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16755720 No.16755720 [Reply] [Original]

Are intellectuals inherently MGTOW?

>> No.16755728

No but that dog is an intellectual

>> No.16755730

Yes, w*men are incapable of real thought. Men who waste time on w*m*n will never truly create.

>> No.16755737

Dude is that dog real?

>> No.16755749

My dad is unironically mgtow thanks to internet incels

>> No.16755765

Have you sat down and gave him "the talk" yet?

>> No.16755776

Legitimately, you have to be below average intelligence to still want a modern western woman. It has gotten that bad.

>> No.16755842

You have to be middling to want to just divulge yourself of a large group of ppl

>> No.16755862

Not really, it's exactly middling behavior to imbibe the 'DON'T JUDGE EVERYONE :)' mentality hammered into you thru schooling and media to the point where you've lost the ability to perform pattern recognition and threat assessment based on group identification.
basically, you're the midwit

>> No.16755877

No certainly judge people just realistically. Unless you consider them demon spawn then you can deal w them in some way that's proper even marry in some way. If you consider them demon spawn then you're going to have to do a lot of work in that regard. As an example, people w down syndrome, or even children, are harder to deal with but there are proper ways to relate with them. Even have a child as a child, very odd!

>> No.16755887
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Nah. Dickens married, had tons of kids, and was a family favorite for reading aloud to the grandkids. If it's good enough for Dickens, it's good enough for me.

>mfw (my family when) i was 6 years old and mom & dad read bedtime stories every night

>> No.16755934

>Modern western women
Why do you have to put modern in there. Also what do you expect in a women. You can't expect to take and never give. is there a difference in eastern women? Stop chasing a dream faggot