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16760014 No.16760014 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure where to post this
Looking for books, probably older ones, that have a clear understanding of the effects and uses of various herbs and foods.
Everything I find at the surface of the internet on the matter is hot sewage

Anyone have any leads?

>> No.16760120


>> No.16760288

also interested so bump
I would look into alchemy and early medicine in general, like middle ages stuff. They typically have that herbal edge to them, because they didn't have constructed medicines yet.

>> No.16760331

Hilde Hemmes. I was given a pamphlet of her recipes and it was pretty good, she uses mostly western European native herbs. I hope you can get a better answer because I'm also quite interested in this subject ever since I found out that aspirin is synthetic willow park.

>> No.16760342

The Foxfire Books

>> No.16760346

the willow tree is also known as the aspen tree
thats where the names from
most medicine that is useful is found in nature
antibiotics are cool, but typically you just need to fight it off anyways, they have become necessitated by modernity since we live in a sterile environment (poor immune system) and in close proximity to other (cities). Other than that they become unnecessary. Not anti medicine, but people seem to think that the old medicinal techniques have been rendered obsolete or useless, and they simply serve a different purpose.

>> No.16760385

Who the fuck is Willow Park?

>> No.16760647


>> No.16760788

Look into Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's still practiced today (including in the West), so it's less LARPy than these people recommending alchemy.

>> No.16761223

>eastern spiritualism in the west
>less larpy

>> No.16761506

It's a properly functioning academic field that offers degrees and has certifications. It's used worldwide, and has been proven to help with certain conditions. Stop thinking in terms of memes where you try to debunk things with a two line greentext.

>> No.16761750

it's willow bark

>> No.16761769

alchemy became chemistry and abandoned herbalism. It's always better to use locally available remedies, and I'd recommend people look towards their own environment firstly although there's certainly nothing wrong with getting knowledge from the Chinese.

>> No.16761819

yeah, i know, but its def a chinese tradition
we dont have the same herbs in na as they do in china, in the same way we dont have european herbs
i recommended alchemy, not to practice (which is just as cringe and larpy as western buddhism) but to see how herbalism and traditional medicine was practiced
of course this is assuming op is american/na, but thats not a very difficult one
theres really no books on na medicinal practices other than
which i havent personally read so i didnt want to recommend it
and he probably isnt looking for full medicinal certification

>> No.16761822


For any Americans, I can't stress this enough, the American Indigenous have TROVES of knowledge and documentation on local American plants and their uses

>> No.16762094

how do you process it?

>> No.16762372
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>harroooo I have magnetic enelgy celtification, rear science like in hospitar, I treat you rear good, also speciar noredge in all animar testicr to hearing

>> No.16762381

You dry it and make tea. Please look it up so you don't fuck it up.

>> No.16762394

There's a book called Al-Tibb Al-Nabawi which might interest you especially regarding habits of eating and properties of food, digestibility and so forth.

>> No.16763589

where would i find these?

>> No.16763969

There's loads of them
This ones great

>> No.16763980

Awesome, I'll look into this. Thank you.

>> No.16764197

You make a good point. Unless you start your own garden (which I'd recommend either way) you won't be able to have the reliable supply you would if you knew local herbs.

I'm American. Why are you seething so much? I have said nothing confrontational.

>> No.16764340

I have a decent oncological hypothesis
, which if correct, would remit 80% of cancers without harsh chemotherapy agents. It's not herbal hogwash either. I won't disclose it but it involves a bifurcated approach, one building off a pathway which therapeutically been explored only recently. The other is older but renewed interest paired with dietary modification.

However, at present, I won't disclose. I won't explore. I won't research. When you're at a low position in life friends, you have no bargaining power.

>> No.16765102
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>snorting endangered species extract to align your chi
Less LARP doesn't mean less stupid

>> No.16765119
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