Waldun.

>> No.16764965

If it really is him, then that's just sad, man. He's having his little narcissist revenge power fantasies over 4chan. Lmao.

>> No.16764983

if this was real life, he'd be shooting up your school

>> No.16764993

Nobody thinks about you that much to compare you to a wholesome movie character

>> No.16765011

i just watched the video. he has sticky notes hanging out of the book. did he really place sticky notes into a book to trick people on the internet into believing he read it? good lord.

>> No.16765049

Asian father disappoint

> From Physics To Literature - My Story

> Picking Up French - The Wandering Mind 001

>> No.16765062
File: 459 KB, 1080x1544, god_damn_I_love_being_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you do this to little Chinese boy?

An honest fire-side talk about my crazy vision of becoming a writer.

>> No.16765110
File: 451 KB, 602x393, pseud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, okay... I tried in my head to give him the benefit of the doubt, but jesus christ, look at this.
>no sticky notes in the end notes
>the end notes have some of the most important information in the book to tie it together
>reading with only one bookmark in the main text; no bookmark in the endnotes
>spine not creased at all
>only mention of the plot are things you can find on the wikipedia page
>brings up the Eschaton section, promptly fails to remember the name of the game in question, doesn't mention it has to do with Tennis, says it was a "D&D" game

lol fuck this fucking pseud, holy shit.
lol fuck this fucking idiot pseud

>> No.16765166

are you accusing him of reading the sparknotes of Infinite Jest?

>> No.16765177

Yes, precisely. Pretty much the most-used BookTubers' resource.
How the fuck do you forget the name of the Eschaton section if you've read it? I read this novel five years ago and I still remember it. And he had the audacity to call it boring... it was one of the most kino moments in the novel.

>> No.16765184

Based and flip-pilled.

>> No.16765206

>At the time of recording this video, high school is finished
>oct 22nd 2019
>dude is 20 now

Does Australia have a different system or something? Was he held back a year? lol

>> No.16765213
File: 196 KB, 580x580, 1601676815991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's private
fellas... is /ourscholar/ gonna be ok?

>> No.16765234

I'm sure he had to cut corners somewhere. He brands himself as an expert of all classic, "difficult" literature and it's difficult to be deeply familiar with all books, esp at age 19 or 20. At the same time, I have a soft spot. He reminds me of Elliot Rogers, if he had a dream of being a white literary genius instead of fucking sorority girls. He has the same arrogance and delusions, but he is also insecure. Even the slightest bit of teasing can make him go down a dark path

>> No.16765237

I just wanna fuck him

>> No.16765254
File: 1.10 MB, 2400x2400, 1602596325882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop bullying him, I live in Mlebourne too and if you keep this up he'll devise a sarin gas attack on the trams or something and kill us all

>> No.16765260

Why doesn't he sound Australian?

>> No.16765262

> Arthur Forrest is the name of the protagonist.

Surely you jest, OP?

>> No.16765273

Eliot Rodgers was honestly 1000x better a writer than RC will ever be.

>> No.16765285

I don't even understand most of what this guy is saying. It's all word salad. I can't exactly blame him if he's only 20 though since I sounded kind of like this at that age. The kid needs to stop publishing and needs to write more stuff he's willing to throw away.

>> No.16765661

If Walduns reading this, then listen. You fucked up, your novels shit and your a psude. But your only 20, live a bit more, get a shit job, mature, if your dedicated (and lucky in situation and genetics) you could be genius. Who knows? But don't do what most do when shamed and find the faults in others, accept your crap ("this is the first step.") And start learning from Square one again. Bleed for your work, make this moment your wound for prose to fester on. I recommend Karl Oves autobiography thing, he really makes the journey from COMPLETE psude to talented, I enjoyed them, visionary in its autism. Learn to see yourself in this. Maybe your just shit, but you'll do it if it's right.

As for the rest of you, the only reason this guy is soo hated is because he represents the psude culture this board embody's, projection from a board that reads (sometimes) the classics and understand them (rarely.) Yet just argues in simularcra and memes on absurd rate lists, putting nigger in every name, bemoaning a lack of art hoe, theological arguments form secluded NEET bux library's and opinion threads. How little your fucking opinion matters, your chewed up subjective ponder on why your smarter than a dead author. Just because you found god doesn't mean anyone's listening.
The honest among us relate and see ourselves.

T. A Dumass who copes with the Tao Teh Ching

>> No.16765712

the book is still available on abebooks btw

>> No.16765736

Speak for yourself, pseud. I'm a literary genius.

>> No.16765762

I remember being twenty. It sucked man. Hope this guy figured out a way to get past appearances and get to the heart of the matter.

