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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 152 KB, 255x391, Rules_for_Radicals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16750784 No.16750784 [Reply] [Original]

I use tactics in this book on this board all the time. I've used linguistic tricks coupled with ridicule to dishearten a great many of you anons, as well as win arguments that I had no business in winning.
As much as you anons think you're immune to being influenced, you definitely aren't. Boards like this are a dangerous tool. A perception of something can be easily swayed by a few well-placed insults with some samefagging.

>> No.16750815

Congrats, faggot.

>> No.16750823

t. butthurt neoliberal who was probably reamed by me in a thread

>> No.16750826

I haven't read alinsky but i do implant new ideas and fetishes into board cultures and manipulate consensuses using OC

>> No.16750830 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16750831

radicals are retards

>> No.16750839
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>not reading The Art of Being Right instead

>> No.16750842
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>> No.16750847

Rule number 5.
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

>> No.16750887

Rule #11: Give up that boipussy.

>> No.16750893

Well I think the font on the book cover should be excellent in attracting the attention of young children.

>> No.16750997
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>> No.16751032

ugly feet. fucking deathclaw fucking shit

>> No.16751035

>white people rebel too, y'know

>> No.16751047

So you're outfagging social retards? Amazing.

>> No.16751084

Thanks anon. I've redpilled a lot of anons on every board I frequent by pointing out how smug leftists employ their hollow rhetoric. I think other anons must be doing something similar because almost every board is /pol/ now to some extent. Look how many Evola threads the mods have to prune. And how often the chosenites are dragged into discussion. It's an almost unthinkable rise in redpilled sentiment over recent years.

Once again thank you and please keep doing what you're doing!

>> No.16751136

>As much as you anons think you're immune to being influenced, you definitely aren't
I've been at this for a while. I've become open to being wrong, and good at detaching my own personal feelings from being right or wrong. I like to look for truth, and it's an undeniable fact that rhetoric has only a tangential relationship with it. Once you've been here long enough, patterns start to emerge in the way people interact with arguments. When I make a post, I do my very best to directly address and refute logic without rhetorical gimmicks, because that serves no purpose except to show off my aptitude for rhetorical gimmicks. Nobody gains anything from that. I'm not immune to being influenced — I crave it, because being influenced means I've been confronted with new information or a new perspective on known information. It's just that I've become a lot more discerning at who I let influence me. If someone wants to demean themselves by resorting to debate tactics, there's no more truth to be found in that discussion. I'll just stop replying since it really doesn't matter if some other person thinks they've "won" an argument only they're having.

Anon likes to try to gaslight a lot. He'll write eloquently and persuasively and bloviate endlessly with ten cent words, insults, whatever he can do. But in the process of doing so, he'll tend to just completely ignore the parts of an argument he doesn't have an answer for. Just go look at that Eden and Entheogens thread to see this dynamic in action. If you can detach yourself from the immediacy of the insults and obfuscation, you'll often see that the person on the other end is just a grifter trying to get a quick ego boost with some well-polished sophistry. I used to try to repeat my points, rephrase them endlessly. I thought I wasn't articulate enough, or that I wasn't presenting my case clearly enough. Eventually I realized that I was just giving people WAY more credit than they're due. If someone wants to pretend they've "won" by completely ignoring your points and calling you names, let them. I don't use this word often, but let's call a spade a spade: they're genuine pseuds, completely uninterested in learning or truth. They just want to feel "correct" in the moment. Let them. Who cares?

>> No.16751138

> he thinks you can win arguments on 4chan
You're too short for this ride.

>> No.16751155

This is the only website you can win arguments on.

>> No.16751437

This book isn't that deep and Alinsky is a pragmatic moderate

>> No.16751623
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wonder what mx alinksy's deal was

>> No.16751629

Because I'm not an imbecile.

>> No.16751667

Does the book detail how to counter tactics, or just employ them?

>> No.16751702

You desperately need to get laid

>> No.16751718

If I told you what qts let me do them, you'd get upset.

>> No.16751741

>"Vote Biden"
>"Haha! I've disheartened you!"
Wow dude

>> No.16751746

I'm not a Biden supporter, you neocon hawk.

