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/lit/ - Literature

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16760244 No.16760244[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>almost thirty
>never had a romantic relationship or had sex

Any books about this issue or about a similar character?

It's so painful, I feel like dying.

>> No.16760251

kill youself op you fucking failure

>> No.16760262

Have you considered joining the clergy?

>> No.16760272

>Any books about this issue or about a similar character?
my diary desu

>> No.16760280

Bumping because I'm also interested. There are a lot of works with proto-incel characters, but even they get laid, usually out of pity or payment. A book with a true loner doesn't come to mind right now.

>> No.16760281

Eliot Rodger - My Twisted World
Arthur Schopenhauer - On Women
D.H. Lawrence - Lady Chatterley's Lover
J. D. Unwind - Sex and Culture
Houellebecq - Whatever
Dr. Castle - Blackpill Theory: Why Incels Are Right and You Are Wrong

>> No.16760284

Women are like 3D porn. Why would you be in pain that you haven't been jerking off to 3D porn for 10+ years? That's a good thing. People who do that are time wasting degenerates.

>> No.16760286

How To Be Alone Forever is a good one.

>> No.16760289

sex is one giant normalfag psyop. no one has sex.

>> No.16760290

The Outsider by Wilson

>> No.16760291

Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.16760300

Mars by Fritz Zorn

>> No.16760305

It's not a novel.

>> No.16760307

My diary until this summer desu

>> No.16760309

Also The Walk by Robert Walser

>> No.16760327

Miguel de Unamuno's "Mist" has some interesting passages about the sexuality of its main character and how his interaction with women ruins his life. But that's just an aspect of the novel, so if that's explicitly what you're looking for I'd give preferences to other recommendations ITT.

>> No.16760349

Just remember that if you had sex and a romantic relationship you would still be miserable and something else would be making you feel like dying. Meditate. Seek peace, not satisfaction of desire.

>> No.16760353

op mate
you can better yoourself
you must have a dream?
you can work towards it
don't kill yoursself
i'll miss you

>> No.16760359

I'm confused, how did everyone here not get laid in highschool?

>> No.16760363

true, but no incel is ever going to believe that

>> No.16760369


>> No.16760371

It's literary criticism. It's a list of novels with that character archetype. You should be more open minded and investigate things longer than a quick search anon.

>> No.16760380

I've read it, but it's not a novel. Why not just post the relevant novels referenced in that work?

>> No.16760394

Not OP but I'm not an American, where I live it's actually pretty rare (I presume because I never had any friends to talk about it with) to get laid in HS, the average age of initiation is 19 here. But 28 year old KHHVs like myself are an oddity too

>> No.16760409

OP said "any books." You said you are interested in what he asked. You then said "works." I recommended a classic work of literary criticism that lists dozens of books on the topic and analyses the archetype. Not only was "novel" not specified, I hope it's easy to see why a work of literary criticism is a useful resource for finding novels you would like (you can think of it as a bunch of wikipedia articles if that helps you), and also that literary criticism is generally of interest to people on a literature board. But who knows with phone posters in 2020.

>> No.16760415

just a reminder that if you weren't a homeless and actually had a home you would still be miserable and something else would be making you feel like dying. Meditate. Seek peace,
not satisfaction of desire.

notes from the underground, if you haven't read it yet. It doesn't focus heavily on sexuality, but its painfully clear that lots of his problems stem from his inability to connect with other people.

>> No.16760417

As an incel myself, Mizoguchi is literally me

>> No.16760418

I was such a loser in highschool. In the early years I still retained some of that childlike eccentricity and confidence from before highschool, and I even had a girlfriend in the first year. She was a shy girl and we used to look at each other in class and smile. We dated but barely even went as far as holding hands, and then she became more popular and I drifted into the background. Spending almost every lunch hour walking around in circles alone, standing in the bathroom alone, wishing for the hour to be over so I could return to class and be almost home. Becoming more and more closed off and mute while my peers matured and did adult-type things like go on dates, go to parties, attend nightclubs and so on. I am very much a stunted child in many ways. Then becoming okay-looking towards the end of highschool but still not pursuing any relationships, feeling too insecure towards everyone, paranoid even. Then in college I made a brief effort at the beginning to meet someone and it became obvious I just lacked whatever it takes to find a girlfriend. Some girls even showed interest in me but I played dumb, acted cold, or just didn't know how to talk to them. From then on it's just been a gradual retreat into my own thoughts, a disappearing act which has lasted almost my whole life at this point.

>> No.16760421

literally me

>> No.16760426

Statistically speaking, only 2% of men are virgins at the age of thirty. And only 1% of women.

>> No.16760427

do drugs

>> No.16760437

>have no friends
>don’t talk to people
>be an autist
Simple as

>> No.16760441

never leave the house

>> No.16760451

stuck with my own group of autistic friends, never talked to girls, never made an effort with girls who showed interest. just never happened idk.

