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/lit/ - Literature

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16751928 No.16751928 [Reply] [Original]

Any literature majors on /lit/? How is everything?

>> No.16751971

Switching to a humanities major soon. Not sure which one yet

>> No.16751995
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>English major
>After this semester I have one more semester left and I graduate
>No friends since high school
>No connections
>No work and internship experience
>Still can't drive
>No idea what I'm doing
>And the cherry on top: I am still a kv
>At least have no debt and can live with my mom for free tho she really wants me to get a job
I am so fucked. I don't know what to do.

>> No.16752006

I graduated as an English major this past May. During my time as an undergrad, I learned a great deal about the canon and literary criticism (I'm a disciple of Girard), wrote some nice poetry, and fucked my cute middle English adjunct professor. Ask me anything

>> No.16752013

Never let education get in the way of your studies

>> No.16752029

Got a degree in English and now I'm a high school teacher on government payroll and teacher unions are so strong that there is virtually no way to fire me in my country.
It's overall a very comfy job

>> No.16752132

Hi I would like 2 mcchickens, a diet coke, and fries. Thanks.

>> No.16752160

>>16752013 here
I am a wealthy young entrepreneur who could take the next few years off while living in the most expensive place in the world. Bow down.

>> No.16752180

And you post about it on a Uruguayan basket weaving forum. Nice LARP

>> No.16752211


>> No.16752262
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>graduated with a math degree in 2015
>making $125k now
god I'm glad I fell for the STEM meme

>> No.16752279

Based, my wife is a teacher and the benefits and summers off are sick. The best thing is their union acts like they're all destitute and the media sucks their dick constantly so they never get called on their shit. Teaching is a sick job if you value your time and invest properly. I feel you need to be married to truly flourish though.

>> No.16752292


Pure math? What's your career? I had an autist at my old job who had a math degree and couldn't do shit with it. He was incompetent and meek though.

>> No.16752311

Eh, I wouldn't You can be a teacher or a freelance writer. What do you want?
I work as a copywriter who takes in roughly 60k a year depending on my clients. You don't need a degree, really.

>> No.16752361

Being wealthy isnt a meme
Your comment is far from being worthy of an intellectual response

>> No.16752413

Okay then mr. big time CEO, post proof

>> No.16752415

I did my undergrad in philosophy, master’s in literature, and am now a high school English teacher. It’s pretty nice, I lucked out with my school and teaching virtually is cozy af

>> No.16752463

How do I get a copywriter job?

>> No.16752501

I'm doing okay, finding it harder and harder to fit in more than 3 hours of reading a day though though.

I'm currently working on my second novel which is fun. I think it's better than my first by a long shot. I've actually hired an editing team too, so that's exciting

>> No.16752508

I bet it it's shit and you are shit and you are gay you will eat my asshole gay shitter

>> No.16752528

Not OP but part of my work is copywriting. Rolled into it after I did general marketing work which anyone with a degree can get into and then focus on writing. I do websites, translations, legal work, advertising, social media, flyers etc. on a freelance basis, the work is not very interesting but pay is decent enough to get me through uni. Best advice I can give is find a niche field to write for. I started with a commercial dredging and hydraulics manufacturer and it worked out great.

>> No.16752534
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Ive got 116k cash in this account and on my way to deposit 8k rn

>> No.16752544

And im in the Burberry coat if youre looking for me

>> No.16752563

holy shit, based
any books to read on enterpreneurship? i have a couple ideas and enough willpower to endure failure, but i have absolutely no idea where to start.
the overabundance of "entrepreneur guru" bullshit books which are themselves the product being sold make it difficult to find a starting point.

>> No.16752568

it's not based it's gay and homo and he probably suck cock

>> No.16752590

Well my first book actually got physically made and I sold a good few copys. Since then I've gained tens of thousands of subscribers, so my book is projected to sell at least 1,000 copys. How's your book doing?

>> No.16752617

>his book has physical copies
>he can't spell "copies"
holy shit get with the times euro boomer

>> No.16752624

Me will take psychology

>> No.16752626

Good for you, I'll reach this point of wealth in 3-4 years

>> No.16752651

Studying humanities. It's a varied course; there's geography, history and literature involved. It's a bit so so; I'm sure most anons here would point and laugh at the simplicity of my courses. It really depends on the teacher; mostly I've been learning how to write papers.
I do enjoy this major, and will probably end up working in education, I guess. I just want a job I don't hate so I can dedicate myself to my hobbies.

>> No.16752664
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>I feel you need to be married to truly flourish though.

>> No.16752671

Believe it or not, philosophy helped me with sales the most. I swear nobody wins an argument against tha yung socrates. Also books specific to my industry, written by those who have attained great success in it are good. Kybalion is a good book, and kjv bible, for emotional stability which is quite important in the roller coaster ride that is entrepreneurship.
Lower those numbers. I was broke a year and a half ago. My life changed from getting a few insanely high net worth clients. Thats all it takes. Made 60k in a day from a billionaire client. Id also recommend going to a major city if you want to make wealth.

>> No.16752686

1. Write a lot. Get real good at it.
2. Edit a lot. Get real good at editing.
3. Start a WordPress site or something easy
4. Post things you've written that are tailored to what sorta writing you wanna do (book reviews, ad copy, business-to-business technical manuals)
6. Really, spend a good four hours a day just sending cold emails to perspective clients.
7. ???
8. Profit.

Should also be noted that my online portfolio is heavily padded by literary awards I've won. Will be harder for anons who don't have a degree or any publications/awards.

>> No.16752707

And btw, since this started from my standpoint on education - i have completed 90% of college. I have only 3 classes left to graduate. But what would be the point in spending $10k and continue to do the same thing im doing already? I learned nearly nothing in school. I work only a few hours a day and spend the rest of my time studying.

>> No.16752716

If you are a teacher you have lots of time but shit salary. Marry some high earner and you will have both, you will be golden.

>> No.16752720
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Hi anon. Similar situation here. Just know that, ultimately, you are not alone.

>> No.16752726
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With a Literature degree you can go
>Top MFA/writing programs
>Journalism, Editing
>Civil service
>Law conversion
>Teaching (if you have an MA or PhD you can bag a super comfy New England Latin motto type private school)
And you can work on your novel in any of those roles. As long as you can present yourself in interview English is extremely versatile

>> No.16752728

I consider myself as someone who can live with very little income, but I might be screwed. I'm gonna have to break out of my autism cocoon at some point, aren't I?

>> No.16752732

Ok. how did you end of fucking your adjunct professor

>> No.16752758

I'm usually very frugal too but expensive books, gas and travels really put a dent on my income.
Once you start earning more money and get some fixed expenses you can't go back to not having them.

>> No.16752775

You should have broken out of it at 16, m8.