>> No.16751772

Looks like someone doesn't respond well to ridicule

>> No.16751782

If you hadn't noticed, this entire thread is a massive cope by OP

>> No.16751790


False, irl I've turned around many arguments where people resorted to ridicule. The response is a meta-analysis of their perspective and why it's wrong among a few other tricks. Alinksky tactics only work IRL when you have a mob, but the mob wins anyway from violence and force (and their potential).

On a message board nothing is won,\only a faggot would think otherwise.

>> No.16751797

No, you're just a blind neocon. I don't want to subject myself to the mental torture of having to communicate with one like you.

>> No.16751846

>Ragequits and refuses to communicate at the mention of Biden
Hope that community organizing career goes well for you. I'm sure you'll win over plenty of centrists

>> No.16751863


What did saul alinsky mean by this?

>> No.16751875


This is the most embarrassing thread I have ever read on this board

>> No.16751901

wait till you see the one I'm cooking up

>> No.16751927


You have lost every argument in this board.

This guy humorously underlined that you made this thread probably hoping to get congratulations, to stir genuine interest in your perceived rhetorical skill, which you obviously have less confidence in than you hope appears, (of course you'll either just (1) awkwardly stop posting at some point or (2) pretend you were being ironic). And then he called you a faggot for obvious reasons. And he did all of this in two words.

You replied with this clumsy, awkward response, using the word "neoliberal", which I doubt you understand but you think it's funny because you've heard it on podcasts or Twitter, and you're hoping people as dumb as yourself will project import into the term and hope that, if someone actually understands neoliberalism, you're hoping they see your response as a quirky bit of zany irony ("How 'based!'", you hope they'll think, "he used a word for no reason!). >>16751746
You used neocon here for the exact same reason, with a little bit more emphasis on irony here, because you obviously no this thread isn't going to be about rhetorical tactics - which you had hoped - but is just going to be people making fun of you, and you won't to act like you meant that the whole time.

>> No.16751945

I don't need to read a book to do demoralizing campaigns and false-flag.

>> No.16751952

Can you learn how to speak fucking English, Jesus Christ. That was awful to read, you fucking neotribal sponge.

>> No.16751967
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>> No.16751976
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You got that damn right

>> No.16751982
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guys. OP here. shut up your neorealists faggots, lets stop joking around. has anyone actually read this book or are you all just psudes?

>> No.16751990

So what? Everyone is neotribal these days. Either you support the establishment who wants to kill muslims, or support the establishment who wants to kill muslims, but also donate to the NAACP.
And Rick and Morty is a Mossad op to spread rampant anti-intellectualism among the naturally contumacious crowds that populate places like 4chan.
Think for a minute, will ya?

>> No.16751991


This thread would obviously be better if you didnt call everyone a neo-whatever the fuck

>> No.16751996

>Either you support the establishment who wants to kill muslims,
Lideral muhslim genocide lmao. I wish they were doing that.

>> No.16751998
File: 126 KB, 900x900, lindsayellis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called HUMOR. You would know this, if you had read the book in question. Which I would prefer we talk about. Otherwise, you are BANNED from my thread. FAGGOT.


>> No.16752002

You are, idiot. Just slowly, and through more clandestine means.
We finally made Israel Great Again, Migapedes!

>> No.16752007



>> No.16752010

This isn't me. I'd never save pictures of shit-tier Youtube trannies on my computer.

>> No.16752012

Whatever, loser. >>16751998 Sorry to hear you're having a "hard time" at home LOL

>> No.16752017

Imagine thinking the USA is doing a Muslim genocide. This is what "anti-imperialism" does to your brain.

>> No.16752022


Oh for Christ's sake. Not to get into a fuckin' Abbott and Costello routine here, but this obviously is not me. Ignore, filter, etc.

>> No.16752026

Why are you transsexuals so sensitive?
Why do you trannies always respond in anger whenever one of your Stasi-recommended books is brought up in discussion?
It's fucking creepy and cult-like behaviour.

>> No.16752028


The OP can't ban people from a thread. Is this one of your "linguistic tricks"?

>> No.16752034
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>> No.16752037

Again, not me. Although I agree with everything he says, except for the part of pretending to be me for some inexplicable reaso). Let's get things back on track here

>> No.16752040

>US not doing Israel's bidding
>Mossad/CIA obviously didn't design the migrant crisis
>ISIS is natural

Yeah, ok there, fella. Come back when you have a basic understanding of the geopolitical landscape. May I suggest reading Kissinger?

