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16755462 No.16755462 [Reply] [Original]

I remember seeing one anon on here bought this. Did he ever write a review? I really want to see what insanity is used to justify the author's ideas that beer is racist, but I also don't have any interest in supporting globohomo faggots. Anyone take the plunge and read this trash and care to summarize its main arguments?

>> No.16755590



>> No.16755612

There is literally an entire two pages dedicated to worshiping BBC

>> No.16755629

beer is shit

>> No.16755650

cannot wait for this fad to pass. It feels it's already stuck around much longer than I expected to.
Although, people are really over it. Got way too drunk at a halloween party and kept being like "dude, what if I said the N-word right now."
"Not that I ever, ever would. I would NEVER. But imagine if I did say it, right now."
People were crying with laughter, I can't believe I got away with it. This is in one of the most liberal cities in the US among a bunch of young professionals. Granted none actually work in HR or diversity-studies type settings, but all are definitely constrained by the standards of liberal good taste, and all though the "threatening to say the n-word while also swearing that you would never say it" bit was hilarious.
Maybe it was my sexy fireman costume though.
Maybe I have delusions of grandeur. I usually sway the opposite but I know they're two sides of the same coin. Wife hung out with one of her friends who was at this party and the friend apparently said something about me being really funny at the party. Other than pulling down a tree that's pretty much the only funny thing I did.

>> No.16755671

>Maybe I have delusions of grandeur
it's really really obvious from the way you write about yourself

>> No.16755674

I'm playing a character on here.

>> No.16755675

This isn't just a fad. This is a legitimate culture war and could eventually escalate to something worse. Anti-whiteness isn't going to vanish anytime soon.

>> No.16755678

Seek help

>> No.16755682

This idea was debunked in the 90s

>> No.16755694

in case you guys didn't already know Jerry Springer is a really evil jew

>> No.16755697

>pulling down a tree
I like you Anon.

>> No.16755708


>> No.16755717
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>dude I said nigger as part of a cultural awakening of racism

>> No.16755718


>> No.16755724

Coexistence with people different than you isn't anti-white, sweety.

>> No.16755731
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Do the work Chief

>> No.16755740

nobody's racist, everyone's tired of the self-serious discourse

>> No.16755747

I want to see cooperation between ethnic groups but that's pretty difficult when you have constant stream of mass immigration and both the media and academia pumping out anti-white propaganda.

>> No.16755750

Based , im glad to see more irl chads on this board

The n-word-threat is one of the funniest jokes in a white guy’s arsenal.

>> No.16755751


>> No.16755752

Immigration and anti-white discourse probably have nothing to do w cooperation then

>> No.16755754

Racialists are some of the most self serious people I've ever known, more than Christians even.

>> No.16755757

Enjoy losing

>> No.16755760

That's what I'm SAYING

>> No.16755766


>> No.16755768

I can say nigger too, nigger. Also black lives matter, suck my dick faggot

>> No.16755772

very pro-white, in fact

>> No.16755777

>guys just stop taking politics seriously lol like who even caresssssss haha
What a huge faggot

>> No.16755782

you come across as really young.

>> No.16755785

I don't care about keeping purity among cultures or races, I do care about people and humanitarian welfare.

>> No.16755790

>guys this field seems to be wrong with no answers
>should we look at the foundations or find a field with better truth expression
>no that's pussy asf

>> No.16755797

>dude growing up is being an overly cynical blackpilled freak

>> No.16755798

>Falling for culture war bullshit this hard
It's played up so hard by the media. Really, normal people barely give a shit. It's just like 0.001% of the population who are middle class liberals and profit off this stuff by writing books and "educating" HR staff.

>> No.16755800

Then why don't you say that in the first place instead of accusing people who disagree w you of 'being too serious'. Fucking bitch ass move.

>> No.16755811

There's no double standard, I care about something that matters, you care about a worthless cum stains

>> No.16755813

but if they're in positions of authority, as these types of people are often very keen on getting, then they affect a lot more than you think. Trump made an executive order stopping these faggots from infecting govt offices, but with him gone, nothing will stem the tide of indoctrination until the chains are too painful and there is a war to break free.