>> No.16752782

I might become a penny pincher. The kind of person who mostly eats out of cans of beans, wears his clothes until they're torn to shreds and either walks everywhere or uses a bicycle. Basically, a homeless man with a roof under his head. In fact, thanks to the fact that my parents own a second home in my home city I might end up turning into such a hobo, regardless of my job.

>> No.16752793
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Very funny, man. I'm going to make it, soon, very soon I bet.

>> No.16752794

Graduated magna cum laude with a degree in English and I’m unemployed. Welcome to neetdom. Our best chances of survival is entering academia

>> No.16752823

I don't aspire to be wealthy, I aspire to have a comfortable amount of money locked up in investments so I'm financially independent in 20 years. I invest 1500 a month aside from paying off my mortgage and have a comfy government job. It's all good

>> No.16752826

My advice not to do so, it will get old real soon, and some of the greatest things in life require a shitton of money.

>> No.16752839

How about you get off 4chan and go apply for some jobs/volunteer opportunities so you can at least get a start on your CV.

>> No.16753308

I'd rather kill myself than work as a copywriter

>> No.16753333

>Kybalion is a good book
thanks anon, will definetely read it, i've been fond of alchemy since i was little - hope the book won't disappoint

>> No.16753408

I would recommend finding a part-time job and seeing how that goes. Don't worry about age or whatever, you will change a lot mentally in the next five or so years.

After college I moved to large city (big mistake) and then whored myself out on a shit wage as a data cuck (big mistake). Now I'm almost thirty and worn out with no skills etc. Would have been better to work part-time IMO, unless you have a high-maintenance lifestyle.

>> No.16753523
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It's fine. I kind of just defaulted to literature as a major because I already have my CELTA and just need my bachelor's to utilise it. The only truly interesting course that I have this semester is my Athenian Drama class.

>> No.16753530

It's a really easy job once you get good clients.
$250 for 500 words, $500 for 1000. Simple as.

>> No.16753546


But then again, don't listen to me. Working for others is obviously beneath you. You should be spending your time composing erudite proses for the betterment of humanity.

>> No.16753910

It wont. I read it in a day. And look at those digits you got, its a sign.

>> No.16754086

I work at a bank now actually. Im not making a ton of money yet but I bet I make more than you do

>> No.16754094

>all that money in one account
Did none of your rich friends give you the “rich guy rules” yet?

>> No.16754142

Hello Waldun

>> No.16754444

>176 lsat score
>no friends
>no connections
>hoping to make it anyways

>> No.16754450

Not bad. Slowly upgrading my fonttype. Takes forever.

>> No.16754512

the way to go

>> No.16754596

Don't care. Still shit.

>> No.16754625

If you have that good of a lsat score, you don't really need to worry.

>> No.16755084

H-hello robin-san

>> No.16755100

applied math
data engineer

>> No.16755185

american lit student here. english lit students make fun but my fav writers are all american. pretty fun so far but i dont wanna do any job where i teach or adress groups of people (especially kids). what do?

>> No.16755224

morning waldun, hope exams are going well for you :))

>> No.16755233

hi i would like 2 mcchickens and 2 apple pies. thanks.

>> No.16755270

>no job
>no gf
>only studying literature so that /lit/ would appreciate me

>> No.16755276


>> No.16755283

Waldun I want to fuck your tight femboy pussy. Will you indulge me? Please I know you’re a year older than me, but you’re so much shorter and more feminine so the dynamic doesn’t change that much. Please let me rip apart your asshole baby

>> No.16755289
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I played truant for the whole first semester of my Eng Lit "career" and now that Corona is happening, I only have 2 basic-ass courses about the history of brit and american lit.

No GF, friends, car, job or anything of the sort too.

>> No.16755298
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>> No.16755310

what if we kissed

>> No.16755486

at least youre not hugless ;(

>> No.16755610
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Going good, shilling my first book, already working on book 2, bouta make BIG bucks, later, losers

>> No.16756016


>> No.16756027

I just graduated with a 4.0 in Computer Science but I was psychotic the entire time and don't remember anything from the period. Considering going to grad school to be an overeducated failure. What should I major in for grad school?

>> No.16756030
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>116k in a savings account

Invest it you mong

>> No.16756070
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I feel you man.

>Be History Major, English Minor
>Be transfer student
>Go into a tiny, southern Lib Arts college
>Getting excellent grades, am known around campus, plenty of at least acquaintances
>Have friends, but most I don't keep in contact with, most from before I entered in.
>Was getting established, but COVID basically tossed the progress I made first year into the shitter
>Partied with football players and cheerleaders.Got twerked upon, etc.
>Have made more progress than I ever thought I'd get, as a former wallflower
>Still, issues.
>Was too thick to pounce on at least two opportunities to get a GF. Too thick to pounce on a cheerleader
>Engaged, by my admission, in a rather degenerate dalliance with a hooker to lose by v-card. Because I was 22 and burdened by inexperience and fearful of inceldom. Still have mixed feelings about it and three other such encounters.
>Have engaged in a pair of hookups since then, but still am cowardly sober and off-line. Working on it, though.
>Feel as though I've missed out on romance.
Kinda soiled myself.
>Have a mixed reputation on campus, I think. I'm still in many ways a loner, but am half-respected, half-tolerated by many.
>Rejected by frats (I'm kinda old though..,)
>Was kicked out of a recent party. Prolly because either I creeped some people out, was too fucking drunk, or some lesbo got jelly her GF liked me. Maybe a mix.
>Have been a semi-recluse in off campus housing. Only get out for work-study and occasional solo trip to school events.
>Uncertain how to get past my lingering awkwardness an fully embrace school friendships, get a gf, and overcome my online and offline isolation.
>Uneasily looking to a future in law. Maybe the military. God knows.

At least I'm not in debt and not as fat as I used to be.

>> No.16756135
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English bachelors here.
Interning for an indian website called AwareEarth. They might hire me on the 15th, they might not. Either way I'll get a letter of rec and have a shitton of writing (100+ article) to show for it.
I really like writing articles that I don't have to interview for. I think my brain was wired by Gogol or something.

>> No.16756193

At my spergiest I've never tipped the boat over so as to get kicked out of parties or rejected from social clubs
>at least admit you're fucked up my man, I want you to get good

>> No.16756204 [DELETED] 

>Go into pre-pharmacy
>hate it
>almost kill myself
>Switch major to history
>Start prepping for LSAT
>Get a good enough score to get a full scholarship to a mid tier law school
>Doing great in law school
>Have a pretty sweet internship
It gets better anons

>> No.16756210

Would rather work at McDonalds than in a STEM job I would hate even more

>> No.16756213

>Go into pre-pharmacy
>hate it
>almost kill myself
>Switch major to history
>Start prepping for LSAT
>Get a good enough score to get a full tuition scholarship to a mid tier law school
>Doing great in law school
>Have a pretty sweet internship
It gets better anons

>> No.16756215


>opening sentence is "The man stepped through the door and onto the street."