>> No.16752041

This thread is pathetic. Let me guess OP you were just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.16752049

I have been disheartened.

>> No.16752052

Yeah no I know all of that but please tell me how the US is doing a Muslim genocide.

>> No.16752054


Gaping wound where a penis should be.

>> No.16752056


To be clear, THIS post is by me, the actual OP. Anyone else is just bullshitting and pretending. Stop fucking up my goddamn thread.

>> No.16752060

Tfw the political discussion is so bad you start to genuinely wonder if it's 4d chess from the other side

>> No.16752062

Definitely not me. Although I agree with some of what he says.

>> No.16752065

The only reason I started this thread was to show /lit/ of the concerted effort that discord leftists put in to subverting board discussion. They immediately react this way whenever you bring up one of their stupid fucking books they give you on babby's first ANTIFA training day.

>> No.16752066

>>>16752022 (You)


Why would anyone waste their fucking time doing this? This board used to be about actually discussing fucking books. You neolithic apes should go back to /tv/ or some shit

>> No.16752073


LOL Okay we said the same exact same thing, except you're obviously NOT FUCKING ME ASSHAT

>> No.16752083

You discord faggots are pathetic.

>> No.16752084



>A perception of something can be easily swayed by a few well-placed insults with some samefagging.

Remember when I said this at the top of the thread? Yep. That happens. Screenshot this thread, because I think we've got one for the fucking books here.

Any questions, fire away.

>> No.16752090


That is incredibly sad

>> No.16752096

Lmao at discord trannies who join ANTIFA. I hear regional leaders are prone to digging up blackmail on their new recruits. Why do you people think these discord fuckers continue to do what they do for free?

>> No.16752099



>> No.16752104


Because you've spent the past hour spamming into your own thread? What is the point of this? It's not even funny. Also the fact that you think this thread is going to go viral or something is obviously just incredibly sad and dumb.

>> No.16752124

It got worse

>> No.16752126

Again, Discord trannies doing what they've been "trained" to do whenever this book is brought up.
Their only obligation to do this is by means of blackmail. Think about the dirt these regional ANTIFA leaders have on their useful idiots...

>> No.16752127


That isn't me. It's the discord trannies from Antifa pretending to be me because I insulted their fucking Baby's First Communism book.

>> No.16752141
File: 9 KB, 423x247, AttackOfTheChuds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny pls.

>> No.16752147


I haven't read most of this thread so I don't know what you're talking about, but if you think I'm a "discord trannie" - whatever the hell that means - because I think OP's weird attempt at going 4chan Viral is lame, then I'm a discord trannie.

>> No.16752153

lol you joined antifa and then told people you like young boys and now that's used against you as blackmail

>> No.16752158

Holy shot people actually think this post is real. Congrats my guy

>> No.16752159


Wow, the guy from a few posts up is back. Gee, I WONDER how he got those Yous to appear by those posts - it's almost as though some weird loser has been pretending to be me for the past two hours.

>> No.16752171


To be clear (again), this is me.


These are not me.

>> No.16752183
File: 7 KB, 354x273, TheChuddening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, chud.

>> No.16752197


Why would you post a picture which literally proves you're not OP, genius. Did you even think before you posted this? Nice one.

>> No.16752198

OP doesn't show a (you), chudboy. Once a chud, always a chud.

>> No.16752201


That literally doesn't make sense. That's not how this board works. Why are you doing this? What are you getting out of it?

>> No.16752218

>Trannies calling someone normal a "weird loser"

lmao you people are pieces of serious work.
>get filtered so hard at the start
>fill head full of psychiatric nonsense
>grow up and make everything about them
>"I don't feel comfortable in my own skin!"
>better consult a doctor and make my parents review their insurance policy!
>proceed to torpedo your family into a whirlwind of anxiety during the whole process
>still end up a deranged, mentally ill seether, ignorant of their own malignant vanity

Late stage capitalism really fucked you all, didn't it?

>> No.16752239

What the fuck even is this thread? Is this some kind of live surrealist performance?

