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/lit/ - Literature

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16755990 No.16755990 [Reply] [Original]

>8/10 invites me out for drinks.
>Her favourite author is Stephen King.
Plenty more sea in the fish

>> No.16756003

I once stopped seeing a girl because she told me she liked Rupi Kaur

>> No.16756026

Imagine being attracted to smart or tasteful women

>> No.16756059
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ITT: ngmi

>> No.16756064

>imagine caring what women think.
>imagine not knowing that the sweetest and truest devotion is either manifest or impossible for any girl
>imagine not marrying and educating your wife as the paterfamilias
>imagine being YOU, a raging midwit FAGGOT

>> No.16756093
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I'm not gonna fucking read the Stand, okay? I didn't vote Trump, leave me alone! Stop tweeting at me! AHHHHHH!

>> No.16756100

It's not about her favourite authors but about how much she reads on a daily basis. Every roastie reads one or two NYT bestseller books a year to keep up appearances but they don't actually enjoy the process of reading.

>> No.16756101

>Plenty more sea in the fish
Women unironically talk like this and it saddens me. They think of 'dating' as something like fishing. They take romance, the most human activity, and grossly objectify it like it's something trivial like shopping in the mall.

>> No.16756134

It doesn't matter if she likes Robert Munsch or R.L Stine, she's still getting roofied

>> No.16756828
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>> No.16756835

The /lit/ architect...

>> No.16756843


>> No.16756874

I disagree. Quality over quantity. It's better to read 5 classics per year than 50 YA fantasy novels.

>> No.16756884
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I just started reading in June please be kind

>> No.16756892
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>> No.16756932

I'm glad you started reading. I just hope you are reading something quality and not The Hunger Games or some shit. When I say quality, I don't even necessarily mean something that I personally enjoy. I just mean something that isn't written for children or bored housewives. It's similar to how there are good movies (Werckmeister Harmonies, The Wheel) and movies that have very little artisitic value (Transformers, Epic Movie). What are you reading right now, anon?

>> No.16756937

oh hey it's that guy from letterboxd circa 2014

>> No.16757001
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The list on the left is everything that I've read since June and I just started Of Herds and Hermits today. June was when I really "started" reading- that is, when I really started making an effort to read frequently and with purpose. Obviously I've read things before, but mainly through uni.

>> No.16757077

And by June I mean July. I started reading when I bought a kindle (free ebookz), which arrived on July 1st.

>> No.16757381

Oh, dude, you're doing great. Very based stuff. Have you read Kacyznski's recent statement on the interest eco-fascists have taken in him? It's only like two pages but you might be interested.

>> No.16757397

Btw have you watched Keith Woods' new interview with Derrick Jensen?

>> No.16757706

can you link his recent statement pls

>> No.16757721

My current girlfriend is a girl in every sense of the word and as such has no taste whatsoever. Still, we enjoy going on book dates, her reading whatever YA novel or mystery series she's into and me reading something about say, ancient Chinese thought.
>tl;dr manage your expectations from women and you'll be happier.

>> No.16757728

Who fucking cares if her favorite author is Stephen King. There's no way you retards would actually turn down a 8/10 just because you don't like the author right?

>> No.16757741

Imagine being this pussywhipped. How low would you go just to taste the puss? Have some integrity anon.

>> No.16757749

There's no way /lit/ ever sees, let alone knows, 8/10s.

>> No.16757752

does it matter what her favorite author is when im fucking her? no.

>> No.16757786
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>7/10 invites me out on a date
>she's Jewish

Plenty more sea in the fish.

>> No.16758298

I would willingly marry any girl who's willing to talk to me.

>> No.16758312

Dumb women are legitimately not attractive. It's just incels who think smart women are "le she has all the same interests as me :DDDDDDDDDDDDD" so you somehow think it's unfeminine or so on. Smart women are still women, just more intelligent and fit for a partner and mother.

>> No.16758326

Why would you expect sophisticated taste in media from a woman? If that's a deal breaker for you then prepare to settle for some ugly broad

My gf watches Stacy vlogs which I despise and I tell her that, but I still love her.

>> No.16758358

thomas ligotti is pretty cringe. didn't live a tough life either.

>> No.16758376

A lit taste is always a telltaler for how deep a girl is into her connection with the matters of existence and her being placed into that existence.

How come a concocted fear to be of a more priority than the horror of existence? I think the "taste", as we name it, is cultivated only from the bosoms of ever-quivering, ever-uneasy fearful soul.

>> No.16758387

god you're obnoxious

>> No.16758392

>It's just incels who think smart women are "le she has all the same interests as me :DDDDDDDDDDDDD"
What kind of incel am I that the idea of a woman being like me brings extreme revulsion?

>> No.16758512

>Plenty more sea in the fish
I used to be like you, now I'm a 28 year old KHHV. Please don't follow my example and stop caring about what women read

>> No.16760053

>Kacyznski's recent statement on eco fashy
Would also like to see

>> No.16761320

Who cares you autist? You expect a woman to be into Nietzsche you fucking edgelord? Lots of people like Stephen King, he’s not a bad writer. Not everyone is into sophisticated autistic ramblings like we are, especially women

>> No.16761382

seething roastie

>> No.16762710

Oh yeah lemme uh.... die alone and full of regret because I can't find a bitch that reads Hegel. #winning

>> No.16762797


>> No.16762829
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>Girl adds me on Snapchat
>Sends me nudes
>Notice that she has a tattoo on her shoulder
>Block all her shit

>> No.16762853

Sometimes I forget this place is full of real life autistic people. Then I remember

>> No.16762868




>> No.16762969

Meet 10/10 abroad. Favorite author is Dazai. Yeah, I'm thinking based.

>> No.16763017
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>Having standards is autistic
Okay faggot

>> No.16763034

Copes from people who live in such degraded social milieux that well-read women are almost impossible to picture.

>> No.16763070

That's not what the saying means at all you sperg.
It's telling you not to get hung up on one person who it didn't work out with, when there are plenty more adventures to be had.

>> No.16763085

settle for someone the same look and iq. you cannot have a good and stable lige with someone hotter/uglier or dumber.

also, my wife have a good taste in lit, we are reading Ulysses together.

>> No.16763093

>romance, the most human activity
I would agree with this if not for the fact that this type of romance few people ever experience. Most people are justified in being more pragmatic in their approach towards dating.

>> No.16763178
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>talks about degraded social milieux
>on 4chan

>> No.16763249

>he’s not a bad writer
Adequate he may be, but a writer worth reading he is not.

>> No.16763400

How was Bald and Bankrupt's book?

>> No.16763425

>Not slowly making them like what you like

Cmon dude this shit is women 101

>> No.16763438
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It wasn't incredibly well written or anything but I thoroughly enjoyed all his stories. The prose wasn't BAD, it just wasn't remarkable. It's an easy rec considering how short it is.

>> No.16763466

yes sorry i don't want retard children who like Stephen king

>> No.16763504

What is the best way to introduce /lit/ to your kid? Both the concept and the forum.

>> No.16763527

home schooling ideally they should be fluent in Latin by 10

>> No.16763562

Do you live in a city?

>> No.16763565

>"Facti sunt amici?"
>*gets savagely beaten by older children*

>> No.16763594
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Currently I live in a suburb(?) of the 13th largest city in Ontario because my uni closed due to covid so I moved with my parents across the country. However I haven't left the house in six months except to walk around the giant forest behind me, so I kind of live in a city I guess.

>> No.16764737

My ex once gifted me a Rupi Kaur book. It's at least one part of why she's my ex.