Ah, cmon, m8.

>> No.16756248

>female protagonist
ooooh nonononononononono tranny detected

>> No.16756266

Same but Law student and this is my final semester.

>> No.16756298


How do you avoid it?

>> No.16756302

Got my degree on July 2019, my thesis was on King Lear; still working in the same translation agency, which pays the bills and is not so bad. I applied for a master's degree in Japanese Studies. The results will come next February, fingers crossed I get in.

>> No.16756383

Waiting for my thesis to be marked. Anxiety-inducing. All I want to know is if I get to grad school.

>> No.16756520
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I was admittedly surprised. I've been to about 5-6 the past 1.5 years, and it's the first time I've gone over the line. I think it's because it's the first one I went to this entire year, went too overboard, and went too horny caveman drunk, as my idiot self usually does.

I was also drunkenly exploited into buying like $15 in drinks for people I thought were at least tolerant and friendly to me. Like, what the hell.

I was a quiet, stuttering wallflower who hadn't even went to a full-on adult party before the age of 22. I'm fucking stumbling into situations I know jack shit about, drink to remove my uneasiness about it. Which makes it worse. Probably made my reputation worse ("are you an alcoholic?" from a random girl not being a good sign...).

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing wrong. I don't know what I've done right to make me as semi-popular as I am in the first place. I'm a sperg who just injects himself into these things and hopes that it sticks.

I want to get good man, but don't know how.

>> No.16756644
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ch...chinku? chinku-san? is it really you?

>> No.16756918

Not specifically literature, but I do have a Bachelor of Arts in English with a concentration in writing and rhetoric.
At my school literature was just another concentration for the basic English degree. You could concentrate on literature, writing and rhetoric, or teaching certification. Teaching cert. was kind of its own thing, but between literature and writing and rhetoric the program plans were nearly identical anyway. I ended up taking just as many if not more lit classes than I did rhetoric classes.

During my last year of college I was lucky enough to land a paid internship with the local county’s water resources department. I was a “communications intern,” and I mostly just drafted educational articles to be printed in various local publications. This was part of the stipulation that qualified the local agency for state and federal funding. In order to receive the money they had to do a certain amount of public outreach and education every year, and those articles counted as public education. It was pretty cool.

During that same year I also served as the editor-in-chief of my school’s student newspaper, which was just a huge headache. I learned a lot, but I also gained a lot of weight too. It was a very stressful time, my grades suffered as a result, and it made me realize that I didn’t want to go into journalism. It’s very demanding. Constant deadlines and no down-time. As soon as you meet one deadline you have to start worrying about the next one... and we were only a monthly publication. Granted, we were understaffed and faced a good deal of push-back from the school administration. But still...

I graduated in the December of 2018. I figured I was in a pretty good spot compared to some of the other English majors in my graduating class. Not only did I have my degree, but I had that internship under my belt in addition to three years experience with the student newspaper, having served in multiple leadership roles(EIC, news editor, and design editor). My resume was looking pretty good I thought...

Six months after graduating I still hadn’t found a job, while people who worked under me at the newspaper were accepting offers for technical writing positions. I was completely demoralized. I had to get a job ASAP, because at the time I was getting married in a few months. In my desperation I followed my father’s example and entered into a union trade apprenticeship. Been doing electrical work since. Sometimes I beat myself up over this, you know... I put so much time, effort, and money into getting that degree and now I’m not even using it. On the other hand, the average earnings of a person with a degree in the humanities is actually a few thousand dollars less than what I’d make as a journeyman. I think what really opened my eyes was when I saw that the number one job for humanities degree holders is “social media marketer.” That might not be the case anymore... it has been a few years since then.

>> No.16756998

what trade?

>> No.16757048

Electrical. IBEW apprentice now, and third generation too. My father, grandfather, and many other relatives were all union electricians. Between the lot of us we have a combined total of more than 300 years in the electrical trade.

I was a first-generation college student. I stuck with school specifically because I didn’t want to have to do the kind of work that my father does. I’ve seen how ragged his body is now after a lifetime in the construction industry, and I didn’t want that. Funny how things change...

>> No.16757353

what the fuck are you doing with that much money in your account? why dont you invest or buy rental properties? what is it you do in canada?

>> No.16757434


Join a club. Do jiu-jitsu, you'll get fit and gain a ton of confidence

>> No.16757515

Russian language and literature major here. Currently in a masters program. Don't be afraid to look for jobs outside of your scope. Create relationships with professors, you'll need them for recommendations later.

>> No.16757527

do you prefer war and peace or anna karenina?

>> No.16757541

STEM master race reporting. You faggots never realized you could like literature without having an official title for it?

>> No.16757576

Sadly true anon, I'm applying to grad school this fall. Gonna be extra competitive because of covid but it's my only chance

>> No.16757629

Literally me anon

>> No.16757635

I was thinking about grad school too but also law and medicine. I still need to write the lsat and mcat though. And I have a ton of withdrawals on my transcript so that might fuck me. Are you doing a course based masters or one with a thesis?

>> No.16757646
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I have an undergrad degree in Great Texts of the Western Tradition. Does that count?

>> No.16757746
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I double majored in English and Theatre with a minor in Linguistics and honestly feel pretty bad. It's not debt that I'm worried about. I'm paid for. But between going to a crappy state school and wishing I'd done philosophy instead of theatre, I really feel like I'm not gonna make it. I'm thinking about going the linguistics route. Maybe that'll be okay.

>> No.16757807

do you have cute feet? if so, yes.

>> No.16758275

English lit major college graduating here. The classes that don't go to heavy on woke stuff (you're forced into taking a few) were pretty good. It's extremely easy though. All you do is read and write. That said I haven't used it for networking or doing any of the side shit you're supposed to do in college to look good for careers or whatever. I think going to college was stupid and I regret being in debt, but my parents would have forced me to work some kind of minimum wage customer service jobs to keep the right to live with them if I didn't continue with college, and I felt like I had no future otherwise. Still not sure if it was a mistake or not.

>> No.16758280

>no debt
Anon you are fine. You're not even allowed to be upset about this, all you did was delay your start into adulthood and you're not even in a worse position to do it, you're in a better one by having a degree. No debt means you're free to pursue what you want. See how you can make something of yourself.

>> No.16758285

How do you deal with seeing hot slutty high school girls all day?

>> No.16758357





you are absolutely not a human being
you have nothing about you that is vital
you are a soulless braindead husk fit for nothing but immediate slaughter

>> No.16758359

bro... this is really cringe bro...

