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File: 89 KB, 313x424, Himmler-jacket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16763615 No.16763615 [Reply] [Original]

It's finally, here. I think it released rather silently, as well, because I just found out about it. I'm glad he's had an opportunity to release it, and hopefully he can finish his other book as well.

Any other /hitlit/ readers excited for this?

>> No.16763726

what the fuck is this

>> No.16763804


David Irving's new book. He is the world's pre-eminent historian on WWII Germany.

>> No.16763818

Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.16763845

eat poop

>> No.16763858
File: 194 KB, 1059x1059, F3C60B13-E9A4-46A1-99F9-69B64415D720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at dis dood

>> No.16763864

Incredibly fast himmler.

>> No.16763921

Why did he go through this embarrasment

>> No.16763928
File: 121 KB, 1045x1600, 6F16FB8D-ECD3-4429-A359-BB935A743ECE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh at last! Someone to tell his side!

>> No.16763943

Name a historian writing in English with more intimate knowledge of Nazi-era primary documents.

>> No.16763950

They cannot do it.

>> No.16764036

Since David Irving propagated the whole 'Bombing of Dresden' myth, any academic historian writing in English likely has a more intimate knowledge of 'Nazi-era primary documents.' If he had used primary documents, like death certificates, he might not have made such a fool of himself.

>> No.16764044

Can you elaborate on the "myth" aspect of the bombing of Dresden in 1945?

>> No.16764047

Irving did a Himmler book? How does he see him? I always see Himmler as the most straightforwardly evil guy in the whole thing

Shut it tranny

>> No.16764057

That’s a lot of prerequisites, poltard. It’s almost like you were trying to hide something

>> No.16764060

Broke: Dresden bombing was a war crime
Woke: Dresden was a legitimate military target
Bespoke: All of WW2 is a lie except the Holocaust

>> No.16764082

I'm not saying that the Bombing of Dresden didn't occur. I'm referring to the fact that David Irving made up hundreds of thousands of deaths that didn't occur, leading to the "myth" that the bombing was somehow an Allied war crime. It's well documented that Dresden was a military target and that no more than 25.000 people died. Also it didn't occur after the war's end. There was a report put out by the city of Dresden itself (in German) debunking Irving's claims: https://www.dresden.de/media/pdf/infoblaetter/Historikerkommission_Dresden1945_Abschlussbericht_V1_14a.pdf

>> No.16764099

What part of killing tens of thousands of civilians to in a targeted bombing is not a war crime?

>> No.16764117
File: 167 KB, 800x534, rebunked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "debunking" is as politically motivated as you are. It's literally more likely to be 500,000 just because you say it isn't. Hope you enjoy the post truth hell you've created by trying to have a monopoly on truth.

>> No.16764118

It's not war crime those were nazis bro

>> No.16764132

They fucking deserved it

>> No.16764150

It would be a war crime if the primary target was the civilians, but the bombing was carried out primarily against factories, infrastructure, and military positions.

>> No.16764154

Everything you just described are qualifiers for war crimes. Factories and infrastructure are considered civilian targets, dude.

>> No.16764159

That amount of deaths over a few days would be greater than all documented German civilian deaths from strategic bombing over the course of the whole war.

>> No.16764167

Factories producing arms/bombs and infrastructure (like the railway hub in Dresden) transporting troops are both legitimate military targets.

>> No.16764174

Apartment buildings, commuter infrastructure, and factories are all civilian targets.

>> No.16764183

In which a discord tranny tries to convince you to stop being a nazi and join "the good guys" by taking eerie pleasure in the deaths of civilians and laughing about how he'd do it again because a nazi deserves whatever is coming to them

>> No.16764189

Dont care cry wont cry over dead nazi krauts lmao. Krauts arent even people barbarbarbarbar

>> No.16764193
File: 118 KB, 593x392, 1605049218352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16764206

You don't care about war crimes, so why are you flailing in this thread? Go home kike.

>> No.16764209

krout goes BARBARBARBARBARBAR!!!! Go back to your mud hut and pickled eyeballs

>> No.16764218

I just entered this thread to make fun of racially inferior barbarbar germans. That said, Anglos are not much better.

>> No.16764231

AKA, a kike

>> No.16764243

a chud and a schizo, sitting in a tree

>> No.16764244

> It's not a war crime it's not a war crime it's not a war crime

>fine it was a war crime but don't care lmao

ok anon

>> No.16764253

Its natural that this is all coming out now, the gestation period for historical truth seems to always be ~70 years after the fact. Kikes oare going to seethe and shit up threads obviously, but that won't stop it coming out

>> No.16764252

I’m a completely different person from the denial posters. Krouts deserve worse

>> No.16764269

fair enough, intellectual inconsistency is less respectable than earnest bloodthirst

>> No.16764343

That last quote wasn't from me lmao

>> No.16764414

Do they have a dilation room at temple?

>> No.16764422
File: 205 KB, 804x750, Inflated numbers - Simon Weisenthals lie 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deaths that didn't occur
Funny you should mention that

>> No.16764948

What has happened to my precious thread? Why can we not just appreciate Mr. Irving while he still lives and breathes?

Shameful behavior, 2bh.

>> No.16765117
File: 289 KB, 2400x1597, Stern_conf_250483_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the thread, I wouldn't have heard of this book otherwise. I'm glad Mr. Irving is still publishing books. Unfortunately I remember him mentioning somewhere that this might be his last.

>> No.16765194

Is Irving better than Richard Tedor's Hitler's Revolution?

>> No.16765431

Irving is a serious historian, regardless of his failings. Tedor is a propagandist. Seriously...

Anyway, I'm glad Irving managed to finish this, it's been a very long time coming, I thought he might pass before he managed to. God bless him.

>> No.16765478

>We levelled the whole city and killed everybody but don‘t worry there was a factory or two in there somewhere. They were the primary target trust me bro.

>> No.16766401

>I thought he might pass before he managed to. God bless him.

No kidding. As far as I'm aware, he has another Churchill book in the works, too. Suffice to say, the latest news I can find about the Himmler book was from 2005, so this was a long time coming.