>> No.16760465

never leaving the house is the effect of loneliness not the cause of it. being unattractive and with social hangups is what makes wizards.

>> No.16760483

That's still ten of millions.

>> No.16760484

yeah im a 29 khhv and a mentalcel it sucks

>> No.16760498

Only fat girls and men show romantic interest in me. God I wish I were a faggot.

>> No.16760503

Be schizoid as fuck and you’ll be a wizard before you know it

>> No.16760506

same boat. turned 29 yesterday.

>> No.16760511

I've got good news for you.

>> No.16760522

my b-day is today lol happy belated birthday anon im gonna cope with food and drugs

>> No.16760536

Happy birthday guys

>> No.16760545

>Houellebecq - Whatever

>> No.16760547
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>From then on it's just been a gradual retreat into my own thoughts, a disappearing act which has lasted almost my whole life at this point.

>> No.16760565

>Meditate. Seek peace
>t.slave moralist

>> No.16760579

This, I have never seen a sex in my life.

>> No.16760578

Be a loser but not a smelly D&D loser so you don't fit in anywhere. Seethe constantly so no one likes you and do nothing but solitary hobbies. If you're good at anything be an asshole about it.

>> No.16760583

Book of disquiet

>> No.16760594

thanks man

>> No.16760623

happy b-day to you anon. go easy on drugs


>> No.16760630
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Are we wishing someone a happy birthday in this thread?

Happy birthday to the birthday boy

>> No.16760635

chill out brah

>> No.16760657
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>> No.16760670

I got shitfaced last night and texted this girl who used to be infatuated with me but now hates me. There’s probably no point to life. We’re all gonna make it bros.

>> No.16760671

Is it so bad? Are you craving it because it is socially expected or do you feel a serious need for personal intimacy?

>> No.16760675


>> No.16760684

You guys are pretty much my only friends.

>> No.16760693
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thank you anon :D

>> No.16760699

yeah i will its finna be lit jfl
go get that bitch im rooting for you anon
same i love you guys

>> No.16760700
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Not making excuses, but teens are having less sex. I did a lot of drugs in high school, but never had sex.
t. 19yo

>> No.16760706
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/lit/ is like a cozy cave with a fire in the wasteland

Together we wait out the storm and maintain the fire as a beacon so other retards like us can find shelter

>> No.16760707

This desu

>> No.16760748
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any /lit/ for this feel?

>> No.16760755

The latter.

>> No.16760781

I feel a great deal of genuine sympathy for you anons

>> No.16760789

thanks bro

>> No.16760792

>go get that bitch im rooting for you anon

It’s not going to happen. She loved me a lot at one point but I stayed with the woman I’m with because she’s wealthy and I’m poor with not many job skills. I wanted security over anything else (I was homeless at a couple points in my life; you can’t imagine what that’s like), and so I never gave the first woman the love that she wanted, and we’ve grown older apart. I live thousands of miles away now, sequestered in a small country house, drinking a lot because I have obsessive compulsive disorder and a lot of regrets.

If you’re still young, work hard and go after what you care about because when you’re older you might not get to.

>> No.16760816
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>but I played dumb, acted cold, or just didn't know how to talk to them
I have been doing this constantly my entire life
big hug

>> No.16760825

Maybe some of us will be ok in the end.

>> No.16760826
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Textless khv here too, turned 28 last october. Phimosis and being a manlet didnt help.

I love you guys, we are on the same boat.

>> No.16760837

I spit out the water I was drinking. Thank you

>> No.16760861

I never went to parties in high school but I took three girls’ virginities.

>> No.16760869

Better than being a slave to pussy you'll never get

>> No.16760875

The Book of Pook

>> No.16760887
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aw shucks anon

>> No.16760905

You will find someone at some point because your humble, make an effort to be in groups, join a church, volunteer, you will catch the tempo of the community and catch up to speed with them in time, you will need to find somebody you can trust to create a romantic relationship , and that isn't just anybody, I've had many girls go for me and I couldn't connect with them like you, I realised I couldn't take them seriously as partners, not to fault them but they were not what I needed, atleast when you do find someone special they will receive all of you, and not just sex or attention seeking

>> No.16760922

I wish I had friends like you guys in real life.

>> No.16760930

it would be too weird, its better this way...

>> No.16760942

Fellow phimosis manlet virgin here.

>> No.16760951
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Have any of you guys caved and gotten a prostie? How did that go?

>> No.16760954

i did lol

>> No.16760966
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>> No.16760995

Mental illness

>> No.16761004

i don't even care about sex anymore, i just want to be in love and intimacy

>> No.16761007

I got some handjobs and blowjobs but didn’t fuck any chicks.

>> No.16761009

My best friend lost his virginity to a middle aged Asian woman at a massage parlor.

>> No.16761015

Love and intimacy are harder to attain than sex.

>> No.16761038

Having sex with a girl doggystyle feels pretty good though desu