>> No.16758361




>> No.16758366

you will never be a real woman

>> No.16758371

reflection - related to deflation - instantaneous and simultaneous denial and projection upon the person accusing

>> No.16758379




>> No.16758385

you responded to my first post twice? bro... check yourself into a psychiatric ward before you join the 52%

>> No.16758404

jews control meme culture. You adopted a jewish identity because you have no personality and are brainwashed to accept suggestions from the media.

>> No.16758407

you are all schizo retards that have no identity in real life so you submit to a fake identity fed to you by your jewish masters as you brainlessly consume retarded internet content

>> No.16758416

who said i adopted this pepe identity? i didn't post any frog images. i'm making fun of you because your posts read like schizophrenic tranny rants
why do you care so much about frogs? why are you posting any of this? why are you on 4chan and not dilating?

>> No.16758421

you are a literally schizophrenic kike robot that dissociates your identity to include a jewish cartoon frog

>> No.16758434

Would you want to know how I know you are a tranny?

>> No.16758444

Have an essay due in 6 hours and I only finished the book last night. Pray for me bro (this isn't my fault btw)

>> No.16758448

>this isn't my fault btw
He's right. It was my fault. Sorry anons...

>> No.16758460

No I arrived late because I wasn't sure whether I should go or where (there's a whole story behind). But when I did arrive I couldn't access the material because the people who made the website for online study are retards so when I could I had 13 days to study for tests that were coming day after day and learn all the material and read all the books.

>> No.16758463

you picked the most useless major possible
enjoy your spiraling apathy and depression

>t. Engrish major who is now a HS English teacher

when you finally decide to put a gun in your mouth, make sure I'm standing behind you

>> No.16758470

You don't even need to have read a book to write a good essay on it, you'll be fine.

>> No.16758473

>the most useless major possible
It's pretty down there but you could do a lot worse. Like look at you you're a HS teacher, you might hate it but it's a job and you're not flipping macburgers.

>> No.16758476

Well then, I'm sorry to misjudge you. You should probably email your prof and ask for extension and not to procrastinate on /lit/. Good luck anon.

>> No.16758484

you are an insane subhuman freak that requires a sterilized environment to survive.
you are a dysgenic retard monster clinging to a moment of stolen life by temporarily shutting out reality using jewish methods of censorship.
a jewish slave lying and cheating to serve its masters just a little longer before they dispose of you.

>> No.16758486

It's worth 10% of my grade for the course and I've never written a uni essay before.
I did. They said no professor has the right to and if I want to prevent getting a 0% I have to send a form in. However you need an academic mentor to fill it out and (to my professor's surprise) I had not been assigned one. This school is treating me like dogshit

I better get started

>> No.16758496

>no professor has the right to
What kind of shitty school are you going to that professors aren't allowed to have control over their own deadlines? That doesn't even make sense. Either he's bullshitting you or your school is absolute trash.

>> No.16758761

true, I could be doing a lot worse
I've got a shitty-but-stable white collar job with benefits and basically 1/4 of the year off

I see my colleagues who've been in the PubEd racket for 20-30+ years and they're the most dull, grey, dead-eyed and disheveled excuses for a "professional" I've ever seen

you're right. Lit isn't the worst major. It beats Education and anything with "Studies" in the title...but that's about it
My choices now seem to be
> follow that dull, dreary path of a tenured public school teacher
>shell out 40K for a Masters and the privilege of teaching as an adjunct at some shitty community collleges
>just an hero

shoulda majored in a hard science. don't make the same mistake my faggot ass did kids. read for fun on your own time, don't make a career out of it.

>> No.16758765

depending on class size, most teachers/professors won't even read the entire thing. Especially if it's a lower level undergrad course

format it properly and meet or exceed the recommended page limit. Content and insight are nice, but probably not necessary

>> No.16758773

I think you'd do better with girls if you changed your strategy a little and didn't think of them as 'bodies to pounce upon.

>> No.16758790


>> No.16758791

So are you gonna keep doing that or go back to school or something?

>> No.16758816

was it worth it, in the end?
I ask this, because I used to be one, not exactly literature major but close enough. Dropped after the first year because I reached the conclusion there was nothing interesting on it I couldn't learn by myself easily, and went for a stem major instead to make my future life easier.

So does it get better?

>> No.16758842

You can write a good essay in 6 hours

>> No.16758846

You can write a good essay in 2 hours

>> No.16759185

You can teach English in a foreign country?

>> No.16759199

get a job, any job

>> No.16759353

22, Third year, UK, mid-tier/mediocre uni

I’m 1500 words into a 3000-worder on national identity in Trainspotting.

It’s gruelling. No matter how much I feel like I’m writing, the word count just isn’t going up. As soon as I submit this, I’ve to write a report on an early Shakespeare play of my choice.

I’m dooming so hard, it’s the word counts that are killing me. I’m terrified of fucking it all up. These assignments just sort hang over me like the Grim Reaper until they’re done. The only thing keeping me sane is Brian Eno.

>> No.16759385


Learn a real skill. The world does not need or want more academics.

>> No.16759737


>> No.16759751

>hang over me like the Grim Reaper
you mean sword of damocles

>> No.16759971

hope u make it friend

>> No.16760006
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I was an English Lit major but I realized that I could do everything I wanted in the subject without playing into the Jewish indoctrination game. And so, I dropped out and now fish lobster with my cousin in Maine. I read and write to my heart's content on my days off, and get plenty of inspiration from being on the open sea all day. It's bliss.

>> No.16760009

Show us your grades then.

>> No.16760043
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It's not a good place. The reason I joined late is because I didn't really want to go there (I was originally going to do law at a top ten uni (I say this only to try and convince you that I'm not a complete moron) but I got unironically assfucked by the education system so hard my HS teachers had to have a meeting with me where they basically absolved themselves from responsibility). So it was I either resit or go somewhere like here. This place is in the 30s in my country. When I was applying in late September they only had the foundation year course open but without telling me they upgraded it to a first year—not that I'm complaining.
Maybe you can. I had to spend two and a half hours first watching all the lectures in double speed, finding some sources and reading them, and then learning what the fuck is the essay even is. You can write a good essay in far less time if you have a good understanding of the subject and the material, but I literally just started and I have a learning disability

I did finish it (a little over the word limit; bloated and incomplete in what I wanted to convey) with only like 5 minutes to spare, my bibliography was so rushed and frantically written and I had a miniheart attack when my browser crashed. Probably one of the worst essays I've ever written—I didn't even get a chance to proofread it. I might ask if I can redo it so I can read the material more syntonically and formulate my thoughts overtime rather than all at once. I feel relieved that it's over and I have another due in a week so I have good amount of time to learn the course and read the material. I wonder if I'm just not cut out for academia. I wasn't bad at school, quite the opposite, I retained the lessons well enough that study was alien to me, but I'm feeling overwhelmed in University.

