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/lit/ - Literature

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16753095 No.16753095[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do incel chuds read?

>> No.16753103

my diary desu

>> No.16753135

Ted K
The Bible
Probably the Greeks too

>> No.16753140

Norms book was pretty funny

>> No.16753146

only Chads read the Greeks

>> No.16753147

They don't read kind of like Extremely Online Leftoids. They were truly made for each other

>> No.16753151

Gravitys rainbow
Infinite jest
Brandon Sanderson
Stephen King
GRR Martin

>> No.16753162

Incels read the Greeks because they want to larp as chads

>> No.16753170

They don't read half of these because muh degeneracy

>> No.16753187
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Usually Evola. Guenon was pro globohomo and had beautiful beige children

>> No.16753193

The Rational Male
Vox Day

>> No.16753203

>The Rational Male
I feel personally attacked
t. leftist incel

>> No.16753206

fiction, anything considered the """western cannon"""

>> No.16753209

>Ted K
>The Bible
I read these as a non incel chud. I also know a bunch of "leftists" who like Ted K, the eco-anarchist types.
>Probably the Greeks too
Everyone reads them

>> No.16753224


>> No.16753228

Ted was explicitly against racism and eco fascism

>> No.16753231

And? I'm not a racist or an eco fascist.

>> No.16753233

Same thing as anybody else since they are not really cartoon characters after all...

>> No.16753236

>Citation: Dude just trust me

>> No.16753240

Didn't say you were, I mentioned it because chuds like to worship him

>> No.16753247
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>he doesn't know

>> No.16753261
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>> No.16753271

Based & truth pilled.

>> No.16753323

Is there a page 3?

>> No.16753322

>Reading traditionalists
You cheeky fucker you know we can't read

>> No.16753324

Why do leftoids project so much

>> No.16753328

Yeah but I don't have it kek

>> No.16753431

What do you have to confirm the authenticity of this letter? Ted's style is very distinctively mechanical and potentially easy to emulate as is his handwriting.

>> No.16753439
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Francesca says your daddy looks like he gargles jizz.

>> No.16753441

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