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/lit/ - Literature

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16760732 No.16760732[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>one shot at uni
>fell for the stem meme

>> No.16760790

are you retarded??????????????????????????????? HUMANITIES IS THE MEME, KEEP YOUR HEAP UP ANON, YOU WILL MAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.16760812

Some people can suck it up and go for the degree that will earn them money, even if they aren't really that interested in the subject matter. Others need to see some meaning in what they do beyond the purely financial aspect.

>> No.16760828
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Study STEM and you will regret it - don't study STEM and you will regret it - study STEM or don't study STEM, you will regret it either way.

>> No.16760854

based an ayypilled

>> No.16760856

Yeah, you should only study STEM if you actually enjoy it and don't mind being middle class. If it was money you were after you should have gone into finance.

>> No.16760859

Don't be a fag, just enjoy uni

>> No.16760880 [DELETED] 
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>one shot at uni
>drop dead

>> No.16760898

Im taking psychology
Yeah I'm thinking I've fucked up

>> No.16760903

I am 28 in an international relations masters and still cant find a good job or feel like a productive member of society at all. I am just sitting and praying my basic foreign languages knowledge and international law basics will give me a job in the foreign ministry of my country in the next years, but if I could start over I would go for STEM.

>> No.16760923

This, gentlemen, is the essence of all philosophayyy

>> No.16760939

>fell for the computer science meme
>0 programming skills
will I make it?

>> No.16761043

based and kierkegaardpilled

>> No.16761070

No. I have been a NEET for 3 years now since I graduated. Literally fell for the money in tech meme, only to find out I hate it. At least I can read books in peace now.

>> No.16761104

Is medicine a good field of study or am i fucked?

>> No.16761184

The only memes in university are us. The truth is that you can succeed with the meme-iest of degrees and fail with the "best" ones. It's all about the connections you make and the thought you put into your career path(s). Since you're probably an autist like most of us here I recommend sticking with STEM. It's more straightforward with regards to finding a job afterwards.

>> No.16761221

I dont regret it. I get a decent paying 2-10 gig as a lab monkey which gives me time to write and exercise in the morning

>> No.16761305

What the fuck, is that AYYYLMAO real?

>> No.16761308


>> No.16761319

Walk around campus with a giant bag of skittles. Whenever someone asks for some (they will because the bag is so big) ask for a Snapchat follow in exchange. Accrue a couple hundred mutuals. These mutuals will eventually post about parties they’re throwing or attending. Go to these parties and post snaps showing showing what a socially successful normalnigger you are with party location and details. Do this consistently and your Snapchat will explode in popularity.

Boom, you will now have made an elite connection pool to leverage for opportunities.

>> No.16761325

Did this work for you

>> No.16761385

You will never get employed.

>> No.16761398

Nope, but this strategy comes from someone young and successful unlike me.

> Like I literally just showed up to school, carrying around a bag of king-sized Skittles around my dorm, and anybody who was like, 'Yo, can I get some Skittles?' I'd be like, 'Give me your Snapchat.' And so naturally that first day I got... 200 people added me and then one guy was like, 'Hey, come to this party.'

>I went to that party. And then I started posting those parties on my Snapchat. So within the first week of school, I had 2000 people who added me, like freshmen who are looking for parties. Very quickly I knew, like how VCs want deal flow, kids want party flow. So if I just give them all these parties, people are gonna like me. From there I realized, 'OK, I've got this following. I should probably be using it.' So I started like just posting, basically like my Snapchat became my blog, a blog of my life and I learned very quickly how to push content, and that might seem not that important, but I think community building is a lot of... finding people of a general demographic and then adding value to them."

> Sudarshan Sridharan is a 20-year-old co-founder of the wildfire prediction startup Fion.tech, and co-creator of the Gen Z Mafia. We discuss: How to launch a tech startup when you're only 20; how VCs want deal flow but college kids want party flow; how awkward outcasts can "flip the switch" to start networking; how to use Twitter; and the benefits of being silent and elevating others.

Source: https://share.transistor.fm/s/53928d73

>> No.16761420
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> I just graduated with a degree in Computer Science
> I never liked Computer Science but my parents said they wouldn't help me with tuition if I changed my major
> Have good paying job in Development
> Bored out of my mind already
> Picked up a second major in Economics along the way

I unironically don't know where to go from here

>> No.16761482
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>Pick a natural sciences major
>Learn about how beautiful the world is and how great God's Creation is.
Feeling alright.

>> No.16761547

I knew aliens were real.

>> No.16761564

Economics is worse dude

>> No.16761645

What are you smoking? Economics BSC is the best way onto either an MSC in finance or an MBA. Economics is the top major for world CEO’s. You just have to have your BSC from a good university.

>> No.16761646

>went to school
>majored in CS
>interned at FAANG tech company
>it was ok
>decided to go into consulting instead
>60% of the pay, but I do a lot more various things
>planning to study at seminary online before going to do my PhD in Ethics in Machine Learning Models

I don't know where this quest line is headed, but it's been pretty interesting so far.

>> No.16761693

everyone always says "do side projects" but what does that mean exactly? How do I summon the motivation to actually work on something?

>> No.16761702

> I don't know where this quest line is headed, but it's been pretty interesting so far.

Shut the fuck up

>> No.16761709
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Is Finance actually a good subject to get a masters in?

I'm wanting to get a Grad degree in something in the next few years

>> No.16761721

this is not real, i'm sure of it

>> No.16761741

You're right. I shouldn't have adopted such pedestrian language into my blog. I will be more wary of it next time.

>> No.16761761
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i skipped college and joined the marine corps. i have less than a year left and now ive spent so long away from school that i dont think i can pass the math and science portion of an SAT/ACT, so im trying to learn up.

i wanna get into the history+lit program at harvard ideally. ultimate life, service to my country, attend our finest and oldest higher-education to study american history. write and study to preserve our history.