>> No.16761164

What's it like? I'm thinking of moving to Vermont one day. Do you get a lot of snow (I love snow)

>> No.16761921

you are all purposeless soulless subhumans with zero potential
everything you do is a desperate bid to steal life from real humans

>> No.16761936
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How could you tell?

>> No.16762013

Meds, take them.

>> No.16762026

Not a major

>> No.16762067

Got two PHDs - one in English and the other in German literature - and I primarily teach both subjects at a local highschool. Always loved reading and wanted to go into teaching, which was probably the best decision of my life considering that I live in a country that actually pays its teachers well. I worked in academia up until I did my PHDs and then I dipped.

>> No.16762095

>went for a stem major instead to make my future life easier.


>> No.16762187

well then how did you fuck your adjunct professor you bastard. why don't you tell us about that you fucking mongoloid

>> No.16763270

How much do you make in your country?

>> No.16763321

Why are colleges so scummy with debt?

>> No.16763348

this is only in burgerland

>> No.16763398
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Any English majors here who went into tech writing? I took a bunch of tech writing classes in college but I can't get a job to save my life. I've had 3 interviews in the last year and a half. All three rejected me; two of them didn't even call or send an email to tell me I didn't get the job. They just ghosted me like a bad tinder date. If I can't get work soon I fear I may end up like this frog in pic related.

>> No.16763404

>The best thing is their union acts like they're all destitute and the media sucks their dick constantly so they never get called on their shit

You live in Chicago, don't you

>> No.16763408

What does your online writing portfolio look like?

>> No.16763440

Like shit. All I have are some assignments from university and two freelance articles I wrote for a few years back. I actually haven't been asked for writing samples from the few companies that have interviewed me, which is why I haven't really taken the time to bolster my portfolio. I probably should do some writing so I have more samples though, right?

>> No.16763483

Of course you should be still writing. And no one wants to read some kid's essays, man. Show them you can sell stuff. Write a book review and convince people to read that book.
You should constantly be writing. Take the time out of your week to get someone to take nice photos of your for your site, maybe link your social media too to show clients that you're an actual human being who people would want to hang out with. You know some nice classical fingerstyle pieces on guitar? Good, make sure people see that.
You have to be sending cold emails to perspective clients every day. Not just copy and paste queries either. Personalize them and use flattery. People like flattery.
And I hope to God your portfolio is actually hosted on a real domain that you paid for, and not some .blogspot or .wordpress shit.

>> No.16763516

Don't study English or literature but curious
how much reading is assigned a week? I probably get assigned 60 - 120 pages a week
Do most know their shit or is it a case by case basis where someone graduates a dumbass because they cut corners?

>> No.16763533

120 pages a week isn't shit, man. Are you an internet addict or something?

>> No.16763559

Idk how the professors decided to assign only small portions guess they assume we are really busy. Though no matter how much stuff is delayed the deliverables are always half assed and everyone bitches about it

>> No.16763591

Pass the bar then join the PD or talk with judges until one hooks you up with a boomer attorney. Criminal defense attorney life is fun. Ive worked on about ten murders including two death penalty cases in the last three years.

>> No.16763642

English major creative writing poetry. i haven't written poetry in years. But I have written and/or typed extensive content summaries of most major myths, all Greek or Roman drama including most fragments and most western philosophers' major works and I am working on what I believe will be the greatest work of philosophy ever written before or after. I am working full time the last 5 months as a pest control tech and it has really retarded the process. I am strongly considering quitting my job soon to work on a farm part time for no pay but free rent and free food, so I devote more time to reading and writing.

>> No.16763654


>> No.16763656

Copywriting for advertisers is where it's at.
Read Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene M. Schwartz. One of those generated versions is on libgen so you don't have to pay the $400 they're asking on Amazon. The text distorts words every now and then, but it's readable.

>> No.16763671
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I'm applying for an intership at one of the largest literary magazines in the USA and I honestly think that I have a shot at getting the job. I had the opportunity to speak to the EIC and CEO of the mag and it was an amazingly fun and inspiring experience. I'm hoping that I can live up to their standards; I've gotten the go on the reference that I wanted to have the most, a professor who's good friends with the EIC.

Wish me luck, boys.

>> No.16763689
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come teach us english pls amarikan

>> No.16763708

Are you people afraid of hard work or something? Did no one tell you that having a career involves a lot of hard work?
Yes, putting in work is far less enjoyable than getting dopamine hits from YouTube and 4chan all day.
This thread actually makes me sad. The younger generations' attention spans have truly been sapped.

>> No.16763717

And don't shoot that "that's a boomer-tier attitude."
OH what, do you think every boomers was swimming in success? There's a vast amount of boomers who are homeless, or weirdos who live off gibs.

>> No.16763750

As of right now I don’t plan on going back to school. I was so relieved to finally be done after graduating; I don’t want to go back.
I don’t plan on doing electrical work my whole life either, though. I mean, the pay is good once you become a journeyman, and with the union you’re guaranteed job security. It does have its upsides. It’s just not comfortable work, physically speaking.
I’d like to keep writing on the side while I work through my apprenticeship. Long term I’m hoping that my electrical knowledge might translate into the field of technical writing somehow.
At the end of the day, as long as I’m providing for my family I don’t really care which path I go down.

>> No.16763816

The decline of the English major is real though. In another 10 or 20 years it might not even be an option at most schools. There is a question within academia concerning what to do with it now. There’s too many of us and not enough positions. And anyway, most of what you learn as an English major is either taken for granted or redundant. Professionals expect other professionals to be able to communicate effectively as a given, regardless of the field or industry. It’s getting to the point where you’d be better off majoring in something specific and using your writing skills to support that, rather than supporting yourself on writing skills alone. It has nothing to do with working hard. That’s just how the job market has evolved. Academia and society are slow to catch up though, so now we have a slew of English majors finding out too late that there actually aren’t many options beyond teaching or marketing.

>> No.16763836

>There’s too many of us and not enough positions.

Freelance then. Start a business. There's no shortage of idiots starting their own little businesses. If fucking R.C Waldun can get over 100k people to buy into his whole scene, then you can get some clients freelancing.
Be creative, man. Swindle if you need to. Good lord, you kids take everything so fucking seriously and overthink things.
You don't have to be a professor.

>> No.16763951

Completely wrong. Everything you mentioned, outside of academia, would require you to learn a completely new skillset for that job, perhaps starting as an unpaid intern and being promoted to a minimum-wage paid intern based on your on-the-job learning. Plus nowadays everything is remote especially in advertising and PR, so a lot of jobs are outsourced to Filipinos or Indians who make less than US minimum wage but live better than doctors in their country for it. You have no clue what you're talking about. Shut your fucking mouth and stop poisoning the minds of people here.