>> No.16765806

he reminds me of ProZD


>> No.16765824

Shit how many revisions of a manuscript are you supposed to do? At least the kid is getting himself out there. I bet he's even made a buck of his work.

>> No.16765835

Money isn't worth torpedoing your credibility.

>> No.16765837

This was brilliant anon.

>> No.16765845

Literally five seconds in, he mangles "beating a dead horse" into "beating a horse to death" and I have to wonder if this is satire

>> No.16765857

It's really important that he emphasized that he mean figuratively beating horses. Otherwise we might have called the animal cruelty hotline

>> No.16765870

Which he probably already did lol.
He said in his videos for the past few months that he's been querying publishers for his second novel.
Imagine that. If he already did that, then RIP. Word goes around in the publishing world fast. Credibility is everything.
I'm sure he mentioned his YouTube following and his first novel. No one in their right mind would draw a contract up for this kid, put forth their resources, if what he's managed to produce is a terrible novel and laughable blog posts.

>> No.16765877

Man you guys are unrelenting, this has been the third or fourth thread within a week about the poor kid.

I almost feel bad but for some reason I'm always drawn to these threads. I really do hope he comes out better, from what I've gathered he's ESL. It's already tough being a writer let alone writing on a language you're not exactly comfortable with.

On a different note, who are some good ESL authors? All I can think of right now is Joseph Conrad.

>> No.16765901

Nah. Word won't go round at all. Agents will read a few lines, then throw it away along with the other hundred shit submissions by authors using pseudonyms. Not only will nobody remember, there's nothing to stop him publishing under another name later. We should salute him for the keks

>> No.16765920

wtf he's sounds like native speaker of English, just with autism

>> No.16765931


>> No.16765957

Clearly youve never spoken to a chinese immigrant. This is pretty much how they sound when speaking english. The languages have very different structures

>> No.16765967

He doesn't sound like an immigrant. He sounds like a native English speaker who has a stutter and often repeats and trips over his words

>> No.16766070

Thanks, m8. R.C's character and the dudes lusting over him is just hilarious imo. I remember one thread about a month ago where a guy greentexted that he wanted to live the "literary lifestyle," so he went out and got fucked by some guy. He seemed pretty distraught over the whole situation. I'm sure it was a shitpost, but the idea of that whole identity crisis over such a non-issue as image is hilarious to me.
Inb4 I keep going with the narrative and voice there, and end up with an erotica novella that caters to the most precise niche ever.

>> No.16766284

you guys haven't figured it out yet.

RC Waldin is a literary mastermind an a wonderful baiter. It's quite obvious that the character he embodies is the one that you are pointing out with all this hate. But just wait. You aren't getting the bigger picture: you are not understanding his persona as you all claim that he doesn't understand the classics. RC Waldin is about to BTFO of all of you faggots when he starts deconstructing his character.

He is discussing the intricacies of the lenguage and literature itselves and how the conscious is defined by conflict.

He is materialized literature and he is the universal which is found in every particular.

Seethe harder, idiots. RC Waldin is a genius and you will never get a grasp of his wit.

>> No.16766306

4D CHESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.16766334

Would actually be hilarious if he decided to pull that card.

>> No.16766352

>he must actually think that is the grammatically correct version.
ESL here, why isn't it? Should it be "a 45000 word novel"?

>> No.16766371

> Should it be "a 45000 word novel"?

>> No.16766375

Orient, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Or-ree-ent: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Orr. Ree. Ent. He was Orr, plain Orr, in the morning, standing five feet eight in one sock. He was R.C in slacks. He was Waldun at school. He was Robin on the dotted line. But in my arms he was always Orient.

>> No.16766376

You can also put a comma in there, 45,000, but I've seen it both ways

>> No.16766386

Spaniard detected

>> No.16766534

>He probably just thought it was more impressive to people to say it was written fast

True. Can attest to this. Wrote my ex a poem once. I spent a long time on it, but, because I dumb young faggot, I told her I spent 5 minutes on it.
Best policy is honesty. Worst is autismal lying.

>> No.16766550

how'd she react

>> No.16766561


>> No.16766570

Hahaha “papa Hemingway”

>> No.16766580

>I had the entire thing ass-backward: constructing fancy pillowcases and hiding away the fact that I had nothing much to say at all.

Huh? What? I don't understand this metaphor at all. Are pillowcases supposed to be bad? Does he actually long to add down to pillows?

>> No.16766667

It's a Dostoyevsky reference you fool!

>> No.16766767


>> No.16766815

JRR Tolkien was subconsciously influenced by JK Rowling?