>> No.16755816

try to go against it anon

>> No.16755818

No but with a little maturity you won't get hung up on moralizing liberal busyboxes like "black lives matter."
It's like conservatives getting hung up on satanist cult daycares.

>> No.16755824

I've genuinely never encountered this stuff outside some super liberal people in College and social media.

>> No.16755837

you're a catty little bitch you know that?

>> No.16755841

not the guy you were replying to but I am the guy who did the threatening-to-say-the-n-word joke, the whole point of my story is that normal people are totally fine with others mocking it. Not even normal people, this party was a bunch of straightup coastal elites. A lot I know are engaged closely with democrat party politics from municipal to federal
Today it's acceptable coming from himbo white men in stripper fireman costumes, tomorrow maybe you. Have some hope.

>> No.16755844

>If I could boil the central thesis of the book down to a sentence or two, it’s that the craft beer community and industry have both been created by networks that offer unequal access, something that many industry participants (specifically the white and male ones) are likely oblivious to; they miss the “forest for the trees.” Furthermore, these systems and networks are tough to break: it’s hard to introduce black people to craft beer in white spaces, and those spaces stay white without inviting in a black perspective to the industry side.

>From homebrewing to science education, to wholesalers and unions, numerous steps along the way have conspired to keep beer and brewing organized by race, class, and gender. That’s even before you get to hiring and the brewery spaces themselves.

>The homebrewing section ... considered how a homebrew club meeting might appear to a lone minority participant.

>If there is some positivity, it is found in the final chapter about movements and efforts for change within the brewing industry. While the beer community can only play a small role in larger societal systems, it documents some of the work that is being done within beer.

>> No.16755847

Awww, hey man you're friendly and i like you, have a good night.

>> No.16755853

why are you so mad

>> No.16755856

Not him but imo race jokes are only good in that they show the idiocy of the racial model of truth.

>> No.16755859

You as well bro!

>> No.16756082

Thanks for the only on topic reply. So it's another case of the White Man's Burden by another name. Blacks are evidently incapable of brewing their own alcohol, so we must brew the alcohol, create the infrastructure to sell it, and then handover ownership of our hard toiled labor in the name of equality. It never ceases to amaze me how low liberals think of blacks, of utterly incapable children, and then write these things as apologies for whites not propping up blacks enough.

>> No.16756096

This author is racist for saying beer is racist. Here I am an Irish American trying to enjoy a cultural bonding with my fellows and this asshole tries to shame me for drinking beer. How anti-celtic can you be?

>> No.16756200


That term literally means "approved by the party". Its not an argument

>> No.16756208

>Coexistence with people different than you isn't anti-white, sweety.
Then why the passive-agressive attitude?

>> No.16756535
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Infants show racial bias

>> No.16756549

wow mutt's law makes an appearance quicker and quicker these days

>> No.16756551

Don't black guys drink malt liquor? I think they're just not that interested in craft beer.

>> No.16756557



>> No.16756580

>culture war
That's being way too modest. It's just racists who hate white people being douchebags. They aren't cultured enough to go at a "culture war" against us.

>> No.16756609

Jerry Springer would say otherwise.

>> No.16756650

I believe they like Heineken as well.

>> No.16756662

I'm not really sure what you mean when you say they aren't cultured enough. Plenty of the puppet masters are very bright, which makes them all the more formidable as enemies. Regardless, there is a struggle to change the culture currently underway.

>> No.16757627

I think its not that black people don't drink, its that they don't participate in craft beer culture. But why would they? I don't even know why this author assumes black people even want to participate in making craft beers. Because its not a difficult process, my friend in university homebrewed his first batch literally in a bath tub in an extra room in his parents house. Its trying to find a problem, where none exists.

>> No.16757644

The blame goes to the africans who sit around and don't fight back. They gladly trade their pride for whatever affirmative action/power the liberals give them. Ironically if they didn't have subhuman IQ and split their vote a bit, they'd have much much more power.

>> No.16757657

True but everyone's racist.