>> No.16763988
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It’s really not a very interesting story. What you need to understand is that 9 times out of 10, female professors who are really into deconstructing literature and School of Resentment style theory are BEGGING to get fucked by Big Canonical Cock. I am being serious. I am not being ironic. For my survey course of English lit from Beowulf to 1800, my professor fit this trope exactly; she was about 28, fairly cute (not an art hoe, but with shorter brown hair), and very into “fighting back” against traditional views of medieval literature. Queering Langland, "there were black people in the Middle Ages," all of that. On the first day, we discussed the concept of a literary canon, which she argued inherently favored those works produced by people in power. Needless to say, I disagreed. Because I happened to have a class in the next room right before her course, I was always the first to arrive, usually about 5 minutes before anyone else. We would have brief conversations, first about whatever material we were going to cover that day and then about random topics- other books and poems, little details of our lives, etc.
Slowly I began to realize she was dropping small hints of her sexual availability. Nothing too risqué. She would say things like "Old English poetry (she never said Anglo-Saxon because that was a 'white supremacist dogwhistle') is so elegiac, it always makes me lonely" or "anon, you might like this article on the York mystery plays, I found it very stimulating," etc. What's more, these hints always came after I said something to defend the canon or canonical authors and traditional interpretations. For example, one day I happened to namedrop Harold Bloom during a conversation about Shakespeare's use of the carnivalesque. She made a face, and I said "Love him or hate him, you have to admit Bloom presents a useful analysis of poetic influence across the history of English literature (or words to that effect)." She bit her lip, and for a second I wasn't sure if she was going to criticize our guy or what, but instead she mentioned that the Taming of the Shrew was playing at a local theater, subtly indicating she wished to go with me. We did end up going, and it was particularly fun to watch her watch Petruchio tame Katherine. She clearly loved it; I didn't bring it up, of course, but only a few days before she had said the play was irredeemably misogynistic. Needless to say, we had an enjoyable night.

>> No.16763989

>I am strongly considering quitting my job soon to work on a farm part time for no pay but free rent and free food, so I devote more time to reading and writing.

Sounds like the life desu

>> No.16764096


>> No.16764387

You sound like a ass, and you make too many assumptions. I’m merely pointing out an observable trend regarding the value and validity of the modern English degree. I don’t need your shitty advice, nor was I asking for it.

>> No.16764506

Based life liver

>> No.16764878

Holy larp

>> No.16765490

Fuck I'm becoming a high school english teacher, did I fuck up?

>> No.16765734

I am not a literature major but a post grad in humanities that is doing now a doctorate in philosophy with a theory of literature thesis disguised as a philosophy of culture.
What I am missing here for not get into a theory of literature Ph. D.?

>> No.16767368


I can confirm this meme at my own uni.

>> No.16767401

Eh I enjoyed my Humanities education and it was a prerequisite for my parents helping me get into college at all.

>> No.16767593

just learn to code

>> No.16768012

Great pasta

>> No.16768026

Fettuccine alfredo is good also

>> No.16768208
File: 240 KB, 220x219, 1604465439637.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna write articles online. How tf do.
Oh also, writing portfolios. How tf do that. I have one offline but I don't know where the fuck to put it.

>> No.16768610

teach english in japan. Iirc you're qualified if you have a bachelors in any field as long as you studied in an english country. The fact that you majored in English as well will probably make you extra qualified. good luck anon

>> No.16768744

NYC lol, same shit

>> No.16768822

Nah I did an engineering degree because I wanted to be useful.

>> No.16769146

and yet here you are shitposting on a mongolian basket weaving board kys

>> No.16769291

It fucked me up. Feel like I wasted my time. Left when I had only 1 semester left. Doing geology now, it rocks.

>> No.16770169

Joining BJJ is great advice, but I'd recommend MMA

>> No.16770188


>> No.16770423

At my school all graduating English majors were required to take a senior capstone in their last year, and there was only the one single class regardless of your concentration. (The English department was pretty small... there were only about 15 English majors in my graduating class.) This is why the faculty always had problems with this particular course, specifically in deciding what the topic should be. You had a class full of English majors from every concentration, so how do you address them all while still providing a focused and satisfying conclusion to each concentration’s specific studies? If the class focused on analyzing literature, then the composition students were left out and underserved. Same with the teaching concentrations and vice versa all around.

Their solution to this problem had previously been to just rotate between topics and instructors each semester, but I when I took the class they tried something different. They asked the class, and we decided the most significant experience that we all shared across the different concentrations was the simple fact of us all being English majors in general—and so that ended up as the topic for my capstone. We spent most of the semester discussing what it means to be an English major and looking at the contemporary history of the subject in academia. We also researched the competitiveness of an English degree in the job market, average earnings, and the most common careers/jobs for English majors.

Let me tell you... if I’d known the things I learned in that last semester back when I first started college, then I would not have declared as an English major.

>> No.16770886

based baylor alumni
let me smell ur feet

>> No.16770975

former English and poli sci major here, things are going pretty good. I'm into my second year of seminary and enjoying it. The classes are a lot easier than undergrad, so I can fuck around and just read what I'm interested in. Working on a final paper on disability and the rise of New Thought literature that I might send in to some religious studies journals if my prof thinks it's good enough.

Tbh, if you can think of a low-cost grad school route that an english degree leads into nicely, it's a very chill route. I don't know if i'll try to go into academia, but i can use my seminary degree to be a chaplain which would be tight

>> No.16772304

Why a chaplain?

>> No.16772523

>English major creative writing poetry
I don't know why it's legal to sell something like this to young adults under the guise that it's "education". It should violate consumer protection laws or something.

>> No.16772532

You realize how unskilled, poorly treated and low paid this is? This is something 19 year olds with no education do to justify living abroad for a few years. It's not a real job.

>> No.16772570

Just finished up my syllabus for Modern Poetry and The American Novel, as my first semester as a shitty adjunct is coming up. Don't go into academia. Become a carpenter instead. Or a gardener.

>> No.16773822


>> No.16773862

>imagine going to college to able to get a job
Literally lmaoing

>> No.16773872

>get a job
>English Lit
I chose it for the lolz

>> No.16773884

What kind of job?

>> No.16773889


>> No.16773890

Can you not read? I'm saying only megatards pick English for employability, I chose it anyway because I don't care about getting a job anymore. I'm going to live in the woods

>> No.16773899

Why would you get an English degree instead of just reading books for fun?

>> No.16773922

Just to get more education. Don't assume I'm paying a stupid amount of money for it either. While many subjects can be learned with an absent teacher(by that I meant simply reading material alone) having a structured environment is good—and can make you a more disciplined learner for the future. But mainly for the lolz

>> No.16773923

I'm doing an Associate of Science at coomunity college and genuinely have no idea what I want to do. I'm stuck between being practical and doing something career driven or moving toward humanities and enjoying myself.