>> No.16766955


>> No.16766992
File: 16 KB, 320x240, aum01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your days are numbered, Bruce

>> No.16767183 [DELETED] 

>1 review
>It's 5 stars
I wonder who it's by.

>> No.16767428


>> No.16767445

I hate when people abuse the collective subconscious to steal ideas from the future, happens to me a lot.

>> No.16768691

You would probably need to try VERY hard to be as much of a tryhard dork as Owens character is.

>> No.16768712

ITT: smells like teenage spirit

>> No.16769871

Good. If you are reading this Walcuck kill yourself redditor.

>> No.16769906

Chinese as the bug-people they are try to emulate and pretend.

>> No.16770143

I hope /ourpolymath/ finds a 95 iq pseud esl baddie to wife up

>> No.16770246

yes waldo-san, yes it shoudl

>> No.16770255

Owen Wilson’s character is unassuming and nice. He isn’t a tryhard at all. Plus he fucks dude, do you fuck? Owen Wilson fucks

>> No.16770354

Hate him as much as you want lit but Cliff is very good at subtle facial expressions

>> No.16770620
File: 56 KB, 471x573, roastie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can mans thesis be..beyond reproach..beyond based.. beyond litpilled

>> No.16772272

I have spent more time reading fanfiction.net stories than I like to admit, and that summary would fit right in on that website.

>> No.16772451


>> No.16772455

She laughed at my micropenis.

>> No.16772535

That's what usually happens to me too.

>> No.16772579

Dont remember him fucking any dudes on screen.

>> No.16773099
File: 2.65 MB, 720x404, asian_bill_nye.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did he change his major from physics to literature? He would've been so popular with those I fucking love science redditors

>> No.16773155

Probably couldn't do math

>> No.16773189
File: 2.89 MB, 720x426, asian_bill_nye_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would only have to do elementary math with a physical demonstration
> Archimedes and his bathtub whoaaa
> a^2 + b^2 = c^2 whoaaaa
> put a bowling ball on an outstreched cloth, this is Einstein's 3rd theory of relativity whoaaaa

He's naturally a spaz, perfect for overly enthusiastic science teacher meme. He even does the nerd trope of adjusting his glasses

>> No.16773245

I've watched a few of his videos. If you pay attention to it, you can hear quite a lot of subtle grammatical mistakes (such as saying "I had just read" instead of "I have just read" when clearly speaking about the present, or missing articles, or misused words). Granted, he definitely does a good job with the accent, but it's clear he's not lived in an anglophone country his whole life.
It's much easier to see/hear all this if you go to the old videos on his channel.

>> No.16773277
File: 108 KB, 812x776, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, now that I rewatch his old videos, the ESLness is much more apparant

he pronounces those as "dose"
"why is reading textbook so beneficial"
"you can coming into this book with no previous knowledge and still learn"
"textbooks is not boring"

>> No.16773625

god, what a twink.

>> No.16773699

I just watched his videos after hearing about him here endlessly. Not that bad. Not that good but not that bad, imo. Typical YouTuber. Not sure why so many here... feed him so much of their energy.

>> No.16773772

when will /lit/ learn whenever we get obsessed with someone we need to rip their content for archiving

>> No.16773802

100% this is just a bootleg brave new world

>> No.16773815

>Why did he change his major from physics to literature?
it's much easier to spot a pseud in stem fields

>> No.16773835

I guarantee a plot point is the first person narrator goes to Luhh cAhdUhMEE to learn how to be a writer. So at some point the writing style and voice is going to change like in Flowers for Algernon.

>> No.16773857

This Tama-te-ra person is saying that the book is too hard to read, but then forgets to use punctuation.

>> No.16773883
File: 31 KB, 763x268, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, this is a very bad and cringe review. Lmao don't be as stupid as Walden, guys, please.

>> No.16774303

Nah this is based

>> No.16774454

Lol okay Ivo you retarded Portuguesan mestizo

>> No.16774563

Not Ivo but he's based and probably has a big dick

>> No.16775414

He's young, so incapable of writing something good. But he's writing and putting out books. Good for him. He has time to grow and learn. This is only the beginning!

>> No.16775417
File: 122 KB, 1200x1165, 712847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16775479

he probably has a tiny freaky cock.

>> No.16775489

He's going to be the next Mishima

>> No.16775499

Chinks are thought English in the American accent

>> No.16775534

kek I'm an autist, what is Cliff expressing there?

>> No.16775583

Based review
Cringe faggot

>> No.16775594

He doesn't even read the books he recommends.

>> No.16775619

in Argentina you finish HS at 17 or 18 depending on which month you were born... maybe he's retarded

>> No.16775638

And I thought my English was bad.

>> No.16775659

>not finishing uni at 17
he failed as a chink.