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16761169 No.16761169 [Reply] [Original]

The best World War 1 novel

Fuck The Magic Mountain
Fuck Storm of Steel
Fuck All Quiet on the Western Front

>> No.16761178

wtf I just namedropped this guy in the William Carlos Williams thread. Good to know you faggots have read him.

>> No.16761304
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Wrong, fag

>> No.16761310

i recall you making this exact thread about a month ago. why do you re-post the same thread? why not expand on your viewpoints?

>> No.16761329

just read A Storm in Flanders for real WW1 kino

>> No.16761340

The last like 2 chapters in no way make The Magic Mountain a WWI novel in the least

>> No.16761351

>Fuck Storm of Steel
Storm of Steel is the only good WW1 novel, Parades End has the same theme of "Young people die, war bad :(", and is EXTREMELY faggy

>> No.16761354

The Magic Mountain provides the atmosphere and thought that lead up to World War 1

>> No.16761360
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Not a novel but where does this rank here?

>> No.16761367

>it's good because it reaffirms my Call of Duty-inspired modern worldview

>> No.16761383

the entire novel is an allegory for WW1 you absolute fucking mongoloid

>> No.16761396


>> No.16761397
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>book from the 1920
>Call of Duty-inspired modern worldview

>> No.16761413

Not the book, your worldview.

>> No.16761441
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An epic poem but it's damn good

>> No.16761486

whattabout Sven Hassel?

>> No.16761557


>> No.16761580
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Wrong, fag

>> No.16761686


Sorry mate that's The Man Without Qualities Ford is a good shoutout and doesn't get enough love though

>> No.16761698

Why does WWI have so much more kino novels than WWII?

>> No.16761746


WW1 had more uncertainty behind it

>> No.16761757

Correct. Céline was a master.

>> No.16761758

It was the originally called the Great War. It changed things forever first, to the point where WWII can be seen as a reaction to it.

>> No.16761763

Because WW1 was the end of history.

>> No.16762063


>> No.16762433

I tried to get into it but I just didn’t like the style. Maybe I was also tainted by the story of Ford blubbering in public because Hemingway was more popular than him and that he hadn’t won any of the awards he deserves.

There are a lot of better writers than Hemingway who don’t get the accolades that Hemingway gets, but fucking man-up.

Maybe I should try it again.

>> No.16762773

Spamming is more effective than making points in getting people interested

>> No.16763165

Never heard of it and I don't usually like the war poets but this looks based.

>> No.16763251
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Ty for the recs I have pirated them all.

>> No.16763267

There was still a European world after WWI. Too many good Europeans were displaced by the second one and/or lost the will to write, especially Central European authors. Plus there was not such an extended period of peace and prosperity before it

>> No.16764086

Western civilization really did a number on itself with ww2 huh. I don't think it will ever recover.

>> No.16764109

>he hasn't read The Wars by Timothy Findley

>> No.16764675
File: 45 KB, 428x565, grossman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grossman created the definitive work about WWII, so other writers decided to not try.

>> No.16764707

>Parades End has the same theme of "Young people die, war bad :(
That’s definitely not the major theme of the novel. The first and last book don’t even take place during the war

>> No.16764728

he wrote about ww2 anon
good adventure stuff tho. read some of them when i was a kid

>> No.16764745

Parade’s End is a really good book but this a low quality post.

>> No.16764762
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>> No.16764772

>The Magic Mountain
>WW1 Novel

Pick one and only one.

>> No.16764776

Is this cozy?

>> No.16764784
File: 228 KB, 654x1157, memoirsofio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good, a chance to shill this again.

>> No.16764823

WWI was halfway between the modern industrial war and the old aristocratic war. There was still a place in it for Sassoon, Owen, Tolkien, Remarque, and all the others, but its transformation into a mechanized, industrialized war left almost all the writers disgusted and alienated. Meanwhile WWII was the culmination of the industrial war, which is why there was no great artistic output from it, and when you look at authors of WWII most of them are paperback adventure type writers, the only real 'lit' authors I can think of are Evelyn Waugh and Joseph Heller.

>> No.16764836

>Meanwhile WWII was the culmination of the industrial war, which is why there was no great artistic output from it
This is pretty true. WWI still had a "soul". WWII was just a shitty meatgrinder. Modern war is even worse.

>> No.16765716

Give us a description anon.

>> No.16765764

Sassoon's poetry is fucking incredible. Reading this will probably murder me.

>> No.16766021

Absolutely retarded take. WWI was the epitome of a meatgrinder and mechanized warfare. I wonder what "soul" there can be being shelled and gassed in a squalid trench, and then charging to be gunned down by machine-guns and repeating the cycle again

>> No.16766355

'The greatest fortune in war is to be wounded. One is freed of the heavy weight of labour and the peasant burdens of the billet in towns evacuated in spirit.'
One cannot fail to recognise that the most antiwar voices came from those who served the least. Ironically the pacifists share something in common with the cowardly command, and their numbers spread just as they disappeared.
Contrary to Goethe's comment it was the peasant character that thrived, holding to Xenophon's martial law of morale towards victory. Most of the sacrifices were for this, and in Will Bird's account we see nearly as much dedication to fighting the cowardly English officers as we do the Germans. It was largely this toppling of the old structure that won the war, whereas the German professionalism lost sight of the earth forces and so the very sacrifice of the peasantry and the oldest German national myth. Fate that Germany would lose to the simplest and Christian pantheism.
For the pacifists there was nothing but impoverishment. The wealth of the war and particularly the wounded was lost to them. At least one was known for his sharp elitism and cruel eye towards his fellow soldiers (sassoon?). It was only with the wound that these men began to see the war, and an imagined camradery with the growing antiwar militias to come. The other war wounded, whether of a peasant character or Goethe's highest nobility, were content with a Christian death or simply looking into the eyes of the pretty nurse or fatherly orderly.
The pacifist character failed to see the wealth even outside of the war and it was this that they waged war against, only deepening the poverty.

>> No.16766366

>which is why there was no great artistic output from it
No, you have no artistic output from it because you didn't fight it. It was fought on the Eastern Front.

>> No.16766382

Diomedes' wound. The great wealth in war when the heroes recognise that law and the fulcrum of victory must be inherited by the anonymous forces.

>> No.16766391

The pacifist in his own struggle for armour, stripping away what his fellow dead never had.