>> No.16752254

It's what I told you ITT. The mere mention of this book frenzies the ANTIFA idiots like no other. It's literally the book they're given on their first day. They still try to destroy any discussion of it because they don't want people to see through their tactics. I mean, the cat's out of the bag anyway.

>> No.16752304

Just young adult morons acting like they run the world because they just got into their first passion as an adult

>> No.16752317

Makes sense. Had a friend filming at zuccoti park over a decade ago during occupy. He said at one point someone pointed at him and said "pervert" then immediately everyone around her pointed at started pointing and saying pervert over and over. He left and felt weird. Their tactics only work in mobs though.

>> No.16752330

They also use blackmail. They create an illusion of a "safe space" where they can openly be themselves, that they're surrounded by like-minded people. They begin to confess everything about themselves, which either secretly recorded or texts screenshotted.
Just imagine all the weird sexual proclivities those leftist tumblr-type people have. Grounds for ample blackmail.

>> No.16752425

Whoever OP is, I hope he learned his lesson. I don't know what the lesson was, but I hoped he learned it.

>> No.16752449

I won this thread. Turns out I'm a better radical than you losers.

>> No.16752473


The most miserably obvious samefagging I have ever seen on this board

>> No.16752478

>t. dumbass who is being blackmailed

>> No.16752482

Excuse me

>> No.16752490

that'd only be blackmail if you're ashamed tho, you'd have to be a puritan in the first place to care.
Unless it's pedo shit, but fuck'em

>> No.16752496


Blackmailed by who? You and your samefag gang?

>> No.16752506
File: 18 KB, 762x166, Durrrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You really can't pick up when someone types or sounds different. Is your favorite book harry potter?

>> No.16752515

You know who, chudboy ;)

ANTIFA has a huge amounts of MAPs.

>> No.16752523


Fair enough, but I still don't know what in the world is happening in this thread, or what the fuck you are all talking about

>> No.16752525

It's a concerted shill tactic, lol. How new are you?

>> No.16752536

Reading this thread is like being a schizophrenic person who has been hit in the head with a brick

>> No.16752549

You just need to know that I towered victorious over the Discord Tranny hoards, using my quick wit and linguistic skill to unravel their minds.

>> No.16752555

Go back newfag

>> No.16752560

Is the reason leftists hate Trump so much because he uses their own tactics against them and they know it, but can't say anything without revealing their own hand? When you look at the rhetorical strategies this book describes, they're the things Trump does on twitter everyday.

>> No.16752562

Particularly painful and smelly dilation, huh?

>> No.16752565

Based thread. Chapocel redditors and discord trannies seething

>> No.16752566


"12. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. "

They try this a lot too, I think when they get media to do their bidding it catches on but normally they fail. The problem with ANTIFA or any group using these tactics is they're all an offputting group of faggots. You can tell if they have mental issues IRL just by looking at them. If their face is hidden on twitter they make it obvious too with pronoun use or some other dogshit. They even type vaginally. Their only success is when normal pundits or people in suits put their rhetoric to use and report on it like it's fact.

>> No.16752573


>> No.16752575
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>> No.16752581

Deranged tranny Boyle-poster is back it again!

>> No.16752583


I dare you to post a screenshot of this post and prove these both aren't You. I guarantee you won't.

>> No.16752584
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>> No.16752592


Obviously not me. Good attempt though.

>> No.16752597

Shut up. Go take your anti-clotting agents.

>> No.16752603


I knew it LMAO, stop trying to hype your own lame ass fucking thread

>> No.16752615

Everyone who lives with you is tired of your sickly-sweet wound smell.

>> No.16753002
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>mfw in the institutions

>> No.16753056

what do institutions smell like?

>> No.16753667

Alinsky’s tactics only work on people who are not aware of what is going on, that is to say 95% of people you will meet.
If you want to understand more, I will venture a basic introduction with 48 Laws of Power. Yes, its somewhat popular garbage, and there are much more serious manipulation texts available, but its a basic introduction to not being taken advantage of

>> No.16754045

Israel is an american puppet at best

>> No.16754089

Sure thing Chimpsky.