Idk I just don't really care about getting a good job

>> No.16773929
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>I did my undergrad in philosophy, master’s in literature, and am now a high school English teacher

>> No.16773934

What is community college anyway for a non-American such as myself? Is it like a cheap local college or something?

>> No.16773944

Yeah, it's basically a bigger high school with more freedom. You're not going to get the 'college experience' there. It's close to home. You show up, go to class, go home. People there are usually down to earth and not up their own ass. I don't want to sound up MY own ass, but most of my classmates are pretty dumb so that's definitely a disadvantage. Overall it's chill though and I'm enjoying myself.

>> No.16773946

That's a good way to think of it, yeah. Typically community colleges don't offer bachelor's degrees, but you can use them to cheaply get your first two years done before transferring. At my community college, the standards were actually more rigorous than the school I got my degree from--but, then again, maybe I was better prepared for it.

>> No.16773949

Why wouldn't you just go to University? That sounds pretty inferior
Ah I see.

>> No.16773955

Maybe you should try to start your own business then instead of cucking out in the woods for the rest of your life. Besides normal jobs should only be tolerated if you desperately need the cash or under some exceptions

>> No.16773957

>Why wouldn't you just go to University? That sounds pretty inferior

Like I said, I don't really know what I want to do, so it would suck to go to a university that has a shitty program for what I decide on. Aside from that, I'm pretty broke and hate the idea of getting into debt to go to school. I graduated HS a few years ago so I can't get a scholarship or anything.

>> No.16773975

It's crossed my mind but where am I gonna get the money for that? A loan? And even trying to break even in something I could run with my finances and expertise would probably be more work that waging. What business could I even do? A cafe in somewhere like Vermont would be nice but I don't know how realistic that would be

>> No.16773989

>Why wouldn't you just go to University? That sounds pretty inferior
I'm the second anon so I can't speak for the first, but for me it was primarily a financial decision. I was a very well-ranked student in my high school class and involved in many extracurricular activities, but when I applied to universities the scholarship offers I received were seriously pathetic--$500 one time, shit like that. I had no interest in going into debt, so the prospect of paying $800 a semester in tuition and fees was naturally a great deal more attractive. I was able to get into an honors program at CC (actually pretty difficult, if you can believe it) and from there transfer to a school that gave me a really good scholarship.
I misspoke somewhat when I said that my community college experience was more rigorous than that of the school I got my degree from. I mean more to say that I was much better-educated at community college--I learned a lot more about managing myself, writing papers, talking to people, so on. Overall I'm glad I went. Now I'm applying for PHD programs and I know that if I had never gone to community college than I would never have learned to motivate myself to do so. Well, wish me luck, anons.

>> No.16773990

American is designed to start your own business through an LLC. So yes, a loan, an effectively risk free loan.

In my country (Canada) this is much harder becauss there's no such thing as an LLC or equivalent. We take full personal risk.

>> No.16773994

ngmi famalam

>> No.16774000

I was originally going to write "What business could I even do? Café (then list a bunch of other low entry business)"

>> No.16774001
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>graduated by doing essays instrad of tests. Get a 3.3 GPA/A- overall grade which was really my own fault for not going to lectures and shit before Covid
>Had to do English along with History and fucking hate it, all lectures are full of pseuds and the lecturers are literal autists who just want you to buy 60 euro textbooks to use for one essay. Pass with like A C- grade or something.
>Get my results sent out to me and realise my degree was the average of both subjects instead of two separate results
>Only way I can do my masters is if I get in through the backdoor relying on references from my Joyce lecturer
Always have to do things the hard way

>> No.16774010

Man maybe academia just isn't for you. Don't force it even if you're smart

>> No.16774024

Cafe isn't a low entry business, retail space is fucking expensive. Drop shipping is a low entry business.

>> No.16774029

Low entry I meant by it's something everyone thinks they can do; it's no tech start up is what I'm saying.

>> No.16774038

Why the fuck do english students always think they should get a masters or phd after getting scammed once. It's so insidious, these universities know they're selling a useless product and so your only choice is to keep riding the scam train until your only choice is to become a lowly paid TA, but there's way too many of you so you have to fight other PhDs to get even the lowest job in academia.

They have you by the balls.

>> No.16774040

Oh I thrived for the amount of work I was putting in. If I was able to do just English I would be laughing but that's not the case. I got an A+ on a 5000 word essay I planned and wrote in 5 hours. I hated how I could do that though at what should be the highest level. I probably sound like a pretentious cunt but I was getting at least a B+ for essays I never even read and it wasn't because I was very smart.

>> No.16774046

>Why the fuck do english students always think they should get a masters or phd after getting scammed once
I got it for free lmao, I'm Irish.

>> No.16774047

Post an essay then

>> No.16774065

Give me a minute because I had them all saved on my old laptop and I'm on my PC so I'll see if I can get it off my old college account if they hadn't shut it down. If it's any help I posted one to the /lit/ quarterly but I doubt it'll get published lol.

>> No.16774076

That is punishment enough

>> No.16774084

I probably came off as antagonistic but I am curious since I kind of suck at essay writing and I want an example to see how to do it right

>> No.16774089


It's cool lol. The citations didn't come out and I'm not fucked putting them in but it was only one anyway. Also note that I never proofread an essay and this one in particular I did in bed in 2 and a bit hours trying to sound like Kenneth Clark from Civilization. It got an A. https://pastebin.com/aSNPfYix

>> No.16775340

there are no good literature major authors. sorry school is for dumbies ur gay.

>> No.16776958

How is law school anon? Thinking about majoring in philosophy and studying for LSAT ASAP to avoid poverty.

>> No.16778069

>Write well
>Write a lot
>Show people writing
>He writes well
>Get job

>> No.16778134

How naïve

>> No.16778234

>Acquire new skillset for a job
>Get good at new skillset
>Show people skills
>He's good at that
>Get job
How naive

>> No.16778491

Submitted my Trainspotting essay and I think it turned out okay, thank heck.

Now I’ve gotta write 2,000 words about an early Shakespeare play of my choice. It has to be about a specific aspect of it, such as performance history, composition, sources used if it’s an historical, etc.

Feeling stumped. It’s due Wednesday, and I’m just not sure which play has the most interesting gimmick with which I can easily meet the word count. Maybe Titus Andronicus?

>> No.16779162

I'm taking my second, and so happens to be the last, year off from college and am staying active by reading Alan Moore's work, as well as finally getting around reading Nietzsche. Had my way of ups and downs, but am doing well enough and can't wait to get back into academic waters. Just need to accept the fact that I'll need to sacrifice a lot in terms of secondary hobbies and activities and completely devote myself to my studies for the next 4-5 years, with some exceptions here and there. That's the difficult part.

>> No.16779179

Richard III is a safe, but nonetheless a great choice for an essay on early Shakespeare plays.

