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/lit/ - Literature

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16761649 No.16761649 [Reply] [Original]

>literature class
>teacher gives out worksheets with poem and a short biography of the author
>"in his free time he mostly concerned himself with literature before dying on the fronts in ww1"
>my deskmate: "lmao what a loser reads poetry in his 20s instead of getting drunk at parties"

>> No.16761670
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>> No.16761672

>first half of 20s
>second half of 20s

>> No.16761683

So what did you reply OP? Did you just say “heh, yeah” like a beta?

>> No.16761703

>lmao what a loser reads poetry in his 20s instead of getting drunk at parties
who even enjoys this? it's awful, the drunk part barely obscures how shit it is. what a trash culture.

>> No.16761705


>> No.16762995

Me. I enjoy it. I go to parties for the rare shining moments of great conversation, sincerity, and humor. Sometimes I even get laid! Most of the parties I have attended were worthwhile in some way. Human connection isn't bad, and if it's a lame party you can have a single drink and go home. Plus you can read and party you know, I've read 30ish books this year and I still manage to have fun occasionally.

>> No.16763016
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fuck i wish parties still happened. corona-chan cucked me into become /lit/ so I have something to do.

>> No.16763022

I dont get why people so obsessed with parties. I was too when I was 15 and realized how horribly boring they were before I was 17. Who cares about parties in the 20s either its just normies showing off all the furniture they bought on credit to other normies.

>> No.16763027

Based sex-haver

>> No.16763042
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this. only subhumans enjoy getting drunk "for fun"

>> No.16763050

You guys must all have really boring friends lol

>> No.16763066

there's much better ways to socialise though. the sort of people going to parties are cultural and intellectual deadzones and having sex with random women is bad.

>> No.16763097

read the symposium retard

>> No.16763170

You aren't the smartest person in the world, intelligent people like to let loose and party too. If you keep good company you get invited to good parties, and vice versa. If you just gatecrash random ragers of course it's going to be "culturally dead" you autist.
If having sex with random women is bad call me fucking Capitan Blicero

>> No.16763179

kys wannabe normie

>> No.16763180

holy shit you sound like a faggot
don't complain when you can't pass your genes on because "m-muh fuckin poetry, look how superior i am"
kill yourself, beta

>> No.16763230

I'm most certainly not a normie. I do what I like, in fact I've been told that I come off as a complete fucking freak by multiple people. You seem mildly bitter

>> No.16763242

>lmao what a loser reads poetry in his 20s instead of getting drunk at parties
nobody talks like this dont bullshit me

>> No.16763250
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You sound like a total faggot irl. You probably have a circle of floaty normie friends and you feel secure knowing that these people pass by you in life in a transient web of self serving acquaintancships, but anybody with real substance probably sees right through you.

>> No.16763265

>go to a party
>its just people complaining about their jobs
normie millennials are fucking terrible

>> No.16763279

You couldn't be further from the truth. I do best with one on one conversations, I have a few really close friends and usually get invited to shit by happenstance. If my friends were the way you described them I'd actually consider suicide

>> No.16763301
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>don't drink, not a moral or anything just dont enjoy it
>go to parties
>at first enjoy myself, talk and what not
>people want me to stay
>everyone gets shit faced and are either emotionally distraught or trying to jump between dangerous objects
I dont look down on people letting loose but i really do not like parties.

>> No.16763307

People are annoying, especially people i dont know. I have no desire to meet new people. People arent that interesting.

Leave me alone.

>> No.16763310
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>he doesn't enjoy jumping between dangerous objects

>> No.16763372

I grew up in a party town in Florida, and you can only see so many dudes try climbing down hotels and falling to their deaths during spring break before it becomes unfunny

>> No.16763388

Fuck parties.

I do concerts, raves, and most importantly: festivals. Or at least I did pre-pandemic. So much better.

>> No.16763395

festival culture is the pinnacle of bourgeois dogshit

>> No.16763401

At some point it must loop back around and become funny again, no?

>> No.16763406

what makes you say that, asked Socrates

>> No.16763417

Yeah, maybe at shitty American festivals where the focus seems to just be on getting good pics for social media

>> No.16763427

>that guy who talks about poetry at parties

>> No.16763431

no festivals in Germany and Denmark etc shit are just as bourgeois and shitty

>> No.16763487

Never been to any in Germany. Went to Roskilde fest last year though; saw some great sets but did seem to mostly be a younger crowd there. Was annoyed at all the trash around too; I had always imagined northern Europeans as being more environmentally conscious desu

>> No.16763600

get better friends

>> No.16764068

Poetry is gay and feminine. If he just read books it would be no big deal.

>> No.16764073

Insecure opinion. Women love poets

>> No.16764100

I'm only interested in chubby latinas and from what I can tell they're indifferent to poems

>> No.16764113

>Poetry is gay and feminine
you're weak

>> No.16764254

>intelligent people like to let loose and party too
no they don't. not in anything you have in mind at least. stop repeating dogmatic degenerate doggerel someone maliciously invented not even a hundred years ago as if it were absolute.

>If having sex with random women is bad call me fucking Capitan Blicero
Capitan Blicero

>> No.16764262

northern europeans are just americans. even more so than other anglos. so what would you expect.

>> No.16764312

you sound really cringe not gonna lie especially the "capitan blicero" remark
>stop repeating dogmatic degenerate doggerel someone maliciously invented not even a hundred years ago as if it were absolute.
you should do the same

>> No.16764351

>no they don’t
Honey, being a loser without social skills doesn’t make you intelligent, and being fun with social skills doesn’t make you stupid. Most great writers partied, you just suck at life

>> No.16764569

you need to party at least a little to *get* certain books

>> No.16764586

>first half of 20s
Stupid risky adventures
>second half of 20s
Who cares fuck old people lmao

>> No.16764627

i bet you're fun at parties

>> No.16764690

The truly masculine doesn't give a fuck about female pleasure

>> No.16764799


white noise

>> No.16764943

Your deskmate may or may not be right, but it's a valid question. Did anyone have a response?

>> No.16765345

I go to parties and talk about literature. Dated a few girls, but none felt right. Made many great friends though and even started a discord bookclub.

>> No.16765391

I don't like parties because I don't like crowds, noise or the company of other people, and I don't drink alcohol.

>> No.16765807

>Most great writers partied
loser who can't think for himself

genuinely, you cannot be an intellectual of any substance if you let the culture dictate you like this or think anyone around you has anything of value to say. obviously you don't care about that, like everyone else, that's ok but stop trying to standardise me coping manchild.

>> No.16765818


>he doesnt party like a beast shouting out ancient greek poems and debate about who is the good guy in Iliad :hector or Achille

some people will never make it.

>> No.16765952

>People aren't that interesting
This, 99% of people don't have anything interesting to say, myself included.