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/lit/ - Literature

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16757414 No.16757414 [Reply] [Original]

/mu/fag/newfag here, how do I enjoy reading books? I've tried, believe me... I just finished reading Huckleberry Finn and I enjoyed it a lot in hindsight, but I just wasn't really feeling it as I read and wanted to drop the book after every few chapters. This is the case with every other book that I read. I always feel left there at the end of the book saying "that's it?", but the whole time I'm reading the book I'm sitting there trying to finish the book rather than just enjoy it. What's wrong with me? Am I uncultured?

>> No.16757424

hurry, before the psueds show up and tell you to 'start with the greeks or some shit'

dont read something because its a classic, read it because its interesting

you just need to find something that looks interesting and appeals to you, thats the only way you'll enjoy reading

>> No.16757426

Don't read fiction, pleb. Start with the Greeks.

>> No.16757429

the duality of man

>> No.16757435


don't fall for the memes fren

>> No.16757442
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Just read

>> No.16757445

Well, that's the thing... I did enjoy Huckleberry Finn in hindsight, but the reading itself was the part that made me not particularly enjoy the book. I do fine when reading short stories or subtitles on a show or poems(for the most part)... just novels I have a tough time with. Is my attention span fucked?

>> No.16757452

Huck Finn is fucking boring dude. Indulge yourself a little more and develop a love for reading. Go read some fucking Starship Troopers.

>> No.16757456

Don't use your computer or phone for a week. Take more walks and bike rides. Read some philosophy and think about it while on your walk to build your thinking skills.

>> No.16757459

no, definitely read the canon. you don't have to start with the greeks, but reading whatever you find interesting is not ideal. read whatever great work interests you, for sure, but it's suboptimal just to read random shit. remember that it's not meant to be easy. it is also supposed to be enjoyable, but not in a superficial way. good luck

>> No.16757466


>> No.16757473

it's something you can rebuild with practice

>> No.16757476
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Thx 4 bean sincere

>> No.16757477
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Sit down, and force yourself. You'll eventually be able to see an innermost worth in great books and will enjoy it every second and want to read more, rather than enjoying it in a detached sense of "what I got from the book" rather than every word.

t. zoomer who did the same and cured my adhd concentration issues

>> No.16757485

Hm, looks interesting. I'll have to check it out.
I have certainly been taking a lot of long walks and thinking about my situation recently, but getting tech out of my life is going to be a bit difficult considering my new living arrangement and college zoom meets... any tips?

>> No.16757488

Just don't use tech apart from necessary school then.

>> No.16757505

Start with the Greeks if you want to get into philosophy or want a deeper understanding of the fiction you read (Iliad, Odyssey, Oedipus and Antigone, Aenied), but in the end, read what makes you happy. I’m finishing Plato right now and have already read the Sophoclean plays, getting ready for The History of the Pelopeonesian war too, but I completely skipped the epics because I have no interest. Read what makes you happy, but having a basis from certain books might enhance the experience.

>> No.16757675

Wow what a hot take, thanks so much anon, I used to specifically make it a point to read things I was going to hate but that speech really turned me around

>> No.16757737

this. read some entertaining stuff like james bond or song of ice and fire. you gotta actually like reading first. then get into the challenging stuff

>> No.16757824


also this

>> No.16757836

the james bond books are actually pretty good and there's more depth than in the movies. I'd definitely recommend them to someone new to reading for pleasure

>all hobbies have to suck

>> No.16757855

stop reading american books