>> No.16761817

Here's to you achieving your dreams anon.

>> No.16761825

holy shit is that real? How did we get footage of this?

>> No.16761827

Yes definitely. Is that even a question? Finance masters get you into both buy side and sell side finance jobs. MBA is preferable (especially if you’re a yank) of course especially for sell side investment banking (Mergers and acquisitions). But finance masters can help you to get analyst level postions in equity research for example. You can always go the accounting route with economics as well. Another highly lucrative field especially if you become certified CPA account. Lots of CEO’s are accountants.

>> No.16762314

There is nowhere to go.

>> No.16762323

I graduated with a 4.0 in Computer Science but I was intermittently psychotic the whole time and now I don't remember anything so I probably can't get a job lol

>> No.16762717

I fell for the humanities meme. realized how bleak my prospects were and dropped out. now I'm a neet, might just suck it up and get a bunch of IT certificates

>> No.16762742

Why does it always end up like this? One day a /his/ fag complaining and the next a /stem/fag.

>> No.16762867

>one shot at uni
>fell for the uni meme

>> No.16762931

If you're not established with a significant network (as in doctor parents with doctor friends and lots of connections in institutions corporations etc.) or have significant capital to back you up, you will most definitely be worked to the bone. And while yes, you'll make decent money, it is a very tiring and soul-rending affair if you don't have a moral affection or an acute personal interest towards what you do. Since in an average case, most of your time will be spent in hospitals and clinics.

>> No.16762954


>> No.16762965

What a pathetic way to live -
>find out what others want and give it to them
As far away from based as its possible to get.

>> No.16763285

>Leddit spacing

>> No.16763313

>fell for the film school meme
>took til senior year to get a professor honest enough to tell us all to our faces that we weren't gonna make it
>didn't make it

>> No.16763325

what are my chances if I drop out of uni? I did stem and english and honestly just think I cant stand school. are alternative schools actually good or just a meme

>> No.16763326

low test

>> No.16763356

unfortunately very true

>> No.16763374

I honestly don’t understand why all you posters who claim to be NEETS with STEM degrees don’t just get jobs

>> No.16763379

Figure out what you want to do for a living, and then go learn how to do that. Going to college because you don't know what else to do with your life is a recipe for disaster.

>> No.16763414

>one shot at uni
>fell for the economics meme

Economics has been thoroughly thrown out the window in last 6 months

>> No.16763428

>tfw gonna study History at Bristol


>> No.16763429

Because the sociable folk who network/people who managed to get papers published in journals get them all.

>> No.16763446

Why are none of you fags in allied health? Flexible hours giving you as much or as little free time as you want. Plentiful jobs all over the world especially rural areas. Mentally stimulating if you choose something like optometry or physical if you choose nursing or inbetween if physio. the only downside is you'll be forever stuck under a 6 figure salary. however if you only plans in life is to read and game all day like me it's great.

>> No.16763449

>one shot at mating
>fell for the study hard meme

>> No.16763464

Holy shit how did they find it?

>> No.16763467

Almost done with my ee degree, but holy Christ, thanks to covid it's such a mess.
As much as I hate lab assignments and the tedious reports, I'm really missing the hands on experience.
Only seeing circuits, machines etc. in simulation software sucks even more.

>> No.16763473
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How do you actually figure out what you want to do in your life? I'm a Software Engineer now but honestly don't like it.

I was always much more interested in linguistics/learning communications and charisma and have considered focusing on that more, but I have no idea where a career in that would lead

>> No.16763489
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There are highly lucrative degrees, moderately okay degrees, and garbage degrees. What matters most is where you live and what you want to do for money. I have a /his/ degree and live an upper middle class life in Canada as a teacher. Loved what I studied in uni and like my career too.

>> No.16763510

What did you get a bachelor's in? Thought about IR for undergrad but became a litfag instead

>> No.16763517

Uni teacher? Or did you go for an after degree ed?

>> No.16763525

Race? Age? Country? Do you have a degree?

>> No.16763535

Getting a teaching license a 2 year post-grad program here. 5 years of uni total because I did my undergrad in 3 years.

>> No.16763552

Nice, My Fiance is doing the same thing. Pretty comfy.
Good for you

>> No.16763561

i cant't believe what im reading. undisputed genius. as i get older, i start to realize how hard it is to obtain impeccable people skills like this

>> No.16763592
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Wait, is actually humanities a meme? thinking of becoming a teacher but afraid of being a Stoner

>> No.16763603

>Pretty comfy
It really is. It's kind of a meme job to be honest but I'm enjoying the vacation time and high pay for as long as I can. I'm SUPPOSED to get a pension too, but I have doubts that I'll actually get anything ~25 years from now. Regardless there are certainly worse ways to keep the lights on.

>> No.16763610


>> No.16763613

Stoner is from a long gone age when faculties weren't over saturated.

if you're going for a humanities degree you cannot expect a tenured position or a full time HS gig for years to come.

I love the humanities and think they are important but if youre looking for financial sustainability you can't go down that path.

>> No.16763634

>study at uni
>realize my major is vastly different college to college depending on their school of thought
why do they hide this shit?

>> No.16763643

Extremely debased. Give manchildren candy in exchange for popularity. Modern society is a cancer. Read Jung and fix yourself.


>> No.16763651

>you cannot expect [...] a full time HS gig for years to come.
It depends massively on where you are. Some places (Vancouver, for example) have massive teacher shortages.

>> No.16763663

I majored in stem but just took a shit ton of lit electives. Im in a poetry masters program now and im somehow more well read than my peers

>> No.16763675

I fell for the PhD meme.

The closer I get to finishing, the further away the end seems.