>> No.16754108

based meghead

>> No.16754874

as a leftist when it comes at promoting participatist point of view i prefer transparency, honesty, nonviolent communication . no bullshit no shenanigans, anyway we all know the most talented at evil, sociopathic ways are people with evil, sociopathic policies like the republicans and their lee atwater and tricky dick for an example.

>> No.16754910

Holy ESL, batman!

>> No.16754984

You guys won't believe what I found in the early life section of Alinsky's Wikipedia page.

>> No.16755011

If you suffer ridicule you will still be seen as less right than your opposition.

>> No.16755088

Whats with leftoids and calling everyone a sociopath

>> No.16755292


>> No.16755295
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Dude what?!?!?!

>> No.16755299

They're celebrating the election of one and feel secretly ashamed about it.

>> No.16755303


>> No.16755475

Upset they didn’t get an accurate description for the cops, maybe.

>> No.16755721


I don't read books dedicated to Satan.

>> No.16755734

So Alinsky tactics are to just verbally abuse the other side? Wow, good job, Amerimutts, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.16755834



>> No.16756360
File: 2.66 MB, 426x240, REPENT MOGGED.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Rule Number 5 gets mogged? The ridicule stops working after that.

>> No.16756412

OP here again to remind everyone that I won this thread. I'm a wayyyyyyy more radical than you losers. Pretty erudite too, now that I think about it. I'm pretty much a polymath.

>> No.16756489

This IS a neocon board anon. Most of us were members of the Bush Sr. Campaign 8/10 of us still wear our pins to meet-ups. Frankly,and I know I shouldn’t be sharing this, but if ever espouse any HINT of another ideology, we redirect you to 4channel, a board filled with bots which spout low effort computer generated memes generally based on computer rendered depictions of the human form paired with words.

>> No.16756496

Yeah, that's all well and good, but your mother still has an anus, idiot.

>> No.16756505

Great summary you really helped form together my thoughts on this anon. Any good books on thinking you recommend? About to start nicomachean ethics since my name is actually Nick!

>> No.16756512

Go away, you neocon.

>> No.16756513

I don't read it because I don't want to turn into a retarded leftist

>> No.16756515


>> No.16756526

lol you're replying to yourself. literally the same esl-tier syntax and clunkiness.

>> No.16756542

Neoliberals love Alinsky retard

>> No.16756573

>win arguments
Why not masturbate instead?

>> No.16756597


>> No.16756604

Try meditating for a little while instead, if you half ass things by multitasking you'll never achieve a state of flow.

>> No.16756605

>Saul Alinsky was born in 1909 in Chicago, Illinois, to Russian Jewish immigrant parents,
I don't want to go all /pol/tard but..

>> No.16756620

If you let them fool you into believing they have fooled you, their trick worked.

>> No.16756637

But they don’t matter and isn’t someone wishing you harm losing their grip on reality a win? Obviously better that they thrive and stop wishing you harm is better but not always practical.

I’m doing to start summarizing chapters of nicomikianan ethics in here now so we can have something of consequence to discuss seeing as we’ve already seen the conversation played out.

>> No.16756643

OP is a manlet

>> No.16756654

Wrong. I'm 5'11.

>> No.16756659


>> No.16756718

Because I have only found it in paperback.

>> No.16756748

Chapter 1 verse 1:Everything aims at something. Some activities serve to allow other activities, so since their whole point is the other activity, remember that that the point of the activity is more important than the activity you’re doing it for!

What a great point, though I’m curious and a bit skeptical of how this pyramid of activities will evolve. It is clearly good to remember this. I’ve played games I didn’t enjoy when the reason I stared was fun, and wasted time with fools when the point was to learn something or better myself. Please engage with me on this if you think it fits your goal in browsing this site. If not, don’t! What I get out of here is entertainment and motivation to read from either yous, or the thought that I’m annoying people so they’re ignoring me, feeding my will to power.

>> No.16757008
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>> No.16757208

if you reach deep inside saul alinky, up to the elbow through his exit end, you'll have within reach his melonish prostate and the moment you give that supple ovoid a good goosing, you'll elicit from mr alinsky a pattern of reluctantly satisfied yips and abbreviated gasps

>> No.16757286
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I'm usually the same but people never reply to cool headed posts. So instead I just shitpost pretending to hold a polemic or retarded opinion. It's less lonely.

>> No.16757412
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