>> No.16757711

The argument usually goes something like this:
>White guys enjoy thing
>White guys are racist
>Thing is racist

>> No.16757723

This is another example of what I call "racism creep". It designates the semantic exhaustion of the the term "racist" through overuse and overextension. Why you might ask, has something so weighty and troubling as racism become hackneyed? It's because social power has shifted historically from racism to antiracism. The more things that are considered racist, the easier it is for the offended party to wield the considerable cultural capital of the liberal base for their own benefit. It lets you become the commissar of public morality. There is shall we say, "for-profit" antiracism.
This is obviously contradictory and harmful to the antiracist cause. It's a variation on "crying wolf", that weakens the causes credibility by saturating it with trivial cases and stretching the boundaries of the term until anything not approved by the commissars is considered racist.

>> No.16758193
File: 457 KB, 1920x1215, 4th_Annual_Collier_Cornhole_Tournament.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next up, 'How Systemic Racism Excludes Blacks from Cornhole'

>> No.16758197

germany bad

>> No.16758339

>invent race issue in sector
>publish book on it
>if industry participants don't purchase and endorse it they are seen as furthering invented issue, so inevitably buy and superficially endorse/refernce the book
it's a nice little scam desu

>> No.16759092

then it must not be that big of a deal

>> No.16759138

I saw an article about beer not being black enough in the WSJ in late October (2020). There's actually finance capital behind black-owned microbrewery startups. The jewish elites see anything Whites are doing amongst each other as a threat and try to push minorities into all of it. Brewing and winemaking are big problems for them because a confluence of factors mean only whites can do it.

• Highly technical (excludes Blacks)
• Requires good alcohol tolerance (excludes Asians)
• Agricultural (excludes jews)

This is part of a larger attack on the ability of whites to form any kind of organic community. Whites gathering in groups with no minorities scares the living hell out of jews. Especially in beer halls. A certain someone else got a political movement started in beer halls.

Just Google "beer is too white" and you'll understand the scope of this campaign.

>> No.16759160

Reminder to y'all white bois that beer was originally invented by the ainshunt Egyptians (who wuz BLACK). Then the gayreeks came, stole the recipe and then your germanic barbarian ancestors stole the recipe from the greeks.
White ppl drinking beer is cultural appropriation.

>> No.16759167

>shitty bait

>> No.16759242

Egypt didn't invent fermented beverages. The classical Egyptians drank bouza, not beer. Beer has hops (or some other bitterant) in it. The modern beer industry in Egypt was founded by Belgians in 1897.

>> No.16759257

I don't see how you can spend so much time and effort dividing people along some group-lines then be surprised when they're different in some regards.

>> No.16759374

i'm liberal and so are my friends and I openly say "nigger nigger nigger" when I play smash/fighting games with them

everyone has a good laugh

>> No.16759399

Beer is a stereotypical white Christcuck lower class drink drunk by people who are racist because they're lower class

>> No.16759425

American beer tastes like piss
Craft beer tastes like piss

>> No.16759458

I don't drink craft beer, I think it's pretentious and for faggots with tech jobs and loser compensating friends, why in fuck's name do I have to deal w it

>> No.16759533

I'm brown and fuck me if I'd care how some retard is making craft beer.
Beer sure, though craft beer seems very cringe though due to these self hating white redditors.
I mean to say, if I like something or if I'm interested in something, I'll fucking YouTube it or take a class somewhere. I won't have a gang of white supremacists block my way and call me a sandnigger over that.
And I could try myself to add myself to a club though I dont know if I wanna do that since I'm straight and dont have aspergers.
These fucking retards, like the author of that book, are just trying to feel like the saviors of "poor, inferior people".
Liberal retards are literal retards.

>> No.16759544

>I'm brown

get out

>> No.16759611

"White supremacists" aren't in the beer business and haven't been in the U.S. since Adolph Coors was alive. White supremacy in the beer industry exists entirely in this author's imagination.

>> No.16761047

Make me

Yeah man but its just fucking retards trying to make themselves feel good. It seems way more prevalent in anglo countries as compared to rest of the white world. If you notice it in other countries, its usually dripping from anglo countries too. I don't like this trend of self back-patting at all. Its a pussy ass retard behavior

>> No.16761167

Well as long as browns benefit from it it's not going away. Just cause some of you can see how retarded it is doesn't mean most will do anything about it

>> No.16761170

>"White supremacists" aren't in the beer business and haven't been in the U.S. since Adolph Coors was alive.
Of course, in a country like Belgium, it literally is, beer is literally part of the culture there