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16762286 No.16762286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books that talk about this?

>> No.16762320
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>> No.16762328

Declining birthrates are good. Now if only Africa, China, and India would take the fucking hint.

>> No.16762333

China’s on it. I think.

>> No.16762345

Declining birthrates are mostly irrelevant, it's overconsumption that's the problem. Amerifats consume so much more than others that they more than offset their declining birthrate. The only consideration where population roughly correlates to bad things is pollution.

>> No.16762351

anti-natalists and environ-mental-ists BTFO

>> No.16762401

For 99% of human history families were functionally identical to businesses (the Cottage Economy) and having children was the main way of increasing your workforce. When they're 4 years old and toddling around they can carry buckets of seeds to the ducks and from then on to adulthood they increase your family's output, security and stature. It was an ECONOMICALLY good decision to have children; they generated wealth.
Now that is obviously not the case. It is extraordinarily expensive to have kids, and they offer little more than security when you're retiring (and often this is not even the case- to the retirement home with you!)
No nihilism, religion, philosophy, immigration levels, fertility policy, housing developments or incel uprisings can explain the falling birthrates. The only thing that explains falling birthrates is the fact 90% of humanity no longer lives on family farms like it did 100 years ago.

>> No.16762494

Generating wealth is no kind of purpose. Propagating your genes is. And you do that by having a family. Family is the purpose, wealth is the means.
>No nihilism, religion, philosophy, immigration levels, fertility policy, housing developments or incel uprisings can explain the falling birthrates.
You're wrong about pretty much all of these. The purpose of life is to propagate your genes. It comes naturally to us. We naturally want to do it. It takes something unnatural to get rid of that want. You need religion, culture, philosophy, and policies to do that. Other things work as well. Incels can't physically have families. Poor people living in cramped apartments have hard time supporting families. But mostly it is indeed about nihilistic culture.

>> No.16762520

Also the pill

>> No.16762527

It would be naive to explain everything away as caused by one, mere factor. "Everything is the move from farms to cities." In reality, it's an interplay between various factors.

>> No.16762539


>> No.16762545

this cartoon is very stupid

people enjoy having sex, before contraception having sex had a good chance of leading to a baby
for the vast majority of human history the vast majority of people were either hunter-gatherers or subsistence farmers
they worked to produce the neccesities of life, not to create surplus
another child is another mouth to feed

>> No.16762568
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>> No.16762569

>The only consideration where population roughly correlates to bad things is pollution.
This is important. Have you started the book?

>> No.16762598

I'm so jealous of you who live in countries where pills are readily available. The only form of contraception here are condoms. Also considering the pill makes women prefer feminine men and I look like a twink, maybe I would have a chance where women are on the pill.

>> No.16762601

>Back in the day people had VALUES and the FAMILY was important
>actually no, people had children because it would increase their bottom line lol

>> No.16762602

do you live in afghanistan or something?

>> No.16762606

You should just get married so you can have sex.
The reality is that it is a bit of both but we are beset by extremists on all sides.

>> No.16762618

There's an entire section about this issue in the second tome of Spengler's The Decline of the West.

>> No.16762643

>this cartoon is very stupid
I feel like it only applies to Russia and other post-Soviet countries, and even then some weird idealized version of it

>> No.16762650
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95% of the human race needs to be sterilized or purged. This should be done based on health outcomes and IQ. The remaining 5% should only be permitted to have 3 children per couple (to account for deaths before reproduction, infertility, incels). There also needs to be strict laws on overconsumtion- no more city-dwelling non-producers. It's this or hellfire.

>> No.16762653

The pill has been a disaster for the human race. Just don't be a whore.

>> No.16762676

Nigga, humans have a SEX drive, not a propagation drive. Once the invention of reliable contraceptives decoupled those things, propagation could be viewed from economic and philosophical angles. Hormones were cut out of the loop.

Lower birthrates are only a good thing for the race, anyway, as lifespans will balloon once we start trotting out cures for cancer et al.

>> No.16762686

Fight back boys

>> No.16762702

Armenia, tbf i haven't checked I just assume there aren't any or they're expensive, and even if neither is the case I doubt that a lot of women regularly use them. All women here want to have children.
Getting married will not allow me to have sex without a condom
>Muh humanity
Couldn't care less, I just want to be an unmasculine guy who can fuck without consequences.

>> No.16762704
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There is literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.16762718

Schopenhauer would disagree. Actually read him.

>> No.16762740

Yes I am also anti capitalist and read marxist literature.
Only way to stay sane.

>> No.16762743
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It's not about "m'uh humanity" you vile coomer. It's about biology. The pill has wrecked a generation of women. Roughly midway though the vid I linked summarizes it well. We can partly trace the skyrocketing rates of divorce, infidelity, single-motherhood, etc. to the pill. It has been a DISASTER. And for what? So women can work at slavecorp™ (and subsequently undermine male earning power), pay T H E S T A T E to raise their children, and fuck around without consequences.

>> No.16762757

Jesus, get off the fucking ideology before your brain melts completely.

>> No.16762770

the 1700s were not 100 years ago

>> No.16762788

Having Kids is a stress inducing, and paranoid nightmare. It takes time, effort, commitment and a lot of work. Studies show that having children Will make you less happier for a long time, before they grow up.
So no wonder People have less children, when we get to have sex without conceiving a child.
Also as another anon said, economically having children is a fucking nightmare, and our entire society revolves around having money or not. Either you can afford something or you cant, its a very binary thing. Im 24 years old and a healthy male, but wont have children the next 4 - 5 years because I need to finish school and have a stable job because I Can risk getting My girlfriend pregnant.
Compare that to some 1800 farmer, plowingn his fields and then his wife to create Child number 12, 4 of The previous ones already dead before the age of 6.

>> No.16762795

The book of Genesis is all about spreading your seed and being fruitful
Two daughters even fuck their father to ensure he has more kids

>> No.16762796

>Nigga, humans have a SEX drive, not a propagation drive.
The purpose of sex is propagation. Propagation is always the goal. You liking sex is merely the imperfect approximation of you liking to propagate your genes. No matter what contraceptive you invent, evolution will eventually make you hate it. Without technology, sex and propagation are equivalent. With enough time, sex and propagation will be equivalent regardless of technology.

>> No.16762798

Women will ALWAYS choose the more masculine male as their mate. Best to try your luck at gay bars twink, but even then you might not get hot date, seeing how repulsively hedonistic your personality is.

>> No.16762803
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Woah.. this really opened my eyes

We are a sociewty

>> No.16762806

The ideology of evolution? I'm afraid I can't do that. It is hard to ignore laws of nature.

>> No.16762828

Books that talk about having many kids to guarantee at least one of them survival after the age of five?

>> No.16762850

What exactly do you think a "law of nature" is, and why is making a baby one of Them?
And if its a law of nature, why are birth rates dropping, despite People having more sex than ever? Sex is literally every where, but People Arent having more children.
Its called a sex drive, and has nothing to do with some traditional nuclear family or whatever 1900 american propaganda youre on.