>> No.16780895

Not him but is it better than Richard II?

>> No.16782218

Pretty much.

>> No.16783420

>in law school (eurofag)
>it's boring as shit
>just want to spend my time reading philosophy and theology
>too late to switch
I'll just finish this and apply for neetbucks afterwards. Fuck being in any kind of law career or even career in general.

>> No.16784175

>too late to switch
It's never too late.

>> No.16784215

It actually is, since I'd have to start again from zero in a new major, which would make my parents quite sad and anxious.
It's inconsequential anyway, once I'm done with law school I can just drop everything and dedicate myself to studying what interests me. I only ever went to university in order to have a degree to fall back on if needed, I never intended to pursue a career path.

>> No.16784246

>which would make my parents quite sad and anxious
As opposed to law making you feel like shit? Dude, just do it. It may be hard, it may take longer than usual, but you'll be more content with yourself and can devote yourself to something that you actually like and have interest in. You can also carve out a niche for yourself in theology/philosophy departments, so seems better in comparison.

>> No.16784295

>As opposed to law making you feel like shit?
It's tedious and boring, but at least I'm not depressed. I don't subject myself to any pressure (grades, internships) so I'm better off than pretty much 100% of my classmates.
I guess I could start another major from zero afterwards, but only after completing this one, since I promised my family I would and I would be a shitbag to let them down at this point.

>> No.16784322
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This is actually great advice; I was going to recommend at least going to the gym and starting to lift (I know it's cliche but it's good advice). You might still be a KV and a NEET but at least you can be a fit one.

>> No.16784341

I hope this is true because it's an inspiring post.

>> No.16784376

Suit yourself, I guess. As long as you don't conform and stay true to that inner child you still hopefully have, that's all that matters, bro.

>> No.16784377

I wish I had the balls to study something completely useless just because it interested me
STEM is suffering

>> No.16784391
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That's my intention, I fucking loathe the idea of taking part in the soulless grind. After this, I'm moving to the country.

>> No.16784411

AND GODSPEED WITH THAT, MY MAN! I made things difficult for myself, partially because I wanted to see if I can make it, and partially due to needing a break because I was just fucked and couldn't do college. I'm going back next autumn and finally feel like I'm ready for it. Can't wait!

>> No.16784446

Thanks anon, best of luck to you too.
What are you going to study?

>> No.16784453

English and history.

>> No.16784515

Should have just gone into IT and earned that money. Can read as a hobby.

>> No.16784538

i consistently hear that law is something that sounds cool in theory, but is absolute ass to study and practice.

>> No.16784565

Money ain't king, and IT can suck my dick.

>> No.16784653
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I'm the guy you replied to, a little late since I didn't realise the thread was alive, but what I posted was completely right.
Maybe it's different in your country, but here in the UK we often follow up undergrad degrees with MAs, although even that's not completely necessary. I did an undergrad in English, MA in advertising and I've worked for a decent advertising agency in London for the last 3 years. Of my friends in my English Lit course, one did an MA in journalism and went in, another went straight into journalism having been involved with the uni paper and had some freelance stuff accepted, one is now a teacher, and another did the civil service graduate scheme and works in the ministry of communications.

You don't need to be so negative, man. Things are better than you think.

>> No.16784685

this honestly.

can't take it with you when you go, so why the obsession? as long as you have enough to live a decent and comfortable life.

>> No.16784687

Yeah lawyering kind of sucks if you want to focus on your hobbies after you finish school, because a job in your field will absolutely crush you with hours. I don't know any lawyers who work less than 50hrs a week and the job follows you everywhere.

>> No.16784691
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>1500 word assignment due tomorrow night
>only starting now

And each time I'm sure it'll be different...

>> No.16784694

I got my BA in creative writing, got into a good MFA program, now teach fiction writing at a nice uni

>> No.16784701


>> No.16784730

>his and english bachelor
>panick and pick some stupid security studies/international law/international relations shit for the masters
>it's ass and i hate it

man i fucked up. i picked his and english because it's comfy. learning about the UN and dumbass niggers fighting in africa is decidedly uncomfy.

>> No.16784766

No, amerifat. I didn't think the UK even offered MFA programs

>> No.16784792

I don't know if the UK does offer MFA programs. I'm in the application process to UEA's creative writing MA, which is meant to be the best this side of the pond- it's where Kazuo Ishiguro, Ian McEwan and a few other semi-decent writers went. They've got really strong links to publishers and agents, which I suppose is much of the selling point of creative writing courses these days. Did you manage to get published? Still work on anything now?

>> No.16784817

nice would it be fully funded? that was my only precondition when i was applying lol. and i've published a collection of short stories that no one will ever read but it was part of my thesis and you need to publish something before a uni thinks about hiring you

>> No.16784849

In the UK most studying is covered by student loads, they cover you for 4 years full-time which is like a 3 year undergrad degree and a 1 year MA. It'd be a dream to teach fiction writing at a uni here while working on my own stuff. Glad you seem to have made it!

>> No.16784861

That's nice, I hope you'll find fulfillment doing what you really enjoy.
Yes, more or less. The most enjoyable subjects are those that aren't actually judicial, like the history and philosophy of law. The rest is mind-numbingly dry and procedural.
Talking to young lawyers in my country or reading blogs and testimonies, everyone whose dad isn't a partner at some big shot firm is utterly miserable and wishes they'd gone into another field.

>> No.16784876

gotcha, well best of luck mate!

>> No.16784916
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Is getting a PhD worth at this point in time? I don't want to end up like pic related, and it seems like Covid has done a number to colleges everywhere.

>> No.16784938

Well, how much is a PhD worth to you, how much will you get out of it, do you really need it and do you think you have a chance of ending up as pic related? If you have to ask others for advice, at least ask your professors that have PhD and can give you a better understanding of what it's for and if it's something you would really benefit from.

>> No.16784939

That was proven to be a LARP. Things are bad for academia right now but your odds increase considerably if you're open to relocation, and they're certainly not as bad as that image makes out

>> No.16785008

Not to mention that a bit of creativity goes a long way and there's plenty of stuff to do with a degree outside of academic circles.

>> No.16785011

The good news is you're about to live the tough life.

>> No.16785515
File: 33 KB, 500x500, Doctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sir, please listen.
>You need to take this medicine once a week
>We need to get this abnormal firing of dopamine into the postsynaptic cleft under control

>> No.16785528

I'm a teacher. In public school. How do YOU think I am doing?


>> No.16785588

Alright. It's a comfy job, if a little thankless.

>> No.16785667

yeah that's not the same in the US

>> No.16786714

Idk, I wanted to go into academia but when I look around it seems COVID is worsening already bad budget issues. For many places, Humanities is the first thing on the chopping block. Programs are being suspended or